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How To Use Censer In A Sentence

  • And when the younger man took a censer and I hoped that it was almost over, sounds of fighting came from outside.
  • Bernoulli (see his Eloge, in Fontenelle, tom.v. p. 99) was forced to allow that the tail though not the head, was a sign of the wrath of God.] 81 Paradise Lost was published in the year 1667; and the famous lines (l.ii. 708, &c.) which startled the licenser, may allude to the recent comet of 1664, observed by Cassini at Rome in the presence of Queen Christina, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Ash from incense censers, campfires and fireplaces can be used but I don't recommend them.
  • Your censer empty by your side has lost its scent and lies askew for other worshippers to fill again.
  • I guess them cardboard eggs aint very strong, or mebbe the censer didn't handel it gently, ennyhow it was smasht and the curl inside it was there alrite only it was kind of mixt up with the cream candy and I was unmixin them when Deer Godchild
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  • In a short time, drew near about ten couples, when, at length, were heard the gentle strains of music, and couple by couple advanced with banners, dragons, with fans made with phoenix feathers, and palace flabella of pheasant plumes; and those besides who carried gold-washed censers burning imperial incense. Hung Lou Meng
  • I'll tell you what, you thin man in a censer, I will have you as soundly swinged for this, -- you blue-bottle rogue, you filthy famished correctioner, if you be not swinged, I'll forswear half-kirtles. The Second Part of King Henry IV
  • Leading out of it is the ancient "calefactory," where the fire for the censers and thuribles was preserved. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Winchester A Description of Its Fabric and a Brief History of the Episcopal See
  • The treasury has been converted into a bright little museum of censers, illuminated manuscripts and paintings.
  • It provided easy access into the building for the items that both vestries and vandals are fond of: silverware, brassware, bells and brazen censers.
  • Their figures moving under the arbour of old trees were like red and silver poppies blown by the wind, or wonderful tropical birds astray in the woods: and a glint of sunshine striking the censer was a thin chain of gold linking it to the sky. The Guests Of Hercules
  • Gratias habo igitur omines quis pro fabula mea censerunt; enim, historia alterna “Quaestiones super caelo et mundo.” April 30th, 2008
  • A censer is a container in which incense is burned. Essential Guide to Business Style and Usage
  • A censer is a metal vessel with a pierced lid in which incense is burned during church services. A Handbook of Symbols in Christian Art
  • The church and Minster of St.Werburgs also would have commissioned him to make various ecclesiastical bronze ware such as Thuribles, Censers etc; possibly even elements to shrines and reliquaries.
  • In country churches in Oxfordshire there were silver chalices and patens, pyxes, censers, candlesticks, chrismatories, crosses, sanctus bells, and other articles of plate. English Villages
  • I’ll tell thee what, thou thin man in a censer, I will have you as soundly swinged for this, you blue-bottle rogue! you filthy famished correctioner! if you be not swinged, I’ll forswear half-kirtles. Act V. Scene IV. The Second Part of King Henry the Fourth
  • When a man's or a woman's vanity is so great that it instinctively and instantly levies on all within reach -- demanding incense -- nothing can be so dislikeful as a bearing which refuses to swing the censer. Round Anvil Rock A Romance
  • The pewter censer spews the sweetest peppered scent.
  • A table thou shalt place behind the censer which is before the Sun-God The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • The dromos, or avenue of sphinxes, was carpeted with palm and nelumbo leaves, and copper censers as large as caldrons had been set at equidistance from one another, and an unceasing reek of aromatics drifted up from them throughout the day. The Yoke A Romance of the Days when the Lord Redeemed the Children of Israel from the Bondage of Egypt
  • Mendicorum, et eorum qui ad hos proximè accedunt, omnia cibaria recensere aut examinare haud facile est, nec quod illos edere, aut edisse, extrema aliquando coegit necessitas, reliquæ genti cibariorum genera aut numerum præscribere fas est. A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
  • As the fragrant incense rose from the censer and the holy water sprinkled the snow-white pall that bore the Red Cross, one dreadful word lurked sinister in every thought: The Dop Doctor
  • Hollow-out censer in pea green to bake with glaze and become, a sphere tank shape, .
  • These souls appeared "under the altar," that is, _at the foot of the altar_, being the same as that described in chap. 8: 3 -- "And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer, and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. The Revelation Explained
  • The treasury has been converted into a bright little museum of censers, illuminated manuscripts and paintings.
  • It gave the altarpiece an appearance similar to other religious objects made from precious materials, such as reliquaries, censers, patens, and chalices, reminding us of a concept known in economics as ‘substitute acquisition.’
