How To Use Centralist In A Sentence

  • Those who are centralists favor more national action in regard to solving problems.
  • The NNP will fulfil (its) constitutional responsibilities in this province and will not be pushed around by a centralistic, power-crazy Western Cape ANC," Gelderblom said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • I mean, one kind of decentralist politics that you might endorse would be to advocate the secession of urban centers from the surrounding states and a decentralist order that’s partly based on people forming a network of poleis around these urban centers. Rad Geek People’s Daily – 2008 – September – 26
  • The federal pattern of democratic revolution and the Centralista tradition can only be understood in terms of this municipal patriotism.
  • While focus is often on failure at a local level, change to the centralist culture is necessary and achievable thorugh substantial reform.
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  • Almost all the traditions and institutions which have moulded the national character and the whole moral climate of England and America are those which the progress of collectivism and its centralistic tendencies are progressively destroying. Archive 2008-09-01
  • I always intervene when I hear people saying things like, well, the Germans are in favour of federalism and the French are centralistic so no wonder, etc. Angela Merkel says EU needs Britain
  • Argentina's political scene was turbulent: civil war waged between centralists and federalists, and threats of invasion by foreign powers were frequent.
  • Telecommunications is a top-down, centralist spectacle of and for big business.
  • Obummer is a liberal radical in centralist clothing, so who cares. Democrats thump Pawlenty for Virginia appearance
  • The well-known reciprocal relation between a despotic orientation and the warlike tendencies of a group rests on this formal basis: war needs a centralistic intensification of the group form, and this is guaranteed best by despotism. Conflict and The Web of Group-Affiliations
  • The only point I’d make here is that he and Letwin are pegging the change too early - the kind of centralist “vertical monarchy” he’s talking about only really took off with the Tudors a hundred years later. Terribly Boring 5: Time travel with Philip Blond
  • The culture in which he wrote was that of a centralist, command-and-control authorization regime.
  • Two parties, the Federalist and the Centralists, quickly appeared, and in 1833 the liberal federalist Santa Anna emerged as President.
  • Surely that's the kind of centralist, socialist thinking that is so wrong and the reason why they're where they are, Mr.Speaker.
  • Ah, what a golden age of decentralist socialism that must have been! Plaid's agenda exposed
  • Once an ardent centralist, he now proposes to further devolve power in areas such as health and education to the community level.
  • Centralists should reflect on how they perceive federalism and revenue-sharing, and should reconsider the role of provinces in forging a stronger economic union.
  • Nor had it objected to the many actions through which "autocratic and centralistic power of the ANC had consolidated itself ... in fact they have aided and abetted", ANC Daily News Briefing
  • He founded both the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) and the Soviet Union, with its single-party political system and democratic centralist hierarchy of power.
  • In the long run the centralist traditions were to win the race against all hopes for some measure of local autonomy.
  • I shall vote in order to demonstrate to the centralists that I believe in local democracy.
  • South Africa would follow "the same autocratic, centralistic and authoritarian route followed by other African countries in their post-liberation era" if the rival ANC succeeded in consolidating its power. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Faith in the City [a report on Britain's inner cities, published in 1985, commissioned by the then archbishop of Canterbury, Robert Runcie] has had a lasting impact, even if its solutions now look dated - rather too "centralist" or statist. New Statesman
  • He was a passionate centralist, contemptuous of the states.
  • centralist" in belief, Alexander Hamilton, in Federalist Paper #27: The Voice
  • David Cameron has learned that it's easy to be a small-statist, a decentralist, even a libertarian, in opposition: harder but sometimes more important when the pressure's on and the levers in your hands. Suddenly the state is back in vogue at Number 10. But for how long? | Will Hutton
  • Describing himself as a ‘pragmatic centralist’, Professor Cox called for more scientists to engage in debate beyond their laboratories.
  • Add to that "decentralist", I admit to assuming something along the lines of "workers' councils and cooperatives. The desperation of Welsh Unionism
  • I can remember that it was necessary to struggle very hard against that centralistic spirit, a bit capitalistic. CASTRO SPEECH AT MONCADA ANNIVERSARY CEREMONY
  • I am a centralist and a Republican conservative.
  • A dictatorship, with an authoritarian and centralist regime, was in place under Franco at the time.
  • In the face of an increasingly insular, hostile, right wing centralist party and a hard left statist party, we have to aim for the middle.
  • He's authoritarian, a centralist, and takes no prisoners.
  • An anarchist-led, libertarian-populist, radical decentralist, pan-secessionist movement that appealed to the tradition and ideals of the American Revolution is the only possible avenue. Attack the System
  • One side is loyalist and traditional, the other centralist and modernizing.
  • Their first policy moves were highly centralist, lacking even a veneer of consultation.
  • The federal pattern of democratic revolution and the Centralista tradition can only be understood in terms of this municipal patriotism.
  • But whether you're a Hobbesian centralist or a Burkean constitutionalist, as long as you are a conservative you part from libertarians.
  • Whenever a government strayed too far from the centralist line, the military stepped in.
  • The document due for ratification is heavily centralist and will reduce jurisdictional competition.
  • Decentralist socialism is not 'classical' centralist socialism, hence the use of the word 'decentralist'. Archive 2008-08-01
  • As everybody knows, Guto was once a member of Plaid Cymru, until he made the shock discovery that "decentralist socialism" included the word "socialism". Archive 2009-09-01
  • This last point was directed against all those who question the present constitution as Spanish centralist and monarchist.
  • France is a centralist country because of its long history, culture, and geography; French society tends toward an authoritarian, vertical, and pyramidal structure.
  • The centralistic way in which the ANC's premiership candidates were designated confirmed this tendency. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Second, third-wave technology is as inherently democratic and decentralist as second-wave technology was authoritarian and centralist. Vermont and Secession, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Michael Gove says this approach is too "centralist". Exam result shock: Balls fails
  • Now I hear it called a centralist party, a monarchist party. Children of the Market Place
  • The church is not as monolithic-centralistic as people think. In Church Scandal, Dioceses Take Lead

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