How To Use Catha In A Sentence
Of course, a sense of catharsis is central to a book of this nature.
A circumambulation is a ritual which can be performed in different contexts: apotropaic, cathartic, and as rite of aggregation.
And the scene in which violence erupts is powerful without offering easy catharsis.
Times, Sunday Times
The effort by the defendant to present Ellen as an "unchaste" woman would not have disproved Catharine's suit, as the action was for compensation for loss of household services only; however, he may have been hoping to lower the valuation for Ellen as "damaged goods.
Gutenber-e Help Page
Fan has said Citic supports challenging the virtual monopolies enjoyed by Cathay and Telecom.

They always seem to focus on surprise and juxtaposition, or tension relief, or catharsis, or something.
Over the weekend, the student met with Norwegian Prime Minister Jen Stoltenberg and other survivors - an experience she described as cathartic.
Reuters: Press Release
The Nomination and Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that the current Board members Seppo Paatelainen, Petri Niemisvirta, Timo Aukia, Kai Seikku, Erkki Solja, Catharina Stackelberg-Hammarén and Harri Suutari be re-elected to the Board of Directors for the term ending at the close of the following ordinary annual general meeting.
Reuters: Press Release
Catharina having thus prevailed with her Mother, her bed made in the Garden Gallerie, and secret intelligence given to Ricciardo, for preparing his meanes of accesse to her window; old provident Lizio lockes the doore to bed-ward, and gives her liberty to come forth in the morning, for his owne lodging was neere to the same Gallery.
The Decameron
The home side however steamed ahead from early on with a good cross in from Michael Clowry which was finished in style by Cathal O'Brien.
In this case, it's five days of cycling through Colorado, Utah, and Arizona cost: $1,895 excluding the airfare, and here's the group that has assembled in order to defibrillate their lives with the invigorating jolt of pre-meditated catharsis:
Itineraries and Agendas: Bicycles at Work and Play
With most artists of his stature, this would more than likely involve a clumsy catharsis resulting in a crude ego trip.
I was sort of walking past Cathay with my mind kind of blank apart for “argh parkmall =/= parklane” and then I looked at her because she looked kind of pretty
and then I noticed she was looking at me, and then I realized she looked kind of familiar, and then
J-gan Diary Entry
Duma Key is not just a novel for the fans, but a cathartic response from King over his near-death accident in 1999; no doubt he relived his agonizing recovery while writing about Freemantle, and yet it is because of this firsthand experience, that Duma Key feels much more personal and empathetic.
2010 February 15 « The BookBanter Blog
It is extremely easy for students to make the mistake of cutting and pasting from the Internet," said Catharine O'Connell, vice president for academic affairs and academic dean at Defiance College.
Qat, or catha edulis, has become the national pastime in this poor Arab country of 19 million, but one many experts say is ravaging Yemen's frail economy and sucking up precious water.
And I think there will be a sense of catharsis and relief on the part of the majority of the Peruvian population.
Controversy is being outweighed by catharsis as Cambodia faces up to its past.
Cathal writes in Irish but read the translations in English as well as the original in Irish.
Their inability to speak up for themselves, their numbing inhibitions, their fear of exposure is the psychological residue of this catharsis.
All people, including Chinese people, crave the cathartic release that laughter provides.
And so if you don't beat the military uniform hard enough, we like to drop the roll, like, as soon as we put the fiber, the combat paper project through its workshops seeks to allow the veteran to kind of deconstruct their uniform and deconstruct their experiences in a very comfortable environment and create cathartic works of art.
CNN Transcript Nov 11, 2009
The Nanling nonferrous metallogenic zone of southern Hunan is situated at the junction of the Cathaysian fold belt and the Jiangxi-Hunan-Guangxi-Guangdong fold belt of the South-China fold system.
Some species such as skuas (Catharacta spp.), jaegers (Stercorarius spp.), and sheathbills (Chionis spp.) are considered obligate kleptoparasites, particularly during the breeding season or on migration.
