How To Use Causal factor In A Sentence
Toxicity, nutritional deficiency, and competition with resident species are the primary causal factors in their host plant separation.
One determines the law of gravitation by studying planetary motion, in which gravity is the only significant causal factor.
Most importantly, observational studies cannot distinguish indicators of risk from causal factors.
As a rule, complex social phenomena like racism cannot be explained in terms of a single causal factor.
Alcohol, speed and fatigue have been identified as the leading causal factors.
These are not experimental because no causal factor is assumed to be operating in the survey situation.
Leibniz would say that in such a case some state of Smith's body prior to Sb.was the real cause of Sb.and Sm was not a causal factor in the obtaining of Sb. So although substances do not causally interact, their states accommodate one another as if there were causal interaction among substances.
Leibniz's Philosophy of Mind
Heath classes them as dealing with energy transfer, electromagnetism, mind-matter interplay, and acausal factors.
There are, of course, profound disagreements between Marxist and elite writers as to the causal factors generating this phenomena.
Howard J. Feldman, the director of regulatory and scientific affairs at the American Petroleum Institute, noted that the evidence of a causal factor was inconclusive for some ailments.
However, unweaned infants had a similar standardised mortality ratio at all weights at 1 year, including large infants, suggesting that nutritional status at 1 year was unlikely to be a causal factor.
Let me be clearer: The TB bacillus is one of many causal factors of the several kinds of TB ( "miliary," etc.).
The Ducking Stool
These are not experimental because no causal factor is assumed to be operating in the survey situation.
If you deny that poverty is a causal factor in crime you need to supply an alternative hypothesis.
Predictions and counterfactual assertions are advanced conditioned by the assumption that no other exogenous causal factors intervene; that is, the assertive content of the hypothesis is that the economic processes under analysis will unfold in the described manner absent intervening causal factors.
Correspondence, abstraction, and realism
Though unconscious of them, such memories are claimed to be significant causal factors in shaping conscious thought and behavior.
Changes in sea level and temperature have been cited as likely causal factors.
Our interpretation of the Mississippian emergence is acculturative in nature rather than adaptive (Pauketat, this issue), and it deemphasizes the importance of technology and trade as causal factors.
Second, the relationship between age and poverty may be the consequence of other causal factors.
Passive smoking is now recognised as a causal factor in the onset of smoke-related illness.
READDY: Well, obviously we're trying to build what we call the fault tree in the business and that is try and figure out all the possible things that might have gone wrong, and then what we do is work backwards and by process of elimination rule out those things that could not have been the causal factor.
CNN Transcript Feb 2, 2003
Some defect in the regulation of the brain chemical serotonin, is also suspected to be a causal factor.
Obesity is a causal factor in many serious conditions that affect the entire human body.
Interruption of oxygen supply to the fetus was classically considered to be the main causal factor explaining later cerebral palsy.
Immunological dysfunctions, inflammation of the respiratory tract, and disorders such as porphyria have all been suggested as possible causal factors.
What I did right minimized the impact of the causal factors, and helped to make the accident survivable.
I do think that in some cases stress is the causal factor, or the way the patient responds to stress is the problem.
Instead, when fully understood, the apparent contradiction may reveal a new causal factor that was not considered before.
Most importantly, observational studies cannot distinguish indicators of risk from causal factors.
As for visual cognition, in addition [to these two causal factors,] it requires an external object as the focal condition (dmigs-rkyen) for its arising, while the visual sensors [the sensorial cells] of the eyes are what are called the dominating condition (bdag-rkyen).
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