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How To Use Celebrate In A Sentence

  • The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is a significant holiday celebrated in China, and the one with the longest history. The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated by boat races in the shape of dragons. Competing teams row their boats forward to a drumbeat racing to reach the finish end first.
  • Harte fired the ball into the bottom corner before heading for the corner flag to celebrate.
  • When my sister taught at a junior school they celebrated all the religious festivals.
  • The Museum is looking to host exhibitions that celebrate major technological breakthroughs and the people behind them.
  • On the occasion of his 95th birthday, the city of Paris celebrates his work with an exhibition in the hall of the Hôtel-de-Ville, retracing 75 years of his career, with stories and reminiscences by the artist.
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  • The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is a significant holiday celebrated in China, and the one with the longest history. The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated by boat races in the shape of dragons. Competing teams row their boats forward to a drumbeat racing to reach the finish end first.
  • Fr. Stephen celebrated fifty years as a priest recently and the occasion was marked by the concelebration of Mass in St. Patricks Church, Clonbur on last Friday evening.
  • Eid al Fitr in Oman is celebrated over a period of three days after the end of the month of Ramadan. Global Voices in English » Oman: Eid on Twitter
  • Be happy, be cheerful.It's time to celebrate.My friend was born today.Hope your course is charted for lots of luck all the year through.
  • They are completely unaware of who this monument celebrates or what its significance is; yet the image's resonance is not lost on its audience.
  • No individual hero is celebrated in The Four Days, no single villain vilipended.
  • A celebrated public speaker, he established the tradition of commemorative oratory in the United States.
  • Kaysersberg; finally, in one of the vestries is the epitaph, in german verses, of the celebrated printer John Mentelin of Historical Sketch of the Cathedral of Strasburg
  • Wisconsin amassed 311 yards and a 17-0 lead in the first half, leaving little doubt that Alvarez would get to celebrate another big win.
  • The relay offers an opportunity for millions of people to be directly involved in the games and celebrate the Queen's 50 years as British sovereign.
  • This year, Artweek celebrates its tenth anniversary, and events have a distinctly cosmopolitan flavour.
  • As you prepare to celebrate Christmas, remind yourself that life itself is a celebration. Make each day a celebration! RVM 
  • Tuesday at 3 p.m. place-holders started showing up outside the restaurant Galatoire's to stand in line so their well-heeled patrons can enjoy trout amandine and souffle potatoes Friday during the celebrated pre-Fat Tuesday fest. Archive 2005-02-01
  • Medieval parties to celebrate saints' days would often descend into chaos or a protest.
  • But marketing alone cannot explain why "onanism" and related terms began to show up in the great eighteenth-century encyclopedias or why one of the most influential physicians in France, the celebrated Samuel Auguste David Tissot, took up the idea of masturbation as a dangerous illness or why Tissot's 1760 work, L'Onanisme, became an instant European literary sensation. Me, Myself, and I
  • frolicsome students celebrated their graduation with parties and practical jokes
  • Annie also joined in a singalong at her party, which staff organised to celebrate her big day.
  • At the height of the craze, I stood on the North Bank at Highbury in a forest of bananas, watching awestruck as they celebrated another goal going in by either bopping your neighbour over the head, or simply chucking the thing in the air.
  • Having always celebrated the anniversary of their first meeting, once they tie the knot they then have another anniversary to remember.
  • The 47th Annual Columbus Day Parade was held in New York city this week starting from October 11 to celebrate the spirit of exploration that inspired Christopher Columbus's 1492 expedition.
  • But she said: ‘I had gone to celebrate a friend's birthday and all of a sudden was drawn into some depraved sex show.’
  • More events are planned, as villagers celebrate their unique and historic home.
  • As we celebrate this milestone anniversary, transitioning to third-generation family leadership and innovation are keys to continuing success in serving retailers nationwide," says Joe Cory, Sr., said a spart of the announcement. Dealerscope News
  • Having proved myself the fount of all world knowledge, I returned Lisa to Brighton on Tuesday evening, in time for our 7 month anniversary on Wednesday, a landmark we celebrated with a visit to the drive-thru McDonalds.
