
How To Use Causa In A Sentence

  • Gallorum; quod tot lites et causae forenses, aliae ferantur ex aliis, in immensum producantur, et magnos sumptus requirant unde fit ut juris administri plerumque nobilium possessiones adquirant, tum quod sumptuose vivant, et a mercatoribus absorbentur et splendissime vestiantur, &c. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • So there is a perennial temptation to appeal to the idea of arbitrariness when discussing the alleged informational nature of some biological causation. Biological Information
  • The causal infection can be viral or bacterial and may have been innocuous. Times, Sunday Times
  • The British Biologist Dr. Rupert Sheldrake introduced the concepts of Morphic Fields and Morphic Resonance in his revolutionary 1981 book A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Formative Causation.
  • A growing body of evidence supports the supposition that the quantitative depletion of mtDNA, once thought to be a consequence of type 2 diabetes, could be a causative factor in pathogenesis.
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  • Slide 41: Calcium Channel Blockers:. •Pueden ser usados con seguridad en pacientes con CKD. •Causan vasodilatación de la arteriola aferente produciendo un incremento agudo en la GFR, un efecto que desaparece con el uso crónico. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Through a series of strategic puns Sukenick associates the collection of evidence, analysis and causal sequence with political totalitarianism.
  • Principe nempe Persarum gessit; ratione quorum bellorum in partes alias bellum mouere noluit, ob eamque causam in partibus Poloni� latrones quidam Cosaci nuncupati, et alij facinorosi in partibus illis existentes, subditos C鎠aris potentissimi turbare et infestare non desierunt. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • What is the causal relation between the pattern of division and cell differentiation?
  • Though unconscious of them, such memories are claimed to be significant causal factors in shaping conscious thought and behavior.
  • False perception can arise only if the nervous system has spontaneous activity independently of any causative external object.
  • Thus residual confounding could not be completely excluded, and the findings could not assign causality.
  • Some causal relationships between morphology and hydrodynamic performance have been established for macroalgae, through theoretical studies and hydrodynamic comparisons of differently exposed thalli.
  • Not a coincidence is my guess, but no one should confuse causation and correlation. Perspective
  • General Philosophy covers such topics as mind and body, theory of knowledge, causation and personal identity.
  • He also holds that events that are causally related must be related under some strict law.
  • Caligulae, 55: "_Incitato equo, cuius causa pridie circenses, ne inquietaretur, viciniae silentium per milites indicere solebat, praeter equile marmoreum et praesepe eburneum praeterque purpurea tegumenta ac monilia e gemmis, domum etiam et familiam et suppellectilem dedit, quo lautius nomine eius invitati acciperentur; consulatum quoque traditur destinasse. _ Poems of Henry Vaughan, Silurist, Volume II
  • There is no important causal connection between the reinforcing effect of a stimulus and the feelings to which it gives rise.
  • This being said, we can begin with Hume's actual description of causality.
  • Causal inferences are constructions built upon foundations of assumptions, and can not be more valid than the assumptions.
  • The causative organism is known as the _Bacillus mallei_. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • Judica me Deus, et discerne causam meam de gente non sancta: ab homine iniquo et doloso erue me. Think Progress » Archdiocese responds to controversy over its decision to kick children with lesbian parents out of school.
  • Nostri primum sit propositi affectionum causas indagare; res ipsa hortari videtur, nam alioqui earum curatio, manca et inutilis esset. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Although Eric seems to assume the experiencer sense, I'm going to make the causative sense explicit.
  • For example, an interest in the context sensitivity of realization in philosophy of mind (Wilson 2004, ch. 6) invokes issues pertaining to the context objection, individuation, temporality (especially causation versus constitution), and intrinsicality. Reductionism in Biology
  • It has proved difficult to establish causal rather than merely correlative relationships between carbohydrate accumulation and cold tolerance.
  • Specifically, several studies have demonstrated that participants will confidently infer a strong causal link between two events after observing only a single positive instance of a cause and effect co-occurring.
