
How To Use Caustic In A Sentence

  • The caustic of a circle with radiant point on the circumference is a cardioid, while if the rays are parallel then the caustic is a nephroid.
  • he addressed her caustically
  • Sick of his persona - delicate emotions paired off with caustic cynicism - he creates a bogus doppelganger to hide behind.
  • Sodium hydroxide is a caustic type of chemical that actually softens hair fibers.
  • It is also a caustic commentary on the American Dream of success at all costs. Times, Sunday Times
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  • That is an enormous range of substances and, as has already been pointed out, it includes explosives, corrosives, oxidising agents, reducing agents, caustic agents, and acidic agents - the works.
  • In cases of recent wounds unattended by inflammation, it may be applied freely; but when inflammation has come on, too severe an application of the caustic induces vesication of the surrounding skin, and the edges of the eschar may in this manner also be loosened and removed. An Essay on the Application of the Lunar Caustic in the Cure of Certain Wounds and Ulcers
  • Sturm's theoretical work in mathematical physics involved the study of caustic curves, and poles and polars of conic sections.
  • Last week's chemical accident in Hungary, when about 184 million gallons of caustic sludge and water burst from a storage pool of a metals plant inundating three western Hungarian towns and spilling into the Danube, is yet another reminder that accidents happen at chemical facilities. Elizabeth Hitchcock: In The Public Interest : How Many Reminders Do We Need Before We Act to Reduce Chemical Accident Risk?
  • Paint was applied by brush, although the encaustic technique (mixing paint with heated wax) was used at least from the time of Polygnotus.
  • No caustic reproach, no specious arguments against the plan, no long-suffering resignation. C B GREENFIELD - A LITTLE MADNESS
  • Concentrated acids and caustic alkalis should be handled with the greatest care.
  • A man who was so sure he would die after falling into a vat of caustic soda that he drew up his will is now recovering at home with his wife
  • Some may use solvents that the art conservation field has long since abandoned, such as benzene and carbon tetrachloride, which are proven carcinogens, or caustic soda otherwise known as lye. Daniel Grant: Repair Damaged Artwork Yourself? Maybe Not
  • Poole, a British journalist, does nothing to hide his anger and contempt for the practitioners of “unspeak” and his style is often caustic, dry, and viscous. Lean Left » Blog Archive » Unspeak
  • ‘No Bop Hop Scop Blues’ was a band original that caustically assailed the emerging bebop intrusion on the jazz scene.
  • Caustic alkalis react with the paint coating and loosen it from the surface.
  • The caustic of the tricuspoid, where the rays are parallel and in any direction, is an astroid.
  • When the previous inflammation round the ulcer is considerable, however, the application of the caustic would induce vesication, and it should in such a case of course be avoided, and another mode of treatment to be described hereafter must be adopted. An Essay on the Application of the Lunar Caustic in the Cure of Certain Wounds and Ulcers
  • Above this ensemble, on the wall against which it is set, hangs a grid of 25 square encaustic paintings, monochrome abstractions that evoke the night sky.
  • One of the most caustic comments on the present-day globalisation has come from Robert Samuelson in the Newsweek of February 24.
  • The invention can make the measured results have perfect correlation with the true causticity of metal to gain one times information more than current technology.
  • In the tents one could see artists painting with watercolours, acrylics pastels, or demonstrating encaustic painting.
  • In this show, which featured a range of traditional mediums (oil, watercolor, acrylic or encaustic on canvas, linen or paper), the surfaces are gridded into small squares, and a linear configuration fills each box.
  • He reviewed the treatment accorded the single tax on land values in several texts and was criticized by one commentator for the causticity of his criticism of them.
  • A furniture stripper who fell into a vat of caustic soda has regained consciousness with his sight intact.
  • Zima took seven years to develop his laborious encaustic process.
  • No caustic reproach, no specious arguments against the plan, no long-suffering resignation. C B GREENFIELD - A LITTLE MADNESS
  • The list includes sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide, caustic chemicals that will rip the skin off your fingers and the lining from the throat.
