How To Use Cather In A Sentence

  • So I'm pleased to introduce our first presenter , one of the stars of Traffic , Catherine Zeta - Jones .
  • But Mawuli glowers at Papa, apparently thinking about how to outwit Papa, not thinking about Mary Catherine. Amaryllis in Blueberry
  • Catherine Street were largely ignoring shoplifting and simply passing its cost on to their customers.
  • In the pictures of girls - Miss Catherine Tatton is an extreme example - black and carmine are applied so crisply that you would, today, think of mascara and lipstick.
  • Catherine Lewis, better known as "Kittie," was married to Joseph King, of Montgomery County, History of Roanoke County
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  • John Hales, clerk of the hanaper, a learned and able man, and, like all who espoused this party, a zealous protestant, had written, and secretly circulated, a book in defence of the claims of the lady Catherine, and he had also procured opinions of foreign lawyers in favor of the validity of her marriage. Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth
  • His legs were so thin however that Catherad was sure that they would snap under the enormous strain.
  • But it was restored as a chapel in 1662 by Charles II for his wife, Queen Catherine of Braganza, who established a friary in its grounds.
  • That happened to Catherine Lane when she moved out of a London flat.
  • Ready availability being the most precious of Prohibition virtues, gin was lifted above the historical pedigree that led Willa Cather to call it “the consolation of sailors and inebriate scrub-women.” LAST CALL
  • As Anna and Claire's stratagems become more and more elaborate, Catherine's constant interruptions get funnier and funnier.
  • Catherine was awake, half asleep, walking down her boss' hall.
  • Over one million people (about 43% of the total) live in Kingston, Saint Andrews, and Saint Catherine, the main urban centers, while Trelawny Parish has the lowest density with 83 inhabitants/km2. Water profile of Jamaica
  • Whilst this was happening Catherine and I were trying to clean and paint the underneath of the car, which seemed to take forever as a previous owner had undersealed the car.
  • Catherine French and Rachel Doherty worked hard up front and Kate Bradley and Sarah Male were able to continually feed balls through to them.
  • His name escaped her at the moment, but Catherine remembered that he was a senior.
  • It is a world of gracious living, Old World culture, and haute cuisine, as ageless as Brigitte Bardot or Catherine Deneuve.
  • Her interpretation is perfectly pitched to Catherine's acid sarcasm.
  • He and others: while again Mirabeau, we say, is cast forth from it, happily incapable of being replaced; and rests now, irrecognisable, reburied hastily at dead of night, in the central 'part of the Churchyard Sainte-Catherine, in the Suburb Saint-Marceau,' to be disturbed no further. The French Revolution
  • For an instant, Catherine was tempted to flee.
  • Leading the child slave rebellion are the seven Vivian girl princesses: Daisy, Hettie, Violet, Joice, Jennie, Angeline and Catherine... Jane Chafin: In the Realms of the Unreal: The Mystery of Henry Darger by Jessica Yu
  • Henry felt that the crown needed a male heir but his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, produced only a daughter, Mary.
  • Alison Lambert and Jessica Klikach were out in Hawaiian regalia, while Kendra Von Bremen and Catherine Allan of Revelstoke dressed up Zorro and Gunslinger respectively. Kootenay Rockies - News
  • Charles sighed in relief, and kissed Catherine in the most charming and gallant manner.
  • Catherine Ison of the London-based Health Protection Agency (HPA), speaking during the society's annual spring meeting in Edinburgh, stated that certain strains of the gonococcal bacteria (which causes gonorrhea) were becoming resistant to the antibiotics ceftriaxone and cefixime. RedOrbit News - Technology
  • Candy Catherine Kusinski from Cleveland, the cutest carny star ever is riding with me to Corpus Christi. The complete, unabridged contents of an abandoned diary found in Memphis
  • Catherine wasn't sure the book was the right one, but she bought it anyway.
  • Eyes stole the show with Catherine Deneuve-like smoked out creases, while lips stayed kissably nude with a hydrated finish. StyleList
  • Catherine Gibson said she was "dumbstruck" after police revealed that forensic tests showed they had discovered her 25-year-old daughter's body at an address in the Capital, it was reported. Undefined
  • He read the visions of the Venerable Sister Anne Catherine Emmerich, an eighteenth-century German stigmatist and mystic.
