How To Use Centralised In A Sentence

  • To allow only views acceptable to the government of the day is the path to centralised conformity and censorship. Times, Sunday Times
  • As always, it's a much neater and efficient system than a centralized economy.
  • As in so much else, the French revolutionary regime was the precursor of the centralized, totalitarian, managerial, pseudo-democratic despotisms that now reign over the West.
  • Even if your alarm code is written elegantly and well, there is a compelling advantage to a centralized service.
  • To allow only views acceptable to the government of the day is the path to centralised conformity and censorship. Times, Sunday Times
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  • The economy of the times made it difficult to support centralized rule.
  • Ocado operates out of one centralised distribution centre in Hertfordshire, whereas others tend to "store pack" at the closest branch to your home.
  • From telecommuting to centralized support services to offshore productivity centers, physical location's role is diminishing in relevance.
  • It wants a 'federal Europe' albeit a 'decentralised' one. Money down the drain
  • With that basis, we propose a centralized inventory decision-making mechanism based on risk pooling.
  • More changes are required to reverse the trend towards centralised power.
  • The relay units will send information on the number of open spots to a centralized computer in San Jose via dedicated fast lines.
  • Moreover, such educational concepts are integrally related to political commitments to a radical and decentralised democratic social and political structure.
  • My purpose is to show that poverty and misfortune make no invidious distinctions of “race, color, or previous condition,” but that wealth unduly centralized oppresses all alike; therefore, that the labor elements of the whole United States should sympathize with the same elements in the South, and in some favorable contingency effect some unity of organization and action, which shall subserve the common interest of the common class. Black and White
  • And within this relationship local authorities were seen as decentralized administrative agents, acting at the behest of the centre.
  • In contrast, a decentralized structure facilitates leadership and unleashes creativity.
  • But due to its decentralised nature, the definition of prime investment is more difficult to gauge.
  • But whatever the parentage, this new decentralized way admits to no national origin nor exclusive use by anyone.
  • This sustainable gas can be generated locally via renewables like wind, biomass or solar power, but it could also be a new product for our large-scale, centralized oil and nuclear power industries.
  • Berkshire is often described as "decentralized," which is another way of saying that it's centered around Buffett's trust in his managers. The Full Feed from
  • Fourth, decentralized institutions generate higher morale, more commitment, and greater productivity.
  • When centralized planning is used as the normal mode of economic control, a number of deficiencies loom into view: 1.
  • In contrast with England, which remains the most centralised country in Europe and beyond, regionalism is a strong movement in parts of Europe.
  • Behind the scenes, cinema chains enjoy the economies of centralised purchasing and have utilised computers to track inventory and prevent spoilage.
  • Better support can be given in most cases if the control is centralized.
  • The retrospective cohort study included female patients of a large New Zealand hospital that offered centralized colposcopy and obstetric services.
  • Settling down has been the Turks' secret to asserting their dominion. Traditionally a nomadic people, they have at last adopted a system of centralised rule to form the Seljuk Empire.
  • The concept of a centralized database containing a patient's entire medical history is the kind of timesaving and potentially life-saving innovation doctors yearn for, but the idea makes privacy watchdogs squirm.
  • Knowledgelives everywhere andis inherently decentralized. Rahim Kanani: Aleem Walji of the World Bank Institute's Innovation Team on the Future of International Development
  • Even Paris - long the symbol of centralized urbanity - has experienced a pronounced outward movement.
  • It posits that widescale school reform begins with changes in governance to increase state and local school authority and to constrain school district, board, superintendent, and centralized administration.
  • The Government must establish the constitutional framework for stable and decentralised government.
  • This swelling border, added last, embraces all but the lower left corner of the centralized image, canceling out the lingering sense of rational space of "Sketch 1" and pushing the vestiges of the troika, St. George and a mountainous landscape firmly toward abstractness. Complementary Abstractionists
  • The centralized management, dynamic maintenance and updating, and sharing of the spatial data of land resource has always been the nodus of the land resource management informatization.
  • For a group to be smart, it be autonomous, decentralized and cognitively diverse.
  • Some departments use a centralized advising system; others disperse the advisees among the department's faculty members.
  • The airlines would upload passenger lists to the Transportation Security Administration, which would then compare the lists themselves, The TSA says that since it will be more efficient at preventing name mismatches than airlines because the checking will all be centralized. hearing before a House Homeland Security subcommittee on Tuesday, where lawmakers again peppered officials from the TSA and the Terrorist Screening Center with questions about why the watch lists keep snagging innocent Americans. Legitgov
  • The Schema framework approach creates a decentralized framework of strictly versioned schemas.
  • It also precipitated a 1976 Supreme Court ruling equating money with free speech, bringing a whole new twist to the notion of centralized power in the hands of the moneyed. Election Reform: Grow it from the grassroots
  • The information benefits can be achieved by mandatory trade reporting to a repository (which I've advocated for well over 7 years) without requiring mutualized counterparty risk sharing, or centralized risk pricing (in the face of severe information disadvantages). Home Page
  • The wartime direction of all troops and forces involved in an operation was a centralized one, with commanders-in-chief and their staff in charge of command and control during military operations.
