How To Use Central america In A Sentence

  • A hurricane is bearing down on central America.
  • The Royal slam is the above including the Goulds subspecies and the World Slam includes the above, the Goulds and the Oscellated of Central America and S. Mexico. What is a grandslam in turkeys
  • Funes says that "dollarization" and the adoption of the Central American Free Trade Agreement in 2006 have had negative effects such as inflation and unfavorable competition for small-scale farmers but that it is too late to scrap these policies. CounterPunch
  • Reporter Alan Nearn covers Central America and is a regular contributor to The New Yorker.
  • To find answers, Hsieh and Lauder turned to the basilisk lizard, a skittish tree-dwelling species found in Central America.
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  • Reporter Alan Nearn covers Central America and is a regular contributor to The New Yorker.
  • Soursop and custard apple are widely distributed in Central America and the Caribbean, while sweetsop is commonest in India and Southeast Asia.
  • Hispanic - American come from places such as Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Central American, and South American.
  • ‘Operation Cobra’ sounds like a plot by undercover CIA operatives to assassinate a Central American despot, rather than the local constabulary's crackdown on car thieves.
  • Castro recommended to the 270 Cuban athletes that they "fraternize" with other athletes competing in the Ninth Central American and Caribbean Games CUBAN ATHLETES GOING TO GAMES
  • _Pimento oil_ (allspice), distilled from the fruit of Pimenta officinalis, which is found in the West Indies and Central America. The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
  • Central America "[and in fact America as a whole]" and the Old World, "makes the following statement (in the course of a discussion of the myths relating to horned snakes in California):" a similar monster, possessing antlers, and sometimes wings, is also very common in Algonkin and Iroquois legends, although rare in art. The Evolution of the Dragon
  • The top House Democrat is crying foul today over the razor-thin passage of the Central America Free Trade Agreement.
  • Here and there turkeys showed themselves with their milk and coffee-colored plumage; and peccaries, a sort of wild pig highly appreciated by lovers of venison, and agouties, which are the hares and rabbits of Central America; and tatous belonging to the order of edentates, with their scaly shells of patterns of mosaic. Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon
  • The finished products are exported to the rest of Central America.
  • As noted by Stempell, there are two or three species of large lizards in Central America commonly called iguana, and it is probable that the one here considered is the _Ctenosaura acanthura_ of Animal Figures in the Maya Codices
  • The ancient Maya Indians - who had their heyday in Mexico and Central America from about A.D.250 to 900-had more than a passing familiarity with the tempests that regularly howled off the Atlantic.
  • The Republic of Panama is a former Spanish colony in Central America with a mixed population of Creoles, mestizos, European immigrants, Africans, and indigenous Indians.
  • We assigned geographic areas using the distributions of allopatric and sympatric species as a guide: North America, Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Greater Antilles.
  • This native of Central America has been a hit in parts of Europe including Spain, but the English were not so enthusiastic.
  • The Central American woman leaves her homeland fleeing annihilation and destruction, but her exile in the US does not offer her more visibility or presence.
  • These Central American immigrants, including university students, teachers, clergy, and campesinos, came from all classes and political persuasions.
  • The hotel has just 15 rooms, all with ultramodern, minimalist decor: it's an Asian-Italian fusion in Central America.
  • The armadillo is found in the American South and in Central America.
  • An extinct script, such as Egyptian hieroglyphs, Babylonian cuneiform or the glyphs of the ancient Maya of Central America, may strike us as little short of miraculous and bizarrely different from our own alphabetic scripts.
  • In the 1980s, the Council for National Policy was heavily involved in channeling money from the religious right into a variety of efforts supporting President Ronald Reagan's Central America policies ranging from building support in for his policies in the United States to building ties with the international right via arms dealers, mercenaries, and other such forces (source). Archive 2007-10-01
  • A quetzal sits upon a branch, yet this species of trogon is not found outside the Mexican and Central American cloud forests.
  • Two (realistic) places I want to see before they box me up: Barranca del Cobre and someplace in Central America (likely Costa Rica) where I can fish (tarpon and offshore), swim, herp-splore and birdwatch. Ocho cosas sobre mí
  • His ships weathered the storm, sailed west and reached Honduras in Central America.
