
How To Use Cavalier In A Sentence

  • a cavalier attitude toward the suffering of others.
  • In this high opinion of his own rank, he was greatly fortified by his ideas of the military profession, which, in his phrase, made a valiant cavalier a camarade to an emperor. A Legend of Montrose
  • The Convention contained a majority of former parliamentarians but old cavaliers in the 1661 Parliament tried to modify what had been done.
  • With what pleasure should I hear people cry out, 'Che garbato cavaliere, com' e pulito, disinvolto, spiritoso '! Letters to His Son on the Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman, 1749
  • Los Angeles Lakers star Pau Gasol calls Redondo Beach police after paparazzi tail his car LeBron James scores 30, Cavaliers wear down Celtics for 104-93 win Marion, Mavericks win 12th in a row with 125-112 victory over Timberwolves Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
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  • _ Oh! 'Tis an Abomination to look like a Gentleman; long Hair is wicked and cavalierish, a Periwig is flat Popery, the Disguise of the The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume I
  • There is nothing wrong with making money, but are we supposed to be sorry for the inept and obtuse customer care services (ever look at a invoice from a insurance company?) and compassion less “death panels” of the health insurance industry and the thoughtless, cavalier and deceptive practices of the financial dealings on wall street (GS and the Greek economy comes to mind)? Think Progress » Rep. McCotter complains that Obama ‘demonizes’ Wall Street and insurance companies.
  • At 06.27 hours on 1 January 1975, Alfred Archibald Jones was dressed in corduroy and sat in a fume-filled Cavalier Musketeer Estate face down on the steering wheel, hoping the judgement would not be too heavy upon him. Excerpt: White Teeth by Zadie Smith
  • Before him, Karl Yundt remained standing, one wing of his faded greenish havelock thrown back cavalierly over his shoulder. The Secret Agent; a Simple Tale
  • It also led to accusations against the Government that it had been cavalier with the nation's priceless historical artefacts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our armour and weaponry were of course wholly authentic, as were our battle cries of 'Ouch' and 'I can't see where I'm going', although we didn't get round to deciding who was a Roundhead, who a Cavalier. Archive 2009-08-01
  • In the other corner, Cavaliers to Cheney's Roundheads, is the ‘realist’ wing of the Republicans.
  • For here is the genius of the Welsh fabulists in 21 compact episodes; where intense silliness, moral rigour, cavalier experiments and unforgettable tunes meet and make magic.
  • For the next thing that was heard of her, and that by a mere chance, was that she was marred to Mynheer van Hunker, 'a rascallion of an old half-bred Dutchman, 'as my hot-tongued sister called him, who had come over to fatten on our misfortunes by buying up the cavaliers' plate and jewels, and lending them money on their estates. Stray Pearls
  • This canteen (with a funnel on its top, like a cavalier cap slouched over the eyes) was set on edge upon the puncheon, with the hole toward myself; and through this hole, which seemed puckered up like the mouth of a very precise old maid, the creature was emitting certain rumbling and grumbling noises which he evidently intended for intelligible talk. Archive 2008-12-01
  • These are words such as no honourable cavaliero can abide. ' Micah Clarke His Statement as made to his three grandchildren Joseph, Gervas and Reuben During the Hard Winter of 1734
  • It was Fairfax who created and trained the New Model Army that thrashed the cavaliers.
  • Dere was young feller comin 'behin' her, walk nice, comme un Cavalier, The Wit and Humor of America, Volume I. (of X.)
  • On one side was the king and those who supported him - the Royalist party, also called the Cavaliers.
  • Because it turns out we are so cavalier about oral hygiene that it's not uncommon to find all manner of nasties on a toothbrush. Times, Sunday Times
  • Toryism is a traditionalist political philosophy, which grew out of the Cavalier faction in the Wars of the Three Kingdoms. Think Progress » ThinkFast: February 18, 2010
  • He said that we of the South had descended from the royal and aristocratic blood of the Huguenots of France, and of the cavaliers of England, etc.; but that the Yankees were the descendents of the crop-eared Puritans and witch burners, who came over in the Mayflower, and settled at Plymouth Rock. "Co. Aytch" Maury Grays, First Tennessee Regiment or, A Side Show of the Big Show
  • The idea of treating the lives of horses in so, as it were, cavalier a fashion increasingly upsets the nation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The club's owner showed a cavalier attitude to the licensing laws.
