
How To Use Cathedral In A Sentence

  • The cathedral is the crowning glory of the city.
  • I stood enthralled, astonished by the vastness and majesty of the cathedral
  • The cathedral is the former Perpendicular parish church, reconstructed in 1880, with further extensions completed in 1966.
  • The churches and cathedrals built by the Normans tended to use large stones.
  • He waited there while the cathedral began to reverberate with a lovely, godly music. THE BROKEN GOD
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  • It was a large, three story house with a high-pitched roof and a single, cathedral-esque spire.
  • And if it (hall happen that this legacy Ihall be found not to anfwcr the purpofe intended, I im - power the bifliop of Oflbry for the time being, with the confent of the dean and chapter of St. Canice, to fell the books, and apply their price together with. the faid (alary of the librarian towards raifing or sidoraiijig the imperfedl fteeple of their cathedral. Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicis
  • This is true with the exception that of "Decorated" architecture there are but few examples, and it is probable that very little new work was done in connection with this cathedral until the monastery became vastly enriched by Abbot Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Gloucester [2nd ed.] A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Espicopal See
  • Gosh, it's over a year since I read The Moving Toyshop; here Gervase Fen is embroiled in a mystery of murder and espionage in a West Country cathedral town in about 1940. January Books 27) Holy Disorders, by Edmund Crispin
  • There are various classes of Secular Abbots; some have both jurisdiction and the right to use the pontifical insignia; others have only the abbatical dignity without either jurisdiction or the right to pontificalia; while yet another class holds in certain cathedral churches the first dignity and the privilege of precedence in choir and in assemblies, by reason of some suppressed or destroyed conventual church now become the cathedral. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • Not far away, and altogether more appealing, is the abandoned Portuguese city of Old Goa, now a dramatic collection of cathedrals and basilicas.
  • In the midday sun, the allure of a golden-globed Orthodox church was matched only by the three blue spires atop the straight-backed cathedral.
  • The canon law assumed that cathedral had five or more bells, a parish church two or three, while the churches of the medicant orders, like public oratories, were originally limited to one. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • It was also a kind of Chartres Cathedral, a perfect embodiment of its genre.
  • The skyline is brutally impressive in the way cathedrals must once have been when nothing was taller. October « 2006 « Squares of Wheat
  • The aim of the scheme is to return the cathedral to how it was hundreds of years ago and the application is for a two-storey hostry extension to provide an entrance hall, education room, community room, song school, music library, vestries, chair store and toilets. Norwich Cathedral
  • The cathedral is now a vibrant and living component of the cultural and religious life of Waterford city and is one of our most treasured architectural gems.
  • It is a massive secular cathedral, glittering with the best retail opportunities money can buy and here nothing comes cheap, certainly not a top-end restaurant.
  • I could hardly believe I was creeping around my Cathedral with an exorcist. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • The pretty cathedral city in Hampshire was bustling with shoppers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fothergilla, amelanchier, styrax japonicus, paper-bark maple, viburnums of all kinds, a 'green man' from Bamberg mine's from Norwich Cathedral. FOTHERGILLA 'BLUE SHADOW'
  • Stories about ghosts in the cathedral have entered the mythology of the town.
  • Eighty cathedral and choral foundation choirs have agreed to sing at least two of the anthems each in a year-long celebration of services. Times, Sunday Times
  • After his official welcome, both at the old abbey and the cathedral, he received the freedom of the city at the Town Hall.
  • The sheer size of the cathedral is a constant reminder to the tourist of the power of religion.
  • The daughters of an insurance investigator, they lived in a smart area close to the cathedral.
  • The goal of Tom the 'umble 'ero is to build a cathedral. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • MBEs also went to stonemason Alan Horsfield, who was honoured for services to St Paul's Cathedral, Welsh caretaker Robert Owen, who was recognised for services to the community in Holyhead, Anglesey, and Mary Watt, who was rewarded for services to highland dance teaching in Ross-shire, Scotland. New Year honours: Recognition for unsung heroes in the public sector
  • Hundreds of us occupied the cathedral cloisters and held a short rally.
  • Introduced the history background, instruction process, think idea of architect, main style and its success in art of the Firenze Cathedral, and used culture critique modern to criticize it.
  • The large cathedral square, filled with orange trees. Collins Traveller - The Algarve
  • In a gothic cathedral, the nave is flanked by aisles which run parallel to it.
  • In Winchester a single bugle player sounded the Last Post before the cathedral grounds fell silent.