  • Dorothy Parker wrote for the New Yorker and Vanity Fair magazines with a caustic pen, but her biting wit also had a mournful edge.
  • Before the cloth is run into the steamer keir on the wire wagons, it is saturated with about twice its weight of a dilute solution of caustic soda (2° to 4° Twaddell = 0.5 to 1\% Na_ {2} O) at a boiling-temperature, when in the steamer keir it is exposed to an atmosphere of steam at four pounds pressure for five hours. Scientific American Supplement, No. 530, February 27, 1886
  • Treated with caustic soda (found in lye) and sulfuric acid, alkyl benzene helps detergent penetrate soiled clothing more effectively than soap. Household Appliances
  • This pollutant can be absorbed by both your lungs and your skin and result in caustic burns, kidney and liver damage and hyperactivity.
  • Values between 7 and 14 are found in basic or alkaline solutions such as caustic or washing soda.
  • Caustic products tend to be in liquid or gel format.
  • Its electrodes are plates of iron and nickelic oxide immersed in a caustic potash electrolyte (this is a base, and not acidic).
  • You know the ordinary nephroid as the reflected catacaustic of a circle, the involute of Caley’s sextic, and a generally good-natured two-cusped epicycloid. Rambles at » Blog Archive » Imaginary Law Firms, Part 1: Brannock, Foley, and Freeth
  • Children in the home may be injured by direct contact with caustic materials such as lye and hydrochloric acid, solvents such as acetone and ether, or toxic gases such as ammonia vapors and phosphine gas. The Crisis of Meth
  • This is where Lenny caustically suggested that I was a YEC for not knowing that turtles had been reclassified as diapsids with a secondarily anapsid appearing skull I hope that embryologically turtle skulls start off as diapsid and then change but I dont really know. Drawing a Line in the Academic Sand - The Panda's Thumb
  • Her caustic, waspish comments on the other housemates were biting and bitchy, but always spot on.
  • They found it contained a lethal caustic chemical found in a brand of household oven cleaner. The Sun
  • Initially firefighters used hand-held jets to tackle the blaze while experts established that four different chemicals were involved that were caustic and could cause burns.
  • If a solution of 1,369 per cent, of caustic ammonia is added to this red fluid, and the tube is turned around to effect the necessary mixture, keeping its mouth closed with the thumb, after the addition of more or less of the ammonical fluid, it will change into violet. The Cultivation of The Native Grape, and Manufacture of American Wines
  • The ulcers should be scraped or curetted and cauterized with lunar caustic, and the mouth washed daily with a two per cent water solution of a cresol disinfectant. Common Diseases of Farm Animals
  • When all other methods have failed, the patient is blasted with radiation and chemotherapy so caustic that 10 percent die.
  • Dry crystals and concentrated solutions are caustic.
  • In bleaching processes there has been no radical change of system on the large scale since the introduction of the 'Mather' kier in 1885, and the associated change from lime and ash boiling to the caustic soda circulating boil with reduced volume of lye, which this mechanical device rendered practicable. Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
  • This way came Dr. John, in visage, in shape, in hue, as unlike the dark, acerb, and caustic little professor, as the fruit of the Hesperides might be unlike the sloe in the wild thicket; as the high-couraged but tractable Villette
  • Dame Kepler employed a young advocate who for reasons of his own “nursed” the case so long that after five years had elapsed without any conclusion being reached another judge was appointed, who had himself suffered from the caustic tongue of the prosecutrix, and so was already prejudiced against her. Kepler
  • Concentrated acids and caustic alkalis should be handled with the greatest care.
  • We're awash in a vomitous sea of caustic humorous comment.
  • The landscapes that really stand out are those painted with the encaustic method.
  • A bracing exhilaration rises from his caustic treatment of everyone else's values.
  • I cannot let Aoife's caustic tongue spoil this experience for me.
  • Sodium hydroxide is a caustic type of chemical that actually softens hair fibers.
