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How To Use Centrifugal In A Sentence

  • These are the ones with a fixed wheel and a heavy flywheel with loads of centrifugal force.
  • Mineral process of hematite in the early time often adopted gravity separation, and it mainly included jig, centrifugal separator, spiral chute, spiral concentrator, shaking table and so on.
  • When the sealed ends are cold and the blood has clotted, place the pipette on the centrifuge, clean end downward; counterpoise and centrifugalise thoroughly. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • The three most commonly used method of manufacturing FRP are Cross-winding process, continuous winding process and the centrifugal casting process.
  • Some of the most common separation techniques are leaching, flotation, filtration, chromatography, and centrifugal force.
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  • Blood is conveyed into the first compartment for centrifugal separation into components.
  • Thus the centrifugal tendency of seceders' nationalism was crucial.
  • At the same time, the centrifugal forces of interest and reaction caused local people to reconceive the boundaries of their nation.
  • The two centrifugal cabin superchargers driven by the outboard engines delivered sufficient quantities of air to the cabin to maintain proper ventilation and pressure.
  • It's also important, but not critical, to note that screw and centrifugal superchargers compress the air within their housings whereas Roots blowers force air through the blower and the compressing is done in the manifold.
  • In the light of application to centrifugal casting machine, working principle of soft starter is analyzed and the advantage of this new energy-saving technique of soft starter is presented.
  • Farmers are now suffering by having to use costly submersible pumps and replacing existing centrifugal pumps.
  • These machines needed no wringers on top because they were built with an inner, perforated drum for spin-drying -- a process that uses centrifugal force to whirl the sopping clothes until they're semidry. Household Appliances
  • The basic setup for an airplane with a centrifugal supercharger, or compressor.
  • The centrifugal force almost threw them off the road as Janet took the roundabout at the top of The Hill too fast. AFTERMATH
  • Place the two tubes of mixed deposit in the centrifuge, adjust by the addition or subtraction of saline solution so that they counterpoise exactly, and centrifugalise for ten minutes. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • Instead, the challenge is to maintain a healthy equilibrium between centrifugal ( 'disintegrative') and centripetal ( 'integrative') tendencies. Editorial
  • - Disposable perfusion devices (custom perfusion pack and stand-alone: arterial filters, cardioplegia systems, centrifugal blood pumps, hemoconcentrators, oxygenators, reservoirs, mini-bypass circuits, and cannulae) - Capital equipment (cardiopulmonary bypass machines and centrifugal pump controllers) The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Approximately 2 x 10 exponentially growing HeLa-S3 cells were synchronized by size using centrifugal elutriation in a J6 MI centrifuge and at least 15 size-separated fractions were collected.
  • This model comprises of a radial, centrifugal fan cyclone with surround inlet Of high efficiency, expansion cone , and rotary valve air lock.
  • In working beet juices hydrogen dioxide may be used in the diffusor or during any phase of the sugar manufacturing process, even upon sugars in centrifugals. Scientific American Supplement, No. 832, December 12, 1891
  • Then came cheap oil, electricity, and the motorized centrifugal pump.
  • In a low-pressure cell, centrifugal force acts radially outward but the pressure gradient force radially inward.
  • Gator Trailer Centrifugal Pumps supply large volumes of water using tractor, diesel, or electric power.
  • Once a year, a few of the mothers took time out to envy Kate, whose family, in contrast to theirs, was centripetal rather than centrifugal. BARN BLIND
  • The hardness and depth of chill layer on the roller outer surface can be raised with adding trace Bi into liquid Fe in centrifugal casting.
  • The ignition system is digital controlled in centrifugal spark advance , simple in construction and is able to satisfy the demand of all kinds of engine' s ignition system.
  • This thesis use the methods of ultra-filtration, phosphate buffer, flowing-alkaline, centrifugal to concentrate the Yoghurt starter, and optimize the processing techniques of it.
  • These differences created centrifugal pressures toward internecine conflict that factionalized the movement into disparate groups.
  • Common types of compressors are single-acting piston, double-acting piston, and centrifugal.
  • But as soon as they are seen from any distance, they erupt into pulsing centripetal and centrifugal vortices.
  • Our Falconet target aircraft uses a centrifugal launcher as its principal method of getting airborne.
  • This "twitch-reflex", recorded isometrically by the myograph, exhibits a tension proportional to the number of motor units engaged, in other words to the size of the single centrifugal impulse volley. Sir Charles Sherrington - Nobel Lecture
  • Colliding with shorter broken lines along the way, each element seems to gather energy and speed in a display of centrifugal force.