  • The churches offered support and shelter to Central American immigrants.
  • Guatemala seceded from the resulting federation of the United Provinces of Central America in 1839.
  • The best adrenaline rush I've ever had was when I went on a two-day trek through Belize in Central America and my horse went galloping out of control in the jungle.
  • Palaeobiogeographers have considered it to be an equatorial seaway extending from Central America to South-East Asia, characterized by a distinctive fauna.
  • Garifuna spellings vary because there is no common orthography (method of spelling), which is spoken in five Central American countries.
  • Police have been tracking the four criminals all over Central America.
  • • Chagas disease is passed on by the the reduviid, or "kissing bug," named for its tendency to bite its victims around the lips, in South and Central America. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Costa Rica might have scored twice before Brazil had mustered the first of their many shots; the Central Americans went on to hit the woodwork twice and miss a series of glaring chances.
  • For example, a donation buys a clutch of chicks for a family in Central America, which will give that family an ongoing supply of eggs, meat and additional income.
  • So they wanted to take control of central america to avoid any USA annexion of mexico in the name of the latin culture that share the french, spanish, italians and portuguese. so the name "latin-america" was quikly imposed to name this part of america were spanish and portuguese cultures dominates. LATIN AMERICA.
  • One of the oldest colonial towns in Central America, Granada is accessible by road from Managua.
  • In many of the lesser developed countries of Central America, deficiencies in vitamins and minerals are a problem.
  • Indeed, can one imagine the reaction among the television viewership across Central America?
  • - Cohune, Orbignya cohune, growing in Central America, the nuts containing a kernel with 60 % oil comparable to coconut oil, 1. Oil Plants and their Potential Use
  • Twice a year, rufous hummingbirds travel 2,500 miles between Central America and Alaska.
  • Guatemala's national symbol of independence and pride is the quetzal, a brilliantly colored tropical bird native to Central America.
  • In the countryside of Mexico and in rural Central America it is common to assume all bats are vampires.
  • Parthenium hysterophorus L. of the family Asteraceae is an exotic noxious weed from Central America.
  • Panamanian marsupial frog, Hemiphractus fasciatus, getting "swabbed", i.e., tested for the presence of the microscopic fungal pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatis which is sweeping through Central America, decimating entire amphbian communities. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Tropical Strom Richard is heading toward the Central American country of Belize, for the government is issued hurricane warning for the entire coast.
  • One part of the distribution encompasses much of North America, a second part extends throughout Central America and a third part runs through eastern Asia.
  • The indigenous peoples of central America produced a wine from the agave plant which they called mescal.
  • The Maya of Central America were still carving stylized warriors in relief in ad 500.
  • His hatred of Communism meant he bent over backwards to support anti-communist insurgencies in Central America, Asia and Africa.
  • In Central America,'says Whitcomb, " the banana spider is a welcome house guest.
  • To teach your kids the value of rainforest products, stuff their stockings with Glee Gum's make-your-own-chewing-gum kit, an irresistible mess of sugar, syrup, flavoring, and chicle gum base from Central America's sapodilla trees. Avital Binshtock: Green Gifts That Keep Giving
  • We've seen the effect of monetarism as a policy, over the past 35 years, on the conditions of life in the United States, in Western Europe, South and Central America, and so forth.
  • The great civilisations of Central America - Toltecs, Aztecs and Mayas - were dangerously short of protein, with only the occasional big guinea pig for Sunday lunch.
  • It's the smaller size of the boas found on certain Central American islands.
  • His poetry gives evidence of a bookish and extremely thoughtful life while encountering the forms and rituals of cultures without literatures — West African, Mexican and Central American — as well as the writers — Augustine, Goethe, Rilke, David Hume, Hugh MacDiarmid — whose traces we find allusively placed throughout his work. A mess of errors : Stephen Burt : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • Parts of this video contain "dramatized" scenes of insurgent forces operating in Central America and how they are defeated through the efforts of Army and Air Force counterinsurgency techniques. - Articles related to It's India's poor who need British aid, not its military and business elites
  • As well, the reasonably priced all-inclusive packaged deals offered by the Caribbean and Central American countries are like sirens luring the vacationers from the north.
