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caudate nucleus

  1. a tail-shaped basal ganglion located in a lateral ventricle of the brain

How To Use caudate nucleus In A Sentence

  • It ascends between the lentiform nucleus and the external capsule, and ends in the caudate nucleus. VI. The Arteries. 3a. 4. The Internal Carotid Artery
  • Other structures seen in the roof of the temporal horn of the lateral ventricle are the tail of the caudate nucleus and the stria terminalis.
  • After the ependyma covering its ventricular surface is stripped away, the elongated caudate nucleus is exposed.
  • The dark appearance of the caudate nucleus and putamen is attributable to their content of blood vessels and neuronal cell bodies.
  • In horizontal section (Figs. 742) it is seen to be somewhat abruptly curved, with its convexity inward; the prominence of the curve is called the genu, and projects between the caudate nucleus and the thalamus. IX. Neurology. 4c. The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
  • The portion in front of the genu is termed the frontal part, and separates the lentiform from the caudate nucleus; the portion behind the genu is the occipital part, and separates the lentiform nucleus from the thalamus. IX. Neurology. 4c. The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
  • The gray matter of the caudate nucleus bends upon itself, and its other end is the amygdaloid nucleus ( "almond-shaped," again because of its shape). The Human Brain
  • Among other things, the brain's caudate nucleus is involved with regulating impulsivity, which is related to self control, and addictive behaviors, Small noted. Weight gain seems to change the brain's response to food
  • Conclusions: OECs promote the growth of the co - cultured rat caudate nucleus neurons.
  • After the ependyma covering its ventricular surface is stripped away, the elongated caudate nucleus is exposed.
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