  • Catherine leapt to her feet as the sounds of footsteps drew nearer.
  • By Catherine Walter's reckoning, it was at 10 o'clock on Sunday night that the Board members of the National Australia Bank reached a deal.
  • October 27th, 2006 at 12: 39 am paris hiton is ugly skinny and useless her eyes are too squinty and those boobs are fake shes soo vain and whoever said she was beautiful must be blind now catherine zeta jones is beautiful liv tyler is beauyiful lots of actresses are beautiful mbut paris not much of a looker at all elliosh Says: David Letterman Interviews Paris Hilton
  • The doctor, who had gathered the story of the 'bogle' from Catherine, to whom Robert Elsmere
  • But her annoyance over the pictures could not distract Catherine from her latest - and biggest - ambition.
  • And Mary Catherine is what that old biddy, Clara of the Bowed Legs and Beehive her hair, who lives in the cottage across the path, calls a navel gazer. Amaryllis in Blueberry
  • It is interesting to note that Queen Catherine of Braganza is credited with introducing tea to England. Exit the Actress
  • Earlier this year, I had similarly outscooped everyone, this time by three months, with my exclusive report that Catherine had secretly been learning Welsh -- something that no one else found out about until their first public engagement in Anglesey and she started singing the Welsh national anthem! Yvonne Yorke: Official: William and Catherine California Bound!
  • One night, we were all sitting in front of the fireplace, Mother reading to Nicholas on her lap, Catherine doing some needlework, and me quilting.
  • Catherine put all the envelopes aside unopened.
  • Catherine asked just a year afterward to be received into a local Augustinian convent, and her confessor supported the petition. RIDDLE ME THIS
  • Catherine of Siena enshrined in the artistic golden sarcophagus which has been admired by succeeding generations of her clients.
  • But the most miraculous part of this panel is the predella, which is full of Friars of the said S. Catherine in the form of little figures. Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects Vol. 04 (of 10), Filippino Lippi to Domenico Puligo
  • Catherine had been telling the boys to swim straight to shore now that we had started fishing (as the berley & bait may attrack sharks). Recent Updates
  • This is the story of the enigmatic Catherine Weekes and the mysteries surrounding her.
  • I've never felt better out there thanks to Catherine New, another running buddy, AOL Daily Finance reporter and soon-to-be marathoner at the Marine Corps Marathon. Emily Faherty: Running Icon Bart Yasso Inspires AOL Marathon Team, Raises Money For Cancer Research
  • I had always believed Catherine to be absolutely honest in money matters.
  • Did Catherine accept the role to pre-empt and disarm her critics?
  • On the northwest corner of South and Catherine streets, a small mob had formed again.
  • Catherine's dead body lay peacefully on the bed.
  • Before that European travelers like AF Gardiner (1836) and Catherine Barter (1855) had focused their attention on documenting, in English, Zulu culture, traditions, history and customs as they saw them at the time. ANC Today
  • Oh yeah, and Catherine Deneuve, who's wonderful in pretty much everything she does.
  • A conservative figures out waterboarding is torture23rd02: 06 pm: Feeling Calm25th02: 20 pm: I need more short fiction26th07: 24 pm: Story A Day: Elvis in the Attic by Catherine M Morrison31st04: 40 pm: Dr. George Tiller — 4 comments May 2009
  • Following on from her excellent first two novels, FALLING OFF AIR and OUT OF MIND, Catherine Sampson provides a change of theme for TV journalist Robin Ballantyne. Book review
  • Last week, according to custom, the procession of ‘Catherinettes’ (composed largely of midinettes in crazy headgear) stampeded to the saint's statue on the garish Boulevard St. Denis.
  • The symbolic language of Saint Catherine's day, as celebrated by the Parisian midinettes (young dressmakers and milliners), had its origins in the festive calendar of rural France.
  • I speak of people such as Susanna and Catherine of Paliacatt, who were sent into exile from Batavia to serve life imprisonment on ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Zeller, Le mouvement guisard en 1588: Catherine de Medicis et la The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • On the eve of his birthday, Christopher proposed to Catherine.
