How To Use Centralization In A Sentence
Prescriptions have included decentralization, electoral reform and more radical economic policies.
Because of this decentralization of services and businesses, few convenient residential areas exist for those who lack transportation.
Quite as many examples could be cited in which cutting-off and the decentralization of composition was avoided.
The urban space structure of Chongqing is an entia of the centralization and decentralization during the process of its development.
People's priorities thus remain largely unarticulated in the absence of a decentralization process.
With economic growth has come centralization.
The very diffuseness and decentralization of popular constitutionalism left room for these advocates of judicial supremacy to continue to nurse their claim.
We have here a lesson not only in secure decentralization, but the security of polyculture, superior to the insecurity of monoculture.
The necessary consequence of this was political centralization.
Bureaucratization and centralization were also tied to the growth of liberal democracy and socialism in intended and unintended ways.
Localized wage bargaining was symbolic of the decentralization of decision-making in general, a process involving a profound change in managerial culture.
I'd like to see new ways to provide security that don't entail centralization of what code can run, especially since control of code blurs into control of content.
Is It Better for Businesses to Adopt Open or Closed Platforms?
Questions of federalism and decentralization have dominated public debate across the country.
It emphasizes democracy, decentralization, and the sovereignty of individual cantons, which give much autonomy to individual communities.
Localized wage bargaining was symbolic of the decentralization of decision-making in general, a process involving a profound change in managerial culture.
Decentralization, empowerment, and ownership created great improvement in our control of events, products, and outcomes.
Under imperfect legal system, the fund - provider system with decentralization and balance frame would gain anticipative effect.
The government will begin implementing the regional autonomy and fiscal decentralization policy in January.
The Conservative government of the 1980s has aroused profound anxiety by its policies of centralization and executive control.
Even without corruption, ineffectiveness and inefficiency in the use of public money would follow decentralization, as a result of a lack of skills and knowledge.
What followed upon the loss of Communist Party and planned economy centralism was not so much ‘decentralization’, as many commentators suggested, as the formation of eighty-nine largely disconnected fiefs.
For one of the assumptions of decentralization is that the closer that decision-making is to the grass roots the more valid it will be.
The Learning Materials Crisis in our Schools
On the fiscal policy, the board suggests that the government should manage public debt more efficiently and accelerate fiscal decentralization into local areas as much as possible.
Centralization was the watchword of the day, the gathering in of overlapping monopolies into a few rapacious hands.
She introduces the development of ideological and religious beliefs that link universal, cosmic authority to the individual in ways that may be referred to as individualistic and illustrates how these evolved alongside and potentially helped contribute to larger sociopolitical changes of the time, such as the centralization of political authority and the growth in the social mobility of the educated elite class.
News from University of Hawai‘i Press
As an instrument of monarchical power centralization, it also displayed the drawbacks inherent in the monarchical system.
Nowhere in Britain has bureaucratic centralization proceeded with more pace than in Scotland.
To mobilize that support, he carried out a massive decentralization of the Motorola organization, providing new empowerment and ownership throughout.
The fourth chapter mainly discusses the operation thinking of the three-level managerial system of curriculum in our country, i. e. , to seek the balance of centralization and decentralization.
Both reject papal centralization and papal authority as a means for discerning just government.
The argument over decentralization will probably continue for ever.
The construction of e-government is changing from decentralization of information network system to information resource integrity and utilization.
So if your system depends on such centralization, commitment is sure to be a casualty.
The above requirement for diversity can be matched by an equally strong requirement for centralization.
All 36 peoples to have equal rights and regional autonomies, that is, a democratic decentralization of power.
To maintain perspective and understanding in the atmosphere of centralization is a task that many able and conscientious people have found well-nigh impossible.
Why Do We Need Formal Organization?
The Valois ruler's centralization, with their tailles and standardization of language and arts, would lead to expensive voyages to prestatial America, where their influence remains today in Quebec and Louisiana.
State subsidies to economic centralization and capital accumulation also artificially increase the capital-intensiveness of production and thereby the capitalization of the dominant firm.
Rad Geek People’s Daily – 2008 – June – 06
The argument over decentralization will probably continue for ever.
Accordingly, we attach importance to Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) due to its advantage of management specialization, investment portfolio, risk decentralization and flexibility.
At the same time, there are counter forces and arguments favoring decentralization of power.
It would probably involve providing an integrated system - servers, PCs and, yes, software - for virtualizing the client desktop, enabling the centralization and automation of most traditional maintenance activities.
He said the recent centralization of all regions under one superboard means a physician who loses privileges in one region has nowhere to turn.
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However, tension arose between the need for decentralization in order to ensure more technical efficiency and political fears of too much independence.
This process of centralization further weakens accountability.
Centralization of authority within the parties was seen as the major obstacle to the implementation of their demands.
Most people don't like centralization, believing it results in bloat, bureaucracy, declining services to the citizenry, and worst of all, the risk of an unchecked power running roughshod.