  • If this Cathedral had existed tor five centuries instead of "two decades, would it have gathered a kind of convincingness with the scratches of feet and the erosion of weather? The Quiet American
  • I wonder what part he daily participation in the liturgy in Christ Church Cathedral has played in this movement into orthodoxy.
  • Not bad for a cathedral city. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now the plan is to cast two smaller bells to be hung alongside the existing 10 in a modified frame in the south-west tower of the cathedral.
  • She brought home a large jar of holy water from the cathedral.
  • View the beautiful east window and soak up the sense of history at Carlisle Cathedral, where there are many historical points of interest.
  • This piece was originally written to showcase the tuba stop on the organ at Liverpool cathedral.
  • Marvelous strapless, satin A-line gown, beaded/sequined re-embroidered lace appliqués, pleated bodice in back & cathedral train. How to sell a wedding dress
  • Two years ago a further 35 acres were leased from the Dean and Chapter of Salisbury cathedral.
  • To and fro she went, in noiseless ministry, as the long, dreadful days wore away, with a quiet smile on her lips, and in her dark, sorrowful eyes the rapt look of a pictured saint in some dim cathedral niche. Further Chronicles of Avonlea
  • The cathedral was a warren of hidden doors and secret passages. The Tribes Triumphant
  • A doting couple travelled 3,000 miles so their baby could be christened in the same cathedral as his mother and grandmother.
  • Constructed of coquina, a fossilized coral rock (also known as ‘black teeth’ or ‘iron shore’) and limestone, the cathedral dominates the city's Plaza de Catedral.
  • The bodies in the cathedral were already being gathered by monks and laid out in state at one end of the nave.
  • He can and must use the prelatial dress, as in the Roman Curia, to wit: rochet over the purple soutane with purple mantelletta, in his attendance in the cathedral, where he has precedence over all other canons and dignitaries, as to choir stall and functions. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • It is remarkable to notice in the history of French cathedrals how many of them were rebuilt just at the time when the pointed style, which may be called preeminently the Christian style of architecture, had come to birth almost simultaneously in various countries of Europe. Seeing Europe with Famous Authors, Volume 3 France and the Netherlands, Part 1
  • Fifteen miles north of Cambridge is the splendid Romanesque cathedral at Ely.
  • I'm not saying an exorcism couldn't be done, but I certainly couldn't do it before the Cathedral opens for matins at seven-thirty. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • O'BRIEN (voice-over): Diana sang that song all morning, even in the carriage to Saint Paul's Cathedral. CNN Transcript Jul 12, 2008
  • While Giovanni Pisano's Siena Cathedral façade may have provided an inspiration for Maitani's design, his style of execution as a sculptor is more independent in character.
  • Besides his paintings and glass-windows for Roman-Catholic cathedrals and Jewish synagogues, he created a rich plethora of prints.
  • Towards the end of the twelfth century, stone from Caen was used for the rebuilding of Canterbury Cathedral, and in the mid-thirteenth century freestone from Caen was used for mouldings and carvings in Westminster Abbey.
  • Durham, with its cathedral and castle, is a popular tourist centre.
  • Leaving the pub, I venture out into this cathedral and notice the bob and swing of hand-held lanterns on the far side of a dark field punctuated with sarsen monoliths. Archive 2008-06-01
  • These pieces amount to two anthems which survive complete, and some Anglican liturgical music which survives fragmentarily in Durham Cathedral Library and cannot be reconstructed.
  • Work on the cathedral began almost immediately; the Lady Chapel was consecrated in 1225, and the cathedral as a whole in 1258.
  • Quite by accident, I came across this stunning photo of the Cathedral of Ss. Peter and Paul in Brünn, Czech Republic. The Cathedral of Ss. Peter and Paul, Brünn, Czech Republic
  • They walked at least fifty yards, until they were directly above the transept of the cathedral. MORE TALES OF THE CITY
  • The plea came from Lincoln cathedral succentor - the priest responsible for singing at the ancient minster - who is also warden of Edward King House, the Lincoln diocesan conference centre.
  • Since 2011, the spire of the cathedral has been a nesting site for peregrine falcons and there was much excitement last month as four chicks were hatched. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was a seventh child and his mother, left a widow in early life and compelled to earn her livelihood, saw scant chance of educating him when the kindly assistance of a Canon of the Cathedral and President of the Collége de Noyon relieved her difficulties. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Pride of place goes to the cathedral and close, with a rich legacy of surviving and well-documented buildings.
