
How To Use Caucus In A Sentence

  • Those delegates are pledged to individual candidates based on participation that begins in precinct caucuses on election night and ends in senatorial district caucuses at the state convention. The Texas Primacus–uh, Caucary - Swampland -
  • Unlike the "caucus" threads, the article and reply posts of an "ecumenic" thread can discuss more than one belief, but antagonism is not tolerable. Latest Articles
  • Harkin, antifilibuster quotes from Joe Biden and Barack Obama and the enthusiasm of his colleagues in the classes of 2006 and 2008 in the Democratic caucus. NPR Topics: News
  • Michigan earlier this week raised the prospect of staging a so-called firehouse caucus at which voters cast ballots during the course of a day rather than gathering at a town-hall meeting in the evening, as most caucuses do. Private Funds Could
  • What are the ideas that a new Kerry administration would draw from the congressional Democratic caucus?
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  • The National Association of Counties recently formed a Rural Action Caucus, which is growing at a healthy clip.
  • He implored his army of volunteers to get voters to the caucuses tomorrow by any means possible. Times, Sunday Times
  • The use of the term "meeting" in these rules has the same traditional meaning and does not include less formal caucuses or working sessions. NPR Topics: News
  • If you're unexcited about the Iowa caucuses, maybe this lady's enthusiasm will be contagious.
  • Mrs. Honoria leaned her two round arms on the mezzanine rail, and looked long and earnestly down upon the caucussing lobby throng. The Honorable Senator Sage-Brush
  • Amidst all of the mainstream media's ballyhooing of the momentum to be gained in the tight Iowa polls, The New York Times finally examined the caucuses sheer unfairness and obsoleteness. Dan Brown: You and I Don't Care Who Wins the Iowa Caucuses
  • Ruling and opposition party legislative caucuses finally reached a consensus on Wednesday to halve the number of legislative seats.
  • An opposition party's legislative caucus can coordinate its members in policy promotion.
  • She is also a regular at the post-caucus Wednesday night clambake.
  • It is a sign of our times, conspicuous to the coarsest observer, that many intelligent and religious persons withdraw themselves from the common labors and competitions of the market and the caucus, and betake themselves to a certain solitary and critical way of living, from which no solid fruit has yet appeared to justify their separation. Richard Geldard: In This Other America
  • However, the caucuses of the Non-partisan Alliance and the TSU withdrew their consent yesterday, which resulted in an angry reaction from the KMT and the PFP.
  • Her husband and daughter were across the hall, at the Republican precinct caucus being held in the cafeteria. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the KMT caucus yesterday said it was opposed to the use of radical methods in dealing with the issue.
  • Primary elections and party caucuses should be abolished. Peril and Promise: A Commentary on America
  • This hand-to-hand combat remains an important weapon as Iowa prepares for its quadrennial presidential caucuses on Feb. 12.
  • Perhaps caucus members felt that increasing the future incidence of bastardry was a price worth paying in the effort to put the nightmare behind them.
  • Steve Forbes tried to do some of that but his candidacy for the Iowa caucuses kind of petered out real quickly so it never went anywhere. Tyler Kingkade: High Tech Republicans In Your Pocket
  • There are dozens of caucuses, you know, even within the CP. THE WHITE DOVE
  • Both parties require their parliamentary leaders to be elected or re-endorsed by caucus every three years.
  • However, a lot of people who know from polls are saying that it's extremely difficult to come up with a sample here because these caucuses have too many imponderables involved.
  • The conveners were decided according to an agreement reached by leaders of legislative caucuses on Tuesday.
  • Any gang of politicos is like the eighth circle of Hell, but the American breed is specially awful because they take it seriously and believe it matters; wherever you went, to dinner or an excursion or to pay a call, or even take a stroll, you were deafened with their infernal prosing-I daren't go to the privy without making sure some seedy heeler wasn't lying in wait to get me to join a caucus. Isabelle
  • Just another example of the impotent sackless dem leadership that lets this a$$hat have any chairmanship or caucus with them. Think Progress » Lieberman: ‘It’s Possible’ I Could Be ‘A Good Old-Fashioned New England Moderate Republican’
  • If the primaries are killed in these states, the parties will use caucuses or state conventions to decide which candidate's delegates will go to the national convention.
