How To Use Catholicism In A Sentence

  • She, too, was a convert to Roman Catholicism.
  • He establishes that Evangelical theology ‘lacks a unitary hermeneutic’ of Catholicism.
  • The red (or Greene) flag of Catholicism that Anderson is missing in FO's work is probably "redemption" ... there is none. Signature Elements
  • The Church of England has always taken pride in its "comprehensiveness" - a British tolerance for theological diversity dating to Queen Elizabeth I, who combined element of Catholicism and Protestant ism to form a "bridge" between the two traditions. Pink Collars For Anglicans
  • To many people, John XXIII was the Kennedy pope, and Vatican II was his Camelot a glorious, Roman Catholic version of the New Deal and the New Frontier that would move Catholicism from the medieval past into a rosy future of social equality, in which mass would be celebrated in the vernacular, nuns' habits would be modernized, and the popemobile would replace the traditional gestatorial chair as a form of papal transportation. Philocrites: May 2005 Archives
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  • At the age of thirteen, he had a traditional Jewish confirmation which was soon followed by an interest in Catholicism.
  • But Benedict, however "charming," is still stifling theologians who challenge ideas about Catholicism, says Thomas Reese, a Jesuit priest and former editor of the Jesuit-owned magazine America. U.S. visit will give pope a defining moment
  • Said stories were so popular that they grew into a religion known today as Catholicism/Christianity and featuring dark-age, daily wine to blood and bread to body rituals called the eucharistic sacrifice of the non-atoning Jesus.
  • On the island itself, due to the dominance of Roman Catholicism, the feast of saints and other Church holy days are observed.
  • Finally, does anyone else note that Catholicism is a polytheist religion? Harlan Ellison on God
  • In his lifetime he saw the English Church sway from extreme Puritanism to near Catholicism.
  • We think it would be found that among women conversions from Protestantism to Catholicism preponderate, and that among men the preponderance is the other way about. The Dominant Sex: A Study in the Sociology of Sex Differentiation, by Mathilde and Mathias Vaerting; translated from the German by Eden and Cedar Paul
  • `What I'm saying is that my Catholicism, though I'm a true believer, doesn't permeate the whole of my life. OUT OF THE ASHES
  • But Milner's Catholicism was no mere ivory-tower ultramontanism.
  • John Trigilio, Jr., PhD, ThD, president of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy and co-author of Catholicism For Dummies, has written in that vein: Archive 2005-10-01
  • FREE MASONRY, CO-MASONRY, AND CATHOLICISM At the end of last month's lesson a few words were said about men and women practicing Mystic Masonry, and it might appear to some as if we en - dorse Co-Masonry, but this is emphatically not the case. Max Heindel's Letters to Students by The Rosicrucian Fellowship
  • In Catholicism, when the Bishop of Rome invokes his authority as Successor of Peter and Vicar of Christ, and speaks from the Chair of Peter, his pronouncement is binding on all Catholics throughout the world. Snow Angels
  • He is a convert to Catholicism.
  • His final official engagement abroad was an audience with the Pope, at which he sought benediction for a formal conversion to Catholicism.
  • Crashaw's Catholicism additionally associates him with both foreignness and popery.
  • As to the bibliopolic Accounts, my Friend! we will trust them, with a faith known only in the purer ages of Roman Catholicism, -- when Papacy had indeed become a Dubiety, but was not yet a The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872, Vol. I
  • Candomble is often presented in the literature as a religion born of syncretism between Catholicism and the Yoruba gods and liturgies of West Africa.
  • This book is written from a Protestant standpoint, but by a man who was a Catholic fifty-six years before he ever became a Protestant, and we feel absolutely certain that the Catholic world will endeavor to throttle its circulation, but we have laid aside every vestige of fear from that standpoint and have made up our mind that we are no better than Martin Luther, and thousands of Protestants who were burned at the stake by Catholicism for proclaiming to the world the awful deeds of that _awful creed_. Thirty Years In Hell Or, From Darkness to Light
  • The division between the two great branches of the Christian Church, Protestantism and Roman Catholicism, no longer seems unbridgeable.