  • There are groups with jolly ladies-in-waiting in colorful crinolines attended by adoring cavaliers, as well as court jesters.
  • There are, admittedly, some who would contend that he can overdo the cavalier insouciance, but, assuredly, the confidence he oozes is certainly very welcome.
  • a cavalier attitude toward the suffering of others.
  • There appears to be a cavalier attitude. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Cavaliers numbered about 6,500 and the Roundheads some 9,500.
  • Extremophiles as in archaebacteria seems to be the genetically youngest cell type out there at ~ 1 Ga, see Cavalier-Smith. New Findings On Alan Hills Meteorite Point to Microbial Life | Universe Today
  • The noble cavalier characterized," "& a rebellious caviller cauterized," 1644 _or_ 5. Microcosmography or, a Piece of the World Discovered; in Essays and Characters
  • Sad-colored mantles the goodmen wore, but their doublets were scarlet, and with their green waistcoats and red caps, surely the Puritan men were sufficiently gayly dressed to suit any fancy save that of a cavalier. Sabbath in Puritan New England
  • And its basketball team's approach to winning truly was cavalier, which is why LeBron James shouldn't be taking heat for going to the Heat. Jacob Heilbrunn: The Collapse of Cleveland: Steinbrenner, Pekar, and James
  • The public should be thankful that some MPs have a conscience and not a cavalier disregard of democracy. Times, Sunday Times
  • He and the Cavaliers remain noncommittal about his return, but Hughes still isn't able to run comfortably. ... - Basketball - New York vs. Cleveland
  • Week of Cavalier: Double growth for Cavaliers and Paladins.
  • Her cavalier disregard for money caused headaches. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hardly the Virginia cavalier of legend, Ashby was successful because he understood and appealed to the yeoman characteristics of the people of the Valley and the men whom he led.
  • Zau al-Makan thanked him therefor, and the slogan arose and the sabre was drawn; but, as things stood thus, behold, there came forth a cavalier from the ranks of Roum; and, as he drew near, they saw that he was mounted on a slow paced she mule, fleeing with her master from the shock of swords. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • It might make them less cavalier in meddling with other people 's savings. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Bloodhound can track a scent better, a German Shepherd guards better, a Greyhound is faster, and the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel fits much better on your lap than a Timber Wolf ever can!
  • But if Roosevelt didn't deserve to be executed as a spy, he most certainly ought to have been horsewhipped for his cavalier dismissal of Whittaker Chambers' accusations.
  • White had to flee to London to escape the wrath of Cavaliers, and he was old and ailing when he returned.
  • On one side were the Royalists, on the other the Parliamentarians, or, as they are better known, the Cavaliers and Roundheads.
  • The Editor takes a cavalier attitude to the concept of fact checking.
  • Cavalieri also wrote on conic sections, trigonometry, optics, astronomy, and astrology.
  • Recently, James had taken heat for his poor free-throw shooting and for the Cavaliers 'inability to win showcase games against quality opponents. - Basketball - Miami vs. Cleveland
  • A petty priestling, who has no other merit than a little lively small-talk and a cavalier air. The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • So a school that treats pupils in a cavalier way is unlikely to make a profit for long. Times, Sunday Times
  • He dilly-dallies over his shot and eventually fires the ball straight at Cavalieri. The Guardian World News
  • Un drago incendia il villaggio solo per attirare il cavaliere fuori dal castello e rubare il suo tesoro più prezioso. No Fat Clips!!! : CHRISTOPHER MINOS – Knight Fever
  • And we, the Southerners who are called the cavaliers, are led by a puritan," said Lieutenant-Colonel St. Hilaire. The Scouts of Stonewall The Story of the Great Valley Campaign
  • The piazza, a natural hippodrome of tall, stone buildings with the high peaks of the Abruzzi soaring up behind, has been laid with hundreds of tonnes of sand and planted with greenery to mark out a track round which 'cavaliere' -- the knights -- will race with lances raised at breakneck speeds. News -
  • Bezbledny Rycerz Cavaliere senza macchia è un corto corto, scritto, diretto ed animato da Waldemar Mordarski e prodotto presso lo Studio filmowe Odeon. No Fat Clips!!! : WALDEMAR MORDARSKI – Bezbledny Rycerz
  • Four men in a stolen red Vauxhall Cavalier attacked the stand-alone cash machine by placing a metal chain around it and pulling it out onto the pavement.