  • Grijalva Unhappy:"Nickel and diming our way to economic recovery, especially on the backs of working Americans who did nothing to cause our economic problems, is not the right way to go," Progressive Caucus Co-chair Raul Grijalva D-Ariz. said. HUFFPOST HILL - Rep. Jean Schmidt Under Investigation
  • The pleasantries were a far cry from the he-can't-be-seated rhetoric that came from the Senate Democratic caucus a week ago when the governor shocked the party and nominated Burris, who would be the Senate's only black member now that Obama has departed. Home RSS
  • Louisiana Republicans kick off the 1996 quest for national convention delegates Tuesday in party caucuses around the state, with Sen.
  • And besides, relying on a popular vote argument "disenfranchises" (to use a Clintonian term appropriately, for a change) all the participants in all the caucus states, the results from which are not reflected in any of the popular vote totals. Report: Michigan Re-Vote In Trouble
  • The congressional black caucus has lost its way since the Republicans took control of House and Senate.
  • I just tried to call the Ds and they appear to be caucusing right now, as I write this. Burnt Orange Report
  • From this vantage point for the Democratic caucus to ostracize anyone connected to the Illinois Statehouse is the ultimate in venality and hubris. The Early Word: What’s Next in Illinois? - The Caucus Blog -
  • Last Tuesday, he added a convincing win in New Hampshire to the previous week's victory in the Iowa caucuses.
  • Under the US-backed plan, regional caucuses would select an interim assembly by the end of May and this body would pick a transitional government the following month.
  • Obama's lead in "pledged" delegates is now totally from those selected by political activists in Precinct Caucuses. Delegate update
  • And the 107th Congress had a GOP majority for 5 months until Jim Jeffords switched from an (R) to an (I) and caucused with the Dems. Matthew Yglesias » Nuclear Warfare
  • I've always believed in abiding by Caucus decisions.
  • ‘The caucuses should respect committee decisions, in line with the principles of professionalism and reciprocity,’ he said.
  • AICC also found a receptive ear in the Congressional Black Caucus, which wrote Ms. Sebelius on Oct. 9, 2009, protesting the cuts on the grounds that they would further reduce African-American men ' s already-limited access to cancer care. A Device to Kill Cancer, Lift Revenue
  • Obama could not seal the deal with the actual voters - even advantaged by caucus formats and disenfranchised voters in Fl and Mi - so now he needs the help of superdelegates. Obama continues to narrow Clinton's superdelegate lead
  • Her husband and daughter were across the hall, at the Republican precinct caucus being held in the cafeteria. Times, Sunday Times
  • Grijalva Unhappy: "Nickel and diming our way to economic recovery, especially on the backs of working Americans who did nothing to cause our economic problems, is not the right way to go," Progressive Caucus Co-chair Raul Grijalva D-Ariz. said. HUFFPOST HILL - Rep. Jean Schmidt Under Investigation
  • Caucus challenges Vavi to point out any "untouchable deadwood" within the cabinet and provide evidence of any deliration of duty by any deceased or current serving minister. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The Iowa caucus brings in party activists from around the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • To this end, the Panthers forged alliances with nonblack leftists and established trade-union caucuses.
  • But he went on to win election as an Independent and has since still caucused with Democrats in the Senate, providing a crucial vote for the party when they held a bare 60-vote majority early in President Barack Obama's administration. Lieberman Won't Seek Re-Election in 2012
  • Tomorrow morning a special Caucus meeting will be held to ballot for the new positions on the frontbench.
  • The members of the 26-strong congressional black caucus voted overwhelmingly on July 11 to oppose the nomination.
