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How To Use Causing In A Sentence

  • He said nothing as he took his horse's reins and mounted up, the pain causing sparks to flash behind his eyes and his vision to fuzz a little around the edges.
  • The driver braked abruptly, causing the car to skid a little.
  • I ` d like to see it minus bodywork to see if it ` s got smaller wheels than the big old hoops normal for the period, cos i reckon even tho the bodywork is quite wide, full lock would find large dia. wheels causing a few problems. 1930 Art Deco Henderson
  • Well, suddenly without any warning, a couple of weeks ago, men and machines arrived and started digging up the road and pavement and generally causing the usual traffic chaos.
  • He said disputes and votes being called on the order of business were causing needless disruption.
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  • I picked up the free end, causing the coils to rustle like party streamers.
  • Toxic effects may be either lethal, causing death, or sublethal.
  • Open pores are more affected by rubbing or abrasion, causing these fabrics to wear out sooner.
  • He came 20th, causing him great disappointment as his objective was no less than outright victory.
  • Apart from causing public nuisance and inconvenience to the commuters this also leads to road accidents.
  • Nineteen people have submitted stool samples that tested positive for diarrhea-causing agents: Campylobacter (14), norovirus (3), salmonella (1) and Giardia (1).
  • As he fought to rip the net apart, Francis noticed, with horror, that their struggles were only pulling the net tighter, causing it to inject increasing amounts of tranquilizing drugs into their bodies.
  • Swindon Council may also serve a warning notice on riders causing a noise nuisance.
  • There is no known cure for hebephilia and no effective initial screening mechanism, says psychologist James Cantor, who leads a team of researchers from Toronto's Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and other hospitals in studying the role of the brain in causing pedophilia and hebephilia. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Worsted in this war of love Shiva punished the mischievous god of love Madana for aiding that maiden by causing springtime to appear on the scene before its wonted time.
  • Experts fear that if further development closes off these migration paths, it will interfere with the pronghorn's life cycle, eventually causing the species to disappear.
  • The dog snapped its jaws open and closed inches from Rae's face and he could smell the animal's fetid breath, choking him, causing him to gag.
  • The consuming of large amounts of phenylalanine has also been linked to causing nerve damage. The Sun
  • Surely this would be the ideal place to locate these stall holders - still in the town centre but not causing obstructions.
  • He needn't worry about that song causing a riot. The Sun
  • - Some floats would get converted incorrection during research planning causing the LUA for tech research to terminate. News
  • The charges against the Commanchero members are for "affray" - fighting in public and causing bystanders to fear for their safety. The Buzz
  • If the reform stuck to a market-based insurance system - so went the reasoning - access could be within reach of more people without causing disruptions to those benefiting from the status quo. Anja Rudiger: With all eyes on the 'market,' health reform overlooked human rights
  • A big-jawed and relatively small-brained hominid known as Paranthropus consumed mainly nuts and other hard foods, causing it to die out as these resources became scarce in African habitats.
  • Arsonists torched a town-centre bar, causing residents in nearby houses to flee in terror.
  • He was accused of causing death by reckless driving .
  • If I am injured in body or pocket I expect the person causing that injury to compensate me for any losses that I incur unless it has been a genuine accident.
  • The Q virus infects the letter Q on your machine, causing potential damage to any document with a Q in it.
  • It seems unlikely to be an infectious agent that is causing the problem as only Koi and Orfe are affected.
  • It is rare for the responsibility for causing conflict to rest solely on one side.
  • Subsequent movement rifted these later lava fields, causing long, linear valleys bounded by parallel faults. Iceland as a model for Renewable energy
  • Optical radiation may cause chemical changes in living or non-living materials: this property is called actinism and radiation capable of causing such changes is referred to as actinic radiation.
  • Instead of trying to undo the damage inflicted by the villain, Captain Nero (played by Eric Bana), the challenge for our heroes is to stop Nero from causing any further damage. Star Trek 2009 Feature Film Review | Fan Cinema Today
  • The harsh years of the Depression were causing everyone to tighten their belts.