  • Oh yeah the Cavaliers also had home court advantage.
  • I ought to have made myself your steward, or, as that dear tyrant whom we cannot hate proposed to me, live there as cavaliere servente, only our passion was too fierce to allow of it. Albert Savarus
  • But in the next instant, Lance was back to his cavalier, cynical self.
  • Duncan, is a very pretty defensible sort of a tenement, and yet it is hardly such as a cavaliero of honour would expect to maintain his credit by holding out for many days. A Legend of Montrose
  • Tout en fuyant ils ont l’鄏t de tirer de l’arc si adroitement qu’ils ne manquent jamais d’atteindre le cavalier ou le cheval. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • A favourite theme with the company was the want of soldiers or generals at the North, and the impossibility that a set of mechanics and tradesmen, who knew only how to make money and keep it, should be able in chivalrous and gentlemanly exercises to cope with the Southern cavaliers, who were accustomed to sword and pistol and the use of them from their youth up. Daisy in the Field
  • Their cavalier approach means I do not expect them to finish there. The Sun
  • New laws introduced in 1980 encouraged them to become increasingly cavalier in their approach to lending just as their deposit bases were crumbling. Times, Sunday Times
  • But in typically cavalier fashion he dismissed suggestions that he should be concerned about the problem of rising inflation.
  • The part you don't understand comes from this long-winded, self-impressed sentence which demonstrates how wordy he wants to be by hitting us over the head with as many adjectives as a thesaurus can muster: "There's a kind of joyful hopscotch, a cavalierism, a dandyishness, an enrichment, about alien presences in English, which otherwise remains for me a chewed, utilitarian, mercantile language. THE FOREIGN IN ENGLISH.
  • Nessuno può salvare il mondo, tranne lui, il nostro ero, il cavaliere al neon! No Fat Clips!!! : PAUL RAYMENT – Dance of the Neon Knight
  • If you can't laugh at Anthony van Dyck's boozed-up cavaliers, Thomas Gainsborough's cadaverous, blue-faced debutantes or Damien Hirst's 13-foot shark in a few thousand gallons of formaldehyde, you're really missing out on some great fun. Three Tips for Surviving the Art Museum
  • Sherkan and his men fell upon the infidels and cut off their retreat and tourneyed among the ranks, when lo, a cavalier of goodly presence opened a passage through the army of the Greeks and circled hither and thither amongst them, cutting and thrusting and covering the ground with heads and bodies, so that the infidels feared him and their necks bent under his blows. The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Volume II
  • As nothing is so successful a subject for ridicule as the fashionable follies of the time, it occurred to him that the more serious scenes of his narrative might be relieved by the humour of a cavaliero of the age of Queen Elizabeth. The Monastery
  • Each recalls the fat pay packets and a fledgling industry that was often happy to display a cavalier attitude to health and safety. Times, Sunday Times
  • A kind of goddess and her cavaliers dance balletically. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said: 'You get this constant swing between puritanism and the desire to push things as far as they can go: what I call cavaliers v roundheads. Chortle News RSS
  • In addition, cavaliers are eligible to compete in events sanctioned by the United Kennel Club, which has recognized cavaliers since 1980.
  • The engineers are not cavalier in their attitude towards the women they employ to do part of their domestic work and childcare.
  • Horse and rider need to nurture complete trust, to tackle the field in fair weather or foul with cavalier bravery but with two minds, one of them human, intrinsically focused.
  • At present, people can be cavalier about fines. Times, Sunday Times
  • After the Cavaliers went ahead 94-90, Carroll hit four consecutive free throws, the last two coming after he stole the ball in backcourt from Sasha Pavlovic with 34 seconds left. - Basketball - Cleveland vs. Charlotte
  • But the problem was neither in the lack of evidence nor that people were cavalier about the need for evidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Combine this with what I have seen as the increasingly cavalier attitude of the PTO, which results in increased prosecution costs and the need for prosecution devices such as continuations, RCE's and appeals, and what you get is the situation where, even where the invention is GREAT and the application sound, an applicant is increasingly uncertain about the course prosecution and enforcement will take after initial filing. Patent Law Blog (Patently-O)
  • Parliamentary propagandists accordingly disseminated an image of the typical cavalier as a rakish individual consumed by the pursuit of illicit pleasure and personal gain, a man devoid of moral principles.