  • If you're a scientist working in the proprietary labs of industry I've heard that the very first thing you have to learn is to UN-learn what you've been taught about the brick wall around causation. Continuation…
  • It is well established that this may be awarded in appropriate cases but a proper causal connection must be demonstrated.
  • His notion of synchronicity is that there is an acausal principle that links events having a similar meaning by their coincidence in time rather than sequentially.
  • Like causatives and desideratives, denominatives follow the inflection of thematic verbs of the Present System.
  • The chapter on the quantum brain, for example, overinterprets the concept of decoherence, misapplies the word "acausal" and misses out entanglement altogether. all content
  • As for visual cognition, in addition [to these two causal factors,] it requires an external object as the focal condition (dmigs-rkyen) for its arising, while the visual sensors [the sensorial cells] of the eyes are what are called the dominating condition (bdag-rkyen). What Is the Self, Does the Self Have a Beginning, Will It Have an End?
  • So, offering up a suggestion of biological causation of differences is never value-free a cigar is _never_ just a cigar and gives the supposed difference _way_ more credence than it ever deserves. Guest post by Mary Schweitzer
  • Let us construct a causal path diagram depicting one possible set of relationships between these variables.
  • It was the '_victrix_ causa;' and, _as_ such, simply because it was 'victrix,' it had a right in his eyes to postulate the divine favor as mere matter of necessary interference: whilst, on the other hand, the _victa causa_, though it seemed to Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers — Volume 2
  • That would entail the existence of causal relations between such persons, in all their physical complexity, and the divine being.
  • And Aristotle is surely mistaken in asserting that knowledge is always causal.
  • Furthermore, one wonders why this causal relation must remain within the limits of rational justification. The Politics of Redress - crime, punishment and penal abolition
  • Some have even maintained that causal statements can be analysed in terms of counterfactual conditionals.
  • Yet, by the end of the semester, this was the book that most illuminated their understandings of the complex causations behind forest change.
  • Most importantly, observational studies cannot distinguish indicators of risk from causal factors.
  • Causative medications are droperidol, diphenhydramine, meperidine, promethazine, atropine, and scopolamine.
  • The lack of documentary evidence has precluded the attribution of a direct causal relationship between the two.
  • He is seeking a causal source for the sequence specificity found in nucleic acids and proteins. Are Stereochemical Explanations Causally Sufficient?
  • The causative prions are resistant to steam sterilization, dry heat, ethylene oxide gas, and chemical disinfection with either formaldehyde or glutaraldehyde, as normally used in the health care environment.
  • Similarly, mental causation now goes neatly away. The Descent of Mind - the how and why of intelligence
  • Nam in hoc quod patres corrupti sunt, generant filios corruptae complexionis, et compositionis, et filii eorum eadem de causa se corrumpunt, et sic derivatur corruptio a patribus ad filios. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The gene is only part of the causation of illness.
  • A strong association, however, is not a proof of causation.
  • The causal mechanism has been postulated to be a field effect of consciousness: enlivenment of the unified field by the peace-creating group produces an effect of collective coherence that extends into the larger population. Peace for Uganda? Yes, Says Science on the Maharishi Effect
  • If the associations we report are causal it may be that men, who are generally heavier than women, overcome the protective cushion of the air bag and strike the steering wheel more readily.
  • The ongoing debate boils down to a question of correlation versus causality.
  • Like coin tosses, there may be no salient causation to be discerned in the outcomes.
  • Accipe, Pompei, deductum carmen ab illo debitor est uitae qui tibi, Sexte, suae. qui seu non prohibes a me tua nomina poni, accedet meritis haec quoque summa tuis; siue trahis uultus, equidem peccasse fatebor, 5 delicti tamen est causa probanda mei. non potuit mea mens quin esset grata teneri; sit precor officio non grauis ira pio. The Last Poems of Ovid
  • Thus we make attributions of causal relatedness on the basis of prior acceptance of scientific explanations.
  • Many a theist would grant that creaturely causes lack necessary efficaciousness on the very grounds that Malebranche had presented, but still argue that this does not mean that they lack causal powers. Occasionalism
  • A phenomenology of consciousness, then, explores neither the metaphysical composition nor the causal genesis of things, but the ‘constitution’ of their meaning.