Quod si ver� cum illius gratia vlterior illac nauigatio detur, suaderem profecto non prim鵰 Tabin promontorium qu鎟ere, atque explorare, sed Sinum hunc atque flumina, in ijsque portum aliquem commodissimum, station閙que Anglicis Mercatoribus deligere, ex quo deinceps maiore opportunitate, minorib鷖que periculis Tabin promontorium, et totius Cathai circumnauigatio indagari posset.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
These, with the blackberry and chinquapin as astringents, the gentians and pipsissewa as tonics and tonic diuretics, the sweet gum, sassafras, and bené for their mucilaginous and aromatic properties, and the wild jalap (podophyllum) as a cathartic, supply the surgeon in camp with easily procurable medicinal plants, which are sufficient for almost every purpose.
Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
Catharine, “and which you yourself have avouched often.”
The Fair Maid of Perth
Any borderman who had ever seen a mountain cat fight a bear and win would have nodded in recognition as Cathan pounced on the hulking patriarch, knocking him sideways then dragging him down onto the ground.
Chosen Of The Gods
Using the doll, he demonstrated how viewing aggression causes emulation of that behavior, rather than catharsis.
And while Linda Boreman and Catharine MacKinnon aren’t here, when they are trashed in post after post, it feels to me like I am being gangpiled, because I stand for what MacKinnon stands for, and I have suffered the same kind of brutalities that Linda Boreman suffered.
Feminist and feminist-friendly only thread: Civility, “Alas” and feminism
He attended his master at holytide, partly in the character of a domestic, or guardian, should there be cause for his interference; but it was not difficult to discern, by the earnest attention which he paid to Catharine
The Fair Maid of Perth
It was only a chain of fantom towns and cities, made of painted wood and canvas; but while Catharine was there they were very real, seeming to have solid buildings, magnificent arches, bustling industries, and beautiful stretches of fertile country.
Famous Affinities of History — Volume 2
Was making it a cathartic experience, given his emotional situation at home?
Times, Sunday Times
There are several cathartic therapies that involve primal screaming, rebirthing, or reparenting.
Those things the Greeks called catharsis the sharing of pity and terror and joy with all.
Luborsky suggested an explanation: “The different forms of psychotherapy have major common elements—a helping relationship with a therapist…along with the other related, nonspecific effects such as suggestion and abreaction Freudian jargon for emotional catharsis.”
I learned every person in our group is bound to St. Catharines, which is in Ontario, Canada, but not the freedman in our group, Mr. Adam Will.
Eliza’s Freedom Road
Wouldn't it be wonderfully cathartic if all it took to tame that doe-eyed, imbecilic half-man -- not Charlie Sheen, we're talking about the child character Jake -- was someone who took the time to sit down with him and treat him like a German Shepard about to be euthanized? Retaining the Sheen: The Worst Possible Two and a Half Men Replacements
The third type of intervention is administration of cathartic agents to increase gastrointestinal motility and hasten the expulsion of the toxin.
No matter how patronizing the comment parenthesized above may sound, it still proves mostly true: The EP shows a band still finding its strengths and developing its sound, unsure of its talent for cathartic drama.
The pagoda has probably been scattered to the four winds of heaven, and the ship on which I journeyed from Ireland to Cathay is lying on the corals, with mermaids sleeping in its berths and swimming in and out the portholes.
The Blue Cat of Castle Town
I haven't cried like that in a very, very long time. Here's fervently hoping it serves as some kind of cathartic purge.
Music is a means of catharsis for them and they say they like to do things in extreme.
Of the plant-derived anticancer drugs in clinical use, the best known are the alkaloids vinblastine and vincristine, isolated from the Madagascar periwinkle, Catharanthus roseus.
But to believe in the clavicula, in the mystic significance of the junction of two lines, in the stars, is as ridiculous as to believe, like the inhabitants of Cathay, that the oriole changes into a mole, and grains of wheat into crap-like fish.
