How To Use Catherine the great In A Sentence
Back on the metro and it's a further 20 minute ride to Tsaritsyno, another large, forested estate. The principal attraction here is the unfinished summer palace of Catherine the Great.
After the old empress dies, Sophia engineers a coup d etat with the aid of the military, does away with Peter, and becomes Catherine the Great.
This doesn’t surprise, since Lubitch’s stamp of forced gaiety is all over this gilded fabergé egg of a film chronicling Catherine the Great (Tallulah Bankhead) as she seduces a young army officer (William Eythe).
2009 June :
Neville's cunningness brings to life everyone from Catherine the Great to Napoleon, from Jacques-Louis David to Wordsworth and makes you wonder if their contribution to history hasn't been mis-stated.
Archive 2008-09-01
As long as Russia was ruled by Paul I, the half-witted son of Catherine the Great, Napoleon had known how to deal with the situation.
The Story of Mankind
In a letter to Dan in 1800, after scolding him for his 'Budget being empty far too soon', she dissertated on the life of Catherine the Great.
Data on the social origins of the hierarchy appointed between Peter's death and Catherine the Great's enthronement in 1762 are meager.
Supposedly in 1796 the final words of Russian Empress Catherine the Great were: “I shall be an autocrat: that’s my trade.
And now, a Russian composer is about to fulfil his dream and stage as a musical the life story of Catherine the Great, one of Russia's best-known and most colourful historical figures.
Catherine the Great was a patron of the arts and sciences.
Other pictures followed, other palaces were built ( 'la fureur de bâtir chez nous est plus forte que lamais,' wrote Catherine the Great), and in 1764 the Empress installed the prizes of her collection in the sober Hermitage which she had specially made to adjoin the extravagantly baroque Winter Palace ordered by her predecessor Elizabeth.
In Russia's Museums
As long as Russia was ruled by Paul I, the half-witted son of Catherine the Great, Napoleon had known how to deal with the situation.
The Story of Mankind