  • Celebrate life. Unless you celebrate each day of life, you are not truly living. Let each day be a festival of joy. RVM 
  • Colmar music "Colmar International Festival" this year celebrates the creative relationship between violinist Jacques Thibaud and pianist Marguerite Long with 26 concerts, including works by Brahms and Mozart. What's on Around Europe
  • They urge people to take a sickie or nick off from school to celebrate the disobedience of orders.
  • The word "carol" comes from the Greek "choros," which is a circular dance accompanied by singing, usually to celebrate fertility. Apartment Therapy Main
  • To celebrate, Facebook is giving its 150 million-plus users a mystery virtual gift, such as bongo drums and beer. Macworld
  • ‘Community is celebrated, especially by urban community leaders and activists,’ Patterson writes, but ‘the truth is that Afro-Americans lead the nation in their unconnectedness to community support groups.’
  • Through its use of color and light, the building celebrates a child's sense of joy and fresh discovery and is perfectly scaled for its young users.
  • To celebrate their golden anniversary the couple are planning a relaxing break in Torquay.
  • The Institute of Physics in London have decided to celebrate his birth 100 years ago with a cartoon strip.
  • In 2007, Upper Iowa University will celebrate its sesquicentennial.
  • IDAHO FALLS, Idaho -- In Idaho Falls hundreds came to the Civic Auditorium to celebrate our day of independence by listening to the founding fathers themselves. - Local News 8 - Headlines
  • Kate and Rich congratulated her as they tromped back to the bar to celebrate.
  • The event is held the day after Balinese Hindus celebrate Silence Day.
  • Alfo a vicarage in roth Nov. Here were alfo three celebrated dioc. of Lifmore, fit. in bar. Topographia hibernica : or The topography ofIreland, antient and modern. Giving a complete view of the civil and ecclesiastical state of that kingdom; with its antiquities, natural curiosities, trade, manufactures, extent and population
  • Pericles' celebrated hetaera, Aspasia, came from Miletos. Miletos Tristesse
  • The California measure was killed in committee, but the industry has had little time to celebrate.
  • The year is filled with important religious events, and all localities are identified with patron saints who are celebrated, somewhat competitively, with fireworks and festa pageantry, including processions.
  • She draws on a popular call-and-response song that celebrates agentive female sexuality.
  • Horsemen compete for a goat carcass during a game of Buzkashi to celebrate Nowruz in Mazar-i Sharif in northern Afghanistan on March 21.
  • I danced into the morning to celebrate the coming-of-age of young men and fell asleep in a dark hut while marriages and deaths were commemorated in song.
  • To many people, John XXIII was the Kennedy pope, and Vatican II was his Camelot a glorious, Roman Catholic version of the New Deal and the New Frontier that would move Catholicism from the medieval past into a rosy future of social equality, in which mass would be celebrated in the vernacular, nuns' habits would be modernized, and the popemobile would replace the traditional gestatorial chair as a form of papal transportation. Philocrites: May 2005 Archives
  • Republic Day was also celebrated at all sub division/tehsil/block headquarters of the district. Patriotism & gaiety marked the 61st Republic Day celebrations at Leh & Kargil of Ladakh division
  • These seventeen new pieces by some of the world's leading classicists have been brought together to celebrate the bimillenary of the Horace's death.
  • On July 11, 1961, the Independent State of Katanga celebrated the first anniversary of its independence by opening an 'International Trade Fair' at Elisabethville. The End of White Rule?
  • Men aren't afraid to be soft, girly and foppish and celebrate the inner life.
  • Come celebrate with the young artists in attendance as they inject fresh colour, life, scent, spirit, humour and unselfconscious whimsy into our art scene.
  • Finally, I mentioned earlier the triumphant car hooters being used to celebrate the England win in the World Cup tournament.
  • NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA), and the Baltimore-based Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) have released new pictures from the telescope this week, to celebrate Hubble's anniversary. by sam-kiley April 24, 2010 4: 29 PM EDT coucou .. Breaking News: CBS News
  • Onchocerciasis eliminated from west Africa: Officials from the World Health Organization last week celebrated the elimination of onchocerciasis, or river blindness, as a public health threat in west Africa.