We believe in decentralization, power at the edge.
Boing Boing: July 6, 2003 - July 12, 2003 Archives
Accordingly, we attach importance to Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) due to its advantage of management specialization, investment portfolio, risk decentralization and flexibility.
Some money would still have to go to the central government to pay for national defense, government salaries, and other indivisible functions, but this will cost a lot less if decentralization is pursued.
The Right Way
The 73rd and 74th Amendments of the Constitution should be scrupulously enforced, paving the way for effective democratic decentralization.
Centralization of authority within the parties was seen as the major obstacle to the implementation of their demands.
Localized wage bargaining was symbolic of the decentralization of decision-making in general, a process involving a profound change in managerial culture.
Accordingly, we attach importance to Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) due to its advantage of management specialization, investment portfolio, risk decentralization and flexibility.
The long-term centralization ofIndia, after the British left in 1947, also hurts local autonomy and growth of local political counterweights to demand better rural development.
When are India and its villages going to unite?
Perhaps, one can hope, we will even see an unwinding of centralization, the yang to derivatization (in which we get further and further away from the risks we take, and so compound them).
American Madness
Together they stood athwart any measure that smacked of political centralization.
Forbes: Another example, perhaps of decentralization, is Australia.
Transcript: Irene Rosenfeld
It is essential to decentralize decision authority to the lowest practical level because overcentralization slows down action and leads to inertia.
They do not want to know that centralization is not only the death-knell of liberty, but also of health and beauty, of art and science, all these being impossible in a clock-like, mechanical atmosphere.
Reading from the fringes of dissent « Dyepot, Teapot
Will this direct reporting be enough to loosen the strictures of centralization and create the accountability and openness that is needed?
One of the basic principles of a democratic, liberal country is the decentralization of power.
The Conservative government of the 1980s has aroused profound anxiety by its policies of centralization and executive control.
The advantage of centralization is that it’s simple to create something like the “Flickr Interesting Photos from the last 24 hours” page.
Who owns the wisdom of the crowd? The crowd. « BuzzMachine
It just might be that a healthy respect for the nation’s constitutional past – or, better yet, a jettisoning of the Constitution and a return to the Articles of Confederation or something like them – will emerge as the realization sinks in that Soviet-style centralization is untenable.
House Judiciary Panel Hearings on ‘Imperial Presidency’ « Blog
And still unquantified is the impact of fiscal decentralization on central government revenues and spending obligations.
Among those solidly against school choice, sincere true believers in centralization-in-the-abstract might not be 50% of the coalition, but I think they’re much more than 2%.
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Because of this decentralization of services and businesses, few convenient residential areas exist for those who lack transportation.
The theoretical maximum is the centralization that would be obtained in a perfectly centralized star network where the only interactions are a central individual talking to everyone else.
At least Google was smart enough when they launched Wave to build in true decentralization from the start, and to choose a patent license for the Wave protocol that demonstrated that their desire was not to own the network, but to compete on it.
Thoughts on Opera Unite | FactoryCity
Both the centralization and the self - determination , have some avoidless limitation in the process of practice.
For the past four decades, "Europeanism" has been an amalgam of Keynesian economics, bureaucratic centralization, and welfarism, corporate and social.
Lesson From Europe (Take 2)
Indonesia chose a rather drastic form of decentralization; from a highly centralized government to a system devolving political power to over 400 districts.
If we continue to genuflect to decentralization as a fundamental criterion for running elections, we make it much harder for such reform efforts to achieve true democracy.
Other policies include the centralization of state power in a unitary form of government in order to be able to contain the centrifugal forces of ethnicity.
Through the decentralization and devolution of state power to ethnic groups it hopes to dilute ethnicity and fashion a cohesive society.
Centralization: relationship between all centralities in the network • High values: a few individuals make most responses • Low values: more equal communication levels • Time - Series of snapshots of network, with sliding window to handle low-volume time periods
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Thus, you are saying decentralization is the same as sprawl.
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Its disappearance is but an aspect of centralization.
The death of the URL | FactoryCity
The Optimistic one is that if decentralization partially works in Phoenix, it can work anywhere.
Despite growing decentralization since the 1990s the idea of nation-state and capitalism as understood in the West has not evolved in India.
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One response to this decline in the dynamism of Fordism was the geographical decentralization of production in search of cheaper labour.
If this ablaut preceded Centralization, we would find verb stems alternating between labialized (eg. *kʷ) and non-labialized consonants (eg. *k).
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Greater unity can be achieved without excessive centralization.
‘For fiscal decentralization to be successful, a strong central government is needed to lead and coordinate the process,’ the report says.
The shift comes as the company continues to refine its operating style following a radical decentralization of marketing responsibility to five regional units.
The centralization of the Catholic Church following the schisms of the 14th century changed how builders and patrons approached the construction and layout of churches, monasteries, and chapels.