  • An extinct script, such as Egyptian hieroglyphs, Babylonian cuneiform or the glyphs of the ancient Maya of Central America, may strike us as little short of miraculous and bizarrely different from our own alphabetic scripts.
  • Student activists have incorporated civil disobedience in both their anti-apartheid and Central America work.
  • Parts of this video contain "dramatized" scenes of insurgent forces operating in Central America and how they are defeated through the efforts of - Articles related to It's India's poor who need British aid, not its military and business elites
  • That said, I also find that Mexicans (and also Central Americans) are very readily sociable and willing (even eager) to engage in idle conversation while sitting around on park benches or whatnot. Coming home
  • At the visitor center, you can learn about the park's many inhabitants, among them deer, peccaries, and coatimundis (a raccoonlike animal ranging from Central America into Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona).
  • Central American forests go through cycles of years of fruit abundance followed by years of fruit scarcity, with associated fluctuations in densities and rates of mortality of frugivorous and granivorous mammals.
  • A new species of arboreal pitviper from the Atlantic versant of northern Central America. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Inciting Revolution in Honduras? Real News
  • Costa Rica joined other Central American provinces in 1821 in a joint declaration of independence from Spain.
  • South America is home to an endemic amphibious murid radiation, Ichthyomyini, that consists of five genera: three whose members are generally termed fish-eating rats (Ichthyomys, Antomys and Neusticomys), as well as Rheomys (the Central American water mice) and Chibchanomys (the Chibchan water mice). Archive 2006-03-01
  • The Olivaceous Woodcreeper is distributed from Mexico through Central America and into most of tropical and sub-tropical South America.
  • American markets are open to all of the CAFTA Central American countries.
  • Jesuits in Central America (where Las Casas has left an unperishing name); elsewhere also they were soon in the front rank. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • They beamed the program to the countries of Central America.
  • The brightly-coloured snack contains a red dye processed from the dried body of the female cochineal insect, collected in central America.
  • Reporter Alan Nearn covers Central America and is a regular contributor to The New Yorker.
  • Not until 1942 was it publicly asserted that the Olmec was the " mother culture " of Mesoamerica i.e., Mexico plus Central America. Mysteries Carved in Stone
  • She had thumbed through Central America with another girl.
  • the population in Central America is growing explosively
  • Pitahaya are being grown commercially in South America, Central America and in Israel
  • DONALD WAYNE BRASFIELD, JR., age 53, died on June 14, 2010 in the hospital from pneumonia in Costa Rica, Central America where Donald resided. Memphis Commercial Appeal Stories
  • One remarkably interesting number system is that exhibited by the Mosquito tribe [212] of Central America, who possess an extensive quinary-vigesimal scale containing one binary and three senary compounds. The Number Concept Its Origin and Development
  • WOW, central america has nooo clue what "jerkin" is. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Very common in South and Central America, this disease is most often transferred by the reduviid insect, commonly known as the "kissing bug. Undefined
  • The question remains, why would males outnumber females in northern Mexico and southern Central America, but be outnumbered by females in intervening areas?
  • Some notable mammals are white‑tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus, white‑lipped peccary Tayassu pecary, collared peccary Tayassu tajacu, Central American tapir Tapirus bairdii (VU), white‑face monkey Cebus capucinus and spider monkey Ateles geoffroyi, howler monkey Alouatta palliata, collared anteater Tamandua tetradactyla, jaguar Panthera onca (VU), margay Felis wiedii (VU), jaguarundi F. yagouaroundi and ocelot F. pardalis (VU). Area de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica
  • Consequently, they will help to increase our understanding of the gene-flow process in Mexico and Central America where teosinte and maize populations grow in geographic proximity and flower synchronously.
  • A quetzal sits upon a branch, yet this species of trogon is not found outside the Mexican and Central American cloud forests.
  • Coins recovered from several shipwrecks, including the Republic, Central America, and Brother Jonathan have added to the Mint State populations, but often carry a modest premium because of the history associated with those pieces. Liberty Head Double Eagle, Without Motto, 1849-1866 : Coin Guide
  • The earlier occurrences in North Carolina suggest that the genus dispersed westward through the Central American seaway.