  • Cyril Connolly had been a contemporary at Eton, and painted the most celebrated pen-portrait of the Prime Minister-to-be in 1938.
  • In Friday's pictures, rain slams the Northeast, a man is publicly whipped in Indonesia, India prepares to celebrate Gandhi and more. Photos of the Day: Oct. 1
  • To celebrate Memorial Day, a great ceremony is always held at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery near Washington D.
  • He returned home each year to celebrate Christmas and New Year with his family.
  • It's a day where people celebrate by drinking the worst-tasting beer they can find, wearing ratty blue singlet tops with Australian flags as a cape, eating burnt "snags" from the "barbie" and listening to the Triple J Hottest 100 countdown on the radio from the plush confines of a deck chair placed in a kiddie's wading pool. A List For Australia Day
  • John produced the remains of a bottle of whisky and they all had a dram to celebrate.
  • Pretty much all Christian denominations and traditions celebrate Christmas and so it's a good reminder of our common roots and ancestry.
  • I want this town to melt in delirious euphoria over a World Championship, and celebrate it every day for a year -- New Orleans style. Archive 2007-10-01
  • He celebrated his birthday at a glitzy party in Beverly Hills.
  • Mass for the repose of her soul was celebrated by Father Gilroy after which burial took place in Annagh Cemetery.
  • Lengeling provides tables of the frequency of readings from both Testaments in fourteen Western liturgical books but without indicating where there might be only one such usage on the vigil of a feast not celebrated widely.
  • PRIESSNITZ, the celebrated founder of hydropathy, died at Graefenberg on the 26th of November, at the age of fifty-two. The International Monthly Magazine - Volume V - No II
  • A celebrated playwright of South Africa, Athol Fugard began his career in a courtroom.
  • Just before score time, however, Margaret, a perennial point-lagger, announces: Our story is serious, because we wanted to celebrate pride, we wanted to show ourselves off. 'Dancing with the Stars': Story telling night
  • His Requiem Mass was celebrated in the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
  • I knew I could never return because soon it would cease to exist, along with the lives, emotions and memories of its inhabitants, the ordinary, forgotten, unmourned, uncelebrated people of history.
  • In Mthatha, there will be a youth football tournament, a "heroes marathon" and a seminar to celebrate not only Mandela's 90th birthday but that of another African National Congress veteran Albertina Sisulu as well. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Night birds had started to sing, and crickets to chirp in the grass, as though conspiring to celebrate this reunion. EVERVILLE
  • Some of those unable to get to one of these Tweet-ups are contenting themselves with a glass of something cold at home – indeed, some of the Antipodean members have already celebrated! Online communities meeting offline « pwcom 2.0
  • This, apparently, was the very room from which Monet painted his celebrated views of the Thames and the Houses of Parliament, hung in (acceptable) reproduction around the walls of the pretty, panelled sitting room. The Smartest Hotel in the World
  • But there can seldom have been more fulsome affair than the $275 a head extravaganza last week to celebrate John Howard's 30 years in parliament.
  • I'm doing tons of free giveaways to celebrate my blog's 5th year anniversary.
  • In Britain many were based on parish churches or, especially, Nonconformist chapels; the celebrated Huddersfield Choral Society was founded in 1836.
  • The city is celebrated for its beautiful scenery.
  • Liechtenstein´s national day is celebrated on Assumption Day.
  • More than 30 Beavers, Scouts and Sea Scouts took part in a number of waterborne activities to celebrate the reopening.
  • They also star as Ronnie and Sammi, whose hot/cold romance is celebrated in an impassioned duet with a title unprintable here. NYT > Home Page
  • Bradman hit only one four in front of the wicket on the off, but 14 to the on by means of drives and his celebrated pull.
  • In Profile is intended as a final presentation this year to celebrate 10 years of survival.
  • There will be Mass celebrated on this date at 3pm, in the Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Dublin.
  • But his flashy lifestyle and taste for violence have made him the most feared -- and the most celebrated.
