How To Use Centipede In A Sentence

  • Among the Annelid worms a species of _Nereis_, or sea-centipedes, has earned by its phosphorescent property the specific name of _noctiluca_ Young Folks' Library, Volume XI (of 20) Wonders of Earth, Sea and Sky
  • The skeletal mouth opened in a wide yawn, a centipede unknown to Anthony sleeping delicately on his tongue.
  • ‘I objurgate the centipede,/ A bug we do not really need,’ writes Ogden Nash.
  • In fact, when the ground is still warm from the fires, ants, wood beetles, millipedes, and centipedes are busy.
  • The asymmetrical advantage that enables a "centipede" is that the conspirators themselves are never outed. Boing Boing
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  • The arthropodes, like centipedes, beetles, millipedes and worms, bring in the finishing touches to complete the composting.
  • A huge , hairy, scary centipede was crawling up Master Lianchi's sleeve.
  • So he squatted there in his ship, a centipede-like thing about five feet in length and a little less than eighteen inches in diameter, with eight articulated limbs spaced in pairs along his body, each limb ending in a five-fingered manipulatory organ that could be used equally well as hand or foot. Anything You Can Do ...
  • A claim of moral equality on behalf of animals is surely not plausible if one means literally all animals, including centipedes, slugs, and amoebas.
  • How many legs does a centipede have?
  • A centipede is blamed for the death of a pregnant woman in Malaysia: Archive 2007-01-01
  • All of the known Mesozoic centipedes, including C. oberlii, are morphologically indistinguishable from extant centipedes.
  • Centipede Head - Poison claws greet our visitors to this image, which was mounted as a whole specimen and captured with darkfield illumination. Undefined
  • A gaff is also good for beating off wayward locals, snakes, centipedes, scorpions, dogs etc.
  • Curiously, the number of trunk segments in centipedes is always odd.
  • Other than scorpions, centipedes have to be the most disgusting bug on earth.
  • Adding to the list of ignored forewarnings from the volcano, they reported that poisonous centipedes and snakes had swarmed over the outskirts of the city and that people had been dying from an epidemic triggered by volcanic pollution.
  • For David, the real challenge of filming the world's invertebrates came not from confronting swarms of bees and giant bat-eating centipedes, but from filming their miniature universe.
  • The following day, the two would-be spelunkers were a quarter of a mile into an immense corrasional cave when they encountered a herd of giant centipedes “grazing” on the chemoautotrophic moss growing on the damp cavern walls. 365 tomorrows » 2009 » September : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • A centipede bite is comparable to a wasp sting in its severity.
  • Centipedes are predatory, feeding on soil invertebrates such as earthworms and terrestrial insects.
  • The blame in this tragedy appears misplaced: it is highly unlikely that a centipede was the culprit. Archive 2007-01-01
  • The discovery that terrestrial insects (Hexapoda) are more closely related to aquatic Crustacea than to the terrestrial centipedes and millipedes Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • There were several instances when centipedes appeared to sample the shed skin or fecal pellets of a salamander with their antennae.
  • His band practices in the damp room next door, on a red-painted floor crawling with centipedes and spiders.
  • The arthropodes, like centipedes, beetles, millipedes and worms, bring in the finishing touches to complete the composting.
  • How many legs does a centipede have?
  • Children will be able to get answers to all their burning bug questions, like whether a woodlouse eats wood, whether a centipede really has one hundred legs and how a pond skater skates.
  • Yet, as Yearley has observed, it is difficult to convince the general public that species such as spiders and centipedes are as worthy of conservation as brightly coloured birds or appealing mammals.
  • These tiny myriapods generally resemble very small centipedes.
  • The bread is out of the oven, so I can take the dog to the park, but I wanted to show you the drain centipede I rescued from the sink this morning. Now i need a place to hide away
  • Some arthropods, like the centipedes, millipedes, and insects, have legs with a single branch (uniramous appendages).
  • Such apparent exceptions as earthworms, centipedes, and snakes are not difficult to explain, for the earthworm is a burrower which eats its way through the soil, the centipede's long body is supported by numerous hard legs, and the snake pushes itself along by means of the large ventral scales to which the lower ends of very numerous ribs are attached. The Outline of Science, Vol. 1 (of 4) A Plain Story Simply Told
  • The centipede is * clearly* the predator, and as such, has the right to a live kill (a natural right, not some political referendum right). EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Big centipede vs. mouse.
  • If one is on a holiday with the entire family, he may visit the Butterfly Pavilion and Insect Center which is an artificial shelter of numerous insects like centipedes and beautiful butterflies.
  • In the more humid areas, water centipede is a dominant plant growth.
  • a highly-savoured red ant, and the _hahinni_, a large black formica terribly graveolent; flies like the tzetze, centipedes, scorpions, and venomous spiders, which make men 'writhe like cut worms.' To The Gold Coast for Gold, Vol. II A Personal Narrative
  • Centipedes were measured from the tip of the upper mandible to the posterior end of the last body segment.
  • The rubbish also attracted beetles, flies, centipedes and millipedes.
  • There were many times when snakes passed by and centipedes crawled up the tent.
  • Insects mined and bored every bit of wood and leaf, while centipedes and millipedes crawled all over.