  • But now it says it will move to readmit the Central American nation. Honduran Accord Permits Ousted Leader Zelaya's Return
  • Reggaeton is the Latin bashment / dancehall hybrid that's been tearing down South and Central America, Puerto Rico, Cuba, The Dominican Republic, Miami and Los Angeles since the mid 90s.
  • In Central America and Mexico, the Chinese may have introduced technologies for papermaking, dye extraction and jade working.
  • Its victims suffer only flulike symptoms in the first phase of infection, but it often isn't diagnosed till after the parasite has entered the central nervous system, causing mental deterioration, mood swings, coma and death. is passed on by the the reduviid, or "kissing bug," named for its tendency to bite its victims around the lips, in South and Central America. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Studies in Central America have shown that animals, like hutia, are attracted to gardens because they offer choice foods.
  • Now, the chemical that made Florida inhabitable and eliminated malaria from Central America is not used to save a million lives a year in Africa because of false liberal fears masquerading as science. Think Progress » McCain Backs Down To Hannity: ‘I Never Quite Understood’ Global Warming
  • After the Darien experience, participatory mapping initiatives took root during the 1990s along the Central American isthmus.
  • The literacy rate there is the highest in Central America.
  • The botfly is found in the forests of Mexico, Central America, and South America.
  • Calling him Barack --- it would not be long until other candidates 'advisers and their media friends would be making freudian slips calling him maraca --- in an obvious attempt to cause confusion about whether he is some sort of central american drug kingpin. Pro-Hillary Third Party Group Preparing Anti-Obama Web Site?
  • Another glaring sign that this may be an active season is the degree to which the sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) in the Main Development Region (MDR) of the Atlantic Basin (spanning the coast of Africa to Central America) are anomalously warm. 2010 Hurricane season outlooks: Tropical trouble
  • But as the poorest country in Central America Nicaragua is hardly prospering.
  • Bernard explains that the marimba originated with the African balophone, which was brought to central America by African slaves, and then altered by the Spanish influence.
  • They had promised to bring jobs and prosperity to a backward region of this Central American republic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Post-cold-war subjects have been inserted into the curriculum, such as "countermine operations," to instruct Central American soldiers on clearing the 130,000 mines laid during the wars of the 1980s, and "resource management," a euphemism for teaching Latin officers to keep their hands out of the till. Running A 'School For Dictators'
  • He said he had gals come over to the condo to give him massages, that he had found the number in the "Washingtonian" magazine and recently he been using some what he called central American gals to give him massages. CNN Transcript Apr 29, 2007
  • Central American silver localities are not well represented in most collections.
  • Some were transients, headed north after spending the winter in the monte and selva of Mexico, Central America and South America.
  • ‘In Central America, our aircraft were responsible for tracking and identifying planes and watercraft that were smuggling drugs,’ he said.
  • Found in woody areas across North America, the plant also grows in Central America and parts of Asia, and has been introduced to Europe, Africa, Australia, and New Zealand.
  • ( "GCA"), a wholly owned subsidiary of Global Cash Access Holdings, Inc., is a leading provider of cash access products and related services to over 1,100 casinos and other gaming properties in the United States, Europe, Canada, the Caribbean, Central America and Asia. Aktuelle Nachrichten
  • The poinsettia is a Euphorbia, a succulent from the arid regions of Central America. Christian Science Monitor | All Stories
  • And many knocks, bumps and detours later here I ride in Honduras, central America.
  • Among some of the endangered mammals found in this ecoregion are the jaguar (Panthera onca), puma (Felis concolor), ocelot (Leopardus pardalis), tapir (Tapirus bairdii), greater grison (Galictis vittata), tayra (Eira barbara), Central American spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi), and mantled howler monkey (Alouatta palliata). Central American pine-oak forests
  • We also got to play on another new map called Panama Canal, which is a shipping yard set on the famous maritime passageway in Central America. GameSpot's News, Screenshots, Movies, Reviews, Previews, Downloads, and Features
  • The book is well illustrated with useful maps showing the West in 1876, the Cuba and Porto Rican campaigns, the Philippines, Mexico, West Indies, and Central America, the percentage of foreign-born whites in the total population in 1910, the percentage of Negroes in the total population in 1910, the Western The Journal of Negro History, Volume 6, 1921
  • Best known for being home to the architectural feat called the Panama Canal, this lively Latin American city is just a stone's throw from some of Central America's richest rain forests. Tip Sheet
  • I call your especial attention to the unsatisfactory condition of our foreign mail service, which, because of the lack of American steamship lines is now largely done through foreign lines, and which, particularly so far as South and Central America are concerned, is done in a manner which constitutes a serious barrier to the extension of our commerce. State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • Deep in the rain forests of Central America, lumberjacks hew the primavera tree in the dark of a moonless night.