  • Cope, Dr. E.D., on non-adaptive characters, 131 on fundamental laws of growth, 420 on bathmism or growth-force, 421 on use producing structural change, 422 on law of centrifugal growth, 422 on origin of the feet of ungulates, 423 on action of animal intelligence, 425 Darwinism (1889)
  • How did the centripetal remainer afford egress to the centrifugal departer? Ulysses
  • Two hours later separate the clot from the sides of the tube, and centrifugalise thoroughly. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • Einstein warmed to the idea that the gravitational field of the rest of the Universe might explain centrifugal and other inertial forces resulting from acceleration.
  • Analyses the effects of variable condenser water flow on COP of centrifugal chillers.
  • Just by holding the clutch down I could see how hard it is to hold the car; I can imagine how hard it would be to hold the car when the car is under the strain of the centrifugal loading.
  • In order to derive pleasure from the occupation of the mind, the principle of unity must always be present, so that in the midst of the multeity the centripetal force be never suspended, nor the sense be fatigued by the predominance of the centrifugal force. Literary Remains, Volume 1
  • In these pumps, the impeller is a wheel with blades radiating from the centre to the periphery which, when rotated at high speed, impart movement to the water and produce an outward flow due to centrifugal forces; the angle between the direction of entry and exit of water flow is 90 degrees. 7. Pumping equipment
  • Place the tube in the centrifuge, counterpoise accurately and centrifugalise until the blood cells are thrown down in a compact mass occupying approximately the same volume as is included between the two pencil marks. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • It is this centrifugal force, which varies with the square power of the exciter speed, that causes the machine to vibrate, move forward, and compact the soil.
  • Downforce is the combination of aerodynamic and centrifugal forces.
  • As-cast tensile strengths as high as 800 MPa and elongations of 15 to 20% can be obtained readily in sand castings, and slightly higher values in centrifugal castings.
  • Only the Dyson, which relies on centrifugal force to spin the dust out of the airstream, maintains constant suction.
  • Cells were centrifugally elutriated to collect a synchronous population of small, un-budded cells in G1. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The dynamical force, that which produces motion, is the centripetal force, drawing the body continually from the tangential direction, toward the center; and what is termed centrifugal force is merely the resistance which the body opposes to this deflection, _precisely like any other resistance to a force_. Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
  • Measure out 2 c.c. citrated human blood (collected at a surgical operation or a venesection, or withdrawn by venipuncture from the median basilic or median cephalic vein of a normal adult) into a centrifuge tube and centrifugalise thoroughly. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • Transfer the tubes of blood to the incubator at 37° C. for two hours -- then centrifugalize thoroughly. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • This leaves ample room for centrifugal ideological differences that tend to factionalize movements
  • Centrifugal machines are connected to the motor drive directly instead of through a gearbox.
  • The cells in different cell cycle phases were collected, and cell cycle distribution in each of the fractions from centrifugal elutriation was confirmed by flow cytometry.
  • At last , while opening the hoper outlet, waterish particles are pushed off under the centrifugal effects of blade.
  • Floatation in centrifugal force field is an advanced technique.
  • The wave theories of sheet and circular jets were applied to analyze the disintegration of metallic melts in film formation regime during centrifugal atomization by rotating disk.
  • Full training will be given to the prizewinner prior to flight take-off, which will include centrifugal training, skydive training and high altitude decompression.
  • Allow centrifugal force to provide balance while both skates tip onto their left edges in the turn.
  • Once a year, a few of the mothers took time out to envy Kate, whose family, in contrast to theirs, was centripetal rather than centrifugal. BARN BLIND
  • The supersonic gas-centrifugal atomization Technology was used to study the influence of distinctive factors on the properties of AgRE alloy powders.
  • They have inertia, mass and momentum and obey centrifugal force.
  • The Merovingian civil wars, at least in the sixth century, were centripetal, rather than centrifugal.
  • Liquid black ink, 25 c.c. Tincture of iodine 1 c.c. Allow the mixture to stand 24 hours, centrifugalise thoroughly, pipette off the supernatant liquid to a clean bottle and then add a crystal of thymol or one drop of formalin as a preservative. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • In their absence, Nordlinger implies that conflict regulation will not occur and Lijphart's centrifugal democracy will degenerate into civil war.
  • The supernatant was desalted by centrifugal gel filtration and concentrated by ultrafiltration as previously described.