  • It was reported that the noise was causing stress for grazing livestock and driving them into the road. Times, Sunday Times
  • At about two years old, his three-foot girth spills out onto the flagstone path, causing visitors to pause on the way to the arbour.
  • It may be that the determination with which I exterminate any flies that enter my house is causing famine in the spider population.
  • This produced no immediate effect; he then got a small bundle of different kinds of medicinal woods, and, burning them in a potsherd nearly to ashes, used the smoke and hot vapor arising from them as an auxiliary to the other in causing diaphoresis. Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa
  • Sugar unbalances the endocrine system, which includes the adrenal glands, pancreas and liver, causing the blood-sugar level to fluctuate widely.
  • Besides leaving salt deposits, rusting internal parts and causing valve damage, water in an engine also makes short work of pistons and cylinders.
  • What's causing international winemakers to seek alternate closures for their wines?
  • Police have declared war on rogue street sellers causing a nuisance to shoppers and traders in Chelmsford.
  • He found the blood vessels in her arm had hemorrhaged, and blood had collected around her median nerve, causing severe and permanent injury to her arm.
  • I just want them to admit what they have done and apologise for causing the death of my husband.
  • During magnetic storms the intense electrical currents that f ow in the upper atmosphere heat the air, causing it to expand.
  • Surface dirt, when liquified by chemical application, soaks into the fabric causing staining.
  • We never found out what was causing it, but I rather suspect that the carpets were mouldy from the damp.
  • The temperature gradient just above the core would become much steeper, for example, causing a much hotter boundary layer.
  • The process of demyelination interrupts the electrical impulses that run through these nerve fibers, causing weakness and paralysis. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • But with the U.S. Federal Reserve's recently announced avowal of easy monetary policy causing the dollar to flirt with its record low against the yen, Japan's government is turning an increasingly stern eye toward its own central bank for further monetary easing to counter the U.S. action. Pressure Mounts on BOJ to Weaken Yen After U.S. Criticism of Intervention
  • Light slanted through the canopy of trees that sheltered the abandoned field, causing Qiara to shield her face, and squint her eyes up at the sun.
  • The building of the canal is expected to control the annual floods that inundate many parts of the capital, causing much loss of life and property.
  • As for primogeniture, the leading modern authority on the subject, Professor Stanley Katz of the Chicago Law School, has given no weight at all to gerontophobia in causing its abolition. Growing Old: An Exchange
  • He quietly gathered a few bolts and washers from the floor and threw them to the other end of a row of crates, causing a loud sound to come from that direction.
  • Pawn ministry is traumatic the ability when causing cerebrum to be damaged badly may be caused gawkish .
  • In that context, I found phrases like these kind of disconcerting and hard to read: the passions of his bewildered heart … a maelstrom of melancholicaly erupted emotion … causing a bit of the guilt to spatter through his brow … that would never permit his repression, never allow for nothing short of predetermined apocalyptic salvation. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Frank Murdock’s Review Forum
  • With the help of his faithful spirit Ariel, Prospero conjures up a great storm causing a shipwreck on the shore nearby.
  • Past phenomenon is the development of enterprises just to be a piece of Geosphere , dug a Tai Hang, and then on to property[Sentence dictionary], thus causing the real estate market in 1992 after the bubble.
  • These conditions are causing complications such as encephalitis, pneumonia, diarrhea and conjunctivitis.
  • This had the interesting side effect of causing his vocal accomplice to fall temporarily silent.
  • Hiccups, more officially referred to as singultus, from Latin - to catch your breath while sobbing are repeated, spasmodic contractions of the diaphragm causing a quick inhalation, which is then cut short by an involuntary closing of the glottis. NYT > Home Page
  • She heard an air gun fire and a few minutes later heard another sound and a pellet hit her hand causing a bruise.
  • My wife finds this impossible to deal with and it's causing many arguments. The Sun
  • This is a wasteful process causing a net loss of nitrogen to the animal and pollution of the environment.
  • I blame James for bringing Friendster up on Monday, while a bunch of us were geeking out on our wifi-enabled Powerbooks in the hallway (causing Rebecca to ask, "Remember when we used to talk to each other?").