  • Renée Zellweger's mannered neuroticism is becoming increasingly annoying and Catherine Zeta-Jones phones it in.
  • In Wuthering Heights Catherine Earnshaw's old books and scrawled, diaristic notations discovered by Heathcliff's hapless tenant afford a spiritual channeling scene in which Catherine's ghost is summoned from the beyond.
  • After being arrested last week, authorities said, Mr. Bulger told them his brother William might be willing to post bail for Catherine Greig, the former dental hygienist and Mr. Bulger's longtime companion, who was arrested with him. Bulger Was Avid Traveler, U.S. Says
  • She's come to Australia on assignment and to visit her best friend Catherine.
  • Catherine, Cam and I decided to head down to the country with our poxy daughter, where we could share entertaining duties while waiting for the spots to dry up. Charlie Condou: The three of us
  • Catherine took a few stitches with her needle, and then sat the material back on her lap.
  • Captain Kirk befriends Jillian (Catherine Hicks), a cetacean specialist who works with the whales at the aquarium, and tries to get the whales from her. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1234
  • Catherine smiled, but then her face went pale as a panicking thought suddenly struck her.
  • "There's some decent grub at the mess hall, " Catherine said.
  • Still being restored, over half the Catherine Palace is closed to the public.
  • He went to the Catherine Rural College for 12 months.
  • He has two quadrumvirates on which he depends: Robinson, Dickinson, Frost and Millay in poetry, and, less rhythmically, Faulkner, Hemingway, Cather and Lawrence among the prose writers.
  • There is some basis for the rumour in her defiance of imperial protocol by riding cross-saddle, and a hint of overstimulation in her breathless reports of frantic gallops, but Catherine's nymphomania is a schoolboy legend.
  • Catherine hummed and sang a hymn that faded quickly from a cheery ode to a mournful dirge.
  • “Doubt not me, Catherine,” replied the Queen; “a while since I was overborne, but I have recalled the spirit of my earlier and more sprightly days, when I used to accompany my armed nobles, and wish to be myself a man, to know what life it was to be in the fields with sword and buckler, jack, and knapscap.” The Abbot
  • He bombarded Catherine with questions to which he should have known the answers.
  • If you’re a Catherine Tate fan, you’ll enjoy this nearly “doctorless” episode. Next on Doctor Who: Turn Left : SF Universe - SF Universe is your Science Fiction central. From SciFi television to movies to books and more. All the latest news, reviews and insights from SciFi experts.
  • Catherine Zeta-Jones, who appeared, nine months pregnant in a simple black sheath, avoided diamonds altogether, opting instead for teardrop earrings of pink and jet stones.
  • He bombarded Catherine with questions to which he should have known the answers.
  • Catherine Deneuve seemed to typify cool Gallic elegance.
  • Some of his prophecies appeared to be fulfilled, and his fame became so widespread that he was invited to the court of Catherine de Medicis, queen consort of Henry II of France, where he cast the horoscopes of her children.
  • Today: A review of monies allotted for the renovation of Hampton Court Palace, where our new Queen Catherine of Braganza and King Charles II will spend their honeymoon. Exit the Actress
  • Catherine said her vegetable lasagne was ‘very cheesy’ and it contained good-sized chunks of onion, courgette, tomatoes and celery - perhaps that's where mine went.
  • Back on the metro and it's a further 20 minute ride to Tsaritsyno, another large, forested estate. The principal attraction here is the unfinished summer palace of Catherine the Great.
  • Catherine just stared at them both in shock and anger, clasping and unclasping her hands in a steady rhythm.
  • Taken alongside its mellower roleplaying game-styled daytimes, Catherine is an unusual and gripping game with later puzzles that are certainly not for the faint-hearted. This week's new games
  • Similarly with Cather, Torrance doesn't mention the Wharton/James-inspired craftsmanship of Alexander's Bridge, the manipulations of perspective in My Antonia, the formal "shapeliness" of a book like A Lost Lady. Experimental Fiction
  • Fulham, near London: home of William, Catherine and latterly Granville Index of Places
  • Beneath the linguistic sparklers and Catherine wheels, there is a subtle and moving examination of the inarticulate moment: gesture and touch, weeping and laughter.