  • That produced a small centrifugal displacement of the beam indicative of its velocity distribution as imaged by faint deposits of silver.
  • For such a scenario, the centrifugal forces would cause its water veneer to gravitate away from the poles and pile up at the equator.
  • Earlier experiments had compared the Earth's gravitational attraction with the centrifugal force from its own rotation.
  • Decant off the clear fluid into tubes and centrifugalise thoroughly. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • Centrifugal ‘force’ is really a function of the inertia of the object being pushed into a circle.
  • The volume of apoplastic fluid obtained by centrifugation increased gradually when the centrifugal forces increased.
  • Centrifugal machines are connected to the motor drive directly instead of through a gearbox.
  • He had called it, with his Shakespearean ear for phrasemaking, the “centrifugal theory”—the idea that cancer, like a malevolent pinwheel, tended to spread in ever-growing arcs from a single central focus in the body. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • The centrifugal pump design permits rotation of the impeller at lower speeds (RPM) to achieve desired flows compared to other designs such as axial flow pumps. Medgadget
  • Common types of compressors are single-acting piston, double-acting piston, and centrifugal.
  • G1 daughter cells obtained by centrifugal elutriation were released into fresh medium and monitored every 30 min thereafter for the presence of Trf4p on chromosome spreads, for nuclear morphology, and for spindle morphology.
  • For example, central adiposity is linked with insulin resistance, whereas centrifugal or gluteal adiposity is not.
  • In order to derive pleasure from the occupation of the mind, the principle of unity must always be present, so that in the midst of the multeity the cetripetal force be never suspended, nor the sense be fatigued by the predominance of the centrifugal force. On Poesy or Art
  • There is also a peculiarly fascinating apparatus known as a vacuum-pan, peeping into which, through a little tale window, a species of brown porridge transforms itself into crystallised sugar of the sort known to housekeepers as "Demerara" under your very eyes; and another equally attractive, rapidly revolving machine in which the molasses, by centrifugal force, detaches itself from the sugar, and runs of its own accord down its appointed channels to the rum distillery, where Here, There and Everywhere
  • Instead, the challenge is to maintain a healthy equilibrium between centrifugal ( "disintegrative") and centripetal ( "integrative") tendencies. Nation-formation and nation building
  • These are the ones with a fixed wheel and a heavy flywheel with loads of centrifugal force.
  • The white spot defect is an abnormal structure generally found in large cast iron cylinder sleeve by centrifugal casting.
  • The inner flow field of modified Perspex impeller of a centrifugal pump was measured by advanced PIV system, and the absolute speed vectorgraph and original data of the axial eddy were acquired.
  • The supernatant was desalted by centrifugal gel filtration and concentrated by ultrafiltration as previously described.
  • Research suggests that erythema migrans most commonly presents as a centrifugally expanding, erythematous annular patch.
  • Manure can be transferred to storage by gravity, piston pump, pneumatic pump, or centrifugal pump.
  • Einstein warmed to the idea that the gravitational field of the rest of the Universe might explain centrifugal and other inertial forces resulting from acceleration.
  • Centrifugal machines are connected to the motor drive directly instead of through a gearbox.
  • The bioengineered cationic polymer fibers are dumped by the tons into the eye of a hurricane in such a way that by the air current and centrifugal force they come to form a lining on the eyewall. Acorns Gone; Nature Does What GOP Fails to Do
  • In this motion, the string forms a sort of conoidal surface, distended by centrifugal force. Scientific American Supplement, No. 1082, September 26, 1896
  • The trajectory of Ronell's writing is hard to chart because the centrifugal force of her thematic materials accelerates them into collisions with realia, whence new particles emerge.
  • Large diameter sleeve of steel casting by horizontal centrifugal casting machine has been introduced with discussion of technological measures of reducing pinhole and crack in sleeve.
  • `The moon revolves around the earth and the centrifugal force counteracts the force of gravity. AT THE STROKE OF TWELVE
  • This complex, multidirectional interplay of forces adds another layer to the traditional centrifugal factors and recent war-induced changes shaping the country and also helps to explain how Afghanistan affects its neighbors.
  • Magnesium powder is also produced by gas jet or centrifugal disintegration of molten metal.
  • Many evaporator designs utilize centrifugal force to separate liquid droplets from vapor in cyclone separators.
  • Einstein warmed to the idea that the gravitational field of the rest of the Universe might explain centrifugal and other inertial forces resulting from acceleration.