  • Reformation studies were at that time preoccupied with tracing the intellectual and political origins of the movement - the survival of Lollardy, the challenge to scholasticism, the emergence of the centralised Tudor state.
  • Because Quakerism is a decentralized faith, Quakers don't have a common doctrine or creed, though the belief that there is "that of God in everyone" undergirds many Quaker traditions, such as opposition to war and concern for the least powerful. Eileen Flanagan: Quakers Advocate Living in 'Right Relationship' with Creation
  • In May 1860 Cavour promised the Chamber a more decentralized system, and a parliamentary commission was set up.
  • In contrast to current centralized grids, smart grids integrate consumers and suppliers in a decentralized network.
  • Called "centralized contracts," they allow local government, school districts and nonprofits to leverage the state's purchasing power and buy commodities and services at a lower price. DiNapoli, Cuomo Spar Over Powers
  • We secessionists believe that the 350-year swing of history's pendulum toward large, centralized imperial states is once again reversing itself. Vermont and Secession, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Food is cooked in a centralised kitchen, then whisked to your house an hour before service for minimum fuss. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thanks to market forces, the creation and purveyance of humor have become decentralized and deregulated. Scott Brown on Stand-Up Comedy, Lingua Franca of the Wired World
  • Ironically, in view of the grass-roots democratic populism of its rhetoric, the party itself was highly autocratic and centralized.
  • A new constitution was adopted transforming a loose federation of affiliated organisations into a centralised national political party.
  • Ideas such as a centralised IT procurement look good in theory, but often founder when faced with the scale and complexity of the organisation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The problem of robust decentralized output feedback control of uncertain similar composite system is discussed.
  • The algorithm include lock-based algorithm, timestamp-based algorithm, optimistic algorithm and centralized algorithm.
  • VDI is one form of desktop virtualization that revolves around the idea of centralized, server-hosted desktops. Desktop Virtualization Tips For CIOs
  • Cypherpunks intend to level the playing field against centralized computer resources with the Fax Effect.
  • Such negative state intervention was not possible in the much more decentralized Western Europe.
  • As it operates by controlling from within, synarchy can work inside any system of government, although it tends to favor totalitarian regimes, which have highly centralized governments and therefore fewer institutions to take control of. The Sion Revelation
  • While in the management, the power should be decentralized within measure, and concentrated on the domination of what the government should and can dominate.
  • How do you dry wet gloves when there are no radiators because the heating is centralised? Times, Sunday Times
  • However, the author argues that the informality and amorphousness of these networks makes it difficult to account for, and engage with, the formal (centralised and institutional) aspects of politics.
  • We decentralized our operations last year and opened several regional offices.
  • To avoid the rigid, vertical organizational structure of large cleaning firms, Sonix contracted with small, nonunion cleaning firms with a decentralized bureaucratic structure.
  • A centralized air system filters air and humidifies or dehumidifies it, depending on the season.
  • The Swiss were divided between "Republicans" who were in favour of a centralised government, and "Federalist" who wanted to restore autonomy to the cantons.
  • More changes are required to reverse the trend towards centralised power.
  • The bugaboos in larger versions of this optimistic vision are highly variable flows of material, and decentralized, dilute concentrations of reclaimable stuff.
  • According to Libby, the decision to colocate LX, Barclays 'dark liquidity crossing network in a centralized liquidity center like Savvis NJ2 is the first step in a larger collocation strategy. InformationWeek - All Stories And Blogs
  • Cooperative acquisition may be taken a stage further if a system of centralized acquisition is introduced.
  • The bus station in Puebla is centralized, so one can purchase a ticket for one of the many 1st class buses (ADO) going to Xalapa as soon as you arrive. Mexico City to Xalapa
  • Where he and I would differ is that I think that the ability of government to devise a "solution" to the problem of future adjustments to the availability of educated labor from other countries is minimal compared to that of the decentralized trial-and-error groping mechanism of the market. Economic Advisers Stoop to the Net, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The price we pay for the growth in egalitarianism offered by the Internet is the decentralized access to unedited stories. Amateurism, the Internet and Literary Criticism: by Nigel Beale
  • In their statement, they advocated "a nonacquisitive, inclusive, and decentralized spirituality, without rigid authoritarian hierarchies or controlling and moralistic dogma. Steven and Michael Meloan: Can the Commingling of Science and Spirituality be Transformative?
  • Microprogramming techniques, exploiting the less sensitive cost - capacity relationships of semiconductor memory, facilitate consideration of decentralized control.
  • A delicate paper triptych titled Menstruation Carnations used pencil and blood to define three starkly outlined, centralized flowers.
  • Similarly, other centralised reservation systems are in operation which are not attached to any particular group.
  • Authority in the church became more centralized, though the power of the laity at local level was greater than in other Methodist connexions.
  • They faced an enormous task of transforming their economies and polities from centralized communist control to the market economies and pluralist democracies that membership required.
  • The average church today is highly centralized. Christianity Today
  • We decentralized our operations last year and opened several regional offices.
  • Beneath this apex extended a mighty machine of centralized power.
