
  1. the act of coagulating blood and destroying tissue with a hot iron or caustic agent or by freezing
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How To Use cauterisation In A Sentence

  • Not as bad as we feared, worse than we hoped, but surgical cauterisation should have fixed it, the area was quite small. I passed my Medical Exam
  • The acid was introduced into her vagina on September 8 during a laparoscopy and the possible cauterisation of lesions in the cervix. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • They have no soap, no oil, no idea of washing or cleansing a wound, and cauterisation with a hot iron appears to be their panacea for every ailment. Southern Arabia
  • As far as cauterisation of the tissues is concerned, this question has been practically settled in the negative, since actual determinations of the heat immediately after the moment of impact have been made, and again it has been shown that butter is not melted, and that neither gunpowder nor dynamite is exploded, by firing bullets through small quantities of those materials. Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
  • It has been suggested that the satisfactory condition of such wounds is partly due to a species of cauterisation produced by the heat of the bullet. With Methuen's Column on an Ambulance Train
  • If so, then perhaps a cauterisation of your perception is in order Part of the enjoyment of a blog – which is offered for consumption by the public, might I add – *is* participation and, as has been the case from the outset, the author of this blog welcomes comment be they to *your* liking or not. Chocolate
  • These vibrations cut and coagulate tissue simultaneously at far lower temperatures than cauterisation, thus reducing lateral thermal tissue damage.
  • He stayed in turn in all the hospitals in the city, being treated with every care and consideration, until at last he met with a doctor who insisted on cauterisation and other disagreeable remedies. The Three Cities Trilogy: Lourdes, Volume 1
  • This process could be best imitated, if cauterisation of the tubes were The Fertility of the Unfit
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