  • Note 82: Archivo Historico de la Facultad de Medicina, "Causa criminal contra Nicolas Garica Miranda por haber curado a various sin ser facultativa," leg. 3, exp. 1, ff. 1 – 39, 1792, cited in Hernández Sáenz pp. 235 – 6. back Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • The theory of natural selection thus postulates a causal relation wholly unappreciated by natural historians before Darwin.
  • The Buddha's aversion to speculation did not prevent him from insisting on the importance of a correct knowledge of our mental constitution, the chain of causation and other abstruse matters; nor does it really take the form of neglecting metaphysics: rather of defining them in a manner so authoritative as to imply a reserve of unimparted knowledge. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 1
  • The causality of medical malpractice lawsuit is an important problem.
  • The expansion, or attempted expansion, of genes is seen as the central causal mechanism underlying both individual and social behaviour.
  • His hatred of his father was the causa causans of the whole case; he had pushed Oscar into the fight and Oscar, still intent on shielding him, declared that he had asked him to go abroad. Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions
  • If H2O is a NET MAGNIFIER after all forcings/feedbacks, then the AGW proponent models trend towards their doomsday rise — if H2O is not a NET MAGNIFIER never the AGW proponent assumption, even though Dr Lindzen among others presumes as much, then the causational threat is bogus. UCAR Webcast of Bradley, Crowley, Ammann – Apr 6, 2005 « Climate Audit
  • Sensitizer-induced asthma requires a latency period, is immunologic, manifesting an anamnestic response by definition, and is marked by specific airway responsiveness upon appropriate challenge with the causative agent.
  • Probabilistic theories of causation can be used to answer both types of question.
  • O Chris bhown È inocente pois a riahanna que é uma falsa ela gosta dele e nâo adimite ela faz isso por causa dele eu me chamo yasmim e sou fâ dele Chris Brown Rihanna Duet Confirmed
  • Presbytero Johan. habitant subfusci sunt, in Zeilan et Malabar nigri, aeque distantes ab Aequatore, eodemque coeli parallelo: sed hoc magis mirari quis possit, in tota America nusquam nigros inveniri, praeter paucos in loco Quareno illis dicto: quae hujus coloris causa efficiens, coelive an terrae qualitas, an soli proprietas, aut ipsorum hominum innata ratio, aut omnia? Anatomy of Melancholy
  • But we have to demonstrate that homocysteine is causal. The Scientist
  • The peculiar kind of causality exhibited when measurements at stations with space-like separation are correlated is a symptom of the slipperiness of the space-time behavior of potentialities. Archive 2009-02-01
  • His hatred of his father was the "causa causans" of the whole case; he had pushed Oscar into the fight and Oscar, still intent on shielding him, declared that he had asked him to go abroad. Oscar Wilde His Life and Confessions
  • A causal mechanism and the potential reversibility of lung pathology await elucidation.
  • I concur fully with Joffe that any explanation of the Holocaust must be multicausal. 'Hitler's Willing Executioners': An Exchange
  • Among Kant's predecessors who employed explicitly antinomic arguments and who may have specifically influenced him were Arthur Collier in his treatment of space (Clavis universalis, 1713), and Christian August Crusius in his treatment of causality and freedom (Entwurf der nothwendigen ANTINOMY OF PURE REASON
  • Although asthma and obesity may not be causally related, the high prevalence of obesity results in many asthmatic patients being obese.
  • They were able to validate iridology by finding many correlations that in fact were not established as causal relationships by rigorously defined controlled studies.
  • He threaded several causal ideas into a charming essay.
  • Since this type of dermatoglyphic model is based on an analysis of genetically identical individuals (monozygotic twins), it provides a marker for prenatal environmental causality independent of genetic causality.
  • The House held that the burden of proof of causation remained on the plaintiff throughout the case.
  • This way of looking at causal laws is a delicate compromise.
  • To deny causality is to deny divine wisdom, for causality is a necessary relation.
  • Smoking is a causative factor in the development of several serious diseases, including lung cancer.