  • The Levellers wanted all free-born Englishmen to sign a social contract, an Agreement of the People, and to enjoy full rights of participation in a decentralized, democratic state.
  • The economy of the times made it difficult to support centralized rule.
  • In computer lingo, this is referred to as a Centralized Network Topology.
  • There is no possibility of a centralized cabal that could appoint people of only one political coloration.
  • COG Centralized operations group COGRDG Central office grounding COLP Connected line identification presentation COLR Connected line identification restriction COLT Central office limit table COLT Central office line tester COM Common controller COM Communication COM Complement size COM Computer output microfilm COM/EXP PCM-compander/expander COMM Comunication COMMS Central office maintenance management system COMMS-PM Central office maintenance management system-preventive Maintenance COMP Computed COMPNY Company COMPS Central Office Managenment Program (GTE) Tricks of the Trade Issue #6 by Hype (Christmas Edition)
  • Planning has assumed, in other words, an all-powerful and centralized top management that must pull things together and make things happen especially planning itself. The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning
  • She said her ministry had decentralized the issuance of title deeds to speed up the process.
  • Even though men are often centralised in these knowledge systems, it does not mean that they are immune to their influence.
  • Organisms such as fungi have evolved complex networks in which there are centralised and decentralised pathways to move nutrients around.
  • The effectiveness of the Internet as a public resource depends upon interoperability (protocols, data formats, content), innovation and decentralized participation worldwide.
  • The problem is organizational, and the hub-and-spoke decision-making process that was originally created to slash bureaucracy -- that is, to create more decentralized decisions and less hierarchy. Knowledge is Power: kiplog: June 2009 Archives
  • That has led them to the adoption of a decentralized, team-based, quality-oriented system.
  • The average church today is highly centralized. Christianity Today
  • One they categorised as centralised, which was characterised by autocratic forms of control, and the other they called dispersed, which promoted what they called "an informal atmosphere of free-flowing ideas. Slackbastard
  • The facility also housed the central switching center for the Federal Reserve s Fedwire system until 1988 when all money was removed, switching was decentralized, and the site deactivated as a NPO facility. Bush has the Power to Dissolve Congress
  • Unlike the Liberal Democrats and the Tories, it has no centralised campaign for the student vote.
  • Ironically, the advent of de-centralised processing has made the work of the corporate data processing department harder.
  • Traditionally the East Timorese have lived in small villages with semi-autonomous local governments, and Gusmao and Ramos Horta are keen to enable this de-centralised social and political structure to persist.
  • Decentralized management , shared responsibility and an innovative management policy characterize the groups approach.
  • Cameron cleared up the mess and set the new rules after Microsoft's monolithic, centralised and panoptical Hailstorm ID management policy collapsed under its own weight. Microsoft on the Side of the Angels
  • A decentralised business will usually consist of independent profit centres or divisions.
  • I am not a central planner; I believe in decentralized decision-making by the people directly concerned and I believe that the economic system should serve the population-not the reverse. The Canadian Economy in the Post-Control Era
  • Ground source heat in Serbia is most typically used for greenhouse space heating or balneology but could also be efficiently integrated into centralised heating systems and industrial processes," he explained. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The combined capacity of networks of computers seemed more important than the centralised power of the largest computers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why is centralized strategic planning the heart of integrated marketing communications?
  • However, even this is proving hugely controversial with many reluctant to cede power to a centralised Pacific body.
  • The average church today is highly centralized. Christianity Today
  • There is a difference, he observes, between intelligent decentralized decisionmaking and slavish imitation.
  • But the overriding weakness, which design thinking makes manifest, is that good design is necessarily the product of a heavily centralized structure. Knowledge is Power: kiplog: June 2009 Archives
  • D alated to commercial ice machines from fireroom practicably his leicestershire that the cuboidal fortunella is to centralised the zigadene and middling poultry flashily unoriginal. Rational Review
  • To allow only views acceptable to the government of the day is the path to centralised conformity and censorship. Times, Sunday Times
  • Well ... the thing to cling to is that everything like this is still decentralised.
  • Not so high profile are the centralised lenders, who operate through mortgage brokers and insurance companies.
  • It also helps a patient feel far more comfortable than in the more centralised and impersonal environment of a larger complex.
  • We decentralised our operations last year and opened several regional offices.
  • They still dreamed of a decentralized provincial order in which the privileges of the ancient estates would be cocooned, but now the monarchy was seen not as the enemy of that order but as its guarantor.
  • A strongly centralized settlement system revolving around the capital, Athens, has emerged from these moves.
  • Instead, after a reprieve in 1833, the central government engaged in more and more trade protectionism and centralized tyranny, which helped lead to war.
  • I've always felt that the euro was flawed, since monetary control is centralized in Belgium but fiscal control remains in the hands of member governments.
  • The average church today is highly centralized. Christianity Today
  • a decentralized school administration
  • This historical thicket is rendered all but impenetrable by the facts that, as Browning lucidly and vividly demonstrates, German anti-Semitism was hardly a fixed concept but, rather, evolved and mutated with the ever shifting circumstances; that the Nazi regime and its chains of command and decision were highly decentralized — which meant that at any given moment the interpretations and conceptions of, say, Goebbels and Rosenberg concerning the timing and realization of the Final Solution could vary significantly from those of Himmler and Heydrich; and, most important, that the documentary evidence is both vast and frustratingly incomplete. New & Noteworthy
  • Centralized uniformity expressly forecloses such deviation, in the name of equality.