  • The booklet was first published in 1985, the year which celebrated the centenary of the motorcar, and explores the part that Croydon played in its history and development.
  • We have indeed reached some significant milestones around here of late, and it's high time we celebrated with a flagon of ale, a buxom wench or two, and our very first CONTEST on CROM! Archive 2010-03-01
  • What is there to celebrate and explore when my life is so grim?
  • They are an expression of the holiness of the mystery that is being celebrated; of the actio Dei in which we participate. Archive 2009-02-01
  • John Milton, the high-minded creator of "Paradise Lost," along with some of the most celebrated sonnets, elegies and other written works in the English Language, may have also written the decidedly low-minded poem "An Extempore Upon a Faggot. John Lundberg: Scholar Unearths a Dirty Milton Poem
  • It is celebrated with fiestas, parades, and fireworks.
  • People come from everywhere to celebrate the victory.
  • Arab Belly Dance is a religious ceremony from the beginning. It is the expression of nature and human to celebrate fertile women and the mysterious nature.
  • What do you want to do to celebrate our anniversary this year?
  • His work celebrates the energy and enthusiasm of the young.
  • It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership.
  • It all happened just after a celebrated case of incendiarism; the preliminary investigation lasted two days; we were exhausted. The Wife
  • And technology is most celebrated when it is most invisible—when the machinery is completely hidden, combining godlike effortlessness with blissful ignorance about the mechanisms that deliver our disburdened lives. The Secular Prophet
  • Are there in fact two different types of twitter out there - one of them online, 140 characters and a hash tag, recently popularised by the Pope, the other an uncelebrated thing that birds do? Leo Johnson: The two Types of Twitter
  • Some of them express dismay, others celebrate, but all are astonished.
  • Read in studio Britain's first jet fighter, the Gloucester Meteor celebrated it's fiftieth birthday today.
  • This new volume celebrates 10 more years of limited-edition serigraphs that were printed and published from the original artwork of Eyvind Earle.
  • On one shoulder was fixed the painted figure of an owl; and he bore in the right hand his pastoral staff, and in the left a small mirror having a handle to it, thus resembling a celebrated jester, whose adventures, translated into English, were whilom extremely popular, and which may still be procured in black letter, for about one sterling pound per leaf. The Abbot
  • The Association, whose anniversary we celebrate to-night, was founded seven years ago, for the purpose of granting permanent pensions to such of the corps dramatique as had retired from the stage, either from a decline in their years or a decay of their powers. Speeches: Literary and Social
  • Amid the midsummer heat and the excitement in central London, as citizens celebrated Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, the principal contenders were becoming clear.
  • The night before the marathon, the Rosses celebrated their anniversary at an Upper West Side Japanese restaurant, located beneath the apartment where he lived when a podiatry student.
  • In vain he travelled to the most esteemed saints and the most celebrated martyries. Gathering Clouds: A Tale of the Days of St. Chrysostom
  • While homophobia isn't new to pop, why would the Grammys celebrate someone who as recently as October used a slur in bragging to The Jamaica Observer about his war against gays? Grammys goofed up nominees in a few award categories
  • The pair, both 73, decided to quit on the same day they celebrated their golden wedding.
  • In 1853, Bayard Taylor, the most celebrated travel writer in antebellum America (and the subject of chapter 8), was able to visit several of China’s largest coastal cities because, after the Opium War, the Treaty of Nanjing (1842) made such excursions possible by opening up additional ports to foreign intercourse. The Romance of China: Excursions to China in U.S. Culture: 1776-1876
  • He then celebrated in quintessential Paterson style, sprinting away down the line while furiously dabbing.
  • Out of these, when properly pounded together, Guapo intended to make the celebrated "barbasco," or fish-poison, which is used by all the Indians of South America in capturing fish. Popular Adventure Tales
  • He has become celebrated as an artist.
  • On the first weekend in December, La Fiesta de Tumacacori celebrates regional culture with native crafts, foods, and a mariachi mass.