  • When Dish visited one weekday for lunch, we tried one of the many ceviches, along with a Peruvian specialty called causa, which is made with mashed potatoes and stuffed with avocado and tuna. Houston Press | Complete Issue
  • The study of how family structure affects youth outcomes is complicated by the fact that family structure may be correlated with poor outcomes for youth, but not be causally related.
  • Vibrio anguillarum, a severe pathogen of marine fish, is the causative agent ofvibriosis which is a highly fatal hemorrhagic septicemic disease.
  • The causal theory of the basing relation is a very influential theory but counterexamples of the gypsy-lawyer style constitute a major objection to this kind of theory.
  • In an ideal world, an expert would be able to confirm the causal link between the fluid and the damage. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is also worth noting that the argument has nothing essential to do with a causal circumstance in the remote past.
  • The question for consideration in this section are the circumstances in which such an intervening event will be held to negate the causative effect of the defendant's breach of duty.
  • Logical determinism is independent of any causal theory at all; and predestinarianism is not only consist - ent with, but is usually held together with, the doctrine of special providence, according to which the foreor - dained future contains undetermined interventions by DETERMINISM IN HISTORY
  • An experiment is normally designed to test a specific hypothesis, a particular causal explanation. The Developing Child (7th edn.)
  • I certainly had heard that people are dying to go to Harvard Law School, but I always thought it was a figure of speech. p.s. I wonder if, the following semester, some creative Torts professor at Harvard used this situation in an exam question ... maybe regarding causation, foreseeability, etc.? The Volokh Conspiracy » Con Law Exam Kills Law Student
  • The overall goal of our current research efforts is to develop methods to evaluate and assess the causal or contributing factors of anergia in order to develop interventions to decrease morbidity and mortality due to this syndrome," Dr. Maurer says. - latest science and technology news stories
  • For anticausativization, I review recent arguments suggesting that derived inchoatives have causative semantics as part of their lexical representation, consistent with the MH.
  • Retrocausality" contradicts the well-established principle of causality, which still applies in relativistic physics, quantum mechanics, and the product of their marriage, relativistic QFT. Are Changes Brewing and How Does the Mind Fit In?
  • Some of the causal violence depicted early on is actually quite disturbing to watch.
  • Third, the principle of causational synonymy is restricted to substances at the end of Metaphysics and in the first half of the same chapter the non-standard presence of some causally relevant forms may also be envisaged. Aristotle's Natural Philosophy
  • He described synchronicity as an acausal principle that links events having a similar meaning by their coincidence in time.
  • It's a self-selection process: there's no causal connection. Times, Sunday Times
  • The line element, we know, is incredibly useful, as it provides us with an invariant quantity and also imparts information about causal structure. Bad Language: Metric vs Metric Tensor vs Matrix Form vs Line Element
  • More of this will be addressed in the section on divine causation, but for now suffice it to say that God's causal role in the actions of finite substances at the very minimum is to pre-establish the concomitance or conjunction between “causes” and “effects,” without which God's aim of producing universal and maximum harmony Leibniz on Causation
  • For my money, the whole point of making/charging the sigil is to dicker around with one's subconscious mind, and thus dicker around with causality.
  • The causal connection between mood-altering substance or behaviour and the damaging consequences continues to be denied and the denial is intensified.
  • His death mask, which showed him to have had a sharply receding forehead, created problems for nineteenth century phrenologists since it ‘left no room for the organ of causality’.
  • In contrast, Seng and others report that the causal link is indirect, mediated largely by run-away behavior.
  • But these three categories show that the logical categories of causability and non-causability do not correspond to the standard modal categories of the necessary, possible, and impossible. Foreknowledge and Free Will
  • Yet the pre-established harmony was at least consistent with Leibniz's claim that substances do not interact with one another and that what we call “causal interaction” does not involve a flow of power or force, but merely a regular sequence of changes in two observable things, in the case of mind and body, the experiences of perception and appetition and states of the sensory organs (G 4: 76-7.) Kant and Leibniz
  • The TB bacterium was first identified as the causative agent of tuberculosis in 1882. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Ex his igitur tribus statibus Christus corporeae naturae singulas quodam modo indidit causas; nam quod mortale corpus adsumpsit ut mortem a genere humano fugaret, in eo statu ponendum est quod post Adae praeuaricationem poenaliter inflictum est. The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
  • Since Fortuna is a personification of the fortuitous, and the fortuitous is a branch of the chain of causality, its normal place in the providential scheme is within the realm of Fate, which is the unfolding of Providence in multiplicity and time. FORTUNE, FATE, AND CHANCE
  • Suppose we concede, as well, that every such physical event is causally unproblematic.