I. The Abbot of St.-Martin’s. Book V
As the drummer spits out a cacophony of quick-wristed rhythms and slashing fills, the music rages on to a cathartic finale.
[100] According to the "On-Line Medical Dictionary" hierapicra is "a warming cathartic medicine, made of aloes and canella bark.
Robert Carter Diary, 1726
She ran up to Cathal and wrapped her arms around his neck, practically burying her head in the folds of skin on his neck.
The movie pivots on not one but two such changes, and the result is exhaustingly cathartic, ultimately uplifting.
From my own experience, I can confirm that possession is certainly both abreactive and cathartic.
Crazy Fred seems to confuse Christianity with the Manichaean/Cathar heresy.
January 22nd, 2009
I have found the experience cathartic and empowering.
Times, Sunday Times
Most people need drama, excitement, pathos, catharsis - on some level their emotions have to connect with their minds in order to understand.
Emodin can be cathartic or act as a laxative in humans, kills dipteran larvae, inhibits growth of bacteria and fungi and deters consumption by birds and mice [5].
After wading through the shallow molasses of the agnostic gospel slop, I was in need of a true church catharsis.
Eminem may fit into that tradition of lyrical catharsis and boulevard jeremiads, but he certainly didn't create it.
Hence in diabetes the lacteal system acts strongly, at the same time that the urinary lymphatics invert their motions, and transmit the chyle into the bladder; and in diarrhoea from crapula, or too great a quantity of food and fluid taken at a time, the lacteals act strongly, and absorb chyle or fluids from the stomach and upper intestines; while the lymphatics of the lower intestines revert their motions, and transmit this over-repletion into the lower intestines, and thus produce diarrhoea; which accounts for the speedy operation of some cathartic drugs, when much fluid is taken along with them.
Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
In Germany the trial was an essential cathartic process crucial to post-war regeneration.
American sheathbill (Chionis alba); south polar skua (Catharacta maccormicki); brown skua (Catharacta lonnbergi); southern black-backed gull (Larus dominicanus); and,
Antarctic Peninsula
Sometimes it's cathartic to open up about the sad stuff.
To this question, he replied, that venesection had been three times performed; that a vesicatory had been applied inter scapulas; that the patient had taken occasionally of a cathartic apozem, and between whiles, alexipharmic boluses and neutral draughts. — “Neutral, indeed,” said the doctor; “so neutral, that I’ll be crucified if ever they declare either for the patient or the disease.”
The Life and Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves
The folk marvelled at this quill, when they saw it, and the man who was called Abd al-Rahman the Moor (and he was known, to boot, as the Chinaman, for his long sojourn in Cathay), related to them the following adventure, one of many of his traveller’s tales of marvel.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
New World Catharus thrushes are common nocturnal migrants amenable to biotelemetry, allowing us to measure physiological parameters during migratory flight in the wild.
The classic motive of tragedy is catharsis.
Times, Sunday Times
He was brother of Ethnea, St. Columba's mothier, and son of Dima, the son of Noe of the race of Cathaeir Ivor (Reeves, notes, p. 263).
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
Fourth, many Americans put credence in Cathay for the simple reason that they wanted to do so.
The Romance of China: Excursions to China in U.S. Culture: 1776-1876
In the midst was a pennon displayed, which, though its bearings were not visible to Catharine, was, by a murmur around, acknowledged as that of the Black Douglas.
The Fair Maid of Perth
After the cinereous satire, the irony and catharsis of downfallen feelings have been deepened, whose humor is full of fugitive feelings of escaping narration.
Of course, quite a few members of her family already live there (Clodagh and Cathal, Muirrin and Evan, Johnny, Gareth, Cormack.)
Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Take Five Interview: Juliet Marillier and Heir to Sevenwaters
A sea of tents surrounded Béziers, recounts a poet in “The Song of the Cathar Wars.”