  • As a natural response to a diseased heart, the body releases the hormone norepinephrine, causing the heart to beat up to five times faster than normal.
  • A clot or bleeding deprives parts of the brain of blood, causing numbness, paralysis or speech loss. The Sun
  • Both had holstered their guns so in order to avoid causing panic amongst the passengers.
  • A peaceful demonstration had been hijacked by anarchists intent on causing trouble.
  • It is known to harass birds as large as Red-tailed Hawks or vultures, causing them to disgorge food.
  • Lillian Andrews, a scheming sexpot, seduces her married boss, causing divorce and general mayhem in the lives of those around her.
  • Cytotoxic antibiotics, such as doxorubicin, stick to DNA causing it to become tangled and preventing the cell from dividing.
  • It would also protect against septicaemia in which bacteria multiply unchecked in the blood, possibly causing death without prompt treatment.
  • I flung it through the window causing it to shatter into countless pieces.
  • A fault means parts of the cap seal could end up in the liquid - causing a choking hazard. The Sun
  • The country teems with "poets, poetasters, poetitos, and poetaccios:" every man has his recognised position in literature as accurately defined as though he had been reviewed in a century of magazines, -- the fine ear of this people [22] causing them to take the greatest pleasure in harmonious sounds and poetical expressions, whereas a false quantity or a prosaic phrase excite their violent indignation. First Footsteps in East Africa
  • The irregular shape of the cornea distorts the image causing it to blur, unlike in a lazy eye where the eye is essentially normal.
  • Warm, moist headspace air can activate mold growth, causing grain to crust and seal over.
  • The girl, who had been drawing her hands down her face in worry, stopped mid-action causing her eyes to droop like those of a basset hound.
  • Moments later, after he collected himself, he added: ‘I wasn't aware I was causing that much trouble.
  • As monsoonal rains poured down, the Gulf Country of Queensland, and extensive areas of the dry centre, were turned into vast inland seas, isolating pastoral stations and causing heavy cattle losses.
  • The wife's questioning is swift and incisive, causing her husband first to reveal a trickle of information, then a cascade.
  • Growing unease at the prospect of an election is causing fierce arguments within the party.
  • Tiny needles are inserted into the hair follicle followed by an electrical charge that damages it, causing it to stop producing hair.
  • I think that you are simply causing us to chase an untamed ornithoid without cause. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • It's a narcotising vista, causing the pupils to shrink, the heart to beat faster.
  • More baffles, in a herringbone pattern, will also be placed on the face of the weir, causing the speed of flow to be reduced, which will make it easier for the fish to swim up and over the weir.
  • Everything he likes or wants, from saccharine to cigarettes, is doomfully reported as causing cancer or cholesterol. The Business of Playing Hockey
  • Remus, in close orbit to Romulus, is locked in an odd rotation around its sun, causing half the planet to be in perpetual darkness.
  • Aspirin is also an ototoxic drug: it can damage the ear to the point of causing hearing loss. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • TWOC … How about causing death by dangerous driving?! on October 13, 2008 at 5: 52 pm | Reply Tony F Protect, Serve….. then release on bail to re-offend. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The most humane treatment is to expose the addict fully to the personal and family pain he is causing. Christianity Today
  • A passer-by told the driver to move his car so that it was not causing an obstruction.
  • Bottom trawling (scraping large nets across the seabed) kills coral, stirs up sediment causing pollutants to migrate into seaweed and other fish feed, and scoops up large amounts of by-catch -- other sealife, like turtles and dolphins unintentionally caught and wasted. Cathy Erway: The Pescatore's Dilemma
  • Next we set about trying to ascertain exactly which features and aspects of the environment were responsible for causing these effects.
  • Ash could accumulate on rooftops, causing them to collapse on people seeking shelter in the vicinity of the volcano.
  • When air flows in the spaces between the disks, the spacers are arranged in such a way as to provide inward momentum to the air, causing the disks to move. Tesla-Inspired Bladeless Wind Turbine Could Generate Power Comparable to Coal Power Plants | Impact Lab
  • In the '90s, most creatine monohydrate wasn't micronized (ground down to a very fine powder for better absorption in the intestines and causing less diarrhea).