  • Now, of these four modes of misleading others by the tongue, when there is a _justa causa_ (supposing there can be such) -- a material lie, that is an untruth which is not a lie, an equivocation, an evasion, and silence, -- First, I have no difficulty whatever in recognizing as allowable the method of _silence_. Apologia pro Vita Sua
  • * Docemus in hac causa, quae semper in Ecclesia multas peperit conflictationes, conditionem vel statum hominis triplicem esse considerandum. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • It underlies certain intuitions that we have about causality, morality, and personal identity.
  • She also cites the failure of early causal theories to deal with retrodiction. Logic and Artificial Intelligence
  • We regularly take it that a causal circumstance is linked by way of a causal chain or sequence to its effect.
  • In addition the need to define which injuries qualified for compensation and the continuing need to prove causation would ensure that many accident victims remained uncompensated.
  • But with strikes occurring in a mountainous sparely populated region, civilian causalities are rare.
  • Strictly speaking, in what ontological category of things are causes and other conditions, the things which comprise causal circumstances?
  • Post-structuralist: By rejecting neo-Enlightment notions that privilege "light," we can conceptualize the relationship between optically-oriented envisioning and those signifiers that address interpretations of post-colonial modernism as an established text within the framework of which, intertextually, we are lead to reject any causal relationship between the operands and the motivators. A Bland and Deadly Courtesy
  • The mere presence of viral particles does not establish causation of autism: it may be an incidental finding.
  • As we saw in section 3.4, the Second Analogy of Experience, if true, guarantees both the objectivity and the universal diachronic or temporally successive causal necessitation of objects of experience and all of their parts under natural laws. Kant's Theory of Judgment
  • Is there a causal relationship between violence on television and violent behaviour?
  • Each cognitive individual has a total mind-map, a fluctuating space of ideas and experiences in memory, linked into a network by the relationships of association, causation and entailment. Archive 2009-01-01
  • No empirical phenomena seem to demand a notion of backward causation for our understanding of them.
  • Such a perspective avoids the dubious causal claims of the psychological approach — it is not at all clear why passive resistance ought "automatically" to produce shame in aggressors — while retaining the emphasis on system to which Shelley was committed. close window Notes on 'The Transcendental: Deleuze, P. B. Shelley, and the Freedom of Immobility'
  • Instead, when fully understood, the apparent contradiction may reveal a new causal factor that was not considered before.
  • I do think that in some cases stress is the causal factor, or the way the patient responds to stress is the problem.
  • Nature is a destructive force whose influence provides the frame for human action and its causal consequences.
  • Wherefore according as acts of virtue act causally or dispositively toward their generation and preservation, obedience is said to ingraft and protect all virtues. The Political Ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas
  • This theme is echoed by the discrepancy in results between experimental and observational studies of children's knowledge of causal connectives.
  • Luego del robo viene algo interesante, este acto que causa nerviosismo en las personas luego origina una amistad entre los pasajeros. Global Voices in English » Ecuador: Reactions After a Bus Robbery in Guayaquil
  • What I did right minimized the impact of the causal factors, and helped to make the accident survivable.
  • Cigarettes are the main causative factors for lung, oral, oesophageal, stomach, bladder, kidney, pancreas and cervical cancer.
  • To take a causal circumstance as having no redundancy is obviously to exclude things wholly irrelevant to the effect.
  • The cognitive model proposes a direct causal link: participation brings about enhanced information on goals, and so performance is improved.