And just to reply to the catharsism lacking elucidation, that is not necessary.
The Tail Section » Lost Pull’s a ‘Prisoner’ with Expose
After all it seems to me that it is aggressive people who seem to display aggressive cathartic behaviour.
The so-called "cathartic method" was a treatment for psychiatric disorders developed during 1881-1882 by Joseph Breuer with his patient "Anna O.
Cathars of southern France it was expressed in the division into the elect (perfecti) and ordinary believers
The appearance of pity and fear on both sides of the footlights seems not to rule out catharsis as a principle in dramatic criticism.
On the psychological basis of cognitive therapy theory, identity theory, and narrative theory, bibliotherapy goes through at least three stages: identification, catharsis, insight.
-- The part employed is the fruit pulp, official in all the pharmacopoeias as a very energetic hydragogue cathartic.
The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
The dried pulp of its unripe, full-grown fruit constitutes the drug colocynth, which is used as a cathartic.
Chapter 10
This has been a bruising but cathartic campaign.
Times, Sunday Times
Initially I had the idea that if I could vent my spleen about life events it would be a cathartic exercise.
Audieram ego in partibus Ierosolymorum hunc esse sic dictum, à filio Noe, Cham: sed in terra Cathay accepi et aliam, et meram huius rei veritatem.
The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
Their sound is perhaps best described as arty chamber rock, and like Department of Eagles many of their songs swell toward cathartic, unsettling conclusions.
Utne Reader Latest 10 Articles
Second position went to Singapore Airlines, with Cathay Pacific third, British Airways fourth and Thai Airways fifth.
Concentrated in Albi, a southern French town near Toulouse, the Cathars became known as the Albigenses, and by 1209 they were considered powerful and dangerous enough to warrant a military campaign led by Simon de Montfort to silence them.
A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
He wrote out his rage and bewilderment, which gradually became a form of catharsis leading to understanding.
The third type of intervention is administration of cathartic agents to increase gastrointestinal motility and hasten the expulsion of the toxin.
During the twelfth century a non-canonical branch of Christianity called the Cathars took hold in the south of France.
His laughter was cathartic, an animal yelp that brought tears to his eyes.
The opening triumvirate is as strong as any string of songs he's written, and the wistful finality of the sweetly cathartic title track foreshadows a disappointing comedown.
Dragonair wants to add HK $65 to the cost of a one-way ticket, while Cathay declined to comment on the level of its proposed surcharge.
The purpose of tragedy is catharsis, a powerful emotional experience in which the audience purges the emotions of pity and fear.
A "politique" to her fingertips, Catharine had neither sympathy nor patience with the fanatics who {212} would put their religion above peace and prosperity.
The Age of the Reformation
The cutter and pouch are made from 220-year-old reindeer leather recovered from the wreckage of the Danish ship Frau Metta Catharina von Flensburg, which was protected by black mud.
Where There’s Smoke…
When Catharina heard this answere from her Father, and saw her desire to be disappointed; not onely could she take any rest the night following, but also complained more of the heate then before, not suffering her Mother to take any rest, which made her go angerly to her Husband in the morning, saying.
The Decameron
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Whether it’s Coulter’s books, the millions of conservatives who enjoy them (hate, when cathartic, is actually quite enjoyable), or death threats against musicians who speak liberal opinions.
Think Progress » Matalin Defends Coulter’s Attack on 9/11 Widows
This would have a cathartic effect; it would release us from the torments of hypocrisy, from the discomforts of a lie.
Cathal Corrigan has recently franchised out the meat counter at Glennon's shop in the village.
Is the entertainment value of a kid sobering up after anesthesia or a baby burbling at random pieces of paper worth the costs of objectifying them for public consumption, however diverting, enlightening or cathartic?