  • I don't consider the Pope a cult leader (though Papal infallibility is not an idea that particularly appeals to me), but there are Cultish aspects to Catholicism. Cult scene: New Zealand and Africa - Boing Boing
  • In that sense, Wilson takes a more hardheadedly political approach to the topic than Ellison: where Wilson makes Catholicism's spiritual failings part and parcel of the openly political challenge it poses to the nation, Ellison emphasizes the really-existing unity between Catholicism and the CofE, and focuses on Protestantism's negative moral effects. Academic
  • Within five years, surviving numerous assassination attempts, he managed to convert thousands of Calvinists back to Catholicism.
  • Catholicism, however gripped the masses by virtue of its incense, its ritual, all quite arbitrary, compulsion without purpose.
  • Stemming from the Spanish word caballero, it was meant to connote Catholicism, foreignness, and immorality.
  • Further allegations of anti-Catholicism from prominent figures including Cardinal Logue aroused sectarian feelings which led to jeering and hissing on 8 May.
  • Belmont, for him, is a great recusant house where "mercy ... redeems the mercenariness of the Protestant market" in Venice, and Portia, as the epitome of "matriarchal Catholicism," presides in private over the rites and festivals of the Roman Church while providing a safe haven for her coreligionists. The One and Only
  • During the seventeenth century, French Jesuit missionaries converted many of the Iroquois to Catholicism.
  • In other news: ursine defecation has been found to be common in arboreally dense regions and the Pope has been found to believe in Catholicism to the exclusion of other faiths. Toronto Star Previews AR4 « Climate Audit
  • `What I'm saying is that my Catholicism, though I'm a true believer, doesn't permeate the whole of my life. OUT OF THE ASHES
  • In any event, the fact that antipopes rose to power at all points to more cracks in the walls of monolithic Roman Catholicism.
  • Of course Orthodox usually insist that their traditional, internal consensus, as expressed in both liturgy and theology, makes their belief that the Orthodox Church is the Church just as "irreformable" for Orthodoxy as the corresponding belief is for Catholicism. Archive 2007-01-01
  • Also a turnoff is the implied negativity aimed at Catholicism and the praise of witchcraft. Reader reviews of Daughter of Fortune by Isabel Allende.
  • College padre Father David Kelly told how Anglican-raised Mr Hilder had decided to make the move to Catholicism two years ago after feeling ‘stronger and stronger’ about his beliefs.
  • Christianity, at least the early version which has become what we call Catholicism - and yes, I know I'm glossing was set up to make converts easily. Religion and Evolution
  • Early in his life, he had converted to Catholicism, as a kind of teenage act of rebellion.
  • And you have the nerve to lecture others about forced conversions when the conquistadores had no shame in forcibly converting the natives to Catholicism. Global Voices in English » Mexico: Spreading the Message of Islam
  • In the chapel, a room sadly truncated by the new entrance hall, the physical evidence of Catholicism had been ruthlessly excised, but the cloister retained its tranquillity, and the large, undecorated dining hall could still properly be described as a refectory. The Blackstone Key
  • Consuelo and Sunny officially divorced in 1921, and after obtaining an annulment from the Pope (as Sunny had converted to Catholicism and the Balsan family viewed the marriage between Consuelo and Jacques as unsanctioned due to her divorce), Gladys finally became the (2nd) 9th Duchess of Marlborough at age 40. An Aristocratic Ménage: Consuelo, Sunny and Gladys | Edwardian Promenade
  • Nonetheless, after a generation or two, the movement withered away leaving few traces behind it (except for the German Lutheran cities of the north); and this occurred, not because the movement was persecuted out of existence, but because its principal sponsors, the independent-minded szlachta, abandoned it for a revived, populistic Catholicism as a result of the crisis of national survival produced by the mid-seventeenth-century Swedish invasion, the "Deluge. Poland's Past
  • wannabee" impersonations is not at all a matter of dispute to anyone of sound mind and a passing familiarity with Roman Catholicism. Most Popular
  • A male clergy found a way of harnessing the devotion of women, whether in congregations or not, to promote the cult of the Virgin, both as a way of feminizing Catholicism and of legitimizing the virtues of womanhood and motherhood.