  • Altar-tombs with cumbent effigies were painted so as to correspond in tone with the colours displayed on the walls; the pavement of encaustic tiles, of different devices, was interspersed with sepulchral slabs and inlaid brasses; and screen-work, niches for statuary, mouldings, and sculpture of different degrees of excellence, abounded. The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture, Elucidated by Question and Answer, 4th ed.
  • However with ray tracing, shadow mapping, radiosity, and caustics, an algorithm to compute light reflected from curved or transparent surfaces, it is easy to create multi-layered soft lights and shadows in LightWave.
  • Army to incinerate 1.8 million gallons of caustic VX hydrolysate waste water near Port Arthur's Carver Terrace housing project. Burning Deadly Military Waste in Blacks Backyard
  • The dermatic inflammation due to the action of excessive heat or cold, to caustics and other chemical irritants, and to the ingestion of certain drugs. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • His stunning voice has always had a caustic force behind it, almost as if he's sneering and laughing all at once.
  • Remember that this is caustic; use gloves or a spoon.
  • While on this subject of caustic potash, it cannot be too often repeated that _caustic potash_ is a totally different article to _caustic soda_, though just like it in appearance, and therefore often sold as such. Scientific American Supplement, No. 360, November 25, 1882
  • In both, tightly cropped portraits of historical and cultural figures stare out bracingly from vigorously painted encaustic surfaces.
  • Homeopathic relacionadas una as causticum, hypericum perforatum, ignatia, kalmia, magnesia phosphorica, rhus drugs robaxin and ruta electronics can operate and apply strained membranes in the word area. Wii-volution
  • Production is potentially dangerous, as you need to heat volatile methanol with caustics.
  • Forcing a person who has swallowed a caustic substance to vomit can be very dangerous.
  • The result is a book that is as addictive as it is surreal, and dripping with caustic humour. Times, Sunday Times
  • His outspoken views and caustic attitude were guaranteed to make enemies.
  • Though unsparing in his criticism of political adversaries, the former Chief Minister is adept at employing witty remarks and repartees to cushion the impact of his caustic remarks.
  • The avid Spike Milligan reader, who is almost as well known for making Goons of media men with his caustic and coruscating wit as his managerial exploits, also wrote ‘comedy bits and bobs’ and explored many other hinterlands.
  • Thoroughly has changed present encaustic tile mutual lap joint form.
  • Its other saving grace is its caustic sense of humour. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Fritsche in the same year by the distillation of indigo with caustic potash developed a product which he also called aniline, the name being derived from the Portuguese word anil, meaning indigo. Forty Centuries of Ink
  • Revered by many of today's generation of poets, Stephens was generally considered a spoken word pioneer, not to mention an often caustic literary critic for the Mirror.
  • Some of the chemicals - including caustic hydrogen fluoride and deadly arsine gas - are toxic, and the fossil fuel consumed contributes to global warming, says Williams.
  • It is strangely unclassifiable television - a caustically comic, surreptitiously sudsy thriller that has alienated a whole tranche of strait-laced Americans and so delighted many more.
  • Among these may be mentioned -- Alder Wright's method of using an ammoniacal salt, the acid radicle of which neutralises the caustic alkali, ammonia being liberated; the use of sodium and potassium bibasic phosphate (Eng.Pat. 25,357, 1899); a substance formed by treating albumen with formalin The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
  • Raised in evangelistic hellfire, the teenager is violent, caustic, unruly, and cruelly intuitive. The Rapture by Liz Jensen: Book summary
  • Because soap is made primarily from a caustic blend of boiled animal fat, lye and soda, it is highly alkaline.
  • Glyphosate is mainly produced from two kinds of glycine and IDA; other raw materials include glycine, dimethyl phosphite, paraformaldehyde, iminodiacetic acetonitrile, diethanolamine, phosphorous acid, liquid caustic soda, sulfuric acid, hydrogen peroxide, and hydrochloric acid. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Perceptually tricky yet highly engaging, Channel 11 is an encaustic painting on wood with a gridded picture plane of equally sized beige, brown and blue squares.
