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How To Use Celibacy In A Sentence

  • Celibacy, as commonly understood, is therefore a meaningless parody or travesty of the true formula.
  • Celibacy is also heralded as a sign of the reign of God and of the resurrection.
  • In the East, moreover, the subdiaconate has remained a minor order; in the West it was gradually detached from the minor orders, on account of its higher liturgical functions and also because of the vow of celibacy it called for. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • This experience may in part have influenced her commitment to making celibacy a central pillar of Shaker religious practice.
  • Minor, against prayers for the dead, veneration of relics, candles in the day-time, the merit of celibacy, the need of fasting, the observance of days, difference in future rewards, the defectibility of the regenerate, and the divine origin of episcopacy. Historical Sketches, Volume I (of 3) The Turks in Their Relation to Europe; Marcus Tullius Cicero; Apollonius of Tyana; Primitive Christianity
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  • He took a lifelong vow of brahmacharya celibacy. Times, Sunday Times
  • So common was lifelong celibacy and so little accepted were Freudian theories about the dominance of the sexual impulse, that nobody questioned these celibates or looked at them askance.
  • It may indeed not be essential one marry at all: one may choose celibacy to satisfy a special calling, or out of widowhood, necessity of age or physical condition, or simply according to disposition.
  • There are calls to do away with clerical celibacy and admit women to priestly functions.
  • It is the first time the church has had a pro-gay group campaigning within its ranks and the stage is set for a bruising battle with traditionalists, who advocate celibacy for homosexuals.
  • It is my understanding that the current debate preserves monastic celibacy within the religious orders, just as it does for the Eastern Church.
  • We should not have to apologize for a vow of celibacy.
  • One must therefore reject the notion that an argument for celibacy is a futile gesture, foredoomed to failure.
  • While traditionally this age is a prescription for study, discipline and strict celibacy, brahmacharya in a broader context, and well beyond youth, means self-control or self-restraint in our dealings with the many distractions of our daily lives, be they physical, emotional or mental. Suhag A. Shukla, Esq.: Hindu Niyamas: Ancient Resolutions for New Years
  • Some of the early church fathers used to argue that marriage was more of a sacrifice than celibacy.
  • As you might suspect, Quinn grows to like being in glee club more than her high-maintenance cheerleading career and presidency of the Celibacy Club. Gleeful
  • The Catholic Church is hierarchically organized; the seal of confession has often been operative in cases of clerical as well as lay miscreancy, and is reinforced by professional clubbiness; and among those who commit themselves to lifelong celibacy, a certain amount of severe psychosexual immaturity is only to be expected. Archive 2007-01-01
  • The book does not say that Gandhi was untrue to his pursuit of total celibacy, and even handles the subject of his "experiments" in later years of sharing a bed or hard floor with young female companions to test his self-mastery quite sensitively. Vamsee Juluri: Gandhi: The Truth
  • The Shakers are a UTOPIAN GROUP known for their austere, utilitarian, architecture and furnishing which practice CELIBACY and communal living. Concise Dictionary of Religion
  • In the seventeenth century, the enforced celibacy of daughters and cadets already caused by the dowry inflation was further exacerbated by primogeniture and the triumph of the patrilineal family.
  • The bias against celibacy prevents the emergence of a distinctive caste of female religious comparable to the nuns and abbesses of the Christian West.
  • This has, indeed, been advanced as an official reason for the enforcement of celibacy among priests.
  • Although the retreat will not make them monks, they will still be required to take the same strict vows, including no intoxicants and a vow of celibacy.
  • Two questions discussed during Bolzano's time and once again topical at present are those concerning the indissolubility of marriage and concerning celibacy. Slices of Matisse
  • Marriage was clearly not undertaken unadvisedly or wantonly, and celibacy was commonplace.
  • Celibacy, azyme bread, and so on are Latin customs that no one thinks of forcing on them. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • Hence the stern enforcement of the celibacy of the clergy; hence the struggle against the secularisation of the spiritualty, and specially against simony; hence the monastic discipline of the priests. Monasticism: Its Ideals and History and The Confessions of St. Augustine
  • It's disturbing that someone apparently self-identified as a seminarian has chosen to hijack a blog post about the problem of homosexuality in the priesthood in order to argue in favor of married priests and optional celibacy, as if that will stop bishops from choosing to ordain homosexuals contrary to Church law. The "homosexualization" of the clergy in Latin America
  • Nowhere in the three articles does one find a reflection on what celibacy can do for the ministerial priesthood, or for the priest himself.
  • As a form of asceticism, celibacy's heroic demands are more at home with a hermit in the desert or a monk in a monastery than with a priest ministering in today's highly charged sexual atmosphere.
  • Each peahen is on a treadmill and dare not jump off lest she condemn her sons to celibacy.
  • The early Church saw a debate between the proponents of chastity and celibacy.
  • Students choose among three sexual lifestyles: celibacy, monogamy, and free experimentation.