  • Since I've become a Catholic I've discovered that in Catholicism, the word 'apostolate' is used much the way Protestants and Evangelicals use the word 'ministry'. Understanding Ministries and Apostolates
  • In 1838 he contributed to Blackwood's ‘Father Tom and the Pope’, a burlesque on Irish Catholicism.
  • Not a theologian, he was unconcerned by doctrinal minutiae; far from encouraging popery his one known theological work was a stout defence of the church against Catholicism.
  • Yet most Catholic parents will make practicing Catholicism mandatory for their children and the Church confirms young adults usually around 14.
  • Catholicism became the religion of ‘the majority of Frenchmen’ instead of the official religion of France, and the tricolour replaced the white flag of the Bourbons.
  • The set had belonged to Hurrell Froude, an Anglican friend of Newman's, and of his Oxford Movement associates one of those most attracted to Catholicism. Cardinal Newman at Birmingham: Liturgical Items (Part 3 of 3)
  • This is after all a women who swapped over to Catholicism when the Anglicans apostatized allowed women to become priests! Ann Widdecombe for London Mayor?
  • As the 85-year-old Mr Vermes recalls, his Hungarian Jewish parents died in the Holocaust, even though the family, which was not religious, had converted to Catholicism in the 1930s.
  • The groups most adamant about denying help to battered women were the conservative fundamentalists and some orders of Catholicism.
  • The residents of this village adhered to Catholicism
  • `What I'm saying is that my Catholicism, though I'm a true believer, doesn't permeate the whole of my life. OUT OF THE ASHES
  • Why, you might as well fight the ante- and post-Nicaean Fathers and Catholicism itself. Founding Fathers vs. Church Fathers
  • His conversion to Catholicism was no surprise — Cherie is a committed Catholic. The Velvet Reformation
  • In his book, "The Missionary Position", he berated her for spreading an extreme form of Catholicism and for accepting money from dodgy people such as "Papa Doc" Duvalier, the late dictator of Haiti.
  • Brendan is quite right that Voltaire was basically a Deist, and he would be right to be narked if I were to suggest that Catholicism is 'antithetical' to religion; but I would never argue anything so foolish. MIND MELD: Is Science Fiction Antithetical to Religion?
  • She, too, was a convert to Roman Catholicism.
  • Indeed, Catholicism embodies a rich sacramental tradition, graced moments of encounter with another that can never be adequately expressed in propositions.
  • It is reflected in the islanders' Catholicism, in their French-based patois, and in such customs as its Flower Festivals.
  • Since then, Prince has converted to Roman Catholicism - and may be a member or associate of Opus Dei, a very conservative cult now described as a prelature that is a strong ally of the current pope, Benedict XVI, who - when he was a Cardinal - paved the way for the beatification and canonization of the cult's founder, St. Josemaria Escriva by his predecessor, Pope John Paul II.
  • The official state religion is Roman Catholicism, but Evangelical Protestant movements are making converts among traditional Catholic believers.
  • Of course it reflects Dostoevsky's animus toward Catholicism, but it depicts the temptation to which religion, and all forms of Christian religion, not just Catholicism, are susceptible.
  • Catholicism, so I was taught, is a religion of shared pain. Soul Men
  • Troubled by his own nascent Catholicism as well as the state of war-torn Europe, Francis Poulenc wrote his choral masterpiece, Figure humaine, in 1943, calling the cantata both a "sacred duty" and a patriotic gesture to France. Francis Poulenc: Figure Humaine/Choral Works
  • Comte, he launched his well-known definition of Comtism as Catholicism MINUS Christianity, which involved him in a short controversy with Mr. Congreve (see "The Scientific Aspects of Positivism," "Lay Sermons" page 162), and with another leading Positivist, who sent him a letter through Mr. Darwin. The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
  • The former Bristol University student was deeply religious and converted to Roman Catholicism shortly before joining the Army.
