How To Use Ceaseless In A Sentence

  • Many people striving to get through the next fortnight of seemingly ceaseless spending may be tempted to spread the cost with a zero per cent credit card. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hence to entire sincerity there belongs ceaselessness. The doctrine of the mean
  • It is constant and ceaseless in the vast majority of us, as uncritical self-observation will soon reveal.
  • Our life is a movement, a tendency, a steady, ceaseless progress towards an unseen goal.
  • The gods had condemned Sisyphus to ceaselessly rolling a rock to the top of a mountain, whence the stone would fall back of its own weight.
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  • Yes, I know the Internet is a jungle, but as the writer above puts it, life continues to be a "ceaseless struggle to extract moments of goodness and purity from a world of tragedy. Ingrid Hill - An interview with author
  • In his aspect there was a certain dryness, and, altogether, his vivacity, his ceaselessness, and a kind of equability of tone in his voice, reminded me of what Homer says concerning the old men around Priam, above the gate of Troy, how they "chirped like cicalas on a summer day. Adventures Among Books
  • This is a column about New Labour's complete failure to publicise its many progressive achievements, while screeching out its reactionary policies in a ceaseless wail.
  • My childhood and adolescence were a joyous outpouring of energy, a ceaseless quest for expression, skill, and experience. School was only a background to the supreme delight of lessons in music, dance, and dramatics, and the thrill of sojourns in the country, theaters, concerts.
  • The gods had condemned him to ceaselessly roll a rock to the top of a mountain, whence the stone would fall back of its own weight.
  • Heroin addicts leave a trail of destruction behind them in their ceaseless quest for a fix.
  • But arrived 2000 when, walk into an Internet bar casually, computer screen is right the penguin figure annunciate that next horn blink ceaselessly is worn QQ already on the pace drive.
  • One carer alternated between stroking the back of her wheelchair - bound son and fanning herself, ceaselessly.
  • The ceaselessness of the _Volpe_'s pitch and plunge wore at him: unable to find even an hour's respite to recover his energies, Matteo could keep nothing down, found it impossible to maintain his balance, and felt the ship's unnatural motions -- irreconcilable with any human cycle -- begin to ravage him. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • It was a regular antheap all the way in, with the miners crawling over the tree-clad slopes, and the ceaseless thump of picks and scrape of shovels and ring of axes, and ramshackle huts and shanties and sluice-boxes everywhere, with dirty bearded fellows in slouch hats and galluses cussing and burrowing, and claim signs all along Sweetheart Mine, Crossbone Diggings, Damyereyes Gulch, and the like. Isabelle
  • The all-pervading drone and muffled screech of the ceaseless traffic can be heard even when the roads and their traffic cannot be seen.
  • Men were among us by hundreds whom the ceaseless distrustfulness of their governments had followed privately, by means of appointed agents, to our shores. The Woman in White
  • As a result of these gifts he was ever hitting something with either the arrows of speech or the slungshot, which produced a public impression of ceaseless activity and of material accomplishment. The Autobiography of Methuselah
  • the ceaseless tumult of the jukebox was maddening
  • The toy called the biograph, which reflects pictures for us in a dazzling and moving continuity, so that we can see scenes of human life in action, is merely a hint to us that every scene of every life is reflected in a ceaseless moving panorama The Master-Christian
  • Since then, they have ceaselessly prated about alternatives including foreign funded NGOism, job placements in the reactionary government, electoral politics and the like to the armed revolution rather than to the oppressive and exploitative ruling system. Introduction to Philippine Economy and Politics - Jose Maria Sison CPP
  • The lake has unchangeably remained the center of attraction for the people world over-but has unfortunately lost its pristine glory over the years due to the ceaseless encroachments of the avaricious residents.
  • a matter to which he can go forth, and from which he can come in -- a woman's work, of keeping the place of the forthgoing and incoming, is never done, from the very nature and ceaseless importance of it. Debate on Woman Suffrage in the Senate of the United States, 2d Session, 49th Congress, December 8, 1886, and January 25, 1887
  • She's appears to be stuck on some ceaseless, money-grabbing expose-athon, underpinned by savage workaholism, to ensure maximum shock and awe. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our life is a movement, a tendency, a steady, ceaseless progress towards an unseen goal.