  • In the past decision-making within the company was very centralized.
  • Stonehenge is the remnant of a chiefdom, which is what you get with the invention of agriculture: multi-village polity with centralized rule. Robert Wright on optimism
  • We decentralized our operations last year and opened several regional offices.
  • These centralized data protection solutions include replication, mirroring, snapshots, tiered storage and online backup.
  • Commonly, users that are new to this kind of framework think that they will install a Centralized Business Process Engine on a dedicated machine, but with jBPM it's the opposite.
  • Full-time jobs gave way to part-time ones, and centralised factory production to outsourcing and outwork.
  • But the international dimension of the internet has helped to safeguard freedom, because a decentralised medium evades the rule of law in specific jurisdictions.
  • A new constitution was adopted transforming a loose federation of affiliated organisations into a centralised national political party.
  • The Federal Open Market Committee makes monetary policy so it's decentralized and long terms.
  • State superintendence of fisheries shall operate under the principle of unified leadership and decentralized administration.
  • Their preferences for a more decentralized political system have not prevailed, but they persist in articulating it and in doing so have captured highly regionalized bases of support.
  • Centralized departments seem superior regarding ancillary support services and teacher motivation and experience.
  • First, they are far more flexible than centralized institutions; they can respond quickly to changing circumstances and customers' needs.
  • However, most national politicians and local councillors share the civil service preference for the functional and centralized system based on Whitehall.
  • Centralized clearing has helped to lower risk in futures markets for more than a century. The Volokh Conspiracy » Two Views of Credit Default Swaps
  • State superintendence of fisheries shall operate under the principle of unified leadership and decentralized administration.
  • Further work needs to be carried out in order to improve the present level of constitutional, decentralized and resource concepts of accountability.
  • Though this will be effective in theory, the difficulty is the centralised distribution of state finances - an inflexible system that often causes funding delays.
  • With the decentralized method, each subarea can operate independently while the EOD battalion monitors the reported incidents. FM 9-6 Chapter 5
  • Not so high profile are the centralised lenders, who operate through mortgage brokers and insurance companies.
  • He recognized the need for decentralized administration in the dual-titled diocese and was instrumental in gaining the approval of the diocesan synod in 1884 for two archidiaconal councils, a step towards the establishment of a separate coastal diocese thirty years later.
  • Kerry declared that he will accept whole hog the 9/11 Commission's recent recommendations, including establishing a centralised intelligence czar.
  • He presented new ideas with regard to basic difficulties in "socialistic calculating", and investigated the possibilities of achieving effective results by decentralized The Prize in Economics 1974 - Press Release
  • Outdated voting mechanisms, a decentralised, idiosyncratic procedure, and the archaic electoral college have received comment.
  • Government officials said 'centralised' recordkeeping makes it too expensive to detail bills. The Sun
  • In a centralized system, the principal asks the school board to promulgate a regulation about beepers.
  • Instead of being located in branches, business bank managers are being rehoused in three centralised sites in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Inverness.
  • And this normally will not be in some remote centralised corporate planning department.
  • Cover with a cardboard frame - the acetate being centralised.
  • The increasingly centralised organisation of the third millennium BC created a disciplined labour force, which was used to build vast royal monuments and elite tombs.
  • The Public Accounts Committee has found that the Forestry Services computer system overran in budget because this division was decentralised to Wexford and it lost all its IT staff.
  • Large armed forces operating in centralized command structures would not be suited for such fighting, they argued, and in fact would be vulnerable.
  • Truth, purity, firmness, love to Jesus, all that belongs to a formal conversion and more, is centralized thus in the soul, as a kind of ingrown habit. Christian Nurture.
  • The religious, municipal, signorial, and ecclesiastical functions of the little town are centralised around the open market-place, on which the common people transacted business and discussed affairs. Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece, Third series
  • The autonomy(temporal and spatial variable) expression mode of the system latent function was refined, and the concept of role autonomous decentralized system was defined.
  • That was a provincialized, decentralized process, and only recently, in the last couple of years, has that started to change. WBUR and NPR - On Point with Tom Ashbrook
  • Corruption in China and increasingly in Indonesia is becoming decentralised, which is bad for the "Giver" as he is unsure of who and how many tiers (local municipal, provincial, national) he has to bribe to get things done. Planet Malaysia
  • What I don't get is how Mike can apply the term 'decentralised' to such a setup. Is Mike losing his Edgeio?
  • Law reiterated to the Regent that the credit of bankers and merchants decupled their capital; if the state became the universal banker, and centralized all the values in circulation, the public fortune would naturally be decupled. A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 6
  • Given these issues, it is useful to understand why a serverless architecture is preferable or in other words, whether centralized servers are inherently evil. Serverless VoIP Ain’t All That
  • In theory, this governmental system was highly centralized. World History: Patterns of Change and Continuity
  • He was invoking the marvelousness of uncoordinated knowledge as a counterpoint to the socialists of his day who argued for the superiority of centralized, state-run, top-down coordination.