  • LAS VEGAS -- After back-to-back fiascos in Nevada and Iowa, the term "caucus" may be on its way to becoming a bad word in the... The Full Feed from
  • While a similar "squish" faction in the House of Delegates occasionally joins with Democrats to form a majority, the greatest difference between the two bodies is conservatives control a majority in the House GOP allowing them to choose the leadership, while the "squishes" have solid control of the GOP caucus and thus the leadership. Senate Leadership Shakeup?
  • In the weeks to come, the Democratic Caucus will understand -- if it hasn't already -- that she is best equipped to continue the party and bridge-building that has the Democrats only one election away from being the majority again. Michael Yaki: Nancy Pelosi: Down, Definitely Not Out
  • It loses our high position as moral reformers; it subjects us to all that malignant opposition and suspicion of motives which attend the array of parties; and while thus closing up our access to the national conscience, it wastes in fruitless caucussing and party tactics, the time and the effort which should have been directed to efficient agitation. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 4 of 4
  • Winning in caucus is not democratic, its more like a boiling room brawl, muscling people. Clinton: No cause for alarm
  • Primary elections and party caucuses should be abolished. Peril and Promise: A Commentary on America
  • The answer to that is no, because, in that context, everyone from a parliamentary caucus to a bikie gang has a psychological attachment.
  • He can bedevil his opponent all through the February primaries and caucuses in 17 states.
  • A year ago the National caucus was dispirited and dejected.
  • They've reported on how Iowans "braved" the elements to get to their caucuses. Anybody But Bush
  • Xenophon is a democrat kind of a guy, a liberal, a union man, with some experience participating at the precinct, and county caucus levels. Middle Earth Journal « Sphere Blog
  • It happens in the state delegations, it happens in the delegate hotels and their caucuses where each state party kind of meshes for one time every four years they're all on the same hotel, even if they don't like each other they have to eat together and -- and as a result a lot of state political business gets done at a convention I think is very important and it also is the one time in four years when a political party exists other than as an abstraction. CNN Transcript Aug 26, 2004
  • Martin said that the state campaign wanted Macalester to host Kerry's only pre-caucus Minnesota appearance.
  • They're having what they call a crow caucus," explained Jack. The Banner Boy Scouts Snowbound A Tour on Skates and Iceboats
  • Robert Smith, field coordinator of the Alabama Democratic Party Black Caucus explains, The current system of disfranchisement is incredibly unfair. Election 2000 Across the South
  • The committees will then select delegates to form 18 selection caucuses.
  • Beyond the tall, fire belching stacks of Linden and the plain, unvaried flats of Secaucus lies a gentle, fertile garden state called New Jersey.
  • It's about hope,’ he said testily this weekend as he hopscotched from the heartland to Dixie to California in pursuit of caucus votes and contributions.
  • I think it's up in the air, at this point," said the 21-year-old biochemistry major, who caucused for Mitt Romney in 2008. Michael J. Hunt: 'Mom, Dad: I'm Undecided'
  • To bolster its opposition credentials, the Socialist Caucus is standing a full slate of candidates for the party executive, including party leader.
  • Politico's Jonathan Martin wrote today that conservatives were "wincing" at the notion of paying a politician for the privilege of speaking to people in the vaulted first caucus state. The Caucus
  • The issue was the subject of heated debate in a weekly morning caucus session.
  • The Green Party was unavailable to verify the number of delegates at its precinct caucus.
  • As the Congressional Progressive Caucus recently told the president, astrong public option must be included for any health care reform to be meaningful. Progressive Democrats Rally On Health Care
  • Is there any level of evidence that would satisfy you to falsify the notion you have that it is Democrats fault for not trying hard enough, rather than Republicans having a level of caucus conformity and party discipline that is historically aberrational and definitely not found in the modern Democratic party, particularly its Senate caucus? Matthew Yglesias » Governments Should Govern
  • While Meeks has the signatures, and a lot of support, the caucus is worried about his history, namely hateful "remarks from the pulpit about gays -- and his use of the n-word and the term 'slave-master' to describe Daley four years ago. Chicago Mayor's Race Roundup: Rahm Can't Live With Tom Dart...Where Is The Tea Party?