  • We found lobsters among the rocks, too, and on some beaches a strange kind of lobsterish delicacy called in Tahiti _varo_, a kind of mantis-shrimp that looks like a superlatively villainous centipede. White Shadows in the South Seas
  • One novel idea is to attempt a mass centipede walk around the athletics track at the County Ground.
  • Mr. Vandemar held the centipede 's head delicately between a huge thumb and a massive forefinger to stop it wriggling. NEVERWHERE
  • All kinds of small creepy crawlies are eaten including insects, spiders and centipedes.
  • Baptiste said the roofless building had been a haven for rats, snakes, centipedes and other vermin.
  • The rubbish also attracted beetles, flies, centipedes and millipedes.
  • But keep in mind, as it’s been said, the centipede is a pet, and as such it has to be fed. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Big centipede vs. mouse.
  • Insects mined and bored every bit of wood and leaf, while centipedes and millipedes crawled all over.
  • Centipedes' modified front legs are poison claws, which they use to inject a highly toxic venom.
  • How many legs does a centipede have?
  • He didn't know if the centipede was the fulfillment of Candle's vision or if something worse was looming on the horizon, but he did know that their time in the underground was rapidly drawing to a close. Armageddon's Children
  • Thus in the life-story of an insect or other arthropod, such as a lobster, a spider, or a centipede, there must be a succession of cuticle-castings -- 'moults' or _ecdyses_ as they are often called. The Life-Story of Insects
  • Safe for now the Scorpion continued on its journey, its targets for tonight were insects, spiders, centipedes, and other scorpions.
  • Although the burrows with the trapdoor provide protection against most natural enemies e.g. wasps and centipedes, some are still able to invade the burrows and additional defense mechanisms are used to overcome this problem.
  • Yes! gentlemen, "addressing the attentive cowboys," I can cure anything that touches the ground -- biped, quadruped, or centipede -- glanders, botts, greased hoofs, heaves, blind staggers, it makes no odds. Jim Cummings Or, The Great Adams Express Robbery
  • The 50 or so players generally poor compared to brushcentipede centipede is to make money.
  • Other spectaculars include a fire-breathing songololo (centipede), fire dancers, soccer mobiles and puppets and stilt walkers dressed as African animals. IOL: News
  • Tom Arthurs' Centipede are fidgety writhers, striking angular shapes with tricky grooves and utilising the spiked fork of their leader's trumpet and Laubrock's soprano saxophone.
  • Unlike centipedes, there are more tergites than segments.
  • A hospital spokesman said: ‘Squirrels have been a problem in the roofspace of the low rise block of the offices on West Park, along with occasional visits from birds, wasps and centipedes.’
  • There were scorpions inside jars, and papers were cluttered underneath them; drawings of spiders, centipedes, and large ants.
  • Silurian strata have provided likely ascomycete fossils (a group of fungi), as well as remains of the first arachnids and centipedes.
  • Some arthropods, like the centipedes, millipedes, and insects, have legs with a single branch (uniramous appendages).
  • There might be scorpions and centipedes underneath, which can bite very painfully.
  • These tiny myriapods generally resemble very small centipedes.
  • The Human Centipede, about a surgeon who nabs three people and sews them together ass to mouth into a big human centipede. Fantastic Fest – Movie Summary « Geek Related
  • Examples are what is termed the centipede and other insects that are long in shape, for even the hinder portion of all these goes on progressing in the same direction as before when they are cut in two. On the Gait of Animals
  • The large collection includes earthworms, slugs, snails, beetles, earwigs, ants, moths, crickets, spiders, millipedes and centipedes.
  • Centipedes also eat slugs and smaller insect pests.
  • His eyebrows were of a more than wonted shagginess, growing together at the bridge of his nose, so as to form a thick excrescence of hair that bore an unsettling resemblance to a member of that singularly repellent variety of arthropod commonly known as the centipede. Nevermore
  • Onward and upward the track wound, clinging to the side of the ridge like a pale slippery centipede.
  • More problematic are the relationships of the four major groups, hexapods (including insects), crustaceans, myriapods (including centipedes and millipedes), and chelicerates (including spiders).
  • More than 500 new species have been described or reported, including several mammals, one a new genus of otter shrew, more than ten amphibians and reptiles, several fish and arthropods, notably centipedes and harvestmen, and molluscs. Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire
  • Centipedes or chilopods are part of a larger group of arthropods called the Myriapoda.
  • The image, which at first might have been mistaken for a blurry rendition of Atari's arcade game Centipede, gradually became recognizable as nighttime city traffic.
  • Splithog Pauper, in disguise (CR classified, SitS p. 66) 1 goblin snake (CR1, Pathfinder #1) 1d4 Small monstrous centipedes (CR 1, MM p. 276) Life in the Wide World – Random Encounters « Geek Related
  • In the roots of the olives, you could find centipedes as long as a pencil.
  • They also endured first-hand experiences with green mamba snakes, grunting warthogs, maniacal, laughing hyenas, and black centipedes which would fall dramatically into the bath after sneaking up the overflow pipe.
  • Onychophorans themselves have few predators, except perhaps insect carnivores such as centipedes, birds and rodents.
  • Through it, I've figured out what baby wheel bugs, house centipedes, and female dobsonflies are! What's That Bug?
  • In their burrows, funnel-webs face aggressive predators such as centipedes and king crickets.

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