  • During the time of the siege, the young Moorish and Spanish cavaliers vied with each other in extravagant bravadoes. The Alhambra
  • It also led to accusations against the Government that it had been cavalier with the nation's priceless historical artefacts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Italian cavaliere servente for his lady, had my portrait painted, as I told you, by Mme. de Mirbel. Letters of Two Brides
  • The two men in the black Cavalier were parked outside the timberyard opposite. A NASTY DOSE OF DEATH
  • Having carefully observed the horsemen, conversed awhile with the cavaliers, and bidden them farewel, the band wheeled round the court, and, led by Verezzi, issued forth under the portcullis; Montoni following to the portal, and gazing after them for some time. The Mysteries of Udolpho
  • I remember, about ten years ago, the Signor had a quarrel with a cavaliero of Milan. The Mysteries of Udolpho
  • Most organisations can be accused of a cavalier approach to where the money goes. The Sun
  • By dropping the atomic bomb, the Americans hoped to finish Japan off instantly and go to work in the Far East as cavalier seul, that is, without their victory party being spoiled by unwanted Soviet gate-crashers. Bill Totten's Weblog
  • Some less able horsemen met with various accidents; for though it was a proverb of the time, that nothing was so bold as a blind horse, yet from this mode of equitation, where neither horse nor rider saw the way he was going, some steeds were overthrown, others backed upon dangerous obstacles; and the bones of the cavaliers themselves suffered much more than would have been the case in an ordinary march. Count Robert of Paris
  • Every part of the cavalier's and dragoon's armor was made to work together.
  • The club's owner showed a cavalier attitude to the licensing laws.
  • It was not a decision taken in cavalier fashion, nor was it market-driven.
  • Image now to yourself this illustrious Cavalier mounted on his _hackney_; and see if it does not bring before you the Church, bestrid by some lumpish minister of state, who turns and winds it at his pleasure. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 264, July 14, 1827
  • He contented himself with turning aside thrusts and meeting blows with a clever guard, as some Cavalier tried to reach him, while twice over he found another sword interposed on his behalf. Crown and Sceptre A West Country Story
  • It was headed by that accomplished cavalier the Marques Duke de Cadiz, accompanied by the adelantado of Washington Irving
  • The cavalier and slapdash approach to their documentation was not helpful in this regard.
  • It was braced by four buttresses which were called cavaliers, and cost your Majesty a large sum, as The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 08 of 55 1591-1593 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • And people can be cavalier about protecting their privacy. Times, Sunday Times
  • It does require diligence and dedication; therefore it cannot be approached cavalierly.
  • Her cavalier disregard for money caused headaches. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since then, there have been mathematical punk bands and oikish progsters, but rarely has there been an outfit such as White Denim, who combine the drive of a hardcore band with sinuous virtuosity and cavalier genre-hopping. White Denim: D – review
  • Principalities, and many a wandering cavaliero like myself found his occupation gone. Micah Clarke His Statement as made to his three grandchildren Joseph, Gervas and Reuben During the Hard Winter of 1734
  • I must allow him, notwithstanding his relationship to your lordship, the privileges of a rational person, and either batoon him sufficiently to expiate the violence offered to my person, or else bring it to a matter of mortal arbitrament, as becometh an insulted cavalier. '' A Legend of Montrose
  • It might make them less cavalier in meddling with other people 's savings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet some people who have had their passport go missing say the Passport Office shows a cavalier attitude to the problem. Times, Sunday Times
  • They behaved in a cavalier fashion and caused resentment. Times, Sunday Times
  • You'll select a number of units to deploy for each scenario, relying on such fantasy staples as weapon-heavy cavaliers and nimble archers to see you through.
  • The author deftly portrays Mitchell's cavalier attitude toward the proceedings and his consequent massacre at the hands of an able prosecutor.
  • There were seen so many cavaliers prancing and curvetting before the windows of their mistresses, that a stranger would have imagined the whole nation to have been nothing less than a race of knight – errants. Don Quixote
  • Kate whipped her Chevy Cavalier into the driveway without signaling as angry motorists honked and yelled obscenities at her.
  • The American debate contrasts favourably with the cavalier way such issues in Britain have been relegated to a quango and the whim of an elderly bluestocking baroness.