  • Then their is the equally magnificent mantle of St. Henry's wife, Empress St. Cunegond, which was also used as a cope in Bamberg Cathedral. Catholic Bamberg: The Vestments of Pope Clement II and Other Treasures from the Diocesan Museum
  • Formerly, kings and queens wishing to make a ceremonial entrance to Paris had processed through the Porte St. Denis and then driven south along the rue St. Denis, perhaps to the cathedral of Notre Dame. The Mistaken Wife
  • Hispanic creators of santos - carved and painted depictions of the Catholic saints - displayed their work at San Felipe Cathedral in Old Town.
  • They also nest on high buildings such as cathedrals in a number of other English towns. Times, Sunday Times
  • On Epiphany morning, the Lutheran-Episcopal full communion will be rendered official and celebrated at Washington's National Cathedral.
  • In the years after 1204, a vast number of Byzantium artifacts, silks, ivories, enamels and jewels found their way into western cathedral treasuries. The Glories of Byzantium
  • Until a generation ago it was not uncommon for a successful parish church organist to be appointed to a cathedral post.
  • Miserably behind in its contribution to the building of the cathedral.
  • Having failed to obtain the special licence required for marriage during Lent, they were summoned to appear before the consistory court in Worcester cathedral.
  • There are only 10 bells, whereas most English cathedrals have a full peal of 12.
  • There was a famous cathedral in Amsterdam that operated as a sort of agora, a public forum.
  • Mandela rubbed noses with activists in Maori "hongi" custom and raised his fist from the pulpit to cries of "Amandla" as he spoke at an Anglican cathedral on the first day of a state visit to New ANC Daily News Briefing
  • At the funeral of Sir Joshua Reynolds in 1792, his body was borne to its resting place in St Paul's Cathedral by no less than three dukes, two marquesses, three earls, a viscount and a baron.
  • I love showing my work to my girlfriend and my family and try to get them to walk past the cathedral.
  • Two weeks later, Olsen participated in the Episcopalians' ordinations at St. James Cathedral.
  • Or again, you may urge that to re-edify our Cathedral is none of your business -- as officially indeed it is none of mine, but concerns the Dean and Chapter. Brother Copas
  • The cathedral stands on one side of a historic square with government buildings lining the other sides.
  • In 1963 Aysgarth had commissioned her to produce the now notorious sculpture which I had succeeded in banning from the Cathedral churchyard. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • We will visit the Sforza-Castle, the magnificent gothic Cathedral and the well known La Scala opera house.
  • Around 1145, Peter became a "magister", or professor, at the cathedral school of Notre Dame in Paris.
  • Onion Domes Moscow postcards typically feature the colourful striped domes of St. Basil's Cathedral and the neighboring Red Square. St.
  • Macerata's duomo, or cathedral, has an unfinished facade that is nothing spectacular, and I prefer this view, the back of the church.
  • In the eighth century we read (Vita Stephani, III) of the most ancient custom in virtue of which seven of these bishops, called hebdomadarii, celebrated Mass in turn in place of the pope and were called episcopi cardinales, from being permanently attached to the cardo, that is the cathedral church of Rome; but we are not told who they were. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • The whole design of the cathedral bespoke a desire to cancel gravity and elevate matter toward the heavens. THE BROKEN GOD
  • While the threat of wholesale destruction failed to materialize, the cathedrals were turned over to a variety of secular uses.
  • At the cathedral, four women in the rural costume as worn by Wishford women in 1825, holding bundles of hazel and oak sticks above their heads, danced a stately measure to the music of a squeeze-box on the lawn of the close. Wildwood
  • At Milan, where at first he used to come to the cathedral to admire Ambrose's oratorical skill, he found himself not only impressed by the content of the discourses but also gripped by the psalm chants.
  • Dean Matti Pikkarainen of Oulu Cathedral said he aimed to raise the issue at a nationwide church meeting next month. P2pnet World Headlines – April 14, 2009
  • In 1204, the Fourth Crusade sacked Constantinople and huge amounts of artistic treasures were taken to the West in the form of plunder, to fill cathedral treasuries and decorate cities across western Europe.
  • She's living down at Winchester now, close to the cathedral, one of the most respectable ladies there - chaperones girls at the county ball, if you please.
  • Tombs of ecclesiastics (Obazine Abbey, Hereford Cathedral) were made deliberately shrinelike, with relief carving or a pinnacled canopy.