  • The opening programme has a brief section in which the novices question a monk on celibacy but, at the risk of the sin of prurience, I wanted to know more about the dynamics of living in a community of men.
  • For the Buddha's monks this meant a life of mendicancy, of poverty but not of self-mortification, of celibacy and of gentle honesty.
  • But Paulina made a private vow of celibacy, and she kept alive the dream of nunhood. Women of God
  • The singles scene today is glutted with people who are not committed to extramarital celibacy, and a great deal of prudence, tact, and self-control is needed by anyone who wants to have a nonsexual dating life.
  • Celibacy is perfectly acceptable, although rare.
  • On a spring day in 1944, two seminarians chatted about ordination to the diaconate with its commitment to celibacy, scheduled for the following morning in the seminary chapel.
  • As if there is any alternative to "institutionalised" celibacy in a religious institution besides married and/or unchaste priests The "homosexualization" of the clergy in Latin America
  • As to marriage or celibacy, let a man take which course he will, he will be sure to repent. Socrates 
  • In 1920 a group of dissident priests formed a schismatic Czechoslovak Church after the Vatican rejected their demands for such reforms as the use of the vernacular in the liturgy and voluntary clerical celibacy.
  • (heedless of corruption though,) step by step, through past antiquity, to the very feet of the Founder; keen casuists, competent to prove any point of conscience or objection, and that indisputably, for they climax all by the high authority of Popes and councils that cannot be deceived: pious treatises and manuals, verily of flaming heat, for they mingle the yearnings of a constrained celibacy with the fervencies of worship and the cravings after God. Probabilities : An aid to Faith
  • Condemned to celibacy because married servants were expensive and inconvenient, their proverbial cupidity arose as often as not from saving to buy themselves out of service and into family life.
  • Particularly in the contemporary, because of the sex scandals of priests and the lack of priests, Sacerdotal Celibacy becomes a hot topic again.
  • Millions of people have chosen or been forced into celibacy through religious circumstances or not getting married or simply being asexual in their orientation.
  • They must also abstain from intoxicating drinks or drugs, and live a life of celibacy.
  • I vividly remember reporting the 1971 Synod on the ministerial priesthood when influential voices were calling for an end to the celibacy rule.
  • During the ceremony they will commit themselves to celibacy, obedience to the church and to a life of prayer and service.
  • Old Delashelwilt and his women still remain they have formed a camp near the fort and seem to be determined to lay close sege to us but I beleive notwithstanding every effort of their wining graces, the men have preserved their constancy to the vow of celibacy which they made on this occasion to Capt C. and myself. we have had our perogues prepared for our departer, and shal set out as soon as the weather will permit. the weather is so precarious that we fear by waiting untill the first of April that we might be detained several days longer before we could get from this to the Cathlahmahs as it must be calm or we cannot accomplish that part of our rout. The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806
  • Some of its members have vocally criticized the church's opposition to abortion and the canonical regulation on priestly celibacy, although the organization takes no official position on either issue.
  • This has, indeed, been advanced as an official reason for the enforcement of celibacy among priests.
  • The Rev.Dr. Thomas Robert Malthus, who in 1798 issued the first of those works which exemplified what is called the Malthusian doctrine, also advocated celibacy or absolute continence until middle age. Woman and the New Race
  • Celibacy is something many have to face for various good, sometimes admirable, reasons.
  • At the same time, a life of dedicated celibacy would be properly respected and maintained in religious life and among those diocesan clergy who freely choose it.
  • Yet many of our opponents argue that we ought to forsake sexual intimacy in favor of celibacy.
  • What waited them at the end of such perilous journey was a life of celibacy, near total isolation from home, and an inimical climate.
  • Pallotti offers this bit of ecclesiastical hokum as it if it made perfect, pious sense: the point of the program isn't celibacy "as much as creating what they call a chaste kind of life. The Full Feed from
  • Condemned to celibacy because married servants were expensive and inconvenient, their proverbial cupidity arose as often as not from saving to buy themselves out of service and into family life.
  • The Shakers were a little unusual--any sect that chooses celibacy for ALL its members is going to have a challenging time reproducing itself--but I admire their love of simplicity. Archive 2005-05-01
  • Thus the self-gift entailed by celibacy "consecrates" as a space for grace and service what would otherwise be a mere absence, a hole in one's being. Holy Thursday: God or the Girl?
  • The Peter-Dale affair is spicy enough, but Melanie's on-again, off-again fling with a younger reporter is rather coyly handled, and the glamorous president seems doomed to celibacy. Review of "Eighteen Acres," a political thriller by Nicolle Wallace
  • In reply to the inquiry as to a _priest's wife_, p. 77 Number 5, I would suggest that married persons may have separated, and retired each into the celibacy of a convent, yet might join, when necessary, in a legal conveyance; but I should examine closely the word deciphered Notes and Queries, Number 07, December 15, 1849
  • People in some religious orders take a vow of celibacy.
  • Other males and male offspring have no recourse but either to accept celibacy, look elsewhere, or kill the father.