  • These spiritual items can be associated with Roman Catholicism and other practices like candomblé, curanderismo, espiritismo, macumba and santería, says Wiki. Angora Holly Polo: The Get Rich Bubble Bath
  • Eastern Orthodox bioethics is distinct from that of traditional Roman Catholicism in that medical morality is not governed by the casuistical application of a natural law known by all through discursive reason.
  • Notice that they converted to Lutheranism, although Catholicism was the majority religion in Vienna and in Austria.
  • Nineteenth-century common-school advocates combined a desire for creating a liberal democratic citizenry with xenophobia, anti-Catholicism, and nativism.
  • This remains a graphic account of the Gordon Riots, when the London mob, inspired by anti-Catholicism, rampaged across the capital until stopped by the firm hand of George III.
  • These spiritual items can be associated with Roman Catholicism and other practices like candomblé, curanderismo, espiritismo, macumba and santería, says Wiki. Angora Holly Polo: The Get Rich Bubble Bath
  • I think Catholicism is romantic, and leads to love, real love, the kind the girls once wanted in Sex and the City. Book Review for the First Time in Ages!
  • I attended the news conferences of February 27 and a reporter asked me whether that moment was a period or a comma or a semicolon in the story of Catholicism in America.
  • His prolix, impassioned essay argued that Catholicism was one of Italy's contributions to European civilization and that Italy would contribute yet more once renewed in a federation led by a liberal papacy.
  • Catholicism, then, knows immediate presence rather than symbolism.
  • Cultural relativism undermines the moral certitude of our principal enemy, Catholicism (aka "obscurantism") On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Simply by traveling, as pope, he reinforced the concept that Catholicism is a church of the world, both in breadth and, increasingly, in orientation.
  • Her movement from the Roman Catholicism of childhood, through a brief novitiate, and on to Quaker and then Buddhist practice is not a rarity in these days of picking at the religious buffet of the twenty-first century.
  • Ackroyd may have jettisoned traditional Catholicism, but in his work humans are spiritual beings with souls that survive death and time.
  • That's nice -- as one of my Catholic friends put it with some asperity, she was glad Catholicism "was working out for him. Doug Bandow: Should Christians Ask: Who Would Jesus Vote For?
  • But Alfric is the extreme signifier of Roman Catholicism's violent signified, whereas the novel's various misguided Protestants merely signify postlapsarian man's natural depravity. The Little Professor:
  • The abbey was dissolved in 1539 during Henry VIII's fallout with Rome but became a centre of resistance to Henry's moves against Catholicism.
  • The copes, the vestments, the tunicles, stood for Roman Catholicism.
  • Yet the symbol of feminism was perceived as a direct challenge to Catholicism and Catholic values.
  • The division between the two great branches of the Christian Church, Protestantism and Roman Catholicism, no longer seems unbridgeable.
  • Taoism, Buddhism, Islam, Catholicism, Christianity in this and common prosperity, becoming a distinctive feature of Yangzhou.
  • Protestantism and Roman Catholicism are both denominations of the Christian faith.
  • She also turned to Catholicism and various Christian sects at this time in her search for truth.
  • The frequent claim that Irish Catholicism was Jansenist‐influenced springs from the tendency to confuse Jansenism with mere moral rigorism. The Situation of the Classical Roman Rite in Ireland, two years after Summorum Pontificum
  • Funny how a people could be ruled by the Spanish for three hundred years, far longer than the U.S. had even been in existence, converted to Catholicism in the majority, yet in all that time they are, as far as this megalomaniac is concerned, incapable of self-rule! Memorial Day: Burning Pols in Effigy « Blog
  • Restless and questioning, the works - from oils to aquatints, from pencil drawings to etchings - explore combinations of guilt and salvation, with New Zealand-issue Calvinism and Catholicism fighting the good fight all the way.