'The Kids Grow Up' turns the lens on home videos and the right to privacy
Among the shrubs are Crataegus monogyna, Euonimus europea, Cornus mas, C. sanguinea, Rhamnus frangula, R. catharctica, Viburnum opulus, Berberis vulgaris, Hippophae rhamnoides, Tamarix spp. and occasional Corylus avellana.
Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania
It started as a mild chuckle, elevated itself to a chortle, then blossomed into the longest, loudest, most cathartic hilarity he had ever experienced.
Bruslart goes on to tell us that it was the Cardinal of Lorraine who brought them into this dreadful condemnation, partly hoping to convert the Huguenots, _partly to please Catharine de 'Medici_!] [Footnote 1146: "Mais ce ne fut pas en si grande compagnie qu'auparavant.
The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2)
It appears that competition in games is what may influence aggression, not the violent content," says lead author Paul Adachi, whose study was conducted at Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario.
Don't study the video game, study the player
Cathari, Poor Men of Lyons, Lombards, Albigenses, Waldenses, Vaudois, etc. The name Waldenses and Albigenses have frequently been loosely applied to all the bands of people that passed under various titles in different countries and that opposed the doctrines and ecclesiastical tyranny of Rome.
The Revelation Explained
“But, my father,” said Catharine, “even for these opinions men term you a Lollard and a Wickliffite, and say it is your desire to destroy churches and cloisters, and restore the religion of heathenesse.”
The Fair Maid of Perth
The poem has been quite cathartic because I have had all those ideas for the images in my head for years.
Citic is content with minority shareholdings in Cathay Pacific and Hong Kong Telecom because the Chinese shareholders prefer it to be clear that the companies which have made these operations successful continue to control them.
Hong Kong: Myths and Realities
What we witness is not an aesthetic spectacle bringing with it the catharsis which the ritual of the theater can produce.
'Jana Gerardina, Catharina Russa, und Francisca Fellaea bezeugten, dass sie mehr als einmal schwerlich mit harten Streichen hätten büssen müssen, wenn sie keinen Schaden oder Unglück angestifft hätten.
The Witch-cult in Western Europe A Study in Anthropology
Migratory behavior appears to have evolved multiple times in Catharus, so the species mentioned above do not constitute a monophyletic clade.
Other laxatives and cathartics are available.
It is an extremely powerful cathartic (like a diarrhetic for your psyche).
SF/F Humor Roundup at SF Novelists
It is on this fact that they founded their method of treatment, devised by Breuer and by him termed the cathartic method, though Freud prefers to call it the "analytic" method.
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1 The Evolution of Modesty; The Phenomena of Sexual Periodicity; Auto-Erotism
For instance, Brecht challenged the worth of stories that merely entertain, amuse or at best, provide emotional involvement and release through catharsis.
Catharsis is the explosion or release of long repressed feelings, the purgation of secret passions.
It's a defiantly anti-commercial album; one built more for cathartic expression than fretting over the amount of units sold.
For that reason one is amused rather than taken aback by a Flemish diptych of the turn of the fifteenth century from the Catharijneconvent in Utrecht.
Gastrointestinal decontamination with activated charcoal and a cathartic may be useful in acute exposures if the drug was taken orally within the previous 60 minutes.
Both methods, the discharging, or the so-called cathartic one, and the side-tracking method evidently demand the discovery of the starting point in the service of the therapy and here again several methods are at the disposal of the psychologist.
Well I suppose at once extremely harrowing to give the evidence but in many ways extremely cathartic to do so.
War needs literature to record, protest, provide catharsis and remember.
The Times Literary Supplement
Adams een cathagorisch antwoord heeft versogt, om daar van aan sijne principaalen kennis te kunnen geeven, als meede op de requesten van een groot aantal commercieerende, fabriceerende en sig door den handel geneerende ingezeetenen in deese provincie, tot appui van hunne versoeken ter generaliteit den 20 deeser gedaan ten einde tot verkrijging der handel uit deesen landen op
The Medallic History of the United States of America 1776-1876
The Special Olympics Host Town Committee presented a special prize to Cathal Quinn for scoring a hole-in-one.