Public and private sector engagement relates to public participation, decentralization, information disclosure, eco-labelling, voluntary agreements and public-private partnerships.
Global Environment Outlook (GEO-4)~ Chapter 1
The Optimistic one is that if decentralization partially works in Phoenix, it can work anywhere.
The argument over decentralization will probably continue for ever.
Decentralization is an important libertarian value, but surely our first principle is individual liberty; and nothing is more inimical to liberty than slavery or totalitarianism.
Most discouraging of all, the audit found that elected officials at the village level pocketed a huge chunk of the funds—dashing hopes that decentralization would ensure better oversight.
The paper starts from the origins of transfer pricing in the view of transaction cost economy, and demonstrate the affirmance and application of transfer pricing using demands of decentralization.
Special funds and extra-budgetary funds to support the interest subsidy from Anhui Province and Jiang Nan Industrial Centralization Area will reduce, to some extent, financial costs of enterprises.
Local and regional officials in Baden, who lobbied for decentralization of national resources, were keen on lending their political support to the development of a KWI in
The Foundation of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Medical Research
The market-based economies and private ownership in Western democracies make an essential difference in the scope and application of the centralization concepts.
Chretien gave his ministers a lot more leeway, so this centralization is not some immutable law, it is a matter of preference of the party in charge and the PM.
Matthew Yglesias » Checks and Balances
For the kind of products Google offers, however, centralization is desirable in some ways because it makes a better service possible.
Reflective Surface - Archives: 2004 December
The decentralization imperative implicit in factoring problems runs into the co-ordination imperative felt keenly by the executive political and administrative elite.
Further, in the comments: the point of decentralization is not to encourage fragmentation and isolation, but to allow people to collaborate without needing permission from a middleman.
Archive 2009-05-01
Centralization was the watchword of the day, the gathering in of overlapping monopolies into a few rapacious hands.
The re-centralization of power and control and expansion of a statist system with integrated and cooperative corporatist technocracies to enhance and insure the expansion of a singular party's control is the fantasy of many a dictator and we might have reached that zenith in history just now.
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An important part of their argumentation is the thesis that the possibilities of a successful decentralization of production decisions in a centrally planned economy is depending upon the existence of a rationally constructed system of prices, including
The Prize in Economics 1975 - Presentation Speech
Its keynote is decentralization and peaceful development, moral and material.
The British Empire and Islam
I want it to work because federalist decentralization is so elegant and pluralistic, almost Solomonic in its sensibility.
Live by Wickard, Die by Wickard
The trend is unilinear, towards more centralization in Number 10.
Decentralization leads to greater ownership, which in turn overcomes the collective action problems that plague all political campaigns.
Considering the views of those proven achievers helps drive an even greater wedge between centralization and decentralization as a guiding organizational principle.
Nowhere in Britain has bureaucratic centralization proceeded with more pace than in Scotland.
Will decentralization really bring politics closer to the people, or will we be returning to a bunch of little bailiwicks?
If Ebay, which has a virtual monopoly on classifieds is so hostile to decentralization, perhaps Ebay is vulnerable to the syndication model?
This process of centralization further weakens accountability.
Greater unity can be achieved without excessive centralization.
Because of this decentralization of services and businesses, few convenient residential areas exist for those who lack transportation.
If not handled carefully, this decentralization may pose as much a threat to national unity as armed separatist movements.
However, since Centralization and the concommitant transfer of labialization from the vowel to the neighbouring consonant is naturally heavily dependant on vocalism, I would have to oppose i-umlaut at the Proto-Steppe stage unless you can find a different formulation of Centralization that works to explain the rise of labialized consonants in PIE.
Updating my Pre-IE pdf (already!)
Not that they were unprepared for concentralization; on the contrary, they were too well prepared for it, and they might have blindly risen in reaction against us before they had comprehended our designs.
The Empire of Austria; Its Rise and Present Power
Decentralization will not be complete for several years and even then a good deal of time will have to elapse before a thorough reckoning of its success will be possible.
Decentralization has long been advocated by the political and economic elite in the West as a means of wrenching power from the more populous Eastern provinces.
It does seem likely that there will be some homogenization and centralization of policy, still allowing for significant differences among states in terms of the specific methods chosen for its implementation.
Centralization allows us to manage our global knowledge base efficiently, to identify and disseminate best practices, and to standardize our business processes.
Confrontations between Emperor Pedro I and local Brazilian aristocracy over the degree of centralization became common occurrences.
Decentralization into autonomous units will surely be even more critical than it is now.
Decentralization becomes an ideology only when we allow it to be, but the heart of the matter is how to manage changes.
Meanwhile Three Centralization , as the specific developing strategy for suburban area, impulses the centralized treatments of pollutants so as to play an important role in environmental protection.
The Conservative government of the 1980s has aroused profound anxiety by its policies of centralization and executive control.