  • On either side are two triangular spaces, with St Gabriel swinging a censer on the right and St Michael offering his sword, on the left.
  • From the abrazier (coal pot), pieces of coals were taken and placed in the thurible (a metal censer, suspended from chains, in which incense is burned) which the Archbishop used to incense the marble crosses and the congregation.
  • Cue the parade of altar boys and priests singing, waving censers and bearing a ceramic Jesus high above their heads.
  • Augustine has placed his bishop's mitre on the altar table and propped his crosier and a censer on either side.
  • Nils (places a box on the floor, opens it, and begins to take out aspersorium, censer, chrismatory, palms, and candles). Master Olof : a Drama in Five Acts
  • The bishop is represented as in the act of benediction, with a pastoral staff, and in full pontificals; his head is shown as resting on a cushion, and is surmounted by a trefoil arch with a crocketed gable, and a censer-bearing angel on each side. Ely Cathedral
  • One further question… I now need to know where to get a good quality censer to burn incense in, and an oil lamp as well.
  • They had put on other cloaks of thin stuff which floated round them in ample folds; they carried censers in their hands and censed with great reverence the Child and the Blessed Virgin and St. Joseph and the whole cave, withdrawing afterwards with low obeisances. The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • The crumpling ash from the incense could be heard melding inside the censer.
  • This piece, also composed of scrap metal and recycled car and motorcycle parts, depicts a priest holding what appears to be a censer, commonly used in Catholic Mass.
  • His days were spent in inspecting the censers, the gold vases, the tongs, the rakes for the ashes of the altar, and all the robes of the statues down to the bronze bodkin that served to curl the hair of an old Tanith in the third aedicule near the emerald vine. Salammbo
  • Fender, 52, carries it high over the ground and loose in his hands, like a priest holding the censer while dispensing incense in church.
  • [3664] when thou art a dizzard thyself: quod prodest, Pontice, longo stemmate censeri? Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Often during Mass the thurifer swings the censer to incense the congregation, and sometimes that makes me so mad.
  • What advantage is it to be a man, over it is to be a boy at school, if we have only escaped the ferula to come under the fescue of an Imprimatur; if serious and elaborate writings, as if they were no more than the theme of a grammar-lad under his pedagogue, must not be uttered without the cursory eyes of a temporizing and extemporizing licenser? Areopagitica
  • A great chest was filled with the ornaments of the churches -- sacred vessels, such as chalices, patens, monstrances, censers, chrismatories, etc. -- which we have now most carefully returned to their owners; so that your Reverence was enabled to fill four floats with these ornaments, in the solemn procession which his Lordship held in Manila on Trinity Sunday, in thanksgiving to God for the victory. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 27 of 55 1636-37 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
  • Mendicorum, et eorum qui ad hos proxim� accedunt, omnia cibaria recensere aut examinare haud facile est, nec quod illos edere, aut edisse, extrema aliquando coegit necessitas, reliqu� genti cibariorum genera aut numerum pr鎠cribere fas est. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The treasury has been converted into a bright little museum of censers, illuminated manuscripts and paintings.
  • A deep brown Yixing teapot featuring an ancient censer was said to have been made at the beginning of the 20th century.
  • The dromos, or avenue of sphinxes, was carpeted with palm and nelumbo leaves, and copper censers as large as caldrons had been set at equidistance from one another, and an unceasing reek of aromatics drifted up from them throughout the day. The Yoke A Romance of the Days when the Lord Redeemed the Children of Israel from the Bondage of Egypt
  • A pungent mix of sage and frankincense fumes away in a censer on the front counter, while in the back, a row of nervous customers await their consultation with Obaike, the in-house santero, or spirit doctor.
  • It was a sunless afternoon, and the picture was all in monastic shades of black and white and ashen grey: the sick under their earth-coloured blankets, their livid faces against the pillows, the black dresses of the women (they seemed all to be in mourning) and the silver haze floating out from the little acolyte's censer. Fighting France
  • The archangels carry the attributes of officiating clergy at the Mass of the Dead, Michael the cross, Gabriel the censer, and Raphael the book.
  • Crenellated ornament occurs from the early fourteenth century onwards, as on the silver Ramsey Abbey censer of c.1325.
  • But she could smell the fragrance more strongly than ever, rising out of the pyramid like incense from a mountainous censer. GALILEE
  • The contents of the temple storehouse as given by the 883 Register indicate a majority of ritual goods such as urns, bowls, censers, and other altar implements.