  • Micro yards can carry off a statement floor and ceramic encaustic tiles can be laid outside without anyspecial sealing or waxing, plus they're naturally nonslip. Homes: Big ideas for small backyards
  • The so-called slops were in fact a toxic mix of petroleum residues, sulphur and caustic soda which had accumulated in the ship. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • This awareness lends even the most caustic social commentary additional gravity, or sadness.
  • What a revenge that would be, the proud and haughty Roman, the greatest flunker of them all, the Roman of the caustic tongue and the all-seeing eye, actually clinging to his hand, stammering out his thanks ... the Roman whose mocking voice still echoed in his memory, "Don't dream, John, don't do it! Skippy Bedelle His Sentimental Progress From the Urchin to the Complete Man of the World
  • In America, the debate over the relative prominence of unmarrieds and marrieds is likely to grow more complex and caustic as the tipping point nears.
  • The show's most impressive piece was Tully, for which the artist cut a design into the gallery's wall and inlaid an off-white encaustic medium.
  • ‘A Dirty Shame’ finds Waters basking in the wildness of such fun, but the film is also a retreat from his more sophisticated causticity.
  • Three bottles were filled with paraffin and the others with caustic soda. Times, Sunday Times
  • Do you find yourselves checking each other, each making sure the other doesn't get too syrupy or, conversely, caustic?
  • The process is relatively simple, although the chemicals required are caustic and need to be handled carefully.
  • Spent grain, yeast, ethanol, and acids and caustics used for cleaning are all sent out to be used for feed for cattle or reprocessed and reused industrially.
  • You can hear the family influence: her brother's propensity for melodrama, mom's acute eye for telling lyrical detail, dad's mordant black humour, along with her own caustic imagery.
  • To create a simulacrum of his subject, Birnie uses encaustic, an old-school painting medium of pigment and wax.
  • The first step involves treating wood with caustic soda and sodium sulphite, much as a paper manufacturer might. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thirty-four years after a massive nuclear war, New York City is almost entirely submerged in caustic water and dominated by brutal gangs who live in a semifeudal society in the city’s battered skyscrapers. Dark Horse Comics for August 2009 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • Throughout his career Rivera also painted a wide range of easel pictures, in some of which he experimented with the encaustic technique.
  • He whooped with caustic laughter, startling his horse, which gave a nervous whicker and stamped its hooves. IRONCROWN MOON: PART TWO OF THE BOREAL MOON TALE
  • Causticizing mud was used as a roasting additive of sodium chloride for extraction of vanadium pentoxide from stone coal.
  • Notes On Democracy, and its caustic account of allowing America's "booboisie" total reign: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • The workman's son who speaks four languages acknowledges that his caustic wit and plain speaking are not always understood. Times, Sunday Times
  • When these materials burn, they release dense smoke and toxic fumes, such as hydrogen cyanide and carbon monoxide, which are caustic to skin and eyes and can be lethal if inhaled.
  • In the tents one could see artists painting with watercolours, acrylics pastels, or demonstrating encaustic painting.
  • He also investigated caustic curves and in particular he studied these associated curves of the parabola, the logarithmic spiral and epicycloids around 1692.
  • Last week's chemical accident in Hungary, when about184 million gallons of caustic sludge and water burst from a storage pool of a metals plant inundating three western Hungarian towns and spilling into the Danube, is yet another reminder that accidents happen at chemical facilities. Elizabeth Hitchcock: In The Public Interest : How Many Reminders Do We Need Before We Act To Reduce Chemical Accident Risk?
  • Remember that this is caustic; use gloves or a spoon.
  • No. Lucian Freud could abandon his reclining nudes and paint abstracts, work in plywood and encaustics. Discussion: On Sex in Fiction
  • While emphasising the need for discipline, she exuded a caustic anti-establishment manner which at the time I found particularly refreshing.
  • Many of these are based on caustic soda and require care in use and protective clothing, gloves and goggles.
  • I carried, as usual, very little medicine -- merely three gallons of castor oil, a few bottles of iodine, some formiate of quinine, strong carbolic and arsenical soaps, permanganate and other powerful disinfectants, caustic -- that was about all. Across Unknown South America
  • Her caustic reply carried more meaning than he knew.