  • In this schema, circulation was entirely centrifugal: blood moved only outward from the heart and liver to the various parts of the body, where it was consumed for nourishment.
  • They had to lean against centrifugal force as they rounded a hairpin. MOONDROP TO MURDER
  • The material to send in the whet room directly, adopt special stir to anticipate centrifugal wing wheel to separate compellable inlet pulp the machine.
  • Just by holding the clutch down I could see how hard it is to hold the car; I can imagine how hard it would be to hold the car when the car is under the strain of the centrifugal loading.
  • Our Falconet target aircraft uses a centrifugal launcher as its principal method of getting airborne.
  • The centrifugal force of the roll causes the fins to unfold for aerodynamic stability in flight.
  • Other policies include the centralization of state power in a unitary form of government in order to be able to contain the centrifugal forces of ethnicity.
  • Again remove the supernatant fluid and fill in a fresh supply of saline solution and centrifugalise once more. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • Transfer to a centrifuge tube and centrifugalise the emulsion to throw down any masses of bacteria which may have escaped the disintegrating action of the beads. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • Those evils of Athens then, which were found in very deed somewhat later to be the infirmity of Greece as a whole, when, though its versatile gifts of intellect might constitute it the teacher of its eventual masters, it was found too incoherent politically to hold its own against Rome: -- those evils of Athens, of Greece, came from an exaggerated assertion of the fluxional, flamboyant, centrifugal Ionian element in the Hellenic character. Plato and Platonism
  • Measure out 2 c.c. citrated human blood (collected at a surgical operation or a venesection, or withdrawn by venipuncture from the median basilic or median cephalic vein of a normal adult) into a centrifuge tube and centrifugalise thoroughly. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • It's operated by a centrifugal clutch and gives the buggy a far better top speed than a single geared model, and gives the engine a break from not wringing its own neck, trying to hit top speed with only one gear.
  • More often than not, the soapy agent holds soil in suspension as it becomes loose during the wash cycle, and is subsequently flushed away during the rinse cycle and centrifugal spin.
  • Now they've found that the centrifugal force of a spinning ring balances the pull of gravity all by itself.
  • The juice is extracted by centrifugal force.
  • It can also analyze flows created by assemblies with non-symmetrical enclosures, such as impellers and centrifugal pumps.
  • As before, a pair of Rotrex centrifugal superchargers provide 1.2 bar of boost with a maximum of 1.35 bar on over-boost.
  • Each work contains a small riot of biomorphic form seeking a balance between exaggerated centrifugal and centripetal pressures.
  • Within this inner space, the plan of "beginning and end." moving waves between stellar and tangular hyperbolae of fields about centrifugal actions of the surround - interstellar matter. a star cluster, solar system or 15 The then newly formed stars ing light forms give rise to the be - a n d planets contain a core center 20 The grasp of certain laws of planet are created/establishing an ginnings of the galactic form. which is interpenetrated by an the universe is facilitated if we interconnecting force of universal 12 These pyramidal light forms elongated primary cone within a have a distinct picture, of the invis - gravitation a n d the operations of contain the basic codes of the ma - shorter secondary cone operating in ible operations before us. waves pervading nature. terial cycles of creation, and pro - pairs, creating a bipolarity. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Compressing her lips and her resolve, she swings the marker at the end of her arm, as hard as she can, willing centrifugal force to move any remaining fluid down to the application end.
  • This model comprises of a radial, centrifugal fan cyclone with surround inlet Of high efficiency, expansion cone , and rotary valve air lock.
  • The division of Europe into warring blocs produces ever - increasing centrifugal stress.
  • Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumble-puppy. "Now, This!"
  • Further, when centrifugal separation or filtration is carried out in order to separate the bacterial cells, a long time is required because the bacterial cells have caused bacteriolysis.
  • To examine Tetrahymena RAD51 expression through the cell cycle, a synchronous population was obtained by centrifugal elutriation.
  • In my humble opinion, to call gravity a force as legitimate as calling centrifugal force or coriolis force as a force. Bad Language: “Gravitational Force”
  • Terrestrial centrifugal grinding mills and density-separation jigs can be adapted for this work.
  • More often than not, the soapy agent holds soil in suspension as it becomes loose during the wash cycle, and is subsequently flushed away during the rinse cycle and centrifugal spin.
  • A special low noise centrifugal blower can deliver fresh air to every corner of rooms, with the guiding air outlet movable.