  • There are lengthy digressions on Milton, Fulke Greville and Marvell, poets whose vivid personal histories Greville was murdered by a servant in 1628 make for good reading but whose connection with the Cavalier theme seems tangential. Pens at the Ready
  • It was the traditional way of avoiding the consequences of such cavalier an attitude to the obligation of Paying Your Way.
  • They also added the word cavalier to the breed's name.
  • It really is remarkable that so many people have been so cavalier in considering our responsibility for the mass death of completely innocent and completely defenceless civilians.
  • a cavalier attitude toward the suffering of others.
  • However, the image I felt loyal to uphold was one of Stoic indifference nuanced in places by a kind of glibly cavalier attitude. Excerpt from De Imitatio Calembouri
  • Minister as he was, he became not my _sicisbeo_, for that I would consent to at no price, but my _cavaliero sirviente_, thus occupying the second grand hierarchy of love. The International Monthly, Volume 2, No. 4, March, 1851
  • We cannot, in some cavalier fashion, adopt and transplant holus-bolus from either Europe, Asia, or the Chicago School of Economics.
  • For the second straight year, the Cavaliers will also against Boston on Easter Sunday in Cleveland.
  • I'm cribbing this from the ZnS world theory of Mulkidjanian et al and the neomura theory of Cavalier-Smith which nicely mesh together in their respective abiogenetic/phylogenetic theories, resulting in a substantially testable, and tested, complete pathway to the RNA world and beyond. Sailing the Seas of Titan | Universe Today
  • Each recalls the fat pay packets and a fledgling industry that was often happy to display a cavalier attitude to health and safety. Times, Sunday Times
  • Taxpayers will be appalled at the cavalier way money was spent. The Sun
  • So it isn't obvious that he broke the law (on balance it seems not), in which case your rather ranting passage (terms such as dilatory, cavalier disregard, blatant disregard all appeared) seems somewhat tendentious and a bit overcooked. Sir Ian Blair: Out of Control?
  • Her easy air, action, mien, and gesture quite chang'd, from the quoif to the cock'd hat and cavalier in fashion. The Palmy Days of Nance Oldfield
  • The Cavaliere, indeed, as became a poet, paragoned her in his song to all the pagan goddesses of antiquity; and doubtless these were finer to look at than mere women; but so, it seemed, was she; for, to believe my grandmother, she made other women look no more than the big French fashion-doll that used to be shown on Ascension days in the Piazza. The Duchess at Prayer
  • Killigrew's original play aimed to demonstrate the brutishness of the British Cavaliers as they stormed through other countries and left paths of ruined women in the wake.
  • The students attended for two years, and were taught the “exercises and games of cavaliers,” in particular equitation, mounting, jumping, and trick riding. Champlain's Dream
  • a cavalier attitude toward the suffering of others.
  • In 1944 The Kennel Club admitted the cavalier King Charles spaniel to the ranks of officially recognized pedigreed dogs.
  • Looking as if she saw him not, she put his arm aside, and requested that of Captain Craigengelt, who stood by the coach with his laced hat under his arm, having acted as cavaliere servente, or squire in attendance, during the journey. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • Election campaigns use "a new direction" as a synonym for improvement. Persistence is rarely rewarded, and what one legislature or president decrees, a successor cavalierly repeals.
  • Cleveland blew most of a 29-point lead in the final period against Detroit's reserves and the Cavaliers had to reinsert LeBron James to restore order before hanging on for a 94-82 win over the Pistons on Tuesday night to take a 2-0 lead in their Eastern Conference playoff series. Cavaliers hold off Pistons for 2-0 series lead
  • She's a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel / Bassett mix.
  • A short distance from the town of Lymington, which is not far from Titchfield, where the king took shelter, but on the other side of the Southampton Water, and south of the New Forest, to which it adjoins, was a property called Arnwood, which belonged to a Cavalier of the name of Beverley. The Children of the New Forest
  • We've had enough uncosted promises, and the elderly have had their expectations treated in too cavalier a fashion.
  • Established in 1786, this breathtaking cafe was a fashionable rendezvous place for cavaliers and ladies.
  • Oliver is a Cavalier King Charles spaniel and in the 17th century the king himself issued a royal proclamation commanding that his favourite breed of dog should be allowed entry to absolutely any establishment in the country.