  • _Mosquito_ is the Spanish diminutive name of a fly: but what we call a mosquito, the Spaniards in Central America call by another name, _sanchujo_. Notes and Queries, Number 27, May 4, 1850
  • We beamed the program to the countries of Central America.
  • A study of Central American leaf-cutter ants has shown that the younger and more vigorous members of the colony are given the toughest job of cutting through the leaves they harvest.
  • They beamed the program to the countries of Central America.
  • One remarkably interesting number system is that exhibited by the Mosquito tribe [212] of Central America, who possess an extensive quinary-vigesimal scale containing one binary and three senary compounds. The Number Concept Its Origin and Development
  • Mormons are masters of proselytizing--the increase in numbers "shows that a church group can produce a short-term phenomenal growth rate by committing resources to missionary activity," according to Professor James W. Dow in his 2003 scholarly paper "The Growth of Protestant Religions In Mexico and Central America. Gustavo Arellano: ¡ASK A MEXICAN!: Special Mormon Edition
  • In April this year, the two countries officially signed the free trade agreement which is the first free trade agreement China signs with a Central American country.
  • Some notable mammals are white‑tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus, white‑lipped peccary Tayassu pecary, collared peccary Tayassu tajacu, Central American tapir Tapirus bairdii (VU), white‑face monkey Cebus capucinus and spider monkey Ateles geoffroyi, howler monkey Alouatta palliata, collared anteater Tamandua tetradactyla, jaguar Panthera onca (VU), margay Felis wiedii (VU), jaguarundi F. yagouaroundi and ocelot F. pardalis (VU). Area de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica
  • Maybe mentioning that N'gali's people are inspired by a mix African slaves and Central American natives, while El Diablo's people are drawn from the Spanish conquest of South/Central America might clear things up, but I think it's unnecessary wordage in a note that's supposed to concentrate on plot. Query: New and Improved! Now With Notes!
  • With maxixe (pronounced mah-SHEESH '), Mangan and others at UMass grow chipilin (cheep-LEEN'), a legume from Mexico and Central America; jilo (hee-LOH '), an eggplant-like crop grown in Brazil and West Africa; and hierba mora (eer-BAH' MOR-rah), a member of the tomato family. Ethnic Food: Farmers Find A Future In Immigrant Vegetables
  • For two weeks in April, Marina toured the United States talking to concerned consumers about the importance of union organizing in the now infamous maquilas in Central America.
  • Severin also travels into the Central American rain forest to mingle with the Kuna.
  • Later, George Canning, who was a canny man, but obstinate, and never gave up a purpose, came back at the Americans, and for the second time, and then again for the third time proposed a joint pronouncement by America and Great Britain which should warn Spain that her dominancy of the South American and Central American nations had passed by. Good Will Between the United States and Canada
  • The old Western standards of cedar and redwood have been joined by imported lumbers: jarrah (a member of the eucalyptus family) from western Australia, ipe from South America, and mahogany from Central America.
  • It would also have attempted to annex or conquer Cuba, other Caribbean islands, northern Mexico and parts of Central America—all of which was openly proposed by pro-slavery expansionists in the 1850s. How America's Civil War Changed the World
  • By the end of that year, every communist dictatorship in Central America had collapsed.
  • Howell's other main focus of research was on the zoogeography and geographic distribution of birds in Central America, particularly Nicaragua.
  • A fine example of Central American baroque in Granada is the Iglesia de La Mercad, which was completed in 1539 and restored in 1862.