  • Half an hour into the ballet, the caucus race is the first time a group of characters appears onstage together since the opening scene. The Times Literary Supplement
  • They decided to front-page it six days before the caucuses.
  • Or would they constitute a permanent caucus inside the relevant EU councils of ministers?
  • Dianne Feinstein described Reid's sense of humor as "puckish" and Cantwell said that one of the downsides of having Al Franken as a colleague is that the men in the caucus try to out-funny the funny man. Harry Reid, The Man Who Never Says Goodbye
  • Instead, the Nov.15 agreement provides for parliament members to be selected in 18 regional caucuses.
  • This week, just over 3,200 Denver Republicans caucused. Jill Hanauer: Beyond the Enthusiasm Gap: What the Caucuses Tells Us About the Political Environment in Colorado
  • Even in a state like Iowa, where roughly half of Republican caucus-goers identify themselves as born-again Christians, Mr Romney is leading in some polls because the right-wing vote is so fractured.
  • Sue Lowden is out of the country until June 28, but Moyle says they "absolutely object" to allegations that the party recessed the convention due to Paul's success, noting that Nevada was one of the only states that invited the Texas congressman to speak at the party's caucus. Amanda Becker: Nevada Ron Paul Supporters Stage Rogue GOP Convention
  • About 45,000 people participated in the GOP caucuses in 2008, a far smaller number than caucused this year in Iowa. Romney, Paul Hold the Cards in Nevada
  • By using their weird caucusing (which disenfranchises old people & working people due to the time commitment) and their soviet-style party bosses, they are about to again nominate an unelectable figure. Exit Polls: Clinton gains edge among independents
  • Give us a lay of the land right now, just about two weeks before the caucuses.
  • In 1999, Vautour defected from the NDP to the Progressive Conservative caucus. Archive 2007-01-01
  • Since the summer break, each caucus has put forward its own proposals for legislative reform.
  • However, the party's legislative caucus countered the media reports during a press conference yesterday morning.
  • This year, his handful of caucus organizers has been in close touch with his past supporters and birddogged county party organizations. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Thereafter, appointments to committees were determined by the entire membership, acting through party caucuses. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • In the early years of the republic, the congressional leaders of each party chose their presidential nominees in closed caucuses.
  • This proposal was discussed in a joint Canada-Mexico-USA caucus where a planning committee was struck to start the process to organize such an event.
  • Senator Miguel Angel Pichetto, head of the Victory Front caucus in the Senate, admitted the ruling party could accept making "reasonable concessions" on the Bicentennial Fund project although he accused the opposition of "hindering" the government project. MercoPress
  • A Romney supporter, the 71-year-old retired glazer said the caucusing didn't sway him. Nevada Republicans Head to Caucuses
  • In his constituency, power has passed to the party caucus which chose him, supports him and could replace him. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once little more than appointed mandarins, party whips in Congress are now elected by caucus members and imbued with the power to make or break issues that define a party at the national level.
  • Also,(sentence dictionary) Gingrich plans to address a Republican caucus Monday night.