  • # -- Tumours, such as chondroma and sarcoma, and cysts which are probably of the same nature as those met with in osteomyelitis fibrosa, are liable to occur in callus, or at the seat of old fractures, but the evidence so far is inconclusive as to the causative relationship of the injury to the new-growth. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Rather, Davidson appears to be claiming that mental properties influence the causal powers of their subvenient physical properties. Anomalous Monism
  • Generalizing even further, one could define causal relationships between variables that are non-binary, such as caloric intake and blood pressure.
  • Given the infelicitous effects of other utterances in the play, Titus's vow during this extended ritual does not act as directly or causatively as he thinks it does.
  • It inhibits a phosphorylating enzyme that's crucial in the causation of that particular cancer.
  • Negligent intervening acts may or may not break the chain of causation.
  • There is also sporadic news of high ranking al-Qaeda officials travelling in Iran, seeming to be causally connected to terror attacks in Iraq.
  • Indeed, agent causation is consistent with its being the case that probabilistic laws of nature apply as thoroughly to human beings and their behavior as such laws apply to anything else.
  • So, unlike the identity theory, functionalism ends up disallowing mind/body causation.
  • Such interconnection is traditionally asserted in the principle of causality or natural law.
  • Non quod de novo quid addere, aut a veteribus praetermissum, sed propriae exercitationis causa. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Immunological dysfunctions, inflammation of the respiratory tract, and disorders such as porphyria have all been suggested as possible causal factors.
  • The causative organism, like that responsible for many cases of non-specific infection, is a member of the chlamydia group.
  • Consequently, in the intentional mode, there is a complex relationship between causal direction and temporal order.
  • It is not surprising that much of the argument of the Analytic concerns the ideas of substance and causality, as Kant wished us to understand them.
  • Because the rise of magic was almost coterminous with, and certainly related to the rise of science, there was not necessarily a causal connection between the two.
  • There is, moreover, a scientific view and method regarding what he calls the purposive view which he overlooks entirely, and which by emphasis of the causal, makes seemingly impossible. The New Avatar and The Destiny of the Soul The Findings of Natural Science Reduced to Practical Studies in Psychology
  • This, of course, assumes that these variables are causally related to sudden infant death syndrome and are independent.
  • But, smoking, alcohol and junk food are not the only causative factors, he says.
  • Quid, impurate? quamquam Volcano studes, cenaene causa aut tuae mercedis gratia 360 nos nostras aedis postulas comburere? Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • A common response to such an acausal happening is a sharpening of attention, a sense of the closeness of something unseen.
  • (coinherence) and sometimes extensible to causation (because a cause implies a class of events), should never be stretched to include other relations in such a way as to sacrifice intelligence to formalism. Logic Deductive and Inductive
  • A preponderance of evidence suggests a causal link between HPV infection and cervical neoplasia.
  • There is a temporal asymmetry in causability because everything causable is in the future. Foreknowledge and Free Will
  • The expansion, or attempted expansion, of genes is seen as the central causal mechanism underlying both individual and social behaviour.
  • If all causation is physical, then the epiphenomenal mental state (if it even exists) is irrelevant to the act of causation.
  • Many standard theories of causation also endorse this conclusion, for example, if we are willing to assume it is a law that all ravens are black, then nomological theories of causation will support the claim.
  • However, a statistical genetic association may be observed when the implicated SNP is in strong linkage disequilibrium with another ungenotyped, but "causative," SNP, often one that is in close proximity to the implicated SNP. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • However, not all iguanas in bad body condition had high CORT levels and we are presently investigating whether CORT levels are indeed causally related to the animals' death.
  • Unfortunately, there is much myth surrounding the causation of the zits.
  • Ipsum quod suj causa eligitur quod omnia appetunt. quod prudentiam adepti eligunt quod efficiendi et custodiendj vim habet. Bacon is Shake-Speare
  • The inference of intelligence from marks of design in nature is not one of analogy, but of strict and proper _induction_; and accordingly we must either deny that there are marks of _design_ in nature, thereby discarding the _analogy_, or do violence to our own reason by resisting the fundamental law of causality, thereby discarding the inductive inference. Modern Atheism under its forms of Pantheism, Materialism, Secularism, Development, and Natural Laws
  • He sums up his discussion of automatisms (automatic writing and so on) by saying that they ‘represent a class of instances in which apparent mental causation fails.’