  • The critical factor was the decentralized architecture of the Grokster and Morpheus software.
  • Using that broader perspective, we did away entirely with centralized pickup and delivery.
  • Industry showed a tendency towards increasingly centralized administration.
  • For small companies, where centralized management is not a desideratum, this solution may be feasible.
  • One was characterized by a centralized motif, frequently a quatrefoil, the colors pulsating, the rhythms circular or spiraling, the space nebulous, shifting between surface and depth.
  • Food is cooked in a centralised kitchen, then whisked to your house an hour before service for minimum fuss. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a centralized system, the principal asks the school board to promulgate a regulation about beepers.
  • Some experts predict the situation will get worse and spread across Scotland as a result of a government review which will see a number of maternity units close as care is centralised.
  • A single centralized state risked despotism; government by thirteen sovereign states either unconnected or grouped in two or three confederacies would lead to conflict, even war, and invite foreign intervention. Ratification
  • Whatever the Chancellor's real objectives here, his critique calls into fundamental question the logic of having a centralised regional fund assessment and disbursement system at all.
  • Differing actors - the unions, employers, the private sector, federal or centralised governments - play different roles.
  • Unlike the Health Sector Database, the biobanks will not be maintained as one centralized bank.
  • Decentralized control of region for nonlinear composite systems with input saturation is studied by using Lyapunov's theory and matrix norm properties.
  • There is a difference, he observes, between intelligent decentralized decisionmaking and slavish imitation.
  • According to military historian Martin van Creveld, successful armies have always decentralized authority.
  • Mill saw some of these local prejudices as some protection against a wholly centralized state; so a case for the reform of local government, not for its dismemberment.
  • Outdated voting mechanisms, a decentralised, idiosyncratic procedure, and the archaic electoral college have received comment.
  • Before April 2002, the food system was decentralized and was not cook-chill.
  • There is ample evidence that the centralized way of organizing and managing frustrates the elementary quest for freedom Tolstoy describes so eloquently.
  • White is better developed with both minor pieces in play, centralized rooks and a castled king.
  • State superintendence of fisheries shall operate under the principle of unified leadership and decentralized administration.
  • Big branches are simply no longer efficient in an era of ATM machines and centralized telephone call centers.
  • Further, the Orthodox tradition, with its autocephalous churches and sufficiently full agreement in doctrine, presents an alternative to centralized authority.
  • Is this IP Centrex, such as a S.P. hosting centrex features off their centralized softswitch? The Real Truth About VoIP Sales
  • Unlike the Liberal Democrats and the Tories, it has no centralised campaign for the student vote.
  • The centralized management, dynamic maintenance and updating, and sharing of the spatial data of land resource has always been the nodus of the land resource management informatization.
  • After the revolution, food distribution was decentralized
  • The problems of outwork could be eased by bringing workers together in a centralized plant, even before the use of powered machinery.
  • To execute on so many fronts, he has decentralized the organization and delegated a lot of decision-making.
  • The money would presumably go to a large centralised pot, doled out at government or quango discretion. Times, Sunday Times
  • In short-term regimes, the need to shift production goals rapidly makes decentralized authority difficult.
  • We decentralized our operations last year and opened several regional offices.
  • The answer has to be a system that is accountable to the people it serves, not to the political establishment and a centralised bureaucracy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead, they would rely on decentralized, uncontrolled life to sort itself out and come to some self-enhancing harmony.
  • Management control thereby has a tendency to become more centralized.
  • The TSA needs to come up with a better system for clearing innocent individuals nabbed by the current lists, and the problem will likely get worse if the TSA starts to use the 120,000-name centralized terrorist watch list, Flint said. Passenger Screening System Dead
  • Unlike the diffuse pattern of textile mill villages created in the piedmont of North Carolina and upcountry Georgia, industrialization in Middle Tennessee was highly centralized in Nashville itself.
  • First published in 1944 by the University of Chicago Press, this slender, readable book on the differences between individual and group thought and the consequences of choosing the latter--private property ownership versus communism, individuality versus centralized government or dictatorship, capitalism versus socialism versus naziism, and the experience of personal freedoms versus never-ending political encroachments--remains a terrific read today. Most Influential Economist?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Grandma Emma "centralized" - she lived her passions. Rick Foster: Your Grandmother and Mine, Happiness, and Health
  • Centralised student unions work best when freed from this unnecessary level of bureaucracy.
  • In fact, the Chinese model is akin to the Gandhian scheme of decentralised development.
  • Tool palettes provide centralized access to commonly used design tools.
  • He preached pluralism, by which he meant the autonomy of organizations such as broadcasting bodies, parties, and trade unions, while affirming the need for a strong centralized state.
  • The way the centralised procurement for the programme was undertaken also begs a significant question. Times, Sunday Times
  • In most instances widespread corruption, relatively centralised health policy making, and poor devolution to local governments lie at the core of the problem.
  • There is no possibility of a centralized cabal that could appoint people of only one political coloration.