  • This time the bullet ricochets off the stone fireplace behind Deuterium Boy and embeds itself in the piano, causing the figurine to topple off and shatter on the ground.
  • Laxatives irritate the lining of the intestines, thus causing muscular contractions.
  • This growing chasm, initially masked by the housing boom, is now causing seething resentment. Times, Sunday Times
  • All three were charged with stealing personal property in broad daylight and causing a nuisance to society.
  • Goldman Sachs was a key player in wrecking our economy and causing thousands of Arkansans to lose their jobs and their homes. Lincoln will not return Goldman Sachs donations
  • Heredity is not a factor in causing the cancer.
  • You sense it is already causing a few restless nights. The Sun
  • They fluttered down, the petals cascading around the guests and the royal family, causing a gorgeous and divine sight.
  • A ringing twang interrupted the scene as a large piece of shrapnel ricocheted off a 500 - pounder in the bomb bay, causing me to momentarily slam the door shut.
  • It may react with chemicals in food or in the stomach to form tiny amounts of cancer-causing nitrosamines.
  • One drinker suffered a suspected heart attack and another was hit in the face with a piece of glass, causing a deep gash.
  • Morgan almost stooped in mid-stride causing the horse to shy away.
  • Any furnace producing that amount may have one or more operating conditions causing such a high level of carbon monoxides.
  • The ad was based on the latest findings of the National Research Council and a citizens' sampling program that found high levels of cancer-causing arsenic in wood from Home Depot stores nationwide.
  • Energy availability hypotheses may be one of mechanisms causing athletic menstrual cycle irregularities.
  • It is believed he was under the water for at least two minutes, causing him to take in a lot of water and making his temperature plunge.
  • The problem is causing me many sleepless nights. Times, Sunday Times
  • Finally he spoke in a forced casual tone, causing her to turn, making his voice as flat and uninterested as possible.
  • This division between ins and outs had prompted a painful argument over the need to establish a forum for ministers from the ins, without causing a dangerous rupture from the outs.
  • Roadworks are causing bottlenecks in the city centre.
  • As I sat to write this essay I could not help but reflect upon an old saying about a butterfly beating its wings in China and causing a breeze in Oregon.
  • It's only a tiny minority of people who are causing the problem.
  • He was charged with causing death by dangerous driving .
  • Volcanoes erupt under glaciers, causing gigantic floods that make the island a fearsomely dangerous place for human colonization.
  • In some industries, most notably textiles, massive changes took place in technology and in the organisation of production causing dramatic productivity growth.
  • Police detained them for causing a disturbance, although officers took their petition and passed it on.
  • The SEC, he said, "has no discretion-none-to fail to follow up, with serious investigations, when presented with knowledgeable, detailed, obviously highly competent, and in many respects easily 'checkable' allegations of … a huge fraud that is fooling thousands of people, stealing billions of dollars, and causing horrible injustice. News Dissector Blog
  • The cervical spine in rheumatoid arthritis Needs careful assessment Rheumatoid arthritis commonly affects the cervical spine, causing several well defined deformities.
  • By February 1999, the warehouse system still couldn't track inventory, causing Department 56 to ship unordered merchandise, to fill and ship the same orders multiple times or to fail to ship orders completely.
  • Once dry, the individual nodules are immersed in water, causing much of the clay to fall away.
  • The earnings outlook coupled with stock price drops are causing Wall Street firms to determine which companies are still good bets.
  • He was placed under house arrest, accused of causing the crash and abandoning the liner while 300 passengers were allegedly still on board. Times, Sunday Times
  • Teenage troublemakers who are causing upset in a corner of Morecambe are being warned against inflicting further misery on residents.
  • And, as if the moment couldn't turn any more unfortunate, one of these shadow spikes struck the car's fuel tank, rupturing it and causing the yellow cab to explode into shrapnel and into flames.
  • At the age of 95 and still in possession of his mental capacities he was diagnosed with prostate cancer and metastases in the lumbar spine causing a spastic paraparesis.