  • A provost is the head of the cathedral chapter in a number of the Church of England's more recently created dioceses in which the cathedral is also a parish church and the provost is the incumbent.
  • The creation of works of art involves all degrees of intention, from the hut in the wilderness rudely thrown together, whose purpose was shelter, to a Gothic cathedral, in its multitudinousness eloquent of man's worship and aspiration. The Gate of Appreciation Studies in the Relation of Art to Life
  • Santo Domingo is the oldest continually inhabited European settlement in the Americas with the oldest cathedral and the oldest hospital and the oldest monastery in the Western Hemisphere
  • Seville cathedral, did his share as editor by writing two prefaces, one addressed to Sarmiento de Mendoza, and the other to Olivares who was manifestly expected to pronounce against Gongorism. Fray Luis de León A Biographical Fragment
  • Focusing on the cathedral as the mother church in the diocese is misleading. Times, Sunday Times
  • The son of a clergyman, he was a chorister at St Paul's Cathedral and was subsequently articled to the organist there.
  • Other research demonstrated that should Canterbury Cathedral collapse in some dreadful calamity, it would actually pay the city to rebuild it.
  • In a gothic cathedral, the nave is flanked by aisles which run parallel to it.
  • Outside the cathedral a group of people stood in protest, holding placards. Times, Sunday Times
  • The church is just down the road from the Gothic Glasgow Cathedral, nicknamed Saint Mungo's Cathedral because it's on the spot where the sixth-century bishop built his first church.
  • The reredos is the first example in modern cathedral work of the elaborate style of decoration for the most holy part of the sanctuary, which is now not uncommon. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Ely A History and Description of the Building with a Short Account of the Monastery and of the See
  • I wanted those rich colours to glow out against the pale stone of the cathedral. Times, Sunday Times
  • Spanish colonial mansions, cathedrals, churches, and houses adorn the streets of both cities.
  • They feature palatial cathedrals, now totally imaginary, and evoking the grandest styles, from the Sacré-Coeur to the Kremlin, from Saint-Sophia to English gothic, Austrian or German baroque.
  • St. Patrick's Cathedral is famed for its midnight mass on Christmas eve.
  • It actually hadn't even been properly accessioned to the collection - there was just a note that these were said to have been found dug up near Darwin cathedral.
  • The blast blew out the windows and some bricks of the cathedral. Times, Sunday Times
  • Up here, suspended dizzyingly more than 100 feet above the ground, it is easy to see how the great stone buttresses that support the magnificent cathedral have been eroded by time.
  • Focusing on the cathedral as the mother church in the diocese is misleading. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is also a singing teacher at Manchester Grammar School and a lay clerk at Manchester Cathedral.
  • A Sunday service which he had attended at the cathedral at that date had been performed ‘with more harmony and less huddle than I have known it in any church in England ’.
  • The historic cathedral city of Chichester is worth a visit if you have time. The Sun
  • Location Durham is a green city with a beautiful cathedral and castle. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 1390, on Robert II's death, Buchan and his caterans burned Forres, and then Elgin burgh and cathedral, in reprisals for Moray's actions.
  • When the church bells began to toll, the girls started to walk through the streets toward the cathedral.
  • Alamy The Dómkirkjan, the city's Lutheran cathedral What else you need to know: Don't be put too concerned at the all-pervading smell of sulphur all over town. There's Charm Aplenty in Iceland's Capital
  • I work in the beautiful new Cathedral, evangelizing and catechizing the children of two recently merged parish communities (one English, one Spanish).
  • Notre-Dame Cathedral in Senlis is less famous than its namesake in Paris.
  • All were togged out in rain gear and the party made its way across country along the shady hawthorn byroads to Achonry Cathedral where a special party welcomed them with refreshments.
  • Built in the 13th century, the chapels are contemporaneous with many of the great Gothic cathedrals.
  • The cathedral, standing proud in a large square, is a magnificent centrepiece.
  • There is also a swimming pool, bicycles for hire and nearby medieval villages and cathedrals to visit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lincoln cathedral is one of the most perfect Gothic cathedrals in Europe, dating back officially to the eleventh century and like as not a fair way before that.
  • Historic National Prayer Service held at Washington National Cathedral for victims of the September 11 attacks.
  • You only need to sit on the cathedral green on a sunny afternoon to realise how many families live here and love it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Currently, The Grace Cathedral Choir of Men and Boys is comprised of 14 choirmen and 30 choristers.