  • Coca-Cola, which has a decentralized system, declined to comment on the deal or Nooyi's assertion. Last month, Coke CEO Muhtar Kent reiterated his commitment to its model.
  • In some instances, corruption and nepotism have been decentralised to the level of the local and the regional State.
  • No other cities in Maryland or Virginia combined an oval with a pattern of radial streets to organize civic space in the service of a centralized colonial state.
  • Part of this spread is due to uncertainties about demand growth, but part arises from energy end-use innovations in the form of new, on-site decentralised electricity generation technologies, such as photovoltaics or fuel cells. Chapter 10
  • There is also a growing feeling of being imprisoned by the past, by out-of-date federal plans for a centralised European superstate, which following the break-up of the Soviet Union is no longer either necessary or desirable.
  • The desired goal can be achieved speedily and surely only if a decentralised approach to implementation is adopted.
  • Through better supplier management, utilize of centralized purchasing strategy and Internet technology, enterprise can optimize its supply chain with rational logistic procedure.
  • I suppose I could have a tank and fill it up, so water delivery through centralized pipes is a convenience, but that doesn't compare to the sheer luxury that is cable. Water as a Private Good, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • There is ample evidence that the centralized way of organizing and managing frustrates the elementary quest for freedom Tolstoy describes so eloquently.
  • In hundreds of pages they endeavoured to show just how democratic centralised Soviet anarchy was supposed to be.
  • The highly centralized hub-and-spoke system - centralized for the airlines, not us - now regularly bifurcates and often trifurcates even an hour's flight time as the crow flies into a four-hour series of legs.
  • Also, it is often difficult to make a match between centralized World Bank or institutional financing, even if "greened", and the local institutions that are crucial to effective implementation of resource conservation and environmental standards. Trade and the environment
  • They rely heavily on what's called folksonomy, or popular classification, instead of taxonomy, or centralized/official classification. Social Bookmarking
  • Bitcoins are mined by a decentralized network of computers that guess solutions to a mathematical puzzle.
  • This would be interlinked to traffic signals and a centralised control room, from where the personnel can control the vehicle movement.
  • That's possible because the starfish is a completely decentralized organism. Why The Tea Party Is Like A Starfish, Not A Spider
  • Because of the quantities involved and the capital-intensive nature of the business, the early printing and publishing of books tended to be centralized.
  • In the multi-cultural and technologically decentralized societies of the West, adult encounters with the exploding diversity of the city tend to occur in commuter trains, shopping malls, media and to some degree, the workplace -- at distance. The Museum As The New Agora
  • It was much easier to control a more unified and centralized religious organization.
  • The theoretical maximum is the centralization that would be obtained in a perfectly centralized star network where the only interactions are a central individual talking to everyone else.
  • A distributed, decentralized network is more a process than a thing.
  • In theory, this governmental system was highly centralized. World History: Patterns of Change and Continuity
  • The rest is to cover the costs of moving to the £46m centralised home shopping warehouse at Listerhills, Bradford.
  • The Napster structure would remain unchanged, and newer, less centralised music distribution systems like Gnutella could contribute too.
  • His anti-totalitarian views chime closely with the small-scale, communitarian, decentralized politics of the anti-globalization movement. Globe and Mail
  • Three new geographical regions are being set up in line with the more centralised approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hundreds of thousands of Soviet citizens became informed nonetheless through Relcom, which, in Kedzie's judgment, "proved to be a powerful social weapon against centralized power.
  • Later, the delivery sys-tem was decentralized further, when the task of resupplying pills was turned over to village health volunteers.
  • It also requires a Europe-wide bank regulator and centralised bond issuance. Times, Sunday Times
  • The highly centralized hub-and-spoke system - centralized for the airlines, not us - now regularly bifurcates and often trifurcates even an hour's flight time as the crow flies into a four-hour series of legs.
  • As organizations, each national party is a decentralized and loose confederation of state parties and of other affiliated groups.
  • Public libraries quickly became centralized depositories for important public texts and artifacts.
  • Staff are assigned to specific villages for continuity of service and decentralized dishwashing areas in each village allow elders to assist in the setup and cleanup of the area.
  • Mr. Dodik argues that his first responsibility is to the people who elected him in Republika Srpska, who feel that any move to a centralized state threatens them because Bosnian Muslims will always have a majority to outvote them — the reason why the Dayton accord created such an unwieldy polity in the first place. Bosnian Serb Leader Damps Hopes of Post-Vote Accord
  • Tax exaction became centralized, more efficient, and less expensive.
  • Overwhelming centralized force/power first evolves as a mechanism for plunder, is forced to expand as a mechanism for security and protection, then evolves as a force for domestic order and even justice -- something which in times becomes of interest to the powers that be. A Theory of Government, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • a decentralized and localized political authority
  • However, most national politicians and local councillors share the civil service preference for the functional and centralized system based on Whitehall.
  • Ideas such as a centralised IT procurement look good in theory, but often founder when faced with the scale and complexity of the organisation. Times, Sunday Times
  • To allow only views acceptable to the government of the day is the path to centralised conformity and censorship. Times, Sunday Times
  • First, they are far more flexible than centralized institutions; they can respond quickly to changing circumstances and customers' needs.
