central body

  1. small region of cytoplasm adjacent to the nucleus; contains the centrioles and serves to organize the microtubules
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How To Use central body In A Sentence

  • Furthermore, magneto-hydrodynamics is important in discussing the problem of how the central body in a plasma cloud can develop into a sun and system of planets, or in investigations of stability conditions for a plasma consisting of electrons and ions moving at relativistic velocities interacting with cosmic fields. Nobel Prize in Physics 1970 - Presentation Speech
  • The genus is emended to account for the nature of the central body wall, as well as new evidence of tabulation including details of the archeopyle.
  • The middle section shows his spine and central body organs.
  • Supposedly, in this position, blood is displaced from the veins in the lower extremities into the central body compartment.
  • But the central body of European society is certainly changed; and, after all, between the scum and the dregs is the good soup. The Unity of Civilization
  • Each has a central body, the calyx, rising from a stem like the seed-head of a poppy.
  • The housewife's term for a ball of thread wound upon a central body, is a _bottom of thread_. Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
  • The Netherlands is a unitary state governed by a central body.
  • Self-consciousness arises with the identification of other visuo-tactual continuants as resembling the central body in being the sources of signs.
  • In addition, anxiety triggers the "fight or flight" reflex that sends blood away from the central body, including the penis, and out toward the limbs for escape or self-defense.
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