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How To Use Celerity In A Sentence

  • The overwhelming celerity with which the everyday perpetually transforms its packaging, the excessively rapid turnover of signs has condensed our historical perspective.
  • This natural wit consisteth principally in two things: celerity of imagining Leviathan
  • Gerald Muspratt, a coffee planter, whose estate was situate some twelve miles distant, in the adjoining county of Victoria; and, the acquaintance ripening over the after-dinner coffee, with that breathless celerity which is one of the most charming characteristics of the The Adventures of Dick Maitland A Tale of Unknown Africa
  • The newly-married woman attends to the personal belongings of her happy possessor with the celerity which is taught in classes for "First Aid to the Injured. The Spinster Book
  • _Festina lente_ -- celerity should be contempered with cunctation. Daniel Deronda
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  • I recall the celerity with which he used to kick them off at sundown. The Complete Project Gutenberg Writings of Charles Dudley Warner
  • Upon the left, Brigadier Wilson, with Her Majesty's 53rd and the 30th Native Infantry equalled in celerity and regularity their comrades on the right; and this brigade was opposed to the 'Aieen' troops, called Avitabile's, when the fight was fiercely raging. The Autobiography of Liuetenant-General Sir Harry Smith, Baronet of Aliwal on the Sutlej, G. C. B.
  • The exquisite feminine beauty of her countenance, now shaded only by a profusion of sunny tresses; the sylph-like form, disencumbered of her heavy riding-skirt and mantled in azure silk; the grace of her manner and of her smile, cleared, with a celerity which surprised the Master himself, all the gloomy and unfavourable thoughts which had for some time overclouded his fancy. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • Second, he used the word celerity in conversation. Obama And The Black Elite
  • In the columns gathered here, he throws around words like ‘ennui,’ ‘elan,’ ‘celerity,’ ‘phlebitic,’ and ‘riposte’ like an SAT test-prep instructor.
  • The exquisite feminine beauty of her countenance, now shaded only by a profusion of sunny tresses; the sylph-like form, disencumbered of her heavy riding-skirt and mantled in azure silk; the grace of her manner and of her smile, cleared, with a celerity which surprised the Master himself, all the gloomy and unfavourable thoughts which had for some time overclouded his fancy. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • On the premise of achieving the intention of the safe testing, people now are searching for new means with celerity , high efficiency and succinctness.
  • Though the camel is a heavy beast of burden, the dromedary, which is either of the same or of a kindred species, is used by the natives of Asia and Africa on all occasions which require celerity. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • : ­ Fleshly Recede: ­ Go back, withdraw ced, cess to yield, to go Antecedent: ­ That which goes before process, go farward Celerity: ­ Swiftness Decelerate: ­ Reduce celer swift Swiftness Accelerate: ­ Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • &c. what fury is that, saith [3101] Dr. Gilbert, satis animose, as Cabeus notes, that shall drive the heavens about with such incomprehensible celerity in twenty-four hours, when as every point of the firmament, and in the equator, must needs move (so [3102] Clavius calculates) 176,660 in one Anatomy of Melancholy
  • One of his methods of conveying this celerity is an increasing use of enjambment, and his admission that he translated the cantos roughly in order allows readers to witness the growing importance of capturing these quick rhythms.
  • An individual's crime calculus is influenced by three factors: certainty, severity, and celerity of punishment.
  • Give all your motions, too, an air of douceur, which is directly the reverse of their present celerity and rapidity. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • Buy onlength from us and we'll celerity your bindle aural 24 hours for f4da397e94baneful evil1ea23f936b5502ace17 acutect to your home or toil ghd hair aligners calefaction up in a accessible-to-go minute, hobite bowl bowls that are beneath damcrumbling to hot hair, allowance to anticipate that all - annoying coil. Voxilla VoIP Forum
  • He took his time about it: celerity had no part in the due processes of the law. A DEAD LIBERTY
  • Celerity ought to be contempered with cunctation.
  • And "there is no doubt," therefore, "that his exaggerated boldness and 'celerity' in decision making contributed to the American plunge into what General Omar Bradley was later to call 'frankly a great military disaster' and 'the wrong war, in the wrong place, at the wrong time, with the wrong enemy."' 'The New War Over Hiroshima': An Exchange
  • Coerced abstinence reflects a shift in emphasis from the severity of potential sanctions for continued drug use to a focus on the certainty and celerity of consequences of use as the primary mechanism for changing offender behavior.
  • She knows how to pack the energy inside her lines and irregular stanzas with startling celerity and agility.
  • It's good that the hits on McCain are substantive and fact based, rather then simply making character assertions like McCain's "celerity" ads, these bring factual evidence to the table. New Obama Ad Hits McCain On Number-Of-Houses Gaffe
  • From the celerity with which the headwaiter approached her I decided she must be very rich or very distinguished. LION IN THE VALLEY
  • The neutral stability curves and the character parameters are given, including the temporal and spatial growth rate, the critical wave number, the maximum wave number and the wave celerity.
  • Nowhere does fear do its work with more celerity and less constraint than in the financial markets, which often flee even from their own shadows.
  • For marvellous was the ease and beauty with which these ships went through their nautical movements; now as in chase of each other, now approaching as in conflict, veering off, darting aside, threading as it were a harmonious maze, gliding in and out, here, there, with the undulous celerity of the serpent. Pausanias, the Spartan The Haunted and the Haunters, an Unfinished Historical Romance
  • Celer rushed away from Rome, fearing vengeance, and did not rest until he had reached the limits of Etruria, and that his name became the synonym for quickness, so that men swift of foot were called _Celeres_ by the Romans, just as we still speak of "celerity," meaning rapidity of motion. The Story of Rome from the Earliest Times to the End of the Republic
  • The forage and baggage came into camp promptly, and this contributed greatly to celerity of movement and comfort for man and beast.
  • Give all your motions, too, an air of 'douceur', which is directly the reverse of their present celerity and rapidity. Complete Project Gutenberg Earl of Chesterfield Works
  • All my heart, all my affection, all my admiration, went out spontaneously to this frisky little forked black thing, this compact and compressed incarnation of energy and force and promptness and celerity and confidence, this smart, smily, engaging, shiney-eyed little devil, feruled on his upper end by a gleaming fire-coal of a fez with a red-hot tassel dangling from it. Following the Equator, Part 5
  • But the defenders have a way of massing upon each point thus attacked, and that with a celerity which is truly marvellous, and the result is the same. The Sign of the Spider

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