  • It had been about two weeks ago, a few days after he'd proposed to Evangelina, and he was on his way to meet his fiancée at the cathedral to check it out as a potential wedding location.
  • And looking down on the unthinking city, the Cathedral kept watch alone, beseeching pardon for the inappetency for suffering, for the inertia of faith that her sons displayed, uplifting her towers to the sky like two arms, while the spires mimicked the shape of joined hands, the ten fingers all meeting and upright one against another, in the position which the image-makers of old gave to the dead saints and warriors they carved upon tombs. The Cathedral
  • A later King, Cynewulf by name, granted land to the minster by the Great Springe they call Wells and the whole cathedraling business began.
  • I wanted those rich colours to glow out against the pale stone of the cathedral. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘Sit in the Sun’ and ‘By the Cathedral’ tug at opposing emotions, at once jocund and unsettling.
  • But the dome of the cathedral is the focal point around which the rest of the city revolves. Times, Sunday Times
  • The terms of his Orvieto contract reflect his celebrity as an architect, which is justified by his remedial work on the cathedral transept, apse, and roof.
  • Thames -- old Religious Houses for the most part, now disguised and pulled about beyond recognition, ranging right and left from the Ludgate itself: behind these rose again towers and roofs, and high above all the tall spire of the Cathedral, as if to gather all into one, culminant aspiration .... Come Rack! Come Rope!
  • My ambition was to be a cathedral organist. Times, Sunday Times
  • A fragment of the Cross is enshrined in the cathedral.
  • The parade will be reviewed from the steps of Saint Patrick's Cathedral by His Eminence Cardinal Edward Eagan, Archbishop of New York.
  • The Cathedral will provide a very suitable venue for a concert by the Kilkenny Gospel Choir.
  • The huge, cavernous interiors of Christian cathedrals dwarf us into silent wonder and then the acoustics have their way.
  • Together with the evident popularity of cathedral music, these are a cause of encouragement for church music in this country.
  • Subordination prelatical, which is of one or more parishes to the prelate and his cathedral, is denied; all particular churches being collateral, and of the same authority. The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London
  • Rather, it was like leaving a cathedral and having the doors shut behind you.
  • They were married in the vestry of St. Patrick's Cathedral, in New York, one week after his first novel, This Side of Paradise, was published.
  • Even the police could be seen tapping their feet along to Gareth's unmistakable voice, which developed from his years as a chorister in Bradford Cathedral choir.
  • As such, it is also the cathedral church of the pope, who is the Bishop of Rome.
  • He was appointed to the curacy of Brampton, near Wakefield in 1772, eventually becoming prebendary of Lincoln cathedral from 1786 until his death.
  • Zuma Press A woman stands with her belongings on a pushchair at Occupy London on the grounds of St. Paul's Cathedral in mid-January. London Wins Bid to Evict 'Occupy' Protesters
  • After exploring the old part of town there is a guided tour of the cathedral.
  • In my mind, I saw the tough young man I had met in the cathedral that night.
  • Another bottleneck exists on Cathedral Road when traffic exiting the Cathedral or coming along the Cathedral Road has to cope with two lines of parked vehicles and heavy trucks.
  • Although cathedrals are often immensely scaled and ornate in design, the term ‘cathedral ‘does not in fact refer to an elaborate sacred structure; rather it is derived from the Latin word cathedra (throne).’
  • Pollution has decayed the surface of the stonework on the front of the cathedral.
  • A high-powered trio of troubleshooters is understood to have completed its under-wraps report on attempts to restore harmony at the deeply divided cathedral.
  • His father was a vicar-choral at St Davids, but by 1596 the young Thomas was master of the choristers at Worcester Cathedral.
  • signboard," men sat and talked of their various trades, the cobbler, for instance, who is carved on the Cathedral stalls, with the clog-maker, and the wool-comber, and the carpenter, all met and gossiped of their latest piece of profitable business, while the lawyers discussed the never-ending question of the Privilège de St. Romain with some learned clerk over their "vin blanc d'Anjou. The Story of Rouen
  • Callahan, who worked as an apprentice under stone carvers at the cathedral in the 1980s, has done restoration work on the White House exterior and gargoyles in private gardens. 'Quiet Strength' Of Rosa Parks, Mother Teresa Portrayed In National Cathedral
  • ALGIERS - Christians in Algeria, where foreigners have become targets of Moslem fundamentalist attack, had a bleak Christmas this year with armed police guarding the cathedral in Algiers and traditional midnight mass cancelled. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • His revolutionary conception of sculpture is first exemplified in the great series of standing and seated figures for the niches of Or San Michele and for the façades of Florence Cathedral and the campanile.