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We found varying levels of nicotine, carcinogens, which are cancer-causing chemicals, and even a poison, and it's ethylene glycol, which is found in antifreeze. CNN Transcript Jul 23, 2009
  • Despite this, none of the newer buses has been assigned to the route, so Victoria buses, slow and lumbering old cows, are often broken-down, causing even more frequent delays.
  • The driver, who was only on her second day on the route, misjudged the height of the low bridge, causing the accident.
  • The hardening typically affects the hands, causing the fingers to curl inwards.
  • It seems that nudity is causing outrage again, this time in Wales.
  • He passed a breath test but was held on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving then bailed. The Sun
  • The eruption is also spewing invisible sulphur dioxide gas, which is notorious for causing respiratory problems, smog and acid rain. Times, Sunday Times
  • A tidal wave caused by the earthquake hit the coast causing catastrophic damage.
  • Captain Ellis began an investigation into the grouping of the various strains of "meningococci" -- the organism causing cerebro-spinal meningitis, with the ultimate object of obtaining a more efficient anti-serum for the treatment of this disease. On the Fringe of the Great Fight
  • Fresh walnuts are simply walnuts that have been recently picked from the tree, as opposed to walnuts that have been stored for a while, causing their insides to shrivel and dry up.
  • The harsh years of the Depression were causing everyone to tighten their belts.
  • They are still causing mayhem in their southern bailiwick.
  • A firework was pushed through the letter box of the building and set fire to items of mail, causing smoke damage to the building on Owen Road.
  • Hurt and deeply jealous, she stalked him for 18 months causing misery and harassment to the pair.
  • They are smoother than mesh rollers and less likely to catch the hair, causing it to tangle or frizz.
  • Mr O'Donoghue insisted that just a handful of vagrants were causing trouble for people and that he was not insisting that all were creating a menace in the boom city.
  • The year out may have caused a problem in terms of re-employment, but the stress was causing heart palpitations. Times, Sunday Times
  • A leaky valve and a tight schedule are causing NASA some headaches.
  • Ash could accumulate on rooftops, causing them to collapse on people seeking shelter in the vicinity of the volcano.
  • Invasions of garlic mustard are causing local extirpations of the toothworts, and chemicals in garlic mustard appear to be toxic to the eggs of the butterfly, as evidenced by their failure to hatch when laid on garlic mustard plants.
  • Taile dug his fingers into Cali's ribs, causing him to squiggle around, laughing, his eyes opening.
  • A flashback is a sudden, vivid memory of a bad trip and can be very frightening, sometimes causing mental health problems.
  • Dr Thomas said her frailty and distortion in her back contributed to pneumonia, causing her death.
  • The color darkens his eyes just slightly without causing him to look any paler.
  • Illnesses that most commonly cause febrile convulsions include viral upper respiratory infections such as flu, ear infections, or roseola (a virus causing a temperature and rash).
  • Hydrops is secondary to vena caval obstruction and cardiac compression from large tumors causing an extreme mediastinal shift. Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
  • A city court today sentenced an executive of a private company and his parents to life imprisonment for causing the death of his wife after subjecting her to extreme cruelty due to dowry demands.
  • Privilege and exclusiveness are the most important roots causing conflicts among religions.
  • Read in studio A man has appeared in court accused of causing the death of a pensioner by dangerous driving.
  • The exhaust gases that these cars produce are very harmful to the environment, causing a variety of ecological problems such as ozone depletion and global warming.
  • By causing only one group of colors to light, the electrician can secure all sorts of variations, and with the aid of "dimmers" permit the lights to shine brilliantly or merely to glow with faint radiance. Writing for Vaudeville
  • The researchers first discovered the fusion protein acts like an oncogene, or cancer-causing gene, that can promote unrestricted cell growth.
  • It seems unlikely to be an infectious agent that is causing the problem as only Koi and Orfe are affected.
  • He raised his head to look at her, meeting her eyes and giving her a sly smile, causing a faint blush to appear on her cheeks.
  • His feet caught me square in the shins., causing me to catapult up into the air.
  • As for why the other drive is becoming fragmented, something must be causing the fragmentation.