Now sithe I have devysed zou the londes and the kyngdoms toward the parties septentrionales, in comynge down from the lond of Cathay, unto the londes of the Cristene, towardes Pruysse and Rossye; now schalle I devyse zou of other londes and kyngdomes, comynge doun be other costes, toward the right syde, unto the see of Grece, toward the lond of Cristene men: and therfore that, aftre Ynde and aftre
The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
Furthermore, a substantial body of social research reports that engaging in cathartic expressions of anger does not eradicate aggressive urges but rather escalates them.
As is so often the case, a roar shimmering with a cathartic feel greeted the opening whistle.
Times, Sunday Times
The potence of her attraction lay in her not being English in her being, not only Margey, but Cathay, far Cathay.
A Rude Awakening
Far in the East is the great country that we call Cathay, though in truth it has many other names, and I alone of all who breathe in England have visited that land.
Red Eve
Mercury is used in the manufacture of skin medicine, dental amalgam, plastics, cathartics, paints, fungicides, cosmetics, and scientific instruments.
Catharina, having deckt her child in costly habiliments, layed it in her armes, and came with the servants into the dyning Hall, and sate down (as the Knight had appointed) at the upper end of the Table, and then Signior Gentile spake thus.
The Decameron
What we witness is not an aesthetic spectacle bringing with it the catharsis which the ritual of the theater can produce.
Abbot of Inniscathay, had claimed tribute from Leinster, and had even signified his intention of assuming the position of ardri.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
The smell of cathartic release was palpable.
Times, Sunday Times
The classic motive of tragedy is catharsis.
Times, Sunday Times
3, Catharine, to Robert Murray, of Aber - cairny. y 4.
Collins's peerage of England; genealogical, biographical, and historical
In the end, you will hear fellow theatergoers weeping all around you, the sound muffled only by that of your own cathartic sobbing.
But such cathartic vengeance would do nothing to curb the menace of transnational terrorism.
Songs work best as mood-enhancers in two ways: when they are about escapism and forgetting it all, and when they provide cathartic misery.
Times, Sunday Times
There were some good performances however with young Cathal Marren having a stormer on his debut at corner back.
At first they lightheartedly recall their conjugal experiences, but with the recollection of the suicide of their mutual friend Barbara their thoughts darken into remembrance of Catharine's insanity and her time spent in a Swiss sanitarium.
Poor Papa
However I am about to change jobs and pressing the delete button a thousand times on my PC at work has been most cathartic.
However, don't expect a cathartic payoff, because there is little emotional messiness in this largely intellectual exercise.
For the fans, this dance provides catharsis and releases pent-up energy.
It was a cathartic moment, and a turning point.
Times, Sunday Times
But this really appealed to me - it was a very cathartic experience.
The Sun
After that initial catharsis had passed she asked me to fill in some questionnaires so that she could establish my state of mind.
The text implies the existence of multiple Cathayan ruling dynasties, historically, explaining that at this period Cathay was ruled by the Wu dynasty.
The cathartic experience of venting the spleen at a match can return the supporter to the bosom of the family a calmer individual.
Fan has said Citic supports challenging the virtual monopolies enjoyed by Cathay and Telecom.
Much of my storytelling and ruminations about my father have been cathartic, a new stage of grieving a loss from which I've never really recovered.
In this ... poem "Serena" is Catharine Tufton, (born April 24, 1692, daughter of "Arminda", the Countess of Thanet).
Miscellany Poems, on Several Occasions
"A bunch of God-damn pot hunters," was how one St. Catharine's old-timer characterized the athletes who jumped into unfamiliar club kit to row just for the week.
In St. Catharines, the housing situation has overflowed to affect low-income renters.
In other words it is a highly energetic hydragogue cathartic, especially indicated when we wish to drain off the fluid element of the blood, as in dropsy, asthma, pulmonary and cerebral congestion.