  • Centrifugal machines are connected to the motor drive directly instead of through a gearbox.
  • If the centrifugal pump is directly connected to an electric motor in a common housing as a single unit for operating below the water level, the set is called a submersible pump. 7. Pumping equipment
  • An appropriate front lean angle increases the range of a centrifugal compressor, improves the flow and enhances the isentropic efficiency.
  • The centrifugal force of the roll causes the fins to unfold for aerodynamic stability in flight.
  • When the new mechanical stretcher is circumrotated with certain speed, cardiac myocytes attached on the plate are stretched and elongated by centrifugal force.
  • Virtually all copper alloys can be cast successfully by the centrifugal casting process.
  • Even when the majority of the liquid is spin-dried, some remaining droplets can hold their position, especially at the wafer's center, where the centrifugal force is less than at the edge. Engineering Hardware-Software
  • So this interest in the guillotine is the centrifugal force, if you will. Faraway Voices
  • centrifugal force
  • It's operated by a centrifugal clutch and gives the buggy a far better top speed than a single geared model, and gives the engine a break from not wringing its own neck, trying to hit top speed with only one gear.
  • The centrifugal force of a rotating object decrease when It'slow down.
  • The three-way balance between centrifugal force, Coriolos force, and the pressure-gradient force is called the gradient flow.
  • It has been also verified by living example that this model can provide theoretical basis for the practical application of the centrifugal attritor.
  • The method of performance prediction for multi-vane centrifugal fan with variable blade angle is presented.
  • The centrifugal housing is shaped similarly to a turbocharger, and it also uses an impeller (similar to a turbo) to draw in air and direct it to the housing.
  • To one of the letters the Editor appended the following remarks: - ‘Mathematically speaking, some allowance must no doubt be made for the centrifugal action of the earth; but in the height of 100 yards it is so small as to be practically inappreciable.’
  • The division of Europe into warring blocs produces ever - increasing centrifugal stress.
  • The connection mechanism of new developed bimetallic centrifugal cast roll with three - layer structure has been studied.
  • When the coach running on the transitional curve, the residual nonbaknced inertial force is held off through the centrifugal acceleration feedback.
  • The pump is fed from an arm of the Bridgewater Canal and the fish had swum 50 yards up the pipe and been drawn into the powerful centrifugal pump which supplies the boilers.
  • After that there was an ice and snow circle track where you could push the cars up to where normally centrifugal force would take over from gravity and tyres adhesion and spin a vehicle into the ditch.
  • Human monocytes were obtained by leukopheresis from HIV-1 and hepatitis seronegative donors and were purified by counter-current centrifugal elutriation. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • We have what we call in Sanskrit _dvandva_, a series of opposites in creation; such as, the positive pole and the negative, the centripetal force and the centrifugal, attraction and repulsion. Sadhana : the realisation of life
  • At present I will proceed to consider the second of the forces, or manifestations of force, which are developed in moving bodies -- _centrifugal force_. Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
  • Low specific speed centrifugal pump comprise a large proportion of fluid machinery, and have more and more application in varied fields.
  • Our Falconet target aircraft uses a centrifugal launcher as its principal method of getting airborne.
  • Centrifugal force can be greater than the force of gravity.
  • Neuronal circuitry for centrifugal modulation in visual information processing. Visual information is transmitted and processed from the retina to the telencephalon where visual perception results.
  • Some sort of centrifugal device that only triggered the counter if it was activated by the centrifugal force of the drum turning.
  • The division of Europe into warring blocs produces ever - increasing centrifugal stress.
  • Instead, the challenge is to maintain a healthy equilibrium between centrifugal ( "disintegrative") and centripetal NATION-FORMATION AND NATION BUILDING
  • the division of Europe into warring blocs produces ever-increasing centrifugal stress
  • The centripetal tendency of closure merges with the centrifugal radiation of the art symbol to unify singularity with multiplicity, stasis with kinesis, and imagination with reality.
  • It was Moxie, who was leaning against the wall beside her, seemingly spreadeagled by some centrifugal force.
  • Absolute alcohol 60 c.c. Allow to stand twenty-four hours, then centrifugalise thoroughly and decant the supernatant fluid into a well-stoppered bottle. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • Centrifugal pumps are not positive-displacement pumps because the impeller can slip in the liquid.
  • The tumour cells were drown from the plural fluid by centrifugalization and they were cultivated the original generations.
  • Proteins will sediment through a solution in a centrifugal field dependent upon their mass.

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