  • A handful have been restored, but most have been left to the elements and have been torn apart by the almost ceaseless gales. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Crystal StairAug. 5th, 2008 | 11: 02 pm raecarson gives the skinny here, but the short version (and can the skinny have a short version?) is that "The Crystal Stair," the novelet we co-authored, will be appearing in an upcoming issue (or more likely issues -- I always have issues) of Beneath Ceaseless Skies, the new literary adventure fantasy magazine. Sale! The Crystal Stair
  • His ceaseless energy could therefore be read as undimmed vigour or rising panic, depending on your perspective.
  • His ceaseless sprinting on the wing against the Dutch went some way to copper-fastening his cult status around Lansdowne.
  • The ceaseless ringing in my ear continued throughout today and, as a result, I've felt more than a little perturbed.
  • No sound came to break the quiet of the evening hour save the monotonous plaint of a whippoorwill in a distant brake, and the ceaseless chirm of insects among the leafy boughs and down in the ferns that clustered on the knolls round about. The Golden Dog
  • In my former house, there was this preacher that would be out before 5am every morning waking the whole community up with the ceaseless donging of his bell that was often louder than his voice. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Why can't people understand what a fantastic achievement two-and-a-half years of ceasefire has been, given the ceaseless provocation?
  • There is a ceaseless struggle from noon to night.
  • By no great books or long treatises, but by a ceaseless flow of brevities and repetitions, is the pulverized thought of the world wrought into the soul. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 83, September, 1864
  • And the excess and ceaselessness of it. previous - next I-claudius Diary Entry
  • Its fixed eyes, too, were living gems, and from the point of its dangerous arrowy head the glistening tongue flickered ceaselessly as I stood a few yards away regarding it. Green Mansions
  • Suddenly, the cost of a transatlantic crossing became the product of a single year's hard work, rather than six years of ceaseless labour and desperate saving.
  • Encumbered with the "piccaninny," and wearied with the long ceaseless struggle through the sand, Colin lingered behind his companions. The Boy Slaves
  • He locates it on the edge of a pool where the river flows into the sea and vice versa in a ceaselessly eddying whirlpool.
  • Only the ceaseless exercise of power, especially by the weighty “great powers,” might hold contentious states in tenuous equilibrium. What Would Wilson Do?
  • The caravan of desert travelers came over the ridges of sand, marching ceaselessly under the blazing yellow sun.
  • In a complex and changeful competition environment, select appropriate management site, study competitor ceaselessly.
  • The so-called hermeneutic circle--to understand the whole, you have to grasp the parts, which changes your perception of the whole; to understand a part, you have to grasp the whole, which changes your perception of the part--was not a ceaseless flux. Enowning
  • There is a ceaseless struggle from noon to night.
  • The cityscape was a granite-and-glass mountain range, all glistening peaks and shadowy valleys of ceaseless life, a throbbing, pulsating, never-resting free-for-all of people and ideas and stories just screaming to be told. Sins of Two Fathers
  • There is no privilege here, no escape from the insolent booth attendants, the ceaseless demands of the homeless, and the pungent overcrowding.
  • Who indeed can watch the ceaseless observation, and inquiry, and inference going on in a child's mind, or listen to its acute remarks on matters within the range of its faculties, without perceiving that these powers it manifests, if brought to bear systematically upon studies _within the same range_, would readily master them without help? Essays on Education and Kindred Subjects Everyman's Library
  • A day when we turn our minds from the ceaseless rain to love. Times, Sunday Times
  • My childhood and adolescence were a joyous outpouring of energy, a ceaseless quest for expression, skill, and experience. School was only a background to the supreme delight of lessons in music, dance, and dramatics, and the thrill of sojourns in the country, theaters, concerts.
  • Sure enough, we spent much of the rest of the season cursing the ceaseless rain and wondering why we bothered to sow tomatoes at all. Times, Sunday Times
  • Baudrillard insists that consumption is objectless, the ceaseless acquisition of artefacts that in fact have no end in themselves, and in doing so repeats a theme from Schopenhauer.
  • It was the ceaselessness of the work which tried her so severely, and began to make her wish that she had never some to Flintcomb-Ash. Tess of the d'Urbervilles
  • We had not wasted words at any time, and on remounting, preserved as profound a silence as if we were on a forlorn hope, even the natives intermitting their ceaseless gabble. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • But when they or their rivals, silverweed, burdock, false ragweed, thistles, gumweed, and others usurp the landscape and seem to choke up the very earth and the very air with ceaseless monotony and repetition, then they become an offence to the eye and a reproach to those who tolerate them. Over Prairie Trails
  • The public doesn't expect praise for refraining from pogroms, but nor does it expect ceaseless injunctions to abstain from them.