  • This last practice is objectionable too, as encouraging celibacy, and the disinherison of heirs. — The Jeffersonian Cyclopedia
  • One might say that celibacy has become the last sexual perversion in America.
  • So it was a husband's sacred duty not to refuse her on that day even if he were practising celibacy.
  • Gregory VII did more than any previous Pope to enforce clerical celibacy.
  • As with the women, however, the fear of becoming reinfected and compromising their health as well as the fear of infecting others were commonly cited explanations for celibacy.
  • If you are struggling with celibacy like this, maybe active ministry isn't where you should be?
  • His attachment to the vow of celibacy takes overriding precedence over everything else, including the public weal.
  • Such unintentional romances signal the "unnaturalness" of celibacy, for the priest cannot resist the call of love and desire once exposed to the right woman. The Little Professor:
  • As if there is any alternative to "institutionalised" celibacy in a religious institution besides married and/or unchaste priests. . . The "homosexualization" of the clergy in Latin America
  • My main point, as some people have brought up, is that this is not a "pedophile crisis" it's not an "ephebophile crisis" it's not a "gay crisis"'s a crisis with priests breaking celibacy in general. The "homosexualization" of the clergy in Latin America
  • Marriage has many pains, says Johnson in Rasselas, but celibacy has no pleasures.
  • He didn't advise out-and-out celibacy but he cautioned that erotic energy can be surrendered too freely during this or that sort of romp.
  • And the only reason I might know this is because I devoured (not literally; paper yum!) the book that goes behind some of the mysteries of the Da Vinci code and this was mentioned as a possible reason for his celibacy .. ancient magicians would write voces magicae (words of power) on pieces of papyri with ink and then consume the pieces, believing that they would absorb the power of the words … Think Progress » Family at the center of Florida’s battle over gay adoption attends the White House Easter Egg Roll.
  • This has, indeed, been advanced as an official reason for the enforcement of celibacy among priests.
  • In Finding the Treasure, Sandra Schneiders defines a nun's life as "the total commitment to Christ in lifelong consecrated celibacy lived in community and mission. Women of God
  • Our vows are not of celibacy or self-denial, but of temperance and self-moderation.
  • Many, perhaps most, seminarians who believe they are being called to priesthood do not have a charism for celibacy - a graced aptitude for consecrated single life.
  • The problem isn't celibacy, "institutionalised" or not. The "homosexualization" of the clergy in Latin America
  • Their enumeration among abuses, in the second place, of the celibacy of the clergy, and the manner in which their priests marry and persuade others to marry, are verily matters worthy of astonishment, since they call sacerdotal celibacy an abuse, when that which is directly contrary, the violation of celibacy and the illicit transition to marriage, deserves to be called the worst abuse in priests. The Confutatio Pontificia
  • If we honestly believed that any of this stuff was true then most of us would have been so disappointed by now that we'd have joined a monastery and taken a vow of celibacy.
  • Nicetas Pectoratus (Niketas Stethatos in Greek), a monk of Studion, against azyme bread, fasting on Saturday, and celibacy. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • It is therefore surprising that the good Bishop has now reportedly turned his back on his wife of three months and rededicated his life to the Catholic Church and the celibacy vows.
  • Certainly some men who might make good priests cannot in honesty undertake a vow of celibacy, and so are lost.
  • Some of the early church fathers used to argue that marriage was more of a sacrifice than celibacy.
  • Timothy (though not having the name) exercised the power at Ephesus then, which bishops in the modern sense more recently exercised. blameless -- "unexceptionable"; giving no just handle for blame. husband of one wife -- confuting the celibacy of Rome's priesthood. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The Vatican's positions on sexuality have the effect of rendering sex itself even in marriage appear, if not intrinsically unholy, then at least far less holy than celibacy, abstention or asexuality. Michele Somerville: A Pro-Life Prayer On The Anniversary Of Roe v. Wade
  • Increasing emphasis on celibacy in tenth and eleventh-century English reform may have been a factor making direct kinship between bishops or abbots and kings rarer here, though that did not apply to abbesses and nunneries.
  • Male and female members of religious orders took a vow of chastity and ordained priests were obligated to celibacy.
  • In his archdiocesan magazine in early March 2010 the Cardinal said that the question of priest celibacy and the question of personality development needed to be looked at by the Vatican. Christopher Brauchli: Papal Critics
  • Sexual fidelity and honoring one's word (whether this involves a vow of marriage or a commitment to celibacy) go to the heart of who we are.
  • Without it, the choice is between celibacy or the constant risk of maternity.
  • Living arrangements, work arrangements, and lack of transportation all probably contributed to the self-perpetuating nature of celibacy for virgins and singles.
  • But before you join a religious order and attempt to purify yourself, remember that the Vatican has determined that the celibacy rule is nonnegotiable.
  • Catholic priests take a vow of celibacy.
  • In September 1998, one of the members of an on-line discussion group for involuntary celibates approached the first author via e-mail to ask about current research on involuntary celibacy.

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