  • This time fingers are crossed that Catherine will do it all again in table tennis at the 2003 games.
  • Stairs_, Lappet in _The Miser_, Catherine in _Catherine and Petruchio_, The Case of Mrs. Clive
  • I suspect what happened here, Catherine, is that they were sitting in Shooney's and maybe she was giving them what we call the hairy eyeball and they thought they would have some fun with her by talking about September 11 and September 13. CNN Transcript Sep 15, 2002
  • However, Catherine's ghost pestered him all the time, and he died in mental disorder.
  • Catherine can arrange for you a wide variety of therapies including massage therapy, reiki, aromatherapy, stress management, acupuncture, eurythmy and crystal bowl sound healing. - Articles related to 'Invest in research in agriculture to tackle food insecurity'
  • Catherine will inherit a large sum of money on her father's death.
  • The heroine, Catherine Keener's Kate, suffers from a surfeit of empathy, but the movie has suffered only from underexposure. Kings
  • Catherine's parents now approve of her marriage.
  • The pedestrian who halts on the Rue Culture – Sainte-Catherine, after passing the barracks of the firemen, in front of the porte-cochere of the bathing establishment, beholds a yard full of flowers and shrubs in wooden boxes, at the extremity of which spreads out a little white rotunda with two wings, brightened up with green shutters, the bucolic dream of Les Miserables
  • He continued to argue against the King's divorce and the split with Rome, and in 1534 was arrested after refusing to swear an Oath of Succession repudiating the Pope and accepting the annulment of the marriage to Catherine.
  • May: Wow, It'stars Catherine Zeta - Jones , my favorite actress.
  • None of these assets made Catherine's worst times bearable, of course, but she was luckier than many.
  • Quand, après quelques années, mon père se maria, Catherine continua son activité dans la maison, mais avec son bon sens naturel, en référa la responsabilité à sa jeune maîtresse, qu'elle aimait beaucoup. Welsh Fairy-Tales and Other Stories
  • His sister Catherine accompanies him on all his shoots and Robin Tunney, currently starring in Vertical Limit, met them in Texas during American Outlaws.
  • Lady Catherine, Sir William, and Mr. and Mrs. Collins sat down to quadrille; and as Miss De Bourgh chose to play at cassino, the two girls had the honour of assisting Mrs. Jenkinson to make up her party. Chapter XXIX
  • He knew that if he and Catherine had no sons, Isabella would inherit the considerable Linton fortune.
  • The morning was fresh and cool; I threw back the lattice, and presently the room filled with sweet scents from the garden; but Catherine called peevishly to me, 'Ellen, shut the window. Wuthering Heights
  • I admired Catherine greatly for her constancy and sweet-tempered attitude about life.
  • By now, the release of a Catherine Breillat film is a ritual: whispers of scandal give way to full-blown outrage and a polarized critical reception.
  • A turkey vulture is a slow pinwheel in the sky, a marker above Cather's prairie.
  • I took a deep breath and marched with Catherine to the front door.
  • Jim is married to Catherine and they have four children, three girls and one boy.
  • The final winner was Eriskay fabric, a worsted material with an unusual honeycomb texture, designed by Catherine Murray from Bute Fabrics.
  • Une autre note —I heard that you wrote your love letters to Catherine in Spanish ? Exit the Actress
  • At any rate, Catherine, destitute of cash and friends, cannot disturb his possession.
  • Samantha Ody, stylist at Goldsworthy's hairdressing salon in Catherine Street, also plans to dye her hair pillar box red and hopes to raise around £200 for charity.
  • He claimed that the marriage was incestuous and illegal, as Catherine had been married to his dead brother, Arthur.
  • When King Henry VIII of England decided to divorce Catherine of Aragorn to marry Anne Boleyn, he sought an annulment from the Pope. November 2003
  • Mrs. Catherine Weston of Ferryland Plaintiff on the 17th August last made Complaint upon Oath before Our Justices of our Court of Common pleas that William McDaniel of Ferryland planter is justly Indebted to her in the sum of One hundred and nine pounds four shillings and fivepence sterling being for the Amount of a Book-debt, and that he refuses payment thereof although thereunto frequently required. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • With newfound confidence, Mary Catherine went to some trade shows in New York, toting her stationery.