  • Cavaliere sang and played keyboards for Atlantic recording group The Rascals, which helped build the sound that came to be known as blue-eyed soul. NPR Topics: News
  • Although it originally had connotations of being gallant, in the context of the revolution the term cavalier would come to be used by the opponents of the king as a derogatory term for anyone who acted in an aristocratic or haughty manner. The Pawprints of History
  • En Francais Le Cavalier Michael Yuki Hayakaze a trouvé la mort le 2 mars 2008 quand le véhicule à bord duquel il prenait place a heurté un dispositif explosif de circonstance. Archive 2008-03-01
  • In England the cavalier, once thought to be on the verge of extinction, is the most popular toy breed.
  • Its roots lie in ‘living history’, that hobby indulged in by thousands who dress up as Roundheads, Cavaliers and all the rest to re-enact bloody episodes from our history.
  • So a school that treats pupils in a cavalier way is unlikely to make a profit for long. Times, Sunday Times
  • C ++ programmers tend to be cavalier in their use of the term object.
  • We can understand the class dynamic of Cavaliers and Roundheads because elements of that conflict remain powerful to this day.
  • Assuredly the Dean has a purse, and a tolerably well-filled one; and, assuredly, the Archbishop, on departing from an inn, not only settles his reckoning, but leaves something handsome for the servants, and does not say that he is forbidden by the Gospel to pay for what he has eaten, or the trouble he has given, as a certain Spanish cavalier said he was forbidden by the statutes of chivalry. The Romany Rye A Sequel to 'Lavengro'
  • Yet some people who have had their passport go missing say the Passport Office shows a cavalier attitude to the problem. Times, Sunday Times
  • He should be the broad-minded cavalier who will tolerate, forgive and flatter her.
  • We overthrew Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq, and then cavalierly dismantled the entire structure of the Iraqi state, sure that we could simply set up a new one.
  • Correlation does not give you the directionality of causation, so a few types of answers have been proposed — one is "junk" (large cells better tolerate the selective cost of useless DNA), one is "skeletal" (read Cavalier-Smith, it's complicated and involves a hypothesized allometric relationship), etc. Intrinsic Control and Junk DNA
  • And people can be cavalier about protecting their privacy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The code for processing an Atom feed is rather cavalier about assuming that summary is displayable text.
  • English, called the cavaliers, in 1607, became a royal colony in 1624. Historic Papers on the Causes of the Civil War
  • Readers were miffed by the cavalier attitude taken to such an important cultural icon.
  • At last he was a full-fledged cavaliere servente, a cicisbeo, an official gigolo whose prior rights, by old Italian custom, are fully recognized by the husband.
  • With this sentence alone the Times reveals its lack of principle and cavalier attitude toward the truth.
  • But they never pretended to hold the region thus ravaged; it was sack, burn, plunder, and away; and these desolating inroads were retaliated in kind by the Moorish cavaliers, whose greatest delight was a "tala," or predatory incursion, into the Christian territories beyond the mountains. Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada
  • We're annoyed at his cavalier treatment of his old friends.
  • Before they could reach the Ghul, the enemy had slain his steed and taken him prisoner; but they ceased not to charge the Infidels, till the day grew dark for dust and eyes were blinded, and the sharp sword clanged while firm stood the valiant cavalier and destruction overtook the faint-heart in his fear; till the Moslems were amongst the Paynims like a white patch on a black bull. — The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Yet some people who have had their passport go missing say the Passport Office shows a cavalier attitude to the problem. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cavaliers were a truly astounding sight - each horse was jet black and melded into the shadows while running.
  • It is the ancient law of arms that if two cavaliers start to joust, and one either by maladdress or misadventure fail to meet the shock, then his arms become the property of him who still holds the lists. Sir Nigel
  • The haunting elemental melody of the African curiously blended with the tuneful and cavalierish songs of Spain and fitted into the majestic nights. Fate Knocks at the Door A Novel
  • Oliver Cromwell came to Stamford in 1643, following the retreat of the Cavalier army who had tried to capture Peterborough.
  • Be bold, brash, confident and cavalier as you turn hopes and dreams into realities. The Sun
  • I believe in David Hackett Fischer's "Albion's Seed" it is discussed how the Puritans, Quakers, Cavaliers and Scots-Irish all had different conceptions of freedom that helped shape that which we have today. 300 and Freedom, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • His cavalier endorsement of sadism and sexual abuse for ‘emotional release’ counts as hate under any reasonable definition of the word.