  • This preference of hers was so strongly associated with Catholicism that some of her subjects would later question the sincerity of Elizabeth's profession of the Protestant faith because of her fondness for sumptuous "papist" altar cloths. 163 From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • Protestantism and Roman Catholicism are both denominations of the Christian faith.
  • Later, when at Littlemore but before his conversion to Catholicism in 1845, he used the breviaries to recite the Divine Office, rather than the Anglican prayer books. Cardinal Newman at Birmingham: Liturgical Items (Part 3 of 3)
  • The division between the two great branches of the Christian Church, Protestantism and Roman Catholicism, no longer seems unbridgeable.
  • On early Unitarian fears of 'popery': Nineteenth-century Unitarians had theological reasons to be wary of Catholicism. Philocrites: Philocrites is signing off.
  • A discovery of Anglo-Catholicism and its devotional power, originally through its fanatical critics, and then fostered by wise friends.
  • It vividly portrayed life as it was decades ago, when Catholicism had a firm grip on our society.
  • Church and state are separate today, but Catholicism is the religion of the great majority.
  • In Queens a few hundred Colombian Americans led by a Colombian priest established a church based on charismatic Catholicism.
  • Maybe she's like me: temperamentally unsuited to Father Hall's brand of Anglo-Catholicism. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • In 1625, Elizabeth Cary returned to London, and she became a high-profile convert to Roman Catholicism in 1626.
  • Comtism, defined as "Catholicism without Christianity". The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
  • A greater recognition of the role of medieval humanism, scholasticism, Gothic architecture and Catholicism in McLuhan's thought would have opened up another avenue of uniquely Canadian direction in McLuhan.
  • There are many religions in China, such as Buddhism, Daoism, Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism.
  • Yet from the beginning there were countercurrents of criticism and protest even within orthodox Iberian Catholicism.
  • Spain's contribution to her Habsburg's cousin was a mere 1.9 million gulden while the pope, who saw the Emperor as the defender of Catholicism, provided just 900,000 gulden.
  • Perhaps I will tell her that I am still Catholic because I understand that Catholicism is imperfect, and that we should not be afraid of discussing our concerns out loud. Cara McDonough: Why I'm (Still) Catholic
  • Mr Kohn converted to Catholicism when he changed his name to Kerry in 1902.
  • Since I've become a Catholic I've discovered that in Catholicism, the word 'apostolate' is used much the way Protestants and Evangelicals use the word 'ministry'. Understanding Ministries and Apostolates
  • It's why a few people have come here or stay here [in the Southwest], where Catholicism is still pretty close to what it should be. Art and Literature
  • She converted to Catholicism and helped to index his many books. Times, Sunday Times
  • He led a reign of terror until his conversion to Catholicism in 989.
  • Pius IV's last act before he died was to make an unexpected gift from Catholicism to Orthodoxy. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • Only recently for public consumption has the IRA's intrinsic sinister ethos of a one nation, one culture (Gaelic), one language (Erse), one religion (extreme right wing Roman Catholicism) been deliberately played down. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • • Catholics: Catholicism, as we have seen both in this chapter and in the previous one, suffered serious losses, both to conversion and to lapsing. American Grace
  • IsabelIa responded warmly to the promise that the explorer would extend Christendom and convert people of the Orient to Catholicism.
  • It's all dubious Catholicism (at best), since sainthood is traditionally a slow and careful process that typically doesn't even begin for five years after someone dies and usually takes AT LEAST decades if not centuries before winding up. 04/13/2005
  • He sought to use his own devout Catholicism to woo back the lost voters, but with little success.
  • Many practices that were part of pre-Vatican II Roman Catholicism, such as communion in one kind for the laity and eastward-facing celebrations, have not died out, as Anglicans sometimes think.
  • It was the first long autobiographical work to appear in underground comics, and was extremely personal, detailing Green's childhood struggle with a disorder which in Catholicism is referred to as scrupulosity and was later diagnosed as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The ADD Blog at Comic Book Galaxy
  • Alone among the great monotheistic faiths, Catholicism is a lover rather than a breaker of icons.