  • But over ten years, audiences have become less able to accept her caustic humour. The Sun
  • The application of the lunar caustic in recent burns or scalds, has always appeared to me to increase the inflammation and vesication, even inducing blisters where there were none before. An Essay on the Application of the Lunar Caustic in the Cure of Certain Wounds and Ulcers
  • Doctors feared she would die from horrific injuries caused by the 98 per cent strength caustic soda. The Sun
  • Render the distillate strongly alkaline with caustic potash and redistil. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • Painted on wooden rectangles, either in encaustic (pigment suspended in wax) or tempera (pigment suspended in egg yolk), the form and the medium of the icon have remained constant to the present.
  • The process of making soy-protein isolate begins with defatted soybean meal, which is mixed with a caustic alkaline solution to remove the fiber, then washed in an acid solution to precipitate out the protein.
  • Everyone’s favorite caustic, raspy monotone is back for more science fiction-fantasy-mystery hybrid goodness. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • He'd left that after an hour of wandering around, trying not to sound too caustic in his comments about the whole thing.
  • Fritsche in the same year by the distillation of indigo with caustic potash developed a product which he also called aniline, the name being derived from the Portuguese word anil, meaning indigo. Forty Centuries of Ink
  • It consists of abutting panels of blue and red acrylic applied in an almost burnished density that recalls encaustic.
  • Witness the madcap antics of "The 39 Steps," the Hitchcock sendup still raking in laughs off-Broadway, or the caustic sneer of "Speed-the-Plow," David Mamet's comic slap at deal making in Hollywood. 'Brief Encounter': Mad about its style
  • Lutefisk is a traditional Norwegian dish featuring cod that has been steeped for many days in a solution of lye, until its flesh is caustic enough to dissolve silver cutlery.
  • I also like oil pastels and encaustic, but I am less familiar with these.
  • The Chemicals segment manufactures, markets, and distributes industrial chemicals, principally sodium chlorate, chlorine, muriatic acid, and caustic soda.
  • Nevertheless, this elucidation of the generic discontinuous change has shed light upon many optical phenomena where caustics and diffraction occur.
  • Experts suggest that the burns experienced by villagers are most likely to be caused by caustic soda, which is frequently used in the production process. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was impossible not to wince, though, when the caustic chemical bit into open flesh.
  • Now you can use anti-freeze or salts to lower the melting point, but you can only go so far with that and still allow life to exist, otherwise the chemicals become too caustic.
  • His caustic comments make wonderful copy, of course. Times, Sunday Times
  • Aughinish jetty receives ore, oil and caustic and exports the finished aluminium oxide.
  • Carnaptious and caustic, his intransigence could make him, by turn, infuriating and impossible to work with.
  • The name change was swiftly greeted with a string of caustic comments online. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most adults who have warts often turn to one of four treatment options: salicylic acid (an over-the-counter medication); cryotherapy (freezing warts with the use of liquid nitrogen); podophyllum (a caustic drug that must be prescribed by a doctor); and surgical scraping. Resolving Moles and Warts Permanently the Natural Way
  • But it's clear that some of the more caustic comments about them continue to nettle Mik Pyro.
  • It combines erudition and caustic humour and keeps up a cracking pace. Times, Sunday Times
  • By this point in the movie, Banek can only laugh with caustic irony at this diatribe.
  • It is strangely unclassifiable television - a caustically comic, surreptitiously sudsy thriller that has alienated a whole tranche of strait-laced Americans and so delighted many more.
  • Yueyuan Wang, with profound wax painting level and the using of the wax knife by superb, creates a new form of encaustic wax wood-block painting.
  • He opened his mouth to make a caustic retort.