  • I am not impressed with this 'new' raw type of monosaccharide (a single sugar molecule) derived from a genus of several combined shrubs and bushes native to subtropical and southern Tropical areas of South America and Central America. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • He recently launched his ambitious ‘Plan Puebla Panama,’ to transform Central America into a vast Free Trade Zone, a combination of interoceanic transportation links, maquiladoras, and plantations.
  • Reporter Alan Nearn covers Central America and is a regular contributor to The New Yorker.
  • It is the site of Costa Rica's greatest concentration of national parks, and pretty much anything that crawls, flits, swoops or lollops through Central America can be found here.
  • It's weak and tepid, altogether unworthy of Central America's great coffee traditions.
  • Two (realistic) places I want to see before they box me up: Barranca del Cobre and someplace in Central America (likely Costa Rica) where I can fish (tarpon and offshore), swim, herp-splore and birdwatch. Ocho cosas sobre mí
  • In the New World, cutaneous and mucocutaneous forms of the disease exist, again known by various local names: espundia in the Amazon region, papalomoyo in Central America and pian bois in the Guyanas. Chapter 5
  • Red crossbill (Loxia curvirostra), known primarily from high-latitude coniferous forests, reaches its southernmost extent in the Old World in the mountains of the Central Cordillera (the populations in Central America, notably Nicaragua, are further south). Luzon tropical pine forests
  • The various Central American countries added their own instruments to this foundation.
  • Go ask the very slaves of the inventor of Central American Colonization (that devout apostle of _political philanthropy_, and most zealous advocate of emancipation), go ask _his slaves_ their opinion of the merits of their master's invention, and their faces will kindle with the half ingenuous blush of conscious degradation, as they denounce his project, as the last device of insolence to degrade and oppress them. The Right of American Slavery
  • Loss of habitat, along with hunting for food and trade, has led to the steep declines in the number of quetzals in the Central American country.
  • Okay, so as difficult as it will be for the USAN to attain a kind of solidarity, I ask a second question: Why not also include Mexico, Central America and those viable island states? Patrick Takahashi: The United Countries Of The Americas?
  • As for the bioregional movement itself, there are now more than 200 self-proclaimed bioregional organisations in the United States, and several in Central America and Canada as well.
  • In Central America, I witnessed civil war fought between guerrilla groups intent on imposing totalitarian tyranny on their societies, opposed by armies that didn't scruple to resort to massacre.
  • This pest annually infests citrus in Texas, Mexico, and Central America and threatens California and Florida.
  • In the photograph above, for instance, eggs from the Central American stick-insect genus Bacteria are shown, magnified roughly fifteen diameters; the brown, knobby protruberances are the capitula.
  • What makes Antigua the hub of Central American tourism is the liveliness of its unique mixture of Mayan Indian and Latino heritage.
  • Central American cenotes are legendary, unique to this part of the world.
  • The literacy rate there is the highest in Central America.
  • Instead, he went to Central America, where he could study the black howler - a leaf-eating monkey much like the langur.
  • In turn, these Central American countries disbanded cultivation of staple crops like corn and bean, and have now become major importers and that too from the United States.
  • The method diffused rapidly and initiatives developed up and down the Central American isthmus during the 1990s.
  • A pale orange hue marks my favorite, the granadilla drink, made from a passion fruit species native to Central America.
  • We beamed the program to the countries of Central America.
  • The coup led to convulsive changes in U.S.-Central American relations.
  • His misguided policies would have impeded the spread of freedom in Central America.
  • Almost 10,000 clutches of chicks were purchased for families in Central America.
  • The spectacled caiman, which originates from South and Central America, has a boney ridge around its eyes which makes it look as if it is wearing glasses.
  • The Maya live on in Central America today, the term covering different communities in southern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salavador and western Honduras. Alex Higgins: The Maya Really Did Warn Us About Our Future (Unintentionally)
  • Central America, like those we are living through today, perhaps it was in premonition of the present crossroads, that Rubén Oscar Arias Sánchez - Nobel Lecture
  • Mammals although not as numerous as birds, include species such as paca (Agouti paca), mantled howler monkey (Allouatta palliata), white-throated capuchin (Cebus capucinus), pygmy anteater (Cyclopes didactylus), Central American otter (Lutra annectens), white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) (feeds on leaves in A. bicolor and L. racemosa forests), northern raccoon (Procyon lotor), crab-eating raccoon (P. cancrivorus) [can be found both on the ground and in the canopy consuming crabs and mollusks], Mexican anteater (Tamandua mexicana). Moist Pacific Coast mangroves
  • A hurricane is bearing down on central America.