  • Indonesia chose a rather drastic form of decentralization; from a highly centralized government to a system devolving political power to over 400 districts.
  • The hetmanate was abolished in 1764; the Zaporizhska Sich abolished in 1775, as centralized Russian control became the norm. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • But when the Provisional Government made plans in October to try to liquidise the threat posed by the growing revolutionary movement, the value of a centralised party that could respond rapidly and coordinate action proved itself.
  • He has more to do to modernise and decentralise Britain's very centralised system of government and to revitalise our local democracy.
  • With the growing power of the state, statutory tenure codes were drawn up by centralized governments, reflecting the values and interests of the state.
  • State superintendence of fisheries shall operate under the principle of unified leadership and decentralized administration.
  • Instead of centralized digital IDs, Microsoft is pushing a concept known as federated identity, where different organizations develop ways to share and trust identity information about their users.
  • We shall accelerate regulated trading and centralized processing of non-ferrous scrap metals and gradually form a recycling non-ferrous metal recovery system covering the whole society in China.
  • We will promote the centralized purchase and unified distribution of basic drugs.
  • That equipment—called centralized traffic control, or CTC—helps dispatchers make train-routing decisions for smooth and safe operation. Alstom's China Chief Denies Role in Crashes
  • Moreover, such educational concepts are integrally related to political commitments to a radical and decentralised democratic social and political structure.
  • The maintenance and operation of irrigation projects is dismal and these projects needs to be decentralized so that it could be tailored to meet the specific needs of the local farming community.
  • She added that there was growing support for community-scale projects, such as decentralised energy systems, but support from governments was needed. Climate Ark Climate Change & Global Warming RSS Newsfeed
  • It says more routine surgery must be available locally, while complex surgery should be centralised. Times, Sunday Times
  • Strong, centralized government" is a term that can cover a multitude of sins.
  • In the first, the oneness of nationhood is authoritarian - centralized, homogenous, dominated by a single individual, a single party, a single ethnicity.
  • In addition to its decentralized international sales staff, ONC plans to create what it calls "matrix teams" of employees focused on a particular foreign region, each with its own goals, profit-and-loss performance statements, and dedicated resources. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • We should therefore seek evidence for long-distance exchange as indications of political alliances and the growth of centralised political organisation.
  • Keeping these factors in mind, Mehac Foundation has begun a kind of decentralised community owned service for the most severely affected in two districts of Kerala which it believes is more likely to succeed. World Prout Assembly
  • The history of apartheid has been a struggle of the individual as opposed to centralized government power.
  • Such conflicts originate and evolve from the dialectical tensions deriving from power struggles between centralized state political rulers and those they try rule over in localized, rural Indian village communities using a Western model of secular-styled democratic governance. Radovan Karadzic's website and blog
  • The benefit that is enjoyed from the ability to net cash inflows and outflows through centralized cash management comes in the form of reduced transaction costs. International Finance: The markets and financial management of multinational business.
  • It has successfully kept the lid on costs through centralised procurement, which accounts for 90 per cent of its supplies. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had tried to rule as an absolute monarch presiding over a centralised bureaucracy and suppressing nationalist ambitions (especially those of Hungary) among the ill-assorted races of his unwieldy empire; changing times had forced him into reluctant concessions, but his reactionary nature and passion for the detail of administration, over which he laboured conscientiously, had blinded him to those greater issues which he had neither the vision nor the temperament to understand. Watershed
  • But if it's "decentralised" in a way that has them killing each other, that's a good thing. Archive 2007-05-01
  • The contention that "all of the people of Canada" should benefit from the inequitable distribution of mineral and other resources is at best a political euphemism for centralized control of fiscal policy, and hence the ultimatum in Mr. Turner's budgets of last May and November. The Incredible Resource Battle
  • Consequently, the arguments presented in this section should not be used to dismiss centralized corporate planning.
  • In that centralized composition, two men face each other, a pot of boiling water between them.
  • Senegal is a moderately decentralized republic dominated by a strong presidency.
  • In Europe, the nation-state to an increasing extent has been dissociated from military power, despite the fact that the modern state built on centralized power was born on that continent.
  • Basically Y-Combinator is a singular business with these micro-decentralised cells with $6K per founder (minimum of 2) who need to pass demo stage, and then either ebay kiko or reddit conde nast 'it. YCombinator Could Have Hated My Idea But Loved Me. Oops I Meant the Other Way Around.
  • The means of power and decision-making in the decentralized authority are made freely available to non-state agencies and other organized interest groups.
  • Fourth, decentralized institutions generate higher morale, more commitment, and greater productivity.
  • It was thought that large, centralised institutions were needed to stand between the public and the prospect of market failure.
  • Services are in the process of being centralised to avoid duplication of treatments and spreading staff too thinly across both Epsom and St Helier hospitals.
  • There are differences between these two movements that embrace dominion theology and now, at least for Wagner, apparently postmillennialism but those differences is not over whether their view of dominion amounts to a decentralized, voluntary vision for governing a society of free people. Julie Ingersoll: C. Peter Wagner: Dominion Theology And Postmillennialism On NPR
  • State superintendence of fisheries shall operate under the principle of unified leadership and decentralized administration.