  • In By Nightfall the register is necessarily more masculine, the oscillations now between a language of transcendence and a kind of cornered, caustic blokishness. Alan Hollinghurst On Michael Cunningham: The New York Review Of Books
  • One, the more popular method, consists in the injection of caustic solutions of various kinds into the fistulous openings with the object of causing sloughing of necrotic tissue and the stimulation of healthy granulation of such wounds. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • The caustic burn was treated successfully, and the patient eventually achieved good vision after uncomplicated cataract surgery.
  • The caustic of a circle with radiant point on the circumference is a cardioid, while if the rays are parallel then the caustic is a nephroid.
  • He left his home with six bottles in his rucksack filled with paraffin, caustic soda and nails. Times, Sunday Times
  • His sentiment has become philosophical, as we are not cowed by caustic warnings but entreated with seductive and satisfying draftsmanship.
  • By the use of such caustics as caustic potash, chloride-of-zinc paste, pyrogallic acid, arsenic, and the galvano-cautery; and by operative measures, such as excision and erasion with the dermal curette, and by the _x_-ray. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • You know the ordinary nephroid as the reflected catacaustic of a circle, the involute of Caley’s sextic, and a generally good-natured two-cusped epicycloid. Rambles at » Blog Archive » Imaginary Law Firms, Part 1: Brannock, Foley, and Freeth
  • The petrochemical plant produces caustic soda, ethylene dichloride and vinyl cholirede monomer.
  • Their caustic relationship alternates between comic turns and hair-raising go-for-blood verbal combat.
  • He is equally caustic about Western art historians and critics.
  • But there are few if any satirical sideswipes or caustic commentaries on the people living day to day in his fiction.
  • Clubs" are next recommended for those fond of solitude, and their satin luxuries humorously quizzed; but "the Colonial System," which follows, has more causticity. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 12, No. 322, July 12, 1828
  • Others may contain noxious or caustic materials that could burn the mucous membranes of the mouth.
  • Her caustic, waspish comments on the other housemates were biting and bitchy, but always spot on.
  • She was a caustic critic of charismatic ministers who speechify but don't mobilize.
  • Lye is hazardous, very caustic, and will burn skin.
  • Never use caustic household chemicals to clean your leather items.
  • Its other saving grace is its caustic sense of humour. The Times Literary Supplement
  • P ~ C resins and solid - state caustic soda won the state Silver Medal in 1983 and 1984 respectively.
  • The caustic of the equiangular spiral, where the pole is taken as the radiant, is an equal equiangular spiral.
  • That confession could come straight from the lips of Mavis Gary, the caustic antiheroine of "Young Adult. rss feed
  • They found it contained a lethal caustic chemical found in a brand of household oven cleaner. The Sun
  • The Chengdu US China bold encaustic tile Limited company builds in August, 2003 , is the specialized colored cement encaustic tile and the complete set of products manufacture producer.
  • Sodium hydroxide, NaOH, also known as lye and caustic soda, is one of the most important of all industrial chemicals.
  • Likewise, efficient marketing of both chlorine and caustic soda is essential as demand for the two chemicals is rarely in balance.
  • They are covered in thick oil and encaustic in a range of gray-blues and maroon.
  • I listen to him almost everyday and understand full well thathe's aman of integrity andwould never make such a caustic commentasRush Limbaugh's made. Shut Limbaugh Down In Iraq, for his sibilance at the end of soldier
  • The artists used both tempera and encaustic, a wax-based medium.
  • The same pyrolusite (binoxide of manganese) cylinder used with the same thin rod of zinc will precipitate 75 per cent. more copper from solution in an hour when caustic potash is used than when sal ammoniac is employed. Scientific American Supplement, No. 392, July 7, 1883
  • But it is commonly obtained from blood, by strongly heating that substance with caustic potash; the alkali attracts the acid from the blood, and forms with it a _prussiat of potash_. Conversations on Chemistry, V. 1-2 In Which the Elements of that Science Are Familiarly Explained and Illustrated by Experiments
  • The expense of solvent decarbonisers usually rules them out when caustic cleaners can be used.
  • Pneumonia can also be caused by inhaling substances, such as caustic chemicals, food or vomit into the lungs.
  • This is a great treat for Newman fans - the man, his voice, his joanna and searingly caustic lyrics.