  • Yes, this Catherine, his Catherine who had taught him maternal love, was his real mother.
  • Oh yeah, and Catherine Deneuve, who's wonderful in pretty much everything she does.
  • It is designed to give voice to a genuinely held concern of EU citizens, " said Lutz Gullner, a spokesman for Trade Commissioner Catherine Ashton.
  • That was the excessively charming, charismatic Catherine O'Connor.
  • Catherine Stine's still-life oil pastorales are vignettes of a time when pre-Disney Pooh and The Wind in the Willows demarcated a child's world.
  • Catherine suffered in labor for many hours, and finally the doctors had to perform a Caesarean section.
  • The highest point of the country, at Mount Catherine in Sinai, is 2,629 m above sea level and the lowest point, at the Qattara Depression in the northwest, is 133 m below mean sea level. Water profile of Egypt
  • The film's central figure is Suzanne Pujol (Catherine Deneuve), so-called trophy wife (or potiche, in French) of the owner of an umbrella factory, Robert Pujol (Fabrice Luchini). Marshall Fine: HuffPost Review: Potiche
  • Catherine's red palace, with a classical plan, white gothic detailing, large columns and ogival arcades, stretches 145 meters long. Escape From Moscow:
  • Catherine wasn't sure the book was the right one, but she bought it anyway.
  • Titian, which is dark and grimy, is quite pleasing, the infant Christ, who stands between S. Andrew and S. Catherine on a little pedestal, being very real and Venetian. A Wanderer in Venice
  • At every opportunity, Marita pretends to defend Catherine while insinuating herself into David's confidences.
  • Catherine Deneuve gives an unmistakably regal performance as Suzanne Bujol, a potiche, or trophy wife, to Robert (Fabrice Luchini) the wealthy, reactionary owner of an umbrella factory in 1977; he patronises his wife and is alienated from his grown-up children (played by Jérémie Renier and Judith Godrèche.) Potiche: A French farce with feeling
  • The telephone rang. Catherine hesitated, debating whether to answer it.
  • Research author, Professor Catherine Law, paediatric epidemiologist at the Institute of Child Health, said: Our results do not imply that mothers should not work. ProWomanProLife » 2009 » September
  • Catherine was wearing a long baby blue skirt and black, square-toed, leather boots.
  • Sr. Catherine paid tribute to all her Senior Citizens for being so young at heart.
  • Catherine Deneuve races down a dark provincial road at night on a motorcycle, tear-stained mascara streaking her face.
  • At Mère Catherine's they had the fricandeau of veal with sorrel.
  • The telephone rang. Catherine hesitated, debating whether to answer it.
  • Along with Bombay, also part of the unhappy Catherine's dowry, it marked the furthest limit of what Charles had conceived to be his imperium, the latest, and soon to be greatest, mercantile power in the world.
  • I threw back the lattice, and presently the room filled with sweet scents from the garden; but Catherine called peevishly to me, "Ellen, shut the window. Wuthering Heights
  • On Catherine Macaulay and Hortensia, see Winterer 2007, 44f. Caesars’ Wives
  • Indeed, Catherine is repulsed by David's African stories, and her hysterical outburst against them is imbued with racist assumptions.
  • Dere was just one thing 'bout Catherine dat I's dubious 'bout. Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves South Carolina Narratives, Part 4
  • St Catherine's Place in Kirkwall was closed for a time yesterday morning after a property was seriously damaged by last night's strong winds.
  • Catherine Weston of Ferryland made Complaint upon Oath that William McDaniel of Ferryland planter is justly Indebted to her in the Sum of one hundred and nine pounds four shillings and five pence sterling which he has refused to pay; … praying that justice may be done her. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • Catherine shuddered as she heard the stuffless sounds, the tiny rustlings and burrowings of those wild, shy creatures whose solitude had lately been so rudely invaded, and who now of man's night made their day. Studies in love and in terror
  • After the old empress dies, Sophia engineers a coup d etat with the aid of the military, does away with Peter, and becomes Catherine the Great.