  • The chief has puffed eyes and dark under-eye circles, thanks to ceaseless barking by stray canines in the vicinity of the Thackeray residence.
  • As the time wore on the men thought ceaselessly about food, they became lethargic, they were cold all the time, they became depressed, they developed bleeding disorders, their ankles became edematous, and some developed more serious psychological disorders. Is a calorie always a calorie? | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • The Crystal Stair" (Part 1 | Part 2), which raecarson and I co-authored, is one of the stories in the first Beneath Ceaseless Skies Reader Poll. The Beneath Ceaseless Skies Reader Poll
  • His ceaseless flow of energy echoes that of the movers and shakers who have lived here before him. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a history of ceaseless, demented innovation: the first time a blue twist of salt was included; the arrival of ready-salted (the sliced bread moment); the cheese-and-onion Tayto; the invention of prawn-cocktail powder; crinkle cut, thick cut, square cut, jacket on, "gourmet," kettle fried ... Britishness Acquires an Extra Crunch
  • A far wider chasm is presented by the production's restless, ceaseless search for gravitas and momentum. Times, Sunday Times
  • The painting commenced on a Tuesday because on the Monday there was ceaseless rain. Times, Sunday Times
  • The same loop has been started at different times on each monitor, in the manner of a ceaseless musical round, or canon.
  • This shortly brought them to a bewitching spring, whose basin was incrusted with a frostwork of glittering crystals; it was in the midst of a cavern whose walls were supported by many fantastic pillars which had been formed by the joining of great stalactites and stalagmites together, the result of the ceaseless water-drip of centuries. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
  • The novel has it all: an ingenious plot, ceaseless suspense, villains galore, tipsy priests, a bull-baiting, a stag hunt, several murders, the horrors of war, a brooding sense of evil and a glittering portrait of a fascinating age. Chasing justice in Henry VIII's England
  • This movie could so easily have descended into schmaltz and saccharine yet instead it is by turns dark, comedic, violent, enlightening, frighteningly real and ceaselessly inspiring and surprising.
  • The characters complain ceaselessly about food queues, prices and corruption.
  • People call out ceaselessly for more nurses, more doctors, more maths teachers, more childcare, more flexitime, more money in retirement, more rights for the disabled, more money for the Third World and lots of new laws to provide them.
  • There had also been found among the German Catholics many men of splendid eloquence and zeal, of holy life and ceaseless labour, such as Tetzel, Johann von Eck, Miltitz, Nausea, Jerome Emser, Julius Pflug, Johann Gropper, who had striven courageously and most effectively on the Catholic side. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • My childhood and adolescence were a joyous outpouring of energy, a ceaseless quest for expression, skill, and experience. School was only a background to the supreme delight of lessons in music, dance, and dramatics, and the thrill of sojourns in the country, theaters, concerts.
  • Much of the success for the development of tamoxifen, goserilin, and anastrozole in the treatment of early or metastatic breast cancer can be attributed to Ian's ceaseless energy and zeal.
  • A far wider chasm is presented by the production's restless, ceaseless search for gravitas and momentum. Times, Sunday Times
  • Playing what I call the betrayal sweepstakes -- a ceaseless denunciation of the administration's failures and missteps -- doesn't get us very far. The 'principled left' Obama needs
  • The ardent flames raged ceaselessly for days, crumbling Troy into dust and so after years of bitterness, strife and wars the Greek had finally defeated the Trojans.
  • You can even detect a water-bug (Gyrinus) ceaselessly progressing over the smooth surface a quarter of a mile off; for they furrow the water slightly, making a conspicuous ripple bounded by two diverging lines, but the skaters glide over it without rippling it perceptibly. Walden
  • Her voice blended in with the howls and shrieks of the senile old crones on the ward, the ones whom a phenothiazine cocktail never seemed to knock out and whose pleas to go home reverberated ceaselessly up and down the halls. Mortal Remains
  • My childhood and adolescence were a joyous outpouring of energy, a ceaseless quest for expression, skill, and experience. School was only a background to the supreme delight of lessons in music, dance, and dramatics, and the thrill of sojourns in the country, theaters, concerts.
  • The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories, 1979 I remember how, that night, I lay awake in my wagon-lit in a tender, delicious ecstasy of excitement, my burning cheek pressed against the impeccable linen of the pillow and the pounding of my heart mimicking that of the great pistons ceaselessly thrusting the train that bore ... Empty Your Heart Of Its Mortal Dream
  • In this microscopic view, experience is revealed as having a foundation of ceaseless activity, of short-lived purposive impulses.