  • Eight and a half years ago, when the oncological bookmakers gave my father three years to live, we sat together in his hospital room and vowed that, if he survived, the two of us would take a trip each year to celebrate his outliving his expiration date by another twelvemonth. Joshuah Bearman: Travels with Wells Tower, or Another Reason Why Magazines Should Hire More Fiction Writers
  • He is even a member of a club called the Boosters, whose sole purpose is to celebrate and vaunt Zenith's virtues wherever possible. Books on Disgrace
  • I have no idea what to do to celebrate, or even if celebration is appropriate.
  • Victor Hugo , 1802 --- 1885 , was a celebrated French literary giant.
  • We always celebrate our wedding anniversary with dinner in an expensive restaurant.
  • “A poor forlorn and ignorant stranger, unacquainted with the very Alcoran of the savage tribe whom you are come to reside among — Never to have heard of Markham, the most celebrated author on farriery! then I fear you are equally a stranger to the more modern names of Gibson and Bartlett?” Rob Roy
  • The film ends with Poles dancing their traditional polonaise to celebrate a military victory over the Russians.
  • The theme will be to celebrate who and what make up the essence of Keighley.
  • Over at the sheep pens, Whittington farmer James Airey celebrated as his two-year-old Suffolk gimmer shearling took the title of supreme sheep champion.
  • They're throwing a big bash to celebrate their anniversary.
  • Is to celebrate the bicentenary of the birth of louis Braille (1809-1852) french inventor of this alphabet for the blind people over the world. France 2009/10 national football team kits
  • There, revelries take place in the cemeteries, as families celebrate the Day of the Dead by actually hosting memorials over the graves of their loved ones. Day of the Dead celebrations across the world (Photos)
  • These days, Midsummer is celebrated with songs, feasts, and dancing around the maypole.
  • First Christian Church recalls storied history, celebrates 100 years Undefined
  • Each year on February 14, lovers around the world celebrate Valentine's Day.
  • In Profile is intended as a final presentation this year to celebrate 10 years of survival.
  • Island families celebrate the day with a picnic of what's best and freshest from the fields and sea. Archive 2008-03-01
  • This exceptional but as yet uncelebrated baritone rejoices in a lean, spinning, perfectly focused tone of unfailing natural beauty and vibrancy, while his grasp of Verdi style and phrasing is all but complete.
  • Join in the fun and celebrate the opening of 1992's Festival.
  • We celebrate September 16, the day when Mexico declared independence from Spain .
  • They were married at Chiseldon, Wiltshire, and recently celebrated their diamond wedding.
  • And, because we are realistic, right-thinking leftists, we understand that interspecies carnivorism is celebrated among Insect-Canadians, adding another community of insect villagers. Summer of the Ants
  • DEAL OF THE WEEK: Riding the waves in Oceanside ESCONDIDO: Man shot near Westside Park EXCLUSIVE: Couple appear to be shoplifting pros on 'Dr. Phil' show SAN PASQUAL VALLEY: Cheetah cub conceived with help of bioacoustics HOUSING: Rents falling as vacancies rise at major complexes Two North County couples celebrate 75th wedding anniversaries in March Escondido Undefined
  • Now I'm all for anything that celebrates blatant carnivorism, and I'd love to see PETA's apoplectic reaction, but come on: I've been inside a Burger King and while the amalgam of scent that assaults your nose may not be quite as revolting as the aforementioned love sweat of the Mongolian Cud-Spitting Yak, it certainly doesn't conjure up images of sweet lovin 'on a plush rug in front of a roaring fire. Scent of Love
  • Such phrases and the music had helped her to recognize again that the one whose birth we celebrate is none other than the one who bears our sorrows and heals our pain.
  • Deciding to choose the positive is to celebrate the birdsong, regardless of the weather.
  • Thousands troop up to the top of the Pyramid of the Sun to celebrate the summer solstice.
  • Like Americans, the South Korean people also celebrate Christmas Day and New Year's Day.
  • The Beatles 'music is timeless, and Rain celebrates that. Jon Chattman: Beatles Nostalgic Trip? Blame It on the "Rain"
  • Action against public disorder should be among the basic policies of any government, taken as a matter of course rather than celebrated as the result of blue-sky thinking.