  • They ran a negative campaign believing she was pre-ordained to win; they neglected, at their cost, independents and young voters, andthey placed little importance on caucusses. Clinton chastises press for ignoring sexism
  • Aucamp said the decision was in contrast to one taken by the ANC's parliamentary caucus, which had abused its majority to "smother" the allegations against Yengeni in the ethics committee. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Thereafter, appointments to committees were determined by the entire membership, acting through party caucuses. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • The easiest and cheapest way to revote is to caucus, but Hillary and Monster Inc said no, they obviously want to disenfranchise the voters of Michigan and Florida. In Meeting, Dean Promises Florida Pols He'll Get Delegation Seated -- No Specific Ideas Discussed
  • She will raise no money, will not get a dime from the caucus once they see her sinking, and will NEVER crack 20% in Appomattox, 30% in Buckingham, 35-40% in Cumberland, and will barely win Albemarle, Fluvanna, and maybe Prince Edward (doubt it in PE, she might get crushed). Dirty Dozen- House of Delegates- Edition 2
  • The rise of the Minutemen, the blasts of openly xenophobic AM talk radio even in cosmopolitan outposts like Los Angeles, the emergence of a fiercely anti-immigrant fringe House caucus led by Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo, sounded a new border war. Exodus
  • There are dozens of caucuses, you know, even within the CP. THE WHITE DOVE
  • Ce serait un geste honorable qui ferait baisser la pression sur la ministre, et qui éviterait que la suspicion ne s'installe au sein du caucus adéquiste. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Under Republican caucus rules, censuring Gingrich would force him to give up the office of speaker.
  • Whether chosen by primaries or by caucuses, U.S. House candidates are going to be chosen by state-level procedures.
  • The Alliance's parliamentary leader, Jim Anderton, successfully insisted that the party's parliamentary caucus support the troop dispatch.
  • The US intends to have carefully-vetted regional caucuses select members of a provisional national assembly.
  • The meeting, attended by all five legislative caucuses, attempted to thrash out a preliminary consensus before today's meeting.
  • Some of these discussions have bordered on the absurd: as I recounted in my post on the politics of the term 'mommy blogger,' I once had the unique pleasure of debating the question of whether or not the term caucus - as in, should we form a women's caucus in order to have a forum for women's issues in the department? Fights Like a Girl
  • The Iowa caucuses are always "gamed" to produce a result desired by the party movers in Iowa. Election Central Morning Roundup
  • The Neanderthal specimen, known as Mezmaiskaya Child, that Goodwin used to prove the existence of the missing link was around 29,000 years old and came from the northern caucuses.
  • There was a good deal of murmuring and caucussing among the men, but they concluded that there was a man named Toombs, and that he meant what he said. Robert Toombs Statesman, Speaker, Soldier, Sage
  • Obama's lead in "pledged" delegates is now all caucus states and Edwards switches. mike Clinton: Democratic nomination process needs to change
  • Since the campaign was now in its final week, the clans were gathering in the capital, and the lobby of the great hotel was filled with groups of caucussing politicians. The Honorable Senator Sage-Brush
  • The campaign referred to the shakeup as a planned restructuring strategy to expand its focus on winning the Iowa caucuses and early primary states. rss feed
  • If I were a Dem Congresssman I would be looking at saving my own ass, and the best “group think” would be to debride the Dem caucus of that pariah Please Mr. Bear, Don’t Throw me into the Reconciliation Patch - Dan_Perrin’s blog - RedState
  • Conventional wisdom holds that only the hardiest Iowans will slog to the 1,774 local caucus meetings Jan. 3, drawn from their homes by campaign volunteers, guided to the right tables by candidates' precinct captains and instructed on voting procedures by seasoned campaign operatives. Lean Machine in Iowa Doesn't Faze Gingrich
  • If the NDP had begun to rise for the Aye vote, he and his caucus would have passed out in fright and shock on the spot -- and the Tories, with the distinct possibility of a majority in their sights, would have burst into song. Archive 2009-10-01
  • As a native Illinoisan and friend of many a former student transplant, I think they should have every right to caucus, but voting is another matter. Matthew Yglesias » Retiring Yepsen
  • John, would it be your experience in caucuses that policy issues aren't ultimately as divisive as the sort of long term fractures that exist around loyalties, around tribal loyalties within the party? The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • The term caucus apparently comes from an Algonquin word meaning "gathering of tribal chiefs," and the main crux of the caucus system today is indeed a series of meetings. Archive 2008-01-01
  • With increasingly unified parties squaring off—a development the founders, who disliked the idea of regularized party competition, never anticipated—even a beleaguered and discredited caucus, if it holds together, will be extremely powerful. Winner-Take-All Politics
  • I know how the Democrats got my number - probably when I attended the democratic caucus last year.