  • The title pursuit begins today when the Cavaliers play the Boston Celtics in one of four games to tip off the NBA season. Undefined
  • Quoth the Ghul, “Jamrkan slew him, captain of the armies of King Gharib, Prince of cavaliers, and I roasted and ate him, for I was anhungered.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • They romp about their Spanish colonial island in disguises, encounter Royalist cavaliers, and (of course!) fall in love.
  • The look may suggest dilettante, cavalier and swashbuckling and that is partly his style with bat in hand, but he is cussed and determined.
  • The captain left the army in 1998 after his commanding officer described him as having a ‘arrogant and cavalier attitude towards young soldiers’.
  • With their outfit of cavalier managers and thirsty shareholders they bullwhipped the lines into a profiteering frenzy.
  • Yet it would be quite wrong to deduce that he has a cavalier attitude to training. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was teaching a Highland dance to a graceful cavalier in white silk breeches, flowered satin waistcoat, and most choicely powdered periwig, fresh from the friseur. A Daughter of Raasay A Tale of the '45
  • Waverley-Honour, so long known as cavaliers and royalists. The Waverley
  • New laws introduced in 1980 encouraged them to become increasingly cavalier in their approach to lending just as their deposit bases were crumbling. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because it turns out we are so cavalier about oral hygiene that it's not uncommon to find all manner of nasties on a toothbrush. Times, Sunday Times
  • An unheroic age could now escape to an alternative universe of gallant cavaliers and their trusted servants.
  • On Ike's corner, there will be Pegasus knights, pikemen, lords and mounted cavaliers ready to take orders.
  • Â The only notable part of the period was when Miller made a stunning double-stop on a Vincent Lecavalier breakaway. Buffalo Rising
  • The government takes a cavalier attitude to the problems of prison overcrowding.
  • Thus by a subtle and most miraculous kind of alchymy did this Catholic cavalier turn worthless paper into precious gold, and make his late impoverished garrison abound in money! Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada
  • Its cavalier treatment of human system factors produces alienation and stifles motivation.
  • So that an experienced cavalier, knowing how to lay, as our Scottish phrase runs, ‘the head of the sow to the tail of the grice,’ might get out of the country the pay whilk he could not obtain from the A Legend of Montrose
  • Brett Sales yanked the Cavalier's gear down from fifth into fourth to overtake the van in front of him before he reached the next roundabout.
  • Mr. Balanchine was at all times a cavalier, a real gentleman.
  • He had told The Dispatch on Tuesday that it was probably too much to ask to see LeBron James in person at a Cavaliers' playoff game.
  • They behaved in a cavalier fashion and caused resentment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Radisson in buckskin jacket and moccasins, talking before the fire in St. James 'Palace of the Canadian wilderness, with Prince Rupert in lace and ruffles, and with sword on hip-the king of the coureurs de bois and the prince of cavaliers. The Old Romance in Canada
  • But in reading this account, weren’t you struck by how cavalierly the news agency threw out the term mudskipper? M. Skipper, Plaintiff » Japundit Blog
  • As we watched, Yellow and his fellow cavaliers appeared on their mighty steeds, amid such swirling clouds of fog and so many tosses of perfectly conditioned hair that we were transported to Camelot - or maybe a Bon Jovi video.
  • I have heard enough since I came here, to satisfy me that a cavalier of honour is free to take any part in this civil embroilment whilk he may find most convenient for his own peculiar. A Legend of Montrose
  • They got drubbed by the Lakers last night, 112-57, the fewest points in Cavaliers history. Len Berman: Top 5 Sports Stories
  • Spain the men, however poor, have a gentleman-like abundance of leisure, seeming to consider it the attribute of a true cavaliero never to be in a hurry; but the Andalusians are gay as well as leisurely, and have none of the squalid accompaniments of idleness. The Alhambra
  • Think of the ridiculous Chevy TrailBlazer–based Saab 9-7X or, further back, Cadillac grafting its logo onto a Chevrolet Cavalier and selling it as the Cimarron.
  • Camel trekking is an activity that matches man with a foul-tempered, humpbacked beast that sinisterly hisses and cavalierly drops to its haunches when it no longer feels compelled to carry you. Dunes Struck
  • He treats the whole situation cavalierly and unsystematically.
  • In the York Evening League, Shepherds I's recent good run continued when they defeated Cavaliers ‘B’ by four points to two despite defaulting the bottom board at the last minute to a player falling ill.

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