  • She converted to Catholicism and helped to index his many books. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course, the price of this papal concession was Eberhard Ludwig's conversion to the Roman faith, and the reinstalment of Catholicism as the State religion of Wirtemberg. A German Pompadour Being the Extraordinary History of Wilhelmine van Grävenitz, Landhofmeisterin of Wirtemberg
  • This would allow individual Anglicans a corralled space within Catholicism where they could continue to follow some Anglican traditions. Church of England parish sings battle hymns as it plans move to Rome
  • Catholicism, of which both the diplomatical and the ascetic parties in the Church, Jesuits and Theatines, were eager to take advantage. Renaissance in Italy, Volumes 1 and 2 The Catholic Reaction
  • They demand nothing less than equal access to the uppermost echelons of Catholicism.
  • While in the court of the Elector, Leibniz composed a series of works in philosophical theology, the Catholic Demonstrations, which are another manifestation of Leibniz's lifelong irenicism: in this case, in their attempt to provide a basis and justification for the reconciliation of Protestantism and Catholicism. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
  • `What I'm saying is that my Catholicism, though I'm a true believer, doesn't permeate the whole of my life. OUT OF THE ASHES
  • Brendan is quite right that Voltaire was basically a Deist, and he would be right to be narked if I were to suggest that Catholicism is 'antithetical' to religion; but I would never argue anything so foolish. MIND MELD: Is Science Fiction Antithetical to Religion?
  • In fact, in the Republic of Ireland, catholicism is doubly important.
  • In Roman Catholicism, apologetics refers to the defense of the whole of Catholic teaching.
  • Given Brownback's rigid theoconservatism - in which Catholicism is reduced to criminalizing all abortion and preventing gay couples from having any legal protections - the statement was banal. The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
  • While it is true, however, that Sunnism, like Catholicism, is the largest branch of its respective faith, Jasser's analogy is off-base because it understates the true root of all Islamic extremism and violence: a literal interpretation of the Qur'an which stems from the renunciation by Sunni scholars, over a millennium ago, of the doctrine known as ijtihad, "independent reasoning" in Qur'anic exegesis. History News Network
  • Roughly, Protestantism is all about the ‘disenchantment of the world’ and Catholicism is about magic and sacralization. Information, Culture, Policy, Education: Books
  • Does the Vatican know about anti-Catholicism and anti-Semitism as a result of it, in the Catholic Church, especially in Swedish Catholic Church? Bishop Arborelius on the SSPX and the newest Swedish TV attack on the Pope
  • He is either a youthful snob-Bolshevik who in five years' time will quite probably have made a wealthy marriage and been converted to Roman Catholicism; or, still more typically, a prim little man with a white-collar job, usually a secret teetotaller and often with vegetarian leanings, with a history of Nonconformity behind him, and, above all, with a social position which he has no intention of forfeiting. Notable & Quotable
  • He had even signed a Concordat with the papacy in July 1801, allowing the return of Roman Catholicism.
  • Puritanism had initially been a movement to expunge remaining elements of Catholicism from the Church of England.
  • Catholicism became the religion of ‘the majority of Frenchmen’ instead of the official religion of France, and the tricolour replaced the white flag of the Bourbons.
  • So, in 1558 Elizabeth acceded to a troubled throne, after a five-year period in which Catholicism had been re-established in England with little apparent difficulty.
  • They, not the canons and decrees of the Council of Trent, or even the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola, were the true legacy of early modern Catholicism for the modern age.
  • The two first were themselves emphatically "eccentrics" -- one an apostle of dandyism (he actually wrote a book about Brummel, whom he had met early), a disdainful critic of rather untrustworthy vigour, and a stalwart reactionary to Catholicism and Royalism; the other a devotee of the exact opposite of dandyism, as the title of his best-known book, _Les A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
  • Just as the Vatican is the center of Catholicism, Australia has become the center of the religion of high-tech winemaking.