  • For if the options are irreducible causation or none, one should ask whether ˜none™ might be the better choice. The Metaphysics of Causation
  • Forsitan in quibusdam populis localis quoque causa existit; caruncula immoderate crescente, amputationis necessitas exurgit. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • Causality which was being used as a test for exogeneity by many authors. Robert F. Engle III - Autobiography
  • The medical/legal findings in this study, causal or not, are horrendous and therefore it is important that the suggested epidemiological, pharmacokinetic and animal studies be performed. The Panic Virus
  • Finally, the third condition is the existence of a causal link between the breach of the State's obligation and the harm suffered by the injured parties.
  • Unravelling the causative factors associated with the decline or rarity of a species has led workers to look for patterns in key characters among rare species.
  • Other diseases which are spread include the causative agents of avian influenza, salmonella, fowl pox, coccidiosis, botulism and new castle disease.
  • In the study of environmental toxins, the causation of diverse effects is usually the rule rather than the exception.
  • Nevertheless, I think that Davis' basic approach of isolating subsystems of causation is extremely fruitful.
  • However, Mr Cakebread told the court his clients believed there was a causal link between DVT and air travel.
  • Given the multicausal linkages, this needs to be done at all levels of the economy and in almost all spheres of life in both industrialized and developing countries. 1. Using indigenous knowledge in agricultural development.
  • Causal attribution helps us feel better by giving predictability to an unpredictable world, but our attributions are not always completely accurate. Stephanie Sarkis, Ph.D.: Do Musicians Have a "27 Curse"?
  • Then a causal link would have to be established between these things and undesirable outcomes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The causative role of that trauma in patients' subsequent distress becomes clear.
  • Chu Zhong is some to deelpy ashamedly and literally quest causative, the words of heart this whether the fact actually says to don't let people's joke dead tin not.
  • Dale thought literary history mattered mainly as a connected narrative of improvement, and he accordingly asked students to explain causal connections in that narrative. Culture and Discontinuity (in the 1840s and in Foucault)
  • The effect is (in some sense) as much the cause of A as (in a different sense) A is of B. (Aside: this makes John Cramer's transactional quantum theory sound weirdly Aristotelian.www. html) Consequently, when Hume and the other Early Moderns tossed out finality, they wound up tossing out causation as well and wound up with something weirdly like al-Ghazali's occasionalism. November 4th, 2009
  • There is a temporal asymmetry in causability because everything causable is in the future. Foreknowledge and Free Will
  • The prevalent analyses of causation seem justifiably only to allow events and possibly agents as causes.
  • Causation is also and element of every offense , It becomes part of the actus reus whenever the crime requires a result , such as shoplifting A prosecutor has two steps to prove causation .
  • Classical genetics of human disease deals with monogenic disorders in which a single mutation in a single gene is causatively related to the phenotype.
  • It is a low-virulence fungus that is the main causative agent of posttraumatic mycetoma in a nonimmunocompromised host.
  • In addition, samples containing granulomatous lesions from patients with acute disease should be most likely to contain a causative pathogen.
  • The committee's chief concern, however, was how I was going to incorporate econometrics and statistical analysis to prove direct causal effect of finance to the real economy.
  • The transformation rules may comprise both causal hypotheses and modal transforms.
  • Armstrong argues, against the Unmediated Observation model, that the relation between the introspected state and the introspective state must be causal, and so these states must be “distinct existences”. Self-Knowledge
  • This is not correct and, in any case, correlation does not prove causation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Regina causarum et arbitra rerum, nunc erectas cervices opprimit, &c. 6734. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Laurea Honoris Causa at the Universita Degli Studi Della Basilicata in Potenza, Italy Betty Williams - Curriculum Vitae
  • Two years later, Max Black (1956) presented an argument against backward causation, which became known as the bilking argument, and later attempts to meet the argument seemed to generate all kinds of paradoxes. Backward Causation

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