  • People call out ceaselessly for more nurses, more doctors, more maths teachers, more childcare, more flexitime, more money in retirement, more rights for the disabled, more money for the Third World and lots of new laws to provide them.
  • In fact, he refused to be kept from painting ceaselessly until he died at the age of nearly ninety in 1849.
  • God at rest is peace and desirelessness; but God as the Creator is ceaseless activity. Andrew Z. Cohen: 'I Just Called To Say I Love You': Reflections On The Multiple Meanings Of Love
  • In many a lonely village not an ounce nor a grain of anything could be brought, and yet there might be standing around scores of white-garmented, stalwart Koreans, smoking yard-long pipes and chattering, chattering — ceaselessly chattering. The Yellow Peril
  • the ceaseless thunder of surf
  • Command at Fort Cumberland deteriorated into ceaseless squabbling between the short-tempered Stephen and the stuffy Dagworthy. George Washington’s First War
  • It was the ceaselessness of the work which tried her so severely, and began to make her wish that she had never come to Flintcomb-Ash. Tess of the d'Urbervilles
  • They each share one trait in common: they are all ceaselessly, painfully, disastrously unfunny.
  • Close at hand, too, there is a reliefless and relentless smell of pitch and turpentine; there is a ceaseless melancholy in their sighing and complaining foliage; one walks over a soundless carpet of beaten yellow bark and dead spines of the foliage till he feels like a wandering spirit bereft of a footfall; he tires of the endless tufts of needles and yearns for substantial, shapely leaves; he looks for moss and grass to loll upon, and finds none, for where there is no bark there is naked clay and dirt, enemies to pensive musing and clean apparel. Roughing It
  • And I verily thought, if I should hurt the woman by any kind of meane, I should be throwne to the wild Beasts: But in the meane season she kissed me, and looked in my mouth with burning eyes, saying: I hold thee my canny, I hold thee my noose, my sparrow, and therewithall she eftsoones imbraced my body round about, and had her pleasure with me, whereby I thought the mother of Miniatures did not ceaseless quench her inordinate desire with a Bull. The Golden Asse
  • The characters complain ceaselessly about food queues, prices and corruption.
  • She falls carelessly, touch two front tooth, deeply worried ceaselessly to quiver.
  • Hulton Archive/Getty Images A ceaseless self-promoter, Gandhi bought up the entire first edition of his first, hagiographical biography to send to people and ensure a reprint. Among the Hagiographers
  • For people who find (some kind) of satisfaction in endlessly ceaselessly hysterically blaming Israel for everything – the above facts are inconvenient. Matthew Yglesias » Israel’s Irrealism on Settlements
  • Who indeed can watch the ceaseless observation, and inquiry, and inference going on in a child's mind, or listen to its acute remarks on matters within the range of its faculties, without perceiving that these powers it manifests, if brought to bear systematically upon studies _within the same range_, would readily master them without help? Essays on Education and Kindred Subjects Everyman's Library
  • The snag is that the international cricket circuit rolls on ceaselessly. Times, Sunday Times
  • My childhood and adolescence were a joyous outpouring of energy, a ceaseless quest for expression, skill, and experience. School was only a background to the supreme delight of lessons in music, dance, and dramatics, and the thrill of sojourns in the country, theaters, concerts.
  • The shrieky commentator who has called Lynch every name in the book in a ceaseless spew of invective for the last year and a half? Archive 2009-09-01
  • George Orwell once described England as a protean creature, stretching ceaselessly into the past, forever changing, forever the same.
  • Our life is a movement, a tendency, a steady, ceaseless progress towards an unseen goal.
  • dance inspires him ceaselessly to strive higher and higher toward the shining pinnacle of perfection that is the goal of every artiste
  • The lake has unfortunately lost its pristine glory over the years due to the ceaseless encroachments of the avaricious residents.
  • Nothing stood still, and the vibration of ceaseless motion invigorated the chill air. MAN'S LOVING FAMILY
  • In the world of fashion it sometimes seems that the only constant is ceaseless change.
  • He has crusaded ceaselessly against welfare recipients, eventually gaining national renown by time-limiting their eligibility for support.
  • Shopping, a ceaseless search for the next meaningless object, is for people without purpose.