  • Rooms were hazed with the fumes from the keproot pipes of the addicted and fuggy with the smell of the resins smouldering in the censers. Rogue Rainlord
  • Every year on St Paul's day, while the soloist on the ambo sang the melodies of the fourth vigiliary responsory, the Pope, entering, as we have said, into the camera confessionis, withdrew the censer - which had been let down through the hole on to the tomb of the apostle at this same Office in the preceding year, and introduced another also full of burning incense. The Station at St Paul
  • The bishop is represented as in the act of benediction, with a pastoral staff, and in full pontificals; his head is shown as resting on a cushion, and is surmounted by a trefoil arch with a crocketed gable, and a censer-bearing angel on each side. Ely Cathedral
  • I’ll tell you what, you thin man in a censer, I will have you as soundly swinged for this, — you blue-bottle rogue, you filthy famished correctioner, if you be not swinged, I’ll forswear half-kirtles. The second part of King Henry the Fourth
  • In the northeast corner of the tomb was a small votive vessel filled with ocher, next to it more ocher, a stone pestle, and three objects made from the metacarpals of animals; in the northwest corner archaeologists found a bronze knife and a long bronze awl broken in half; in the southwest corner were two vessels covered with stone lids; and in the southeast corner, archaeologists were surprised to find a censer of a type commonly found in later so-called catacomb burials that had been placed upside down. Caucasus Kurgan Cache
  • A thurible (for my non-high-church readers) is also called a censer, the incense pot on the end of chains, used in worship. Trinityboy Diary Entry
  • What advantage is it to be a man over it is to be a boy at school, if we have only escaped the ferula to come under the fescue of an Imprimatur? if serious and elaborate writings, as if they were no more than the theme of a grammar-lad under his pedagog, must not be uttered without the cursory eyes of a temporizing and extemporizing licenser? Plea for the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing
  • “It's called a censer and it's silver, not steel,” he says, just to show how smart he is. Midnight Mass
  • The priest has passed down the aisle and sprinkled the Holy Water over us with the aspergil, the boys bearing the censers, preceding him have passed from sight with him behind the dark curtain at the Chancel door; there is a shuffling noise of the departing worshipers and I am alone. A Napa Christchild; and Benicia's Letters
  • Figures and devices were painted and displayed on saddles, bridles, and collars, on censers, on goblets and cups, and flagons, on dishes and ewers, in tents, on curtains and on chairs, and upon all articles and utensils.
  • Fili carissime, digne censeri videtur filius, qui, paternos in bonis mores imitans, piam ejus nititur exequi voluntatem; nec proprie sibi sumit nomen heredis, qui salubribus predecessoris affectibus non adherit: Cupientes igitur, ut piam affectionem et scinceram delectionem, quam erga monasterium de Melros, ubi cor nostrum ex speciali devotione disposuimus tumularidum, et erga The Abbot
  • If you're wondering what to do in that pottery class you signed up for, a censer is a brilliant project.
  • And, in general, dikaousthai is “jus in judicio auferre;” and dikaiōsai is “justum censere, declarare pronuntiare;” and how in the Scripture it is constantly opposed unto The Doctrine of Justification by Faith
  • It seems to show the wing of an angel swinging a censer, and the head of another angel with its halo.
  • They are swinging the censer, and through the perfumed smoke they chant together,
  • ‘Above all are their riches displayed in the church treasures; for there is not a parish church… so mean as not to possess crucifixes, candlesticks, censers, patens and cups of silver’.
  • Gratias habo igitur omines quis pro fabula mea censerunt; enim, historia alterna “Quaestiones super caelo et mundo.” April 30th, 2008
  • Behind the pair, an old man followed, swinging a censer in their wake.
  • (Statue of Shamash), thou shalt place thereon 4 jugs of sesame wine, thou shalt set thereon 3 x 12 loaves of wheat, thou shalt add a mixture of honey and butter and sprinkle with salt: a table thou shalt place behind the censer which is before the Storm-God (Statue of Adad) and behind the censer which is before Merodach. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • And after the second veil, the tabernacle which is called the holiest of all; Ex. 26. 31-33 which had the golden censer, Ex. 30. 1-6 and the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold, Ex. 25. 10-16 wherein was the golden pot that had manna, Ex. 16.33 and Aaron's rod that budded, Num. Hebrews 9.
  • The censer is a piece of church furniture in constant use in the Russia As Seen and Described by Famous Writers
  • The Kyrie-Christe eleison, the Sanctus and the Agnus Dei are repeated three times in the course of a Low Mass and in addition, in the course of a High Mass, the censer is swung three times to waft incense over altar, servers and people.

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