  • These robber barons operate in Central America, where workers' rights are savagely suppressed.
  • Some notable mammals are white‑tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus, white‑lipped peccary Tayassu pecary, collared peccary Tayassu tajacu, Central American tapir Tapirus bairdii (VU), white‑face monkey Cebus capucinus and spider monkey Ateles geoffroyi, howler monkey Alouatta palliata, collared anteater Tamandua tetradactyla, jaguar Panthera onca (VU), margay Felis wiedii (VU), jaguarundi F. yagouaroundi and ocelot F. pardalis (VU). Area de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica
  • These birds migrate from Mexico and, possibly, Central America to breed in the Chiricahua Mountains in the spring.
  • The true characins, family Characidae, are found in Africa and more abundantly in South and Central America.
  • The former Maryknoll missioner to Central America, is still recruiting volunteers and challenging them ‘to do hard things.’
  • The term filibuster was applied at the time to American adventurers, mostly from Southern states, who wanted to overthrow the governments of Central American states - filibustering was seen as a tactic for pirating or hijacking debate for self-gain. LearnHub Activities
  • The Bronzed Cowbird is an obligate brood parasitic species of songbird, ranging from the southern border region of the United States as far south as Central America.
  • In this, it is deeper acting than other herbs, such as the African yohimbe, the South America muira puama or the milder Central American damiana.
  • Stephens's various descriptions of indigenous acedia do indeed suggest that the people of Central America and Yucatan inhabit a different sort of time: lazy, circular, and stagnant.
  • Diamond studies four ancient societies across space and time: Easter Island in Polynesia, the native American Anasazi tribe in what is now the southwestern United States, the Maya civilization in Central America, and the isolated Viking settlement on the coast of Greenland. Jared Diamond's "Collapse"
  • The same kind of hatred for the United States and its neocon Latin American policy is now sweeping through South and Central America. Excellent wayne madsen americas roundup
  • The vast wheatlands of Central America and Spain are on their last legs but they're still producing enough wheat to have made into some sort of bread and it staggers its way here, it's sort of more like hard tack than bread.
  • If Central American squirrels migrate up here because walnut distribution and manufacture is more efficient, then it makes more sense to transfer the walnut technology down there. Yanquico, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Some notable mammals are white‑tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus, white‑lipped peccary Tayassu pecary, collared peccary Tayassu tajacu, Central American tapir Tapirus bairdii (VU), white‑face monkey Cebus capucinus and spider monkey Ateles geoffroyi, howler monkey Alouatta palliata, collared anteater Tamandua tetradactyla, jaguar Panthera onca (VU), margay Felis wiedii (VU), jaguarundi F. yagouaroundi and ocelot F. pardalis (VU). Area de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica
  • Parthenium hysterophorus L. of the family Asteraceae is an exotic noxious weed from Central America.
  • Typical communist and Marxist crud coming from the Central American so called "leadership" that I call despotic scum who's main contributions to the world consist of tourism for the Chicagoray's Views and News
  • Only 26 countries, most of them in Central America, Africa and the South Pacific, recognize the Republic of China, the official name used by Taipei.
  • The migratory songbirds, the thrushes and warblers and tanagers and orioles that summer in the Pacific Northwest, spend their winters in the forested highlands of southern Mexico and Central America.
  • It occurs along coastal beaches of the West Indies and Central America, where its dense thickets are often cultivated to provide a windbreak.
  • These insectivorous birds are found from the southwestern U.S. through Honduras in Central America. Mystery bird: Ladder-backed woodpecker, Picoides scalaris | @GrrlScientist
  • He cites 15 years of biology fieldwork in the rainforests of Central America as his educational zenith.
  • Several groups of xenarthrans successfully crossed the Central American land bridge to North America when it formed in the Pliocene; these included a number of kinds of ground sloths and armadillos.

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