  • A young woman wept in court as a jury cleared her of causing the death of a former pub landlord.
  • This excess fungal yeast irritates the scalp, causing overproduction of skin cells.
  • Stacey continued to babble on, totally naïve to the fact that she was causing so many eyes to focus on her.
  • He hits my G-spot, causing a wave of pleasure to wash over me. Deep Throat Diva
  • Other effects may be local causing inflammation and gum diseases. The Residue Report - an action plan for safer food
  • It's the sheer volume of traffic in the city that is causing the problems.
  • Morgan admitted four specimen counts of rape and two charges of assault causing actual bodily harm.
  • Such variations might arise from minor genetic differences or by epigenetic influences causing induction, enhancement or inhibition of repair enzyme synthesis or activity.
  • I remember a woman losing the tips of her fingers because of the endotoxic shock causing the blood vessels to shrink down. Archive 2006-01-01
  • Â The flame arrester screen can become detached from its mounting ring, preventing the throttle valve from returning to the idle position when the throttle lever is released, causing the rider to lose control of the ATV. Product Recalls For The Week of July 3-10, 2010 | myFiveBest
  • The nasty bacterium responsible is a one-celled microscopic organism that kills by causing an infection in the small intestine.
  • The word tinkled in her head with a supernatural echo, frozen in mystery, causing her to stir and rustle the funny papers so that she failed to hear the conclusion of her uncle's sentence: Even Cowgirls Get The Blues
  • This ingenious magnetic toilet descaler prevents minerals, germs and fungus from causing stains, rings and limescale build up in your toilet.
  • De Bary proved that the old idea of the farmer, that the rust is very apt to appear on wheat growing in the neighborhood of berberry bushes, was no fable; but on the contrary, that the yellow _Æcidium_ on the berberry is a phase in the life history of the fungus causing the wheat rust. Scientific American Supplement, No. 664, September 22,1888
  • But the water may contain other harmful substances, such as beta-ray emitting strontium, which is known for causing bone cancers. New Leak Detected at Nuclear Facility
  • Because of the particularly toxic nature of the disease-causing agents studied at these labs, known as biosafety level (BSL) 4 labs, they are held to a higher level of security, or they are supposed to ... OpEdNews - Quicklink: GAO Uncovers Lax Security at Top Bio-Labs
  • Flatulence-causing oligosaccharides, such as stachyose and raffinose, are completely hydrolyzed. 1 Upgrading Traditional Biotechnological Processes
  • Even while behind bars they seem capable of causing maximum mayhem.
  • A downdraft over the stack is causing the sewer gas to be more noticeable.
  • Debate raged around the dinner tables of the nation, causing irrevocable family feuds and superficial cutlery wounds.
  • It is true that, in bad weather, radar beams can be reflected off waves, causing false echoes or making the screen unreadable.
  • Perhaps the most important issue, however, is the possibility of causing curriculum backwash.
  • As the cycle repeats, panic starts to rise inside me, causing my heart to race and my temples to pound.
  • Many of them were young boys whose wire strings hit electrical power lines, causing short circuits.
  • He seems incapable of checking his rage and increasingly bent on causing real harm to others.
  • EP-3 reconnaissance plane, killing himself and causing the Americans to crash-land on Hainan Island, where they were held for 11 days. The Growing Threat From China's Air Force
  • She started to have more energy and the deterioration that the radiotherapy was causing in her mouth stopped.
  • With increasing exposure, the liquid gold eventually contains too much silicon and is said to become "supersaturated," and the silicon precipitates as a solid, causing the nanowire to begin forming. Innovations-report
  • By using microphone headsets, military trainees are gauged on what they say as well as pronunciation, inflection and body language to learn how to communicate without causing conflict.
  • Gypsy moths can attack bur oak; oak lacebug can turn the leaves off-color, causing long-term stress that heavily defoliates bur oaks in shelterbelt plantings, especially during dry weather.
  • I contemplated of forging a letter from the management to complain about the noise pollution he’s causing (it’s been two weeks) but resorted to calling the guardhouse and asked the guards to tell him instead. Natinski Diary Entry

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