The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
Today, audiences prefer big statements, cathartic effects and emotional exhibitionism.
It appears that competition in games is what may influence aggression, not the violent content," says lead author Paul Adachi, whose study was conducted at Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario.
Don't study the video game, study the player
These, like the channels for the lower rigging, are mere projections or out-riggers; the true point of support for the topmast rigging is the lower shrouds, the connection being made by what are called futtock shrouds and catharpins.
The Lieutenant and Commander
Standard decontamination procedures should be followed in the conscious patient, including emesis with syrup of ipecac or gastric lavage, activated charcoal and a cathartic.
Monamine Oxidase Inhibitors
The purpose of tragedy is catharsis, a powerful emotional experience in which the audience purges the emotions of pity and fear.
Egrmajer kept a mailing address in St. Catharines, which is also where his sister Brita lives, according to Wilson. - Home Page
For a couple of generations thereafter, abstract painting was either cathartically expressionist or theory-laden minimalist.
Last-Minute Reprieve
Nevertheless, there is, I'm sure, a certain catharsis involved in expunging one's darkest secrets in those sealed little booths.
Cathartically shrieky, it's perfect for this ghoulish time of year.
The Sun
Catharine, on the other hand, considered him rather as an encroacher upon the grace which she had shown him than one whose delicacy rendered him deserving of such favour.
The Fair Maid of Perth
The flying displays began with model aircraft demonstrations followed by gliders and civilian and warbird aircraft, including a Cathay Pacific A330 and Winjeel trainer.
Cathal followed close behind so as not to be left behind on another adventure.
We inhabit a space of restless disquiet, and into that space popular culture introduces cathartic visions of disruptions, destructions, calamities, betrayals, gratifications, fulfillments and healings.
'Cathar' (apparently first used in the middle of the twelfth century by a group of heretics from Cologne, or so Eckbert of Schönau wrote in his Sermones contra Catharos of 1163) is, and always has been, deeply misleading and applied in such an indiscriminate way by modern historians as to make it, for all intents and purposes, a useless term.
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As an expression of community solidarity, and as a cathartic public moment of defiance in the face of the threat of personal loss, it is a powerful symbol.
She knew Scathach's quest was for Bavduin, but he was not himself Jaguthin; he had merely joined the band.
The Lives of Others has failed to produce a national catharsis.
Times, Sunday Times
I also think there is real value, cathartic release, in applying to humour to the situation and being able to openly laugh at what we once feared
Talking to a counselor can be a cathartic experience.
the late French historian Georges Duby saw Gothic art as in part a reaction to the Cathar heresy, a civilised counterpart of the bloody Albigensian crusade.
They seem to be waiting for something, perhaps catharsis or relief, but it's not coming anytime soon.
These diseases will bear thorough depletion of the alimentary canal, active, hydragogue cathartics being indicated.
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And under those circumstances, perhaps goading the world with photographs of you using a laptop as an umbrella might feel a little cathartic.
Times, Sunday Times
We might at first imagine it as the sestina's final cathartic pinnacle.
Experiencing a tale from their local past can help people ‘fall in love with the theatre,’ he says, and can even give them a sense of catharsis and closure.
If he was indeed suffering from syphilitic symptoms such as burning joint pain and oozing ulcerations, then this portrait could represent a sort of purgative catharsis.
Is this multitasking marathon legend now less obsessive about a cathartic triumph in London?
Times, Sunday Times
Page 49 steered for St. Catharines to obtain Farina, a kind of breadstuff used mostly by the slaves.
Biography of Mahommah G. Baquaqua, a Native of Zoogoo, in the Interior of Africa. (A Convert to Christianity,) With a Description of That Part of the World; Including the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants, Their Religious Notions, Form of Government,
Catharina Green, chair of the Verwood Twinning Association, was delighted with the whole day, which included a soirée at the Seasons Restaurant in Moors Valley Country