  • Hopefully she'll take a cue from a previous filmic version starring Juliette Binoche where Binoche played both the role of Catherine as well as her daughter... Catherine.
  • It was not a ball, nor had dancing been announced, but everyone knew that Catherine Petrovna would play valses and the ecossaise on the clavichord and that there would be dancing, and so everyone had come as to a ball. War and Peace
  • The Catherine Films underscores the need to reconceptualize Canadian national cinema and rethink Canadian film history.
  • The reason why Tindal Street Press - an Arts Council-funded imprint in Birmingham - was able to publish Clare Morrall, the Booker Prize-shortlisted novelist, and Catherine O'Flynn, the Costa award-winning writer, is that no big publisher saw the potential of these authors 'novels. PETRONA
  • Catherine was sitting back against the wooden crates with her eyes closed for a while when she heard that familiar voice which she had been dying to hear throughout the evening.
  • Catherine McGlinchey sees it as a sign that classical republicanism is being slowly painted out of history.
  • And in harmony with many of the postulators, he points to Catherine as a figure in contrast with the church he now rules: ‘What did she understand by renewal and reform of the church?’
  • Lady Catherine is one of the main offenders, her airs, arrogance and pride are fuelled by other characters like Mr Collins.
  • The Duomo was made of ancient striped marble, and St. Catherine's skull was in a church named for her, where it's been for 600 years.
  • I didn't have to meet Catherine or Cam for hand-overs or meal times, so Georgia and I could pootle through the day at our own pace, going wherever the mood took us. Charlie Condou: The three of us
  • A native of Armagh, she was educated at St Catherine's college, Armagh and gained a Honours BEd degree from St Mary's University Belfast.
  • Catherine was a lovely lady, kind natured and had a warm welcome for her friends.
  • This doesn’t surprise, since Lubitch’s stamp of forced gaiety is all over this gilded fabergé egg of a film chronicling Catherine the Great (Tallulah Bankhead) as she seduces a young army officer (William Eythe). 2009 June :
  • Some of the most celebrated figures of this period were born out of wedlock and into poverty, including Henry Stanley and Catherine Cookson, but several less famous illegitimates have also left thoughtful memoirs.
  • And then Catherine was looking at an image of a two-car smashup in front of the exit ramp on Carson Street, the traffic on Main visibly clotted around the vehicles. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Skin Deep
  • In his 2 short years on earth, Eric has undergone two cardiac catherizations, and another procedure to combat gastral reflux caused from being on a ventilator for so long. Big Pharma Hits On Pregnant Women
  • Elevation extremes: lowest point: Qattara Depression -133 m highest point: Mount Catherine 2,629 m Egypt
  • One of our members always used to bring champagne in hopes we would see one," said veteran bird-watcher Catherine Elwell, who has been visiting Hawk Mountain since the early 1970s. Eagles Soaring: Record Number In Sanctuary Hints At Species Comeback
  • Many other plants were germinated from the hundreds of seeds sent to Linnaeus by Empress Catherine II of Russia. The Constant Gardener
  • After an unhappy childhood, Catherine severed all contact with her mother.
  • The final winner was Eriskay fabric, a worsted material with an unusual honeycomb texture, designed by Catherine Murray from Bute Fabrics.
  • Dearest brothers in Christ sweet Jesus: I Catherine, servant and slave of the servants of Jesus Christ, write to you in His precious Blood: with desire to see you divested of the old man and clothed with the new -- divested, that is, of the world and the fleshly self-love which is the old sin of Adam, and clothed with the new Christ sweet Jesus, and His tender charity. Letters of Catherine Benincasa
  • Catherine Gill gives a stunning performance as the wickedly devilish sith that toys with Brian and manipulates his every move.
  • Dickens made good use of the 29 shillings he received for The Pickwick Papers by marrying Catherine Hogarth, a daughter of a newspaper editor. Bill Lucey: Remembering Our Mutual Friend, Charles Dickens, on his 200th Birthday
  • Neville's cunningness brings to life everyone from Catherine the Great to Napoleon, from Jacques-Louis David to Wordsworth and makes you wonder if their contribution to history hasn't been mis-stated. Archive 2008-09-01
  • The pigeons on the ledge outside scrabbled from side to side, as Catherine tapped at the glass with a fingernail.