  • In the bleak midsummer, ceaseless rain made yet more mischief for cricket yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the earth were a closed system this ceaseless production of entropy could not persist. Eating the Sun: How Plants Power the Planet
  • My childhood and adolescence were a joyous outpouring of energy, a ceaseless quest for expression, skill, and experience. School was only a background to the supreme delight of lessons in music, dance, and dramatics, and the thrill of sojourns in the country, theaters, concerts.
  • Why can't people understand what a fantastic achievement two-and-a-half years of ceasefire has been, given the ceaseless provocation?
  • the ceaseless prodding got on his nerves
  • In the world of fashion it sometimes seems that the only constant is ceaseless change.
  • In fury and rage they devised plans ceaselessly night and day. Sources of the West: Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 1: From the Beginning to 1715
  • The spring presses through the briquetting the rack depending in the gear, guarantees ceaseless meshing.
  • Bourne ferrets ceaselessly away through all this, uncloseting all sorts of complex CIA skeletons that would - and did - take a thick Robert Ludlum novel to detail.
  • My childhood and adolescence were a joyous outpouring of energy, a ceaseless quest for expression, skill, and experience. School was only a background to the supreme delight of lessons in music, dance, and dramatics, and the thrill of sojourns in the country, theaters, concerts.
  • Corruption will be combated ceaselessly, and the entities that control and investigate these matters will have my full backing so that they can act with firmness and autonomy. Dilma Rousseff Inauguration Speech: Brazil's First Female President Addresses Congress In Brasilia (FULL TEXT)
  • The only problem is that he is constantly drawn to Harlem's Paddy's Bar where he is ceaselessly vamped by the fun-loving Zarita.
  • The ceaseless reinterments in a big town churchyard meant, in any case, that you could not expect a grave site to be permanently set apart for its tenant.
  • It is the unsuspected forces, hidden to the eyes of men, -- the forces imprisoned in the soil and the stimuli of alternating flash of light and the gloomings of darkness these and many others will be found to maintain the ceaseless activity which we know as the fulness of throbbing life. Sir Jagadis Chunder Bose His Life and Speeches
  • Later, after his mother was clean, she warned Jim ceaselessly about the dangers of drugs, warnings that he heeded.
  • He himself would continue on his ceaseless quest to crush the rebels. The Barefoot Emperor: An Ethiopian Tragedy
  • My childhood and adolescence were a joyous outpouring of energy, a ceaseless quest for expression, skill, and experience. School was only a background to the supreme delight of lessons in music, dance, and dramatics, and the thrill of sojourns in the country, theaters, concerts.
  • Physically, we are not comfortable in the face of ceaseless persecution.
  • The citizens, who toiled ceaselessly on the fortifications, suffered a fierce bombardment of grenades and incendiaries, before a relief army under the Earl of Essex finally arrived from London.
  • The only real cruelty surrounded me, in the ceaselessness of everything: the tides, the wind, the moon crossing the sky toward another dawn. FORLORN HOPE FANCY • by Douglas Campbell
  • For Rosenstock-Huessy, this search for a stable space is reflected in recurrent philosophical elements which privilege the implacability of space (or a particular space) over the ceaselessness of time. Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy
  • Speak about her relationship to friends in ceaseless uptalk. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their ceaseless noise annoyed the neighbours.
  • In his aspect there was a certain dryness, and, altogether, his vivacity, his ceaselessness, and a kind of equability of tone in his voice, reminded me of what Homer says concerning the old men around Priam, above the gate of Troy, how they "chirped like cicalas on a summer day. Adventures Among Books
  • The ceaseless deluge had turned the small front yard of the cottage into a swamp.
  • The hi-hat, thumping bass and ceaseless ringing in ‘Outrun’ will sound familiar to fans of the band's 1996 debut Homework.
  • As Francis 'Canticle of the Sun says, we were created to offer ceaseless praise outpoured, [a] nd blessing without measure. Rev. Dr. James A. Kowalski: St. Francis: The Power of Loving All Creation
  • The penetrating quality of the wind depends on its ceaselessness. OpEdNews - Diary: Petraeus Hearings Open Thread
  • In Devon, ceaseless rain depressed me. Times, Sunday Times
  • No Japanese ever intermitted his ceaseless chatter at any hour of the night for a similar reason. Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
  • And I am sick and tired of listening to his ceaseless and unintelligible chatter.
  • The garrulous waves ceaselessly talked of hidden treasures, mocking the ignorance that knew not their meaning.
  • Maybe we have something to learn from practices that at least avoid the ceaseless round of court battles led by human rights lawyers.
  • Even the greatest players have feuded ceaselessly.
  • Our life is a movement, a tendency, a steady, ceaseless progress towards an unseen goal.
  • It is an action shot on match days, pacing the sideline, up and down, like one of those tram-lined pitchside cameras so beloved of Sky Sports, the gammy knees of his playing days no hindrance to his ceaseless movement.
  • What drives a lot of rappers is this kind of ceaseless entrepreneurial spirit.
  • The Moon's regolith was created by the ceaseless bombardment of micrometeorites, cosmic rays and particles of solar wind breaking down rocks for billions of years.
  • The study of dementia was, of course, outside his special province as a specialist, but he knew enough of it to understand how small a matter might be the actual cause of how great an illusion, and he had been devoured from the very beginning by a ceaseless and increasing anxiety to know what the professor had found in the sands of "Chaldea," what these precious Four Weird Tales
  • He is ceaselessly trying to spread awareness amongst the addicted against the hazards of different addictions.
  • The Shiv Sena chief has puffed eyes and dark under-eye circles, thanks to ceaseless barking by stray canines in the vicinity of the Thackeray residence, Matoshri, in Bandra East.
  • He mimed her ceaseless talking with a gesture of his right hand.
  • There are still less than 350 of us including officers and when we are not patrolling, we are drilling ceaselessly both on foot and on horse.
  • With eighteen restaurants uptown, downtown, and in Pittsburgh, and management teams of varying strengths, he matches his ceaseless enthusiasm only with his love of diversity.
  • Every one of these men had a story to tell of terror by day and by night, of ceaseless attacks with flame-throwers, tanks and self propelling guns firing high explosive and armour-piercing shells.
  • _Spring_ it is applied to the rooks, with their "ceaseless caws amusive;" in the _Summer_ to the thistledown, which "amusive floats;" and in the _Autumn_, the theory of the supposed cause of mountain springs is called an "amusive dream. Notes and Queries, Number 179, April 2, 1853. A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
  • Our life is a movement, a tendency, a steady, ceaseless progress towards an unseen goal.
  • Via Warren Ellis, uma ideia fascinante: A kind of flying Hawaii, or anti-gravitational Micronesia, with tanned deck-hands leaping across aerodynamic tailfins to the soundtrack of ceaseless enginery, the helicopter archipelago would act as an escape hatch from traditional, nation-state sovereignty. Leituras
  • Throughout his life he was a ceaseless experimenter and his style changed restlessly.
  • The mind bends in contemplation of her ceaseless ability to reapply herself.
  • He lay there, frozen as a mullet, listening to the ceaseless roar of the wind.
  • Who has not heard of Mount Olympus — that high abode of all the powers of type, that favoured seat of the great goddess Pica, that wondrous habitation of gods and devils, from whence, with ceaseless hum of steam and never-ending flow of Castalian ink, issue forth fifty thousand nightly edicts for the governance of a subject nation? The Warden
  • His ceaseless energy has also been directed to penning books and booklets on the fisheries sector.
  • My childhood and adolescence were a joyous outpouring of energy, a ceaseless quest for expression, skill, and experience. School was only a background to the supreme delight of lessons in music, dance, and dramatics, and the thrill of sojourns in the country, theaters,(Sentence dictionary) concerts.
  • they smoked up the room with their ceaseless puffing
  • The public doesn't expect praise for refraining from pogroms, but nor does it expect ceaseless injunctions to abstain from them.
  • Be vigorous and full of energy, and make ceaseless efforts.
  • I said that my affections were already engaged: yet I meant you to believe, as you did, that I loved another; and the thought of the deception, for it _was deception_, has caused me ceaseless contrition. Fairy Fingers A Novel
  • The snag is that the international cricket circuit rolls on ceaselessly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sometimes, as the road was cut through the pine woods that seemed in the darkness to be closing down upon us, great masses of greyness which here and there bestrewed the trees, produced a peculiarly weird and solemn effect, which carried on the thoughts and grim fancies engendered earlier in the evening, when the falling sunset threw into strange relief the ghost-like clouds which amongst the Carpathians seem to wind ceaselessly through the valleys. Dracula
  • Here at home, the coffee flows in a ceaseless flood of lattes and frappuccinos, tidily iced and foamed and dolloped into a maelstrom of liquid indulgence.
  • My childhood and adolescence were a joyous outpouring of energy, a ceaseless quest for expression, skill, and experience. School was only a background to the supreme delight of lessons in music, dance, and dramatics, and the thrill of sojourns in the country, theaters, concerts.

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