  • For the most part it is regional, autonomous, decentralised, non-professional, exclusively amateur and dependent on volunteerism.
  • There appears to be a universal crisis in centralised decision making and considerable public alienation from bureaucracy.
  • The fundamental problem that we've got is that public education has a quarter of its money tied up in highly centralised politburos, known as education departments.
  • They are wrong for this country's future and contrary to this party's belief in decentralised wage bargaining.
  • The network of regional banks is being decentralised, in order to give local managers more freedom and accountability.
  • But doctors proved far more resistant to a centralised record. Times, Sunday Times
  • Decentralised modes of industrial relations are cracking under the strain of deregulation and globalisation.
  • Outdated voting mechanisms, a decentralised, idiosyncratic procedure, and the archaic electoral college have received comment.
  • More changes are required to reverse the trend towards centralised power.
  • Food is cooked in a centralised kitchen, then whisked to your house an hour before service for minimum fuss. Times, Sunday Times
  • They point first, to the political implications inherent in centralised policy systems irrespective of the policies decided.
  • We must continue to study the new centralised global environment at both the theoretical and the practical levels.
  • He said there was a deliberate decision not to put the decentralised departments into gateways.
  • In some ways, Silicon Valley performs as a large, decentralised organisation.
  • The present centralised structure of the education system does not lend itself to agility in decision-making.
  • The modern centralised Sagha is largely a result of the development of the modern nation-state and the consequential centralisation of political power.
  • This is most blatant in France because of the highly centralised state and government control known as jacobinisme.
  • Somalia is the most "decentralised" region on the planet, but it's not exactly Utopia, is it? Planet Atheism
  • This project implemented a centralised IT system for remote monitoring of the infrastructure. Computing
  • We should therefore seek evidence for long-distance exchange as indications of political alliances and the growth of centralised political organisation.
  • They are usually found in large blocks of flats with a centralised heating system. Times, Sunday Times
  • The autonomists hold, essentially, that each individual or group should protest in their own way, without bowing down to any centralised, still less hierarchical, structure.
  • Scots will pioneer new decentralised approaches to health and place much more accent on prevention.
  • Some have described him as a maverick, a colourful figure who rails against the evil of over-centralised administration and unanswerable power.
  • These outfits are non-hierarchical, decentralised, nominally leaderless and organised with militaristic precision.
  • He said the voting system was "startlingly" decentralised. - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • There are also concerns from chief constables that the new unit will lead to the Home Office wielding more centralised control.
  • He doesn't like the strict financial constraints governing nations that have taken up the Euro (the Stability Pact) and is chafing under the centralised rules governing deficit spending.
  • It saw federal, rather than centralised, structures as the only way to build mass support and ensure accountability and democracy.
  • Maybe we Welsh should worry less our Labourist hang-ups (the successful St David's Day parade being a case in point) and confirm our traditional costume a badge of identity and anti-fascism and like in the Tirolean case a badge of anti centralised British / Italian nation statism.
  • How much easier it would be for the state if there were just patients and centralised medical care, in hospitals or, say, something that we could call a polyclinic, perhaps? Archive 2008-10-01
  • These previously centralised and often acquiescent unions have faced a dramatic restructuring of the social relations of production and service of equal if not greater magnitude than in manufacturing.
  • Not so high profile are the centralised lenders, who operate through mortgage brokers and insurance companies.
  • Detailed centralised supervision and inspection is a recipe for decline which official statistics merely camouflage.
  • Il-Barrani to the pride of Brussels; from the manipulation of broadcasting to its pluralisation; from the arrogance of centralised power to its devolution through local councils, from extreme polarisation to a good measure of reconciliation ….
  • Centralised economic management has failed everywhere it has been tried.
  • The new service will be centralised, and available to all those authorised to access it.
  • They are wrong for this country's future and contrary to this party's belief in decentralised wage bargaining.
  • An administrative shake-up five years ago which decentralised the services of all the Shepherd divisions meant that relatively few people were left in the building to administer group functions.
  • The resistance is largely decentralised, localised and acephalous.
  • The report said the new "decentralised" diocese would be split into five areas, each with its own area bishop and council, to achieve a "strong element of devolution". The Guardian World News
  • Special features include a centralised vacuum cleaning system, underfloor oil-fired central heating on the ground floor and double glazed windows throughout.
  • "Upward pressure for retail space in prime locations and decentralised shopping malls is particularly evident.
  • He is currently teaching centralised scheme of music course and associated degree courses at the HKIEd.
  • Establish a centralised and automated system, administered by law enforcement, for the reporting of e-crime.
  • ‘In the coming years, we are likely to see even more changes to working habits as companies move towards a more decentralised and flexible work force,’ he noted.
  • In an argument which echoes Danny Kruger's On Fraternity, Blond states: Look at the society we have become: we are a bi-polar nation, a bureaucratic, centralised state that presides dysfunctionally over an increasingly fragmented, disempowered and isolated citizenry. The Red Tory theologian and conservatism's captivity to liberalism
  • Three new geographical regions are being set up in line with the more centralised approach. Times, Sunday Times

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