  • The Coens unashamedly celebrate and aggrandize American culture and sense of place, using it to enhance stories that convey and explore love, betrayal and ambition.
  • TORONTO (AP) - Clutching two paper cups of cola, Denver coach George Karl planned to celebrate New Year's Eve, and his 900th career victory, with something stronger but not bubblier.
  • The bells of the world's only glass and steel belltower will peal for the longest time ever to celebrate the life of a cancer victim.
  • Widely celebrated environmentalist John Todd doesn't promise that his aquatic bioremediation system - a sewage treatment system which involves floating plant islands that purify polluted waters - could live up to its hype in Montreal.
  • The crowd of periwigged heads at the windows — the swearing chairmen round the steps (the blazoned and coronalled panels of whose vehicles denote the lofty rank of their owners), — the throng of embroidered beaux entering or departing, and rendering the air fragrant with the odors of pulvillio and pomander, proclaim the celebrated resort of Burlesques
  • He was known as a zealous puritan, and had given his sister in marriage to the celebrated Edmund Cartwright the leader of the sect. Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth
  • The Philosophical Transactions, * [629] in the last century contain accounts of Cesarean section performed by an ignorant butcher and also by a midwife; and there are many records of the celebrated case performed by Jacob Nüfer, a cattle gelder, at the beginning of the sixteenth century. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • We exalt effortless brilliance, we celebrate talent and the achievement that comes easily, naturally.
  • When in the early 1970s structuralist approaches to understanding human behavior predominated, George mused about Mary Douglas's celebrated analysis of New Guinea subincision rites (the ritual splitting of the penis lengthwise) as an inscription of the bifurcated moiety system on the bifurcated body. Marcelo M. Suarez-Orozco : The Fox
  • Long an object of fervent Gnostic and Hermetic speculations, it was now extolled as the ideal type of the human being, and celebrated accordingly in literature and art, especially among the Symbolists and the Decadents.
  • The summer solstice is a holiday that is celebrated throughout the northern hemisphere. Five Things You Might Not Know About Summer Solstice | myFiveBest
  • The Church of Ireland congregation too had good reason to celebrate during 2004 with the Rededication of the Colliery Church after 175 years since it was first consecrated.
  • Orkney's oldest resident celebrated her birthday on Wednesday, reaching the grand old age of 103.
  • Cards in French and Tagalog . Cards to celebrate Jewish and African - American holidays. Cards for birthdays, and babies.
  • He celebrated later with the team in the locker room, even dabbing with Paul.
  • In 1890 Edward King was tried before Archbishop Edward Benson for ritual practices, after a churchwarden from Cleethorpes witnessed the bishop celebrate the Eucharist at St Peter at Gowts Church in Lincoln. Bishop of the Poor: Edward King reinvented the role of diocesan bishop
  • All villeins and cottars in the Seven Kingdoms gather to celebrate the successful harvests of the summer seasons and to prepare for the coming winter.
  • In 2005, in typical Roadrunner fashion, the label devised a brilliantly inventive way to celebrate its milestone 25th anniversary. Roadrunner Records Latest News
  • So he went to Wheeler's and celebrated in oysters and a half-bottle of champagne. LEFT, RIGHT AND CENTRE
  • In the century and a half that she has stood there, poised to award that outstretched laurel crown, many women who deserve the honours have passed by uncelebrated.
  • Ramesses claimed the victory from this drawn fight, celebrated in monumental funerary temple reliefs still visible at Thebes on the Nile.
  • Duncan and Klein, along with virulently antiprogressive DC schools chancellor Michelle Rhee, are celebrated by politicians and pundits. Arne Duncan: The Darling of the Disruptors and Preserver of the Status Quo
  • Dark corners, shelves, eaves, and window ledges sparkle with lights and decorations that celebrate the year as they annunciate our civility and hope. Tom Gregory: Baby Jesus is Kidnapped in Beverly Hills (Video)
  • The celebrated enameller William Beilby served an apprenticeship in copper enamelling in Birmingham from 1755.