  • Hilaire Belloc, J.K. Huysmans, G.K. Chesterton, and Evelyn Waugh (who quoted The Waste Land frequently) all made an initial reputation for nightmarish satire before retreating into a not always convincing nook of Catholicism. Letters to the Editor
  • You want to keep in mind that Greene converted to Catholicism as an adult, in part to get his first wife to marry him.
  • Protestantism and Roman Catholicism are both denominations of the Christian faith.
  • Papal infallibility is one of the main Protestant objections to Catholicism — yet, oddly enough, it was one of the things that gave Catholicism an unlikely avant-garde cachet from around the time of Pius IX's proclamation to, say, World War II. Archive 2007-12-01
  • The main religions are Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism.
  • Finally, does anyone else note that Catholicism is a polytheist religion? Harlan Ellison on God
  • Nor was he the only literary type to embrace Catholicism's indeflectability as the answer to modernity's assault on inherited tradition and the human longing for the transcendent.
  • To many people, John XXIII was the Kennedy pope, and Vatican II was his Camelot a glorious, Roman Catholic version of the New Deal and the New Frontier that would move Catholicism from the medieval past into a rosy future of social equality, in which mass would be celebrated in the vernacular, nuns’ habits would be modernized, and the popemobile would replace the traditional gestatorial chair as a form of papal transportation. Philocrites: Do liberals remember a mythical Vatican II?
  • Though such policy was in force, Catholicism still developed continuously in Guangdong and the activities of the missionary and religionist were still relatively active.
  • With Father Gustave Weigel, Brown coauthored An American Dialog: A Protestant Looks at Catholicism and a Catholic Looks at Protestantism.
  • Monophysites, and it is now plain that the chief points on which the various sections of Monophysites were agreed against Catholicism were the assertions that there is but one Will in the Incarnate Word, and that the operations (activities, energeiai) of Christ are not to be distinguished into two classes, the Divine and the human, but are to be considered as being the "theandric" (Divino-human) actions of the one Christ (see EUTYCHIANISM). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • Indeed, they're broadly in line with the teachings of Catholicism - a religion practised by millions of people across Europe.
  • The concerns about JFK's Catholicism were centered on whether or not he would take orders from Rome or tend to "Catholicize" policy --- particularly with respect to education and the separation of church and state. Romney To Give JFK Speech!
  • Rather, Lickona provides a delightfully high-spirited and candid account of living Catholicism as though it were true, scapulars included.
  • A leader in the magazine even suggests that Camilla's Roman Catholicism will pose no constitutional difficulty.
  • These similarities notwithstanding, liberal Catholicism and Modern Orthodoxy seem to be currently facing two different fates.
  • I'd hate to appear imbalanced (or "pluralistically-challenged" or "diversity-stunted" or whatever the term might be), so now I turn to a recent column, "Catholicism Does't Have to Be Repressive," written by Maggie Carlson, a senior at Webster University (in the Saint Louis area). Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • Orwell's theoretically skeptical prophetic meliorism resonates with much in Christianity, and especially Catholicism.
  • Two of the abler young novelists of the time, Evelyn Waugh and Graham Greene, were converts to Roman Catholicism.
  • It's viewed somewhat differently in today's Catholicism, and Lutherans and Catholics now agree on ‘the real presence’ of Christ in the sacrament.
  • Moore's preoccupation with faith and with religion, particularly with Catholicism, is a salient feature of his work.
  • It was a Christian Democratic party that had its roots and values in the Resistance and that purged the incubus of the traditional association of Catholicism with the Right.
  • Yet the symbol of feminism was perceived as a direct challenge to Catholicism and Catholic values.
  • The Spaniards brought deceases unknown to the American immune system, the horse, gunpowder and Catholicism. OpEdNews - Diary: cliff567 on Hugo Chavez
  • He has been converted to the Catholicism of the American Bishops, if not to the ecclesiasticism of Rome.
  • The apologetics of personal testimony is particularly suited to the genius of Catholicism.