  • He would often describe his wartime experiences in caustic, funny terms that would turn bitter and rancorous.
  • For a new suite of paintings executed in encaustic and resin, the artist found inspiration in the often unheralded work of women architects
  • Two very different comedians, two towering influences the impish Carson and the caustic Pryor, passed away in 2005.
  • Helium, like argon, is a gas, sparingly soluble in water, withstanding the action of oxygen in presence of caustic soda, under the influence of the electric discharge, as well as of red-hot magnesium. Sir William Ramsay - Nobel Lecture
  • And where you'd expect Jack to be his usual sarky, caustic self, he was so unnervingly straight and calm that I could only think of two possible scenarios: lobotomy or Valium.
  • At the same time he was a caustic critic of anything he thought sloppy or ill-prepared. Times, Sunday Times
  • The organic matters of the soil may be divided into three great classes; the first containing those substances which are soluble in water; the second, those extracted by means of caustic potash; and the third, those insoluble in all menstrua. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
  • It combines erudition and caustic humour and keeps up a cracking pace. Times, Sunday Times
  • Doctors feared she would die from horrific injuries caused by the 98 per cent strength caustic soda. The Sun
  • The area 30000 square meters, the encaustic tile annual output 15000000 pieces, is the southwest large-scale encaustic tile production base.
  • The warnings conflicted with the view of the prestigious Hungarian Academy of Sciences, which reiterated Friday that the red sludge remained hazardous due to its caustic alkalinity but its heavy metal concentrations were not considered dangerous for the environment. Hungary Toxic Sludge Has 'Surprisingly High' Levels Of Arsenic, Mercury, According To Greenpeace
  • Jinny always dances in the hall on the ugly, the encaustic tiles; she turns cartwheels in the playground; she picks some flower forbiddenly, and sticks it behind her ear so that Miss The Waves
  • Yama," will question that the great, the gigantic Kuprin has shown "the burdens and abominations" of prostitution, in "simple, fine, and deathlessly-caustic images"; has shown that "all the horror is in just this -- that there is no horror ... Yama: the pit
  • Three bottles were filled with paraffin and the others with caustic soda. Times, Sunday Times
  • She's famous in the office for her caustic wit.
  • Caustic soda, ie sodium hydroxide, used in the manufacture of soap.
  • To study the first division of the embryo, it is usually necessary to render the archegonium transparent, which may be done by using a little caustic potash; or letting it lie for a few hours in dilute glycerine will sometimes suffice. Elements of Structural and Systematic Botany For High Schools and Elementary College Courses
  • Their caustic relationship alternates between comic turns and hair-raising go-for-blood verbal combat.
  • Ba (C.O_3) _2 · H_2O, and begins to decompose on being heated to 250° C. Barium iodate, Ba (IO_3) _2, is obtained by the action of excess of iodic acid on hot caustic baryta solution or by adding sodium iodate to barium chloride solution. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"
  • Hayward made some pretty caustic comments about your poetry.
  • The name change was swiftly greeted with a string of caustic comments online. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ba (C.O_3) _2 · H_2O, and begins to decompose on being heated to 250° C. Barium iodate, Ba (IO_3) _2, is obtained by the action of excess of iodic acid on hot caustic baryta solution or by adding sodium iodate to barium chloride solution. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"
  • The wife has been desperately trying to unblock years-worth of accumulated grease, coffee grounds, a false tooth, hair, calcium, limescale and other unmentionables using pumps, wires, acids and caustic soda, all to little effect.
  • A diffuse telangiectasis, should it require treatment, may be gently touched with a needle-pointed galvanocaustic electrode at a number of sittings. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • They bickered constantly and sniped at each other with abrasive, even caustic, jibes, but Drake made a valiant effort to stop himself short of physical violence.
  • The process of using the leaves for dye sounds extremely complicated, whether you ferment them (with or without adding urine), or extract the dye chemically, or just boil them and then treat the extract with caustic soda and sodium dithionite. Archive 2009-01-01

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