  • A formal ceremony was held to celebrate the anniversary of his death.
  • From the expression on her face, I knew that it wasn't time to celebrate. A KING'S RANSOM
  • If your family celebrates Christmas, then absenting yourself for the day to go and read a book is simply not on.
  • But this Christmas an invitation had come to celebrate with the Bradfords, and he had found her.
  • Celebrate that space bloke fixing his knackered old shuttle by playing the Solar Games.
  • I've celebrated Mass with the Catholics and served as a choir director and cantor.
  • While it would be additionally wonderful were the Mass to be celebrated ad orientem (it will be celebrated versus populum) the use of the original high altar with its ciborium is a spectacular bit of news. Installation of Vincent Nichols to Westminster to be Celebrated at Original High Altar
  • He was in Kansas to celebrate his 74th birthday .
  • To celebrate the popularity of Wake Up Sid, a fashion label collaborated with the film's cast and crew to produce a range of t-shirts with the film's title. All - Digital Spy - Entertainment and Media News
  • It seemed worthwhile sharing some photos taken by Vernon Quaintance from St. Augustine's Abbey in Ramsgate, which shows a recent Mass there in the modern form of the Roman liturgy, which was celebrated on the occasion of the golden jubilee of the monastic profession of the Very Rev. Dom Benedict Austen, OSB this past March 21st, 2009. St. Augustine's Abbey, Ramsgate
  • Read in studio A court has heard how four men murdered the host at a party held to celebrate his own engagement.
  • To celebrate its jubilee, the club is holding a top quality weekend tournament at the Walsall Polytechnic Campus on April 18-20.
  • Though celebrated for her work on Disney's hugely successful "Lion King" musical and on films such as "Frida" and "The Tempest," Ms. Taymor has also frequently been described as a micromanager, accused of devoting all her attention to the details of a production while turning a blind eye to budget. 'Spidey' Director's Role Is Cut
  • Returning to England as "the Heroine of the Crimea", she used personal illness (a disabling condition that Bostridge and his peers identify as brucellosis) to hold her family at bay so as to be free to focus on the business of sanitary and medical reform for which she has become justly celebrated. Books news, reviews and author interviews |
  • Leaders were celebrated for their courage and risk-taking when shaping corporate strategies.
  • He had been out, I believe, in 1715 and 1745, was an active partaker in all the stirring scenes which passed in the Highlands betwixt these memorable eras; and, I have heard, was remarkable, among other exploits, for having fought a duel with the broadsword with the celebrated Rob Roy MacGregor at the clachan of Balquidder. Waverley
  • Her photo exhibit ‘Voices of Women’ celebrates as beautiful a wide variety of images representing women and the feminine.
  • The "embrace" is not for those who disagree about the moral character of homosexual acts and the charade of transgendered manipulations, but for those, like President Obama, who celebrate homosexuality as a worthy equal to heterosexuality (or is it better than heterosexuality??), who insist the only criteria for marriage is "love" (which, for male homosexuals, changes focus often). A couple of thoughts about Obama's "Hey, You're Gay, Hurray!" Day
  • A two day non-residential workshop designed to help you celebrate who you are will be held at the Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Bandra on June 14-15.
  • In the play s celebrated central act they get riotously tipsy as they await the nocturnal arrival of the Gallic Romeo.
  • What's a better way to celebrate than by selling some brand new merchandise in the SA Store?
  • She planned a short stay at/in a hotel to celebrate their anniversary.
  • The service will be attended by pupils from William Cassidy but is open to the whole community to celebrate education.
  • Friends and family gathered and the revellers celebrated into the small hours.
  • On Epiphany morning, the Lutheran-Episcopal full communion will be rendered official and celebrated at Washington's National Cathedral.
  • Another celebrated bandit was the zambo, Jose Rayo. Travels in Peru, on the Coast, in the Sierra, Across the Cordilleras and the Andes, into the Primeval Forests
  • We celebrate because through Jesus Christ we gain access to not just heaven, but to a purposeful and meaningful relationship with Almighty God.
  • Did we laugh and celebrate and dance a hundred jigs?

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