  • Catherine saw out of the corner of her eye, and without taking a bit of open notice, slipped off and lavished hospitality and tenderness on the surviving depopulator. The Cloister and the Hearth
  • Catherine Seyton presently exclaimed, “They were bearing the dishes across the court, marshalled by the Lady Lochleven herself, dressed out in her highest and stiffest ruff, with her partlet and sleeves of cyprus, and her huge old-fashioned farthingale of crimson velvet.” The Abbot
  • This scene ironically counterpoints the opening of the novel where Catherine sees only a ‘confused impression’ of people.
  • Catherine knew all this very well; her great aunt had read her a lecture on the subject only the Christmas before; and yet she lay awake ten minutes on Wednesday night debating between her spotted and her tamboured muslin, and nothing but the shortness of the time prevented her buying a new one for the evening. Northanger Abbey
  • The show's mom-of-five/biometric lock user/Arthur Godfrey granddaughter Mary Amons, modeling agency matron Lynda Erkiletian, real estate agent Stacie Turner, and self-edit-gene-lacking British designer Catherine Ommanney -- they're apparently hoppin 'mad. 'Real Housewives of DC': Fat lady has not yet sung
  • Sister Catherine Brigid Corrigan, for serv internat health. New Year honours: the full list
  • Catherine which is now part of Morphett Vale was named after the wife of postmaster Alexander Anderson, who laid out the subdivision.
  • Catherine Zeta JonesWelcome to the one and only Catherine Zeta Jones fanlisting approved Branching Stories
  • Morton began trailing him and ducking behind shop windows with Catherine when the man turned around.
  • Catherine saw to it that the information went directly to Walter.
  • Part of the appeal was the venue, the Théatre National, an old vaudeville house on Ste-Catherine E. recently restored to a semblance of its former glory.
  • Catherine appeared in the doorway, shaking with righteous anger.
  • Saturday's the day to mingle, cruise and schmooze along Ste-Catherine street when Community Day shuts down one of downtown's main arteries.
  • Carole Middleton herself had commissioned several outfits for the wedding day, originally rumored to be wearing Oldfield, then Lindka Cierach confirmed that she was making the ensemble, before Carole changed her mind and ended up donning a Catherine Walker a favorite designer of Diana's coat dress to the wedding. Yvonne Yorke: Covering the Royal Wedding from the Front Lines
  • She trained in mime and physical theatre, acted on stage and on TV, and ran theatres in Islington and St Catherine's Docks before seeing the job at Jacksons Lane advertised.
  • Taking movements created from a 3D animation program, Moisan created a duet for himself and dancer Catherine Tardiff.
  • Its lowest point is the Qattara Depression (-133 metres) and its highest point is Mount Catherine (2,629 metres). Egypt
  • Afterwards, the marriage unconsummated, Catherine has numerous affairs and begins to curry favour with the army.
  • McLeish grinned at him and told Catherine to organize Penelope Huntley, hoping he had struck the right brisk note.
  • The manageress of the restaurant, Catherine Bullman, said the man was in a group of five having tea and coffee.
  • He based the script on the four Gospels and a book by 19th-century German stigmatist, the Venerable Anne Catherine Emmerich.
  • At the age of two he was betrothed to the three-year-old Catherine of Aragon, daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain.
  • In a mixture of English and French Harry woos Catherine, assuring her that he loves France so well that he means to keep it, and on her concession that she will marry him if her father agrees he kisses her, much to her shock.
  • Catherine's dead body lay peacefully on the bed.
  • After a little more rubbernecking I took Ed to Canterbury Catherdral.
  • “Be not in this distemperature for me, sovereign Lady,” said Roland; “this young gentleman, being the faithful servant of your Grace, and the brother of Catherine Seyton, bears that about him which will charm down my passion at the hottest.” The Abbot
  • Catherine's hand struggled desperately to move, trying to release the increasing pressure on her throat.

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