  • Among the caucuses that the members of this community of democracies agreed to form, was one at the United Nations.
  • Greg - why does your title mention "Liberals" rather than "Progressives" since the article is about members of the Progressive caucus?? House Dem Leaders Face Mounting Challenge From Liberal Members Over Iraq Approach
  • President Obama himself has faced a stinging rebuke from congress for his comments about lawmakers '"obsession" with the war, and the Out of Afghanistan Caucus continues to chip away at what little apatite for war remains in congress. Josh Mull: All politics is local: Al-Qa'eda and the Afghanistan War
  • Attendence numbers were based on headcounts conducted at caucuses.
  • Primary elections and party caucuses should be abolished. Peril and Promise: A Commentary on America
  • Voters learned of Bradley's heart arrhythmia just days before the Iowa caucuses.
  • In 1984, a local favorite, Walter Mondale from neighboring Minnesota, ran away with the Iowa caucuses.
  • Another aide who trades actively is Cody Stewart, the executive director of the Western Caucus. Congressional Staffers Gain From Trading in Stocks
  • Are we not watching with great interest the little internecine fights that are already developing within their caucus?
  • But he objected to something more elemental, and less subject to rehabilitation, than the doctor's impolitic opinion about the caucuses.
  • Several Black Caucus representatives have insisted the health reform plan as currently drafted is affordable, drawing a sharp contrast with more fiscally conservative Democrats who have voiced cost concerns. Democrats intensify drive for health care reform
  • The thing is that Pelosi is smart enough to stick to her core competencies, which is managing the House caucus. Matthew Yglesias » Conservatives’ Unhinged Attacks on Nancy Pelosi
  • I shall not campaign or participate in any state which schedules a presidential election primary or caucus before Feb. 5, 2008, except for the states of Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire and South Carolina, as "campaigning" is defined by rules and regulations of the DNC. Obama takes heat from Catholic League over Pfleger
  • As a recent Washington Monthly profile laid out, Hoyer is considered a centrist on foreign policy issues, an "establishmentarian" and the leadership's unofficial liason to the conservative Blue Dog Democrats caucus. Here's Your Handy Election Central Guide To Dem Leadership Battles
  • So in conclusion: a prolonged primary battle helps the eventually winner, because they take up more airtime, so long as the eventual loser doesn't go and sulk in his/her tent like Achilles who lost to Agamemnon in the crucial Achaean caucus. South Carolina GOP primary results – as it happened
  • The glories of the 'single transferable vote' yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'The glories of the \'single transferable vote\' '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Article: The Iowa Democratic Party caucuses achieve the ideal form of representative democracy: They are probably the most influential example in American politics of a voting method called the "single transferable vote."' The glories of the 'single transferable vote'
  • If the caucus decide that's the way to go, or not to go, it's a majority decision.
  • Load up your portable tanks with as much pyrethrin as necessary, spray liberally in the general direction of the GOP caucus nest, and stop asking for advice from .. Advice from . . . whom?
  • There were occasionally some minimal examples, such as sitting together in the campus cafeteria, and there were student groups defined by racial categories but by in large the communities interacted together nearly completely, and there were certainly no examples of things like a “black caucus intermural league” or student groups that significantly seperated their activities from the rest of the social life on campus. The Volokh Conspiracy » Conflicting Rationales for Affirmative Action in Higher Education:
  • Louisiana Republicans kick off the 1996 quest for national convention delegates Tuesday in party caucuses around the state, with Sen.
  • He has aired radio ads in Iowa, whose caucuses are a mere three years away.
  • The Speaker then made a stem-winding speech urging the caucus to devote every waking moment until March 18 to finding balls. Mark Steinberg: House Democrats Given Chance To Find Balls
  • Now, what I would do -- not that I'm king of the world -- but if I were Howard Dean or Donna Brazile, our pal, who is on the rules committee I would have what they call a firehouse caucus. CNN Transcript Feb 22, 2008
  • Meanwhile, the two opposition caucuses demanded the health bureau disclose its balance sheet so the public can determine whether the planned hike is necessary to keep the program afloat.