  • What I've been trying to decipher is whether John Donne is actually buried in St. Paul's Cathedral or not, in London. Librarian Kee Malesky Considers 'All Facts' For NPR
  • Unlike them, I grew up in God's own garden, a shadowy and solemn rainforest cathedral choired by birds of paradise and guarded by poisonous vines, stink bugs, and death adders. Undefined
  • The blast blew out the windows and some bricks of the cathedral. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then the Cathedral seemed to pull again on the invisible rope, and I found myself moving down the drive like an automaton. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • Who was it who complained about the winos on the Boulevard and said they were not good for the image of the Cathedral?
  • The town is famous for its cathedral.
  • Many parish churches were extravagantly rebuilt, and lavished with vessels and ornaments which foreign visitors thought worthy of a cathedral.
  • At first glance, the New College Chapel looks like the many other churches and cathedrals that abound in Oxford.
  • This Cathedral was constructed in 1612 and the decoration of its interior, of a Spanish Churrigueresque style, is one of the main reasons to consider it as one of the most beautiful churches in Peru.
  • On top of the hill four sharp spires rise from the Transitional Gothic cathedral.
  • To begin with, it must be a quality scheme, with any new buildings being in sympathy with the area and with the Cathedral Close's distinct character.
  • Large churches might have several chantries, cathedrals up to two dozen.
  • The museum is in the heart of historic Salisbury, in the cathedral close.
  • This was a large cathedral, large but unornamented, with little décor addressing either altar or aisle.
  • But then the full moon rose in cloudless serenity, and at length we heard, faintly, then more distinctly, and then in all its deep and sonorous harmony, the tolling of the cathedral bell, which announced our vicinity to a great city. Life in Mexico, During a Residence of Two Years in That Country
  • His archiepiscopate was filled with quarrels with his cathedral clergy and, from 1207, with King John.
  • Some bright spark decided it would be terribly amusing to spill the contents of six litter bins across the cathedral green during the night.
  • The cathedral is crowned by a large golden statue of Mary looking up, with her arms plaintively moving out from her body.
  • While the threat of wholesale destruction failed to materialize, the cathedrals were turned over to a variety of secular uses.
  • The land for the cemetery was originally leased from St Paul's Cathedral, which had used it as a dumping ground for bones being cleared from the charnel house and tiny burial ground around the church. Burial ground of Bunyan, Defoe and Blake earns protected status
  • Despite uncertain health, he was installed as dean of St Paul's cathedral, where he was conscientious in his duties and subsequently buried.
  • These features are also shared with marginal sculptures of predominantly secular subject matter, such as several quatrefoils from the west portals of Amiens Cathedral and figural corbels from Noyon.
  • In the cities and towns where there was no cathedral, the canons of the local church were organized after the manner of the cathedral clergy, and conducted a "canonicate" school. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • New light has been shed on the cathedral spire and tower which, at 404 ft is the tallest masonry structure in Britain, by tree ring dating.
  • For instance, Linacre, the personal physician of Henry VIII, had the been rector of four parishes, a canon at three cathedrals and precentor at York Minster.
  • From one thing to another they got to cathedrals, and one of them called St. Paul's Tom Brown at Oxford
  • A grove of giant redwoods or sequoias should be kept just as we keep a great and beautiful cathedral.
  • Outside the cathedral, the words of the Battle Hymn of the Republic echoed over London.
  • They visited many places of interest during their stay including the magnificent St Colman's Cathedral in Cobh which is constructed in a French Gothic style and has a carillon of 47 bells, one of the largest in these islands.
  • From my reading of 19th and early 20th century Catholic classics, this piece might have been a choir pick for a cathedral in preconciliar days. Rheinberger's Gloria from the Mass in E-Flat
  • The Canterbury Tales bear eloquent witness to the fact that for centuries Becket's tomb in the cathedral was the greatest pilgrimage shrine in England.
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  • More useful was Le Sauvage's gift of a canonry in the cathedral at Courtrai, which Erasmus could exchange for an annual pension. Desiderius Erasmus
  • The new building resembled a mediaeval cathedral with its pointed arches, ribbed vaulting and flying buttresses.
  • His remains were moved in 1924, to a solemn neoclassical portico attached to the cathedral.
  • Marc has become as much a part of city centre landscape as the cathedral after 18 years busking on the streets.

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