  • Submission to the teaching of the papacy and magisterium, as I understand it, is simply mainstream Catholicism, as is the Catholic Church's sturdy defense of the rights of conscience and the dignity of all human beings.
  • Catholicism represented by the "minster," and he relearns his faith "from the book whose words are grav'd in light Contesting the Heterodoxy: Mrs. Hemans vs. Lord Byron
  • But Catholicism in Spain was scotched, not killed, and when Reccared (586-601) called Arian and The Church and the Barbarians Being an Outline of the History of the Church from A.D. 461 to A.D. 1003
  • Henceforward it would seem that, so far from being prejudiced against Catholicism, Burton was always coquetting with it; and if he took any religion seriously at all, he may be said to have taken this one seriously. The Romance of Isabel Lady Burton
  • Religion: Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Protestantism and Roman Catholicism.
  • Is it something of a counterpoint or does it counteract the overtly religious narrative art tradition of Catholicism?
  • These have been manifested in, for example, the state formation of "delimitated religious plurality" to restrict the public into only five official religions: Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Hinduism and Buddhism. The Jakarta Post Breaking News
  • During the last years of Leo XIII's pontificate, religious houses tried to win over the poor for Catholicism.
  • Longtime Beck-watchers said he has always made references to his faith journey, his conversion from Catholicism to Mormonism, his crediting God with saving him from drug and alcohol abuse, professional obscurity and "friendlessness. Glenn Beck may be unlikely leader for conservative Christians
  • They were Catholics in a Protestant Reich and Catholicism, which for so long had been dismissed by republicans as anti-national, was now integrated as essential to French nationalism.
  • The Glorious ­Revolution is often seen as a clash ­between ­ "popery" — the term for authoritarian ­Catholicism — and ­ancient English liberties. Going Dutch
  • Coleridge, being more of a philosopher, turned to Unitarianism; Newman, a devotionist, to Roman Catholicism. The Congress of Women: Held in the Woman's Building, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, U. S. A., 1893, With Portraits, Biographies and Addresses
  • James II had been overthrown because of serial misjudgment monumental even by Stuart standards, but also because, in 1688, his queen produced a healthy heir, James Edward, who would be brought up a Catholic and would therefore, most Britons feared, restore Catholicism as the religion of the royal house. Servants To Masters
  • There is little of the passion that raged and stormed, or of the desperation from which she sought, and appears to have found, a partial release in Roman Catholicism.
  • Someone equally cynical leftword might say Trotskyites and liberal Democrats turned out to be the testiest of neocons -- like converts to Catholicism who come to Communion late in life. Michael Conniff: Con Games: Mamet, Miller, And The Ole Hitcheroo Switcheroo
  • From the anarchism of his youth to the apocalyptic Catholicism of later years, McAuley always found it hard to resist the lure of revolutionism.
  • Until fairly recently the history of Catholicism in Elizabethan and Jacobean England was conceived largely in terms of hagiology. William Byrd and the Catholics
  • International tensions meant that she had little contact with Mary of England's work in restoring and redeveloping Catholicism.
  • Indeed, almost any fiction written in English which deals with Catholicism, especially since the Second Vatican Catastrophe, is likely to be appropriately unsympathetic.
  • What are some of the basic principles and beliefs of Catholicism?
  • Chief of these was the Know-nothings who stood for what they called Americanism, and raised an opposition to Catholicism. Children of the Market Place
  • In fact his theory about Protestantism, Catholicism and the Enlightenment is constantly being overruled or enlarged, I guess, by the passion and the gusto of those stories.
  • He offered the example of his own children: middle-class, well-mannered teenagers who, like their parents, are pretty laissez-faire about their Catholicism; neither has any Protestant friends. Rory's a hero for all of us, but my homeland is as divided as ever | Sean O'Hagan
  • Converting to Catholicism at the time of his marriage, Greene sought to be true to his vows, yet his numberless, ongoing infidelities and disregard for the institution of the church make one skeptical.

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