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How To Use Causeless In A Sentence

  • Pro 26:2 As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.
  • I would not, causelessly, alarm my husband: nor would The Curate and His Daughter, a Cornish Tale
  • When he awoke, and sprang up causelessly frightened, the words were in his ears, as if her voice had slowly spoken them at his pillow, to break his rest: ‘He withers away in his prison; I wither away in mine; inexorable justice is done; what do I owe on this score!’ Little Dorrit
  • The universe emerges randomly and causelessly out of space. Times, Sunday Times
  • a causeless war that never had an aim
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  • But the third has its roots apparently in mere haphazard and causelessness, and isn't explicable by any means whatsoever, and yet is far and away the violentest of the three. My Friend Prospero
  • Reader! when you behold an aspect for whose constant gloom and frown you cannot account, whose unvarying cloud exasperates you by its apparent causelessness, be sure that there is a canker somewhere, and a canker not the less deeply corroding because concealed. Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
  • The same kind of quick but quiet movement in the tide happened a few years since at Chiloe, during a slight earthquake, and created much causeless alarm. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • The causelessness of all this fuff stirred my own bile. David Balfour, a sequel to Kidnapped.
  • She expostulated upon his having so causelessly terrified her, and enquired why he came so disguised. Camilla
  • Lastly, I've had a recurring cough for the last seven or eight years, as well as experiencing dry heaving and seemingly causeless vomiting.
  • If any human acts may loosely be called causeless, they are the minor acts of a healthy man; whistling as he walks; slashing the grass with a stick; kicking his heels or rubbing his hands. Orthodoxy
  • Such were the pretexts behind which the first president and his friends prepared for a carnage which, for causelessness and atrocity, finds few parallels on the page of history. The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2)
  • In the story, she wears an aspect of singular causelessness, and Rip's devotion to the drinking-can is barely hinted: the marvellous tenderness, too, and joyful sorrow of his return after the twenty years 'sleep, are apparently not even suspected by the writer. A Study Of Hawthorne
  • I believe the gentlest spirits when provoked (causelessly and cruelly provoked) are the most determined. Clarissa Harlowe
  • Mr. Webster defines ‘freak’ as a sudden causeless change of mind, a whim of fancy, a vagary, a caprice.
  • With the approach of evening, in place of that physical contentment which usually heralds the dinner-hour, at sea, I experienced a fit of the seemingly causeless apprehension which too often in the past had harbingered the coming of grim events; which I had learnt to associate with the nearing presence of one of Fu-Manchu's death-agents. The Return of Dr. Fu-Manchu
  • He meant the sense of profound mystery, the revolt against utter causelessness, which had tormented to no clearness so many generations of minds. Cytherea
  • Conspiracy theories took hold: In the town of Oyster Bay, on Long Island, city counselors accused John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie of using their millions to corrupt “men and microbes” in order to create “causeless hysteria and . . . needless hardships.” The Panic Virus
  • Pro 26:2 As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.
  • They say miracles are past; and we have our philosophical persons that is, scientists, to make modern and familiar, things supernatural and causeless. In the Valley of the Shadow
  • The causelessness of all this fuff stirred my own bile. David Balfour, a sequel to Kidnapped.
  • For I had rather he should receive the injury, then I to be causelessly blamed for him; wherein good Father tell me, if I dooe not well. The Decameron
  • a senseless, causeless murder
  • Those scruples and that refinement against which he warned her, she herself thought might be overstrained, and to gratify unnecessary punctilio, the short period of existence be rendered causelessly unhappy. Cecilia
  • Orat.xxix. 490, ean ten apo chronon noes archen kai anarchos ho hui& 232; s, ouk archetai gar apo chronou ho chronon despotes. (ii) In the sense of anaitios, "causeless," "originis principio carens," it is applied to the Father alone, and not to the NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
  • I was indifferent, I said, about what he could say of me; and I was sure it could not be to my disadvantage; and as he had no reason to impute to me the forwardness which my unkind friends had so causelessly taxed me with. Clarissa Harlowe
  • Such causelessness would bind the Soul under an even sterner compulsion, no longer master of itself, but at the mercy of movements apart from will and cause. The Six Enneads.
  • She lived, meanwhile, wholly shut up from all company, consigned to penitence for her indiscretions, to grief for the fate of her sister, and to wasting regret of her own causelessly lost felicity. Camilla
  • I am afraid that before long no one will be able to talk to me because I will burst into spontaneous, seemingly causeless laughter and that plus the sarcasm will irritate people and scare them away.
  • 'Nor should I – nor could I –' she cried '' refuse him – for I have every reliance in his honour – but that the guilty world, ignorant of the purity of our friendship, might causelessly alarm my brother for my fame. Camilla
  • Vivienne giggles, either at my apparently causeless laughter or at everybody else's response to it.
  • This satisfaction is impleaded as inconsistent with free remission of sins, — how causelessly we have seen. A Brief Declaration and Vindication of The Doctrine of the Trinity
  • Shakspeare, inspired, as it might seem, with all knowledge, here uses the word 'causeless' in its strict philosophical sense; -- cause being truly predicable only of 'phenomena', that is, things natural, and not of 'noumena', or things supernatural. Literary Remains, Volume 2
  • 'You, indeed,' continued the temperate Eugenia, 'if so situated, would not so have behaved; you would not have been so unjust; and you could not have been so weak; but still, if you had received, however causelessly, any alarm for the affection of the man you meant to marry, and that man were as amiable as Edgar, you would have been equally disturbed.' Camilla
  • With all this advance warning, the spectacle, two years later, of a "causeless" riot shouldn't have been surprising. Why Prisoners Riot
  • The Lord grant that hereafter there may be no such complaints in this nation, or [that they] may be causeless, as have been heretofore, -- viz., that we have poured out our prayers, jeoparded our lives, wasted our estates, spent our blood, to serve the lusts and compass the designs of ambitious, ungodly men! The Sermons of John Owen
  • a causeless miracle
  • When you behold an aspect for whose constant gloom and frown you cannot account, whose unvarying cloud exasperates you by its apparent causelessness, be sure that there is a canker somewhere, and a canker not the less deeply corroding because concealed. Daily Strength for Daily Needs
  • If so, I am afraid I can now do nothing that will give me more disgrace than I have already so causelessly received by their indiscreet persecutions: and let me be whose I will, and do what I will, I shall never wipe off the stain which my confinement, and the rigorous usage I have received, have fixed upon me; at least in my own opinion. Clarissa Harlowe
  • Shimoff feels, from observing her own life as well as everyone else's she knows, that it is this kind of causeless love that we are missing. The Full Feed from
  • He discusses aspects of cyclic existence: the continua of the physical world, the samsaric realms (in relation to levels of consciousness), human evolution, and the beginningless reincarnation of mental continua (versus causeless or random production of a first moment of mind). Nagarjuna's Bodhichitta Commentary
  • These last two arguments make the point that causality is necessary for the operation of morality in the world, and to introduce a causeless free will is to make the teaching of morality or its motivation by punishment or reward pointless.

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