  • Nickel and diming our way to economic recovery, especially on the backs of working Americans, is not the right way to go," said Rep. Raul Grijalva, D-Ariz., chairman of the House Progressive Caucus. Budget battle waged over sliver of spending
  • The Iowa caucus brings in party activists from around the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • I bet National does not start its caucus meeting with a karakia.
  • The democratic caucus is undisciplined and disorganized. Matthew Yglesias » Cutting the Stimulus
  • Sheer cost may force the adoption of the open caucus in a local hall rather than the open postal ballot. Times, Sunday Times
  • The party's headquarters and its legislative caucus thus become ‘outsiders’ in the regime.
  • The Black Caucus in the House, even Charlie Rangel, who -- you know, who can get up on his high horse literally, pretty easily, even though Mr. Rangel did sort of kind of sidle up to it, there wasn't that -- that outcry that you would normally get from the Black Caucus when they think that a black person is being dealt with unfairly. CNN Transcript Jan 6, 2009
  • Paul Krugman uses the term "pain caucus" to describe the growing chorus of well-placed and well-respected people who believe that we have to cut spending even in the face of continued economic stagnation and growing immiseration. Jonathan Weiler: America's Elites Further Separate Themselves From Everyone Else
  • Dayton used the word "duplicity" in referring to the way stadium talks broke up Nov. 2 over Zellers' e-mail to Republican caucus members opposing a special session. rss feed
  • Indeed, the ONLY reason he's caucussing with the Dems is because they're the majority party. Reid: What Lieberman Did Was "Improper" And "Wrong"
  • Critics of the plan turned up the heat in early March as the House Democratic Caucus passed a resolution criticizing the new structure.
  • June 4th, 2008 8: 33 am ET bob johnson is a traitor to the black community on so many levels. he founded a network that makes black people look like idiots. why should anyone - the black caucus no less! BET founder to push for Clinton as Obama's VP pick
  • Manzo said the meals were catered lunches or dinners for the caucus on days when the Legislature was in session.
  • While solid majorities of likely caucusgoers say jobs, the economy and government spending are "critical" issues, only 33% similarly described abortion and just 25% said gay marriage was a critical issue, according to last week's Bloomberg poll that showed a four-way tie. Six GOP Rivals Line Up Closely on Social Issues
  • DPP caucus whip William Lai yesterday called on opposition parties to respond positively to the government's goodwill gesture.
  • Caucus challenges Vavi to point out any �untouchable deadwood� within the cabinet and provide evidence of any deliration of duty by any deceased or current serving minister. ANC Caucus Statement On Zwelinzima Vavi
  • states will hold precinct caucuses on Tuesday to choose delegates to the parties' national conventions.
  • The three-way Alaska Senate race remains very much a toss-up and by far the biggest wild card, given the hard to measure write-in candidacy of incumbent Republican Lisa Murkowski, although either Murkowski or Republican nominee Joe Miller would caucus with the Republicans. Final Election 2010 Polls Diverge: Will It Be Tsunami Or Bad Storm?
  • (Tufankjian rented a house there with a slew of other photographers, a crashpad that ended up housing dozens of people at the height of the caucus coverage there.) New Haven Advocate: News
  • Among those considered most likely to attend a caucus, there appears to be less support for Forbes than the polls indicate.
  • Three weeks from now, Iowa caucuses will kick this off and begin what we'll politely call the blur of the early primaries. CNN Transcript Dec 30, 2003
  • The Iowa caucuses of 2008 were not the end of our long national nightmare about race, but another stage in our protracted national nightmare of piety, “uplift,” and deceptive optimistic windbaggery. Blog Articles » Print » Christopher Hitchens Unloads On Barack Obama
  • In his constituency, power has passed to the party caucus which chose him, supports him and could replace him. Times, Sunday Times
  • He'd be caucussing with the Repubs if THEY were the majority party. Reid: What Lieberman Did Was "Improper" And "Wrong"
  • The position of Chairperson rotates annually among the groups and the regional groups caucus regularly during the Commission's annual session.
  • The word roil has appeared in 33 New York Times articles in the past year, including on Aug. 8 in The Caucus blog post "Rick Perry to Make Clear He Intends to Run," by Jeff Zeleny: NYT > Home Page
  • Foreign Minister Michel Jobert, who took Gaullism to an extreme, opened a caucus in Washington of the European Community participants with the bitter salutation: “Bonjour les traitres” “Hello traitors”. The Prize
  • WASHINGTON -- After losing Saturday's Nevada caucus race, Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich sought solace in what he called an encouraging statistic: that his supporters were turning out to vote more enthusiastically than those of his chief rival, Mitt Romney. The Full Feed from
  • She has our wholehearted support and the absolute respect of this caucus.
  • The caucus is open to Washingtonians, Oregonians, and Idahoans, as well as any conventiongoer who is interested in talking about local, state, and regional politics with us. Going to Pittsburgh? Join us for the Pacific Northwest caucus at Netroots Nation
  • Simultaneously, the Congressional Human Rights Caucus is holding briefings on the subject.
  • The party's caucus had held the closed-door meeting to discuss ways to counter the opposition lawmakers' plans.
  • If the primaries are killed in these states, the parties will use caucuses or state conventions to decide which candidate's delegates will go to the national convention.
  • What kind of allegation would spur a prime minister to call in the Mounties on one of his own cabinet ministers and immediately turf her from caucus?
  • Party members from Knox County caucused in a classroom used by eighth-grade social studies teacher Paul Clifford. The Volokh Conspiracy » Create a Constitutional Theory Out of This
  • Women activists, including Cabinet ministers, have also joined in the fight for women representation in key positions and have thus, formed a parliamentarian women's caucus group.
  • The initial plan was for regional caucuses to select a transitional assembly by the end of May.
  • But first they need to convince the antitax Democrats in their own caucus. The No-New-Taxes Democrats
  • By contrast, the remaining six independent lawmakers, without the backing of a caucus, virtually stood no chance to serve as convener of any legislative committee.
  • A large cadre of graduates from the Gingrich House brought their new version of hard-edged, polarizing conservatism to the clubbier Senate.23 By the late 1990s, differences between the two conservative caucuses on economic issues had largely vanished. Winner-Take-All Politics
  • As an Obama precinct captain, I was having a little trouble imagining a "precinct convention" (which is what they call the caucus) at the Northeast Community Center. Deanie Mills: How Winning A Coin Toss Made Me An Obama Delegate
  • Progressive leaders like Rep. Anthony Weiner are now calling the neutered public option in the House bill a "once in a lifetime reform," despite the fact that it has eliminated the very provision that the Progressive Caucus promised was essential in order to get its vote. Miles Mogulescu: Speaker Pelosi: Please Stop Bullsh*ting Us on Dropping State Single Payer Amendment
  • Now comes a poll that shows likely Republican voters in Iowa -- home of the first-in-the-nation caucus -- are cooling to the half-term governor's charms. Iowa Republicans cool to Sarah Palin
  • The first post-election caucus meeting would appear to provide an ideal opportunity for MPs to voice private laments about an election gone awry and about the first half-year of Paul Martin's leadership.
  • Iowa Republicans follow a multistep process for selecting convention delegates, but an Associated Press analysis found that Mr. Romney would claim 13 delegates and Mr. Santorum 12 if their support matched the caucus results throughout the process. Multifront Attack Awaits Romney in New Hampshire
  • It is about he being the acceptable Maori candidate and the biggest ariki in the caucus.
  • This tie came about because all the Republican electors dutifully cast their votes for Jefferson and Burr, the two candidates endorsed by their party caucus.

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