

  1. a compact disk that is used with a computer (rather than with an audio system); a large amount of digital information can be stored and accessed but it cannot be altered by the user

How To Use CD-ROM In A Sentence

  • Both of these attacks can be easily subverted by booting the affected computer from a CD-ROM.
  • Being a surgeon or concert pianist is an advantage here - the disc is naturally misshaped for use in the round CD-Rom drive, so half an inch either way scuppers the exercise.
  • It has a fast CD-ROM drive, all the audio jacks (line-in, line-out and microphone jacks) and an internal monaural speaker.
  • 170-cds, over 200 hours, cd-rom of texts and libretti. Times, Sunday Times
  • One CD-ROM disk can hold over 100,000 pages of text.
  • Some who used certain antispyware software to remove the programs installed by the Sony BMG CDs ended up with a glitch that disabled their CD-ROM drives. Boing Boing
  • For one thing, the button for the CD-ROM door is only good for ejecting the drive tray.
  • Encyclopedias on CD-ROM include sound, illustrations and simple animations.
  • Music Ace Starter and Music Ace Deluxe are dynamic, effective, self-paced CD-ROM programs for learning such music fundamentals as pitch, rhythm, and written notation.
  • Out of the goodness of my heart I decided to loan him some of the CD-ROMs I've burned lately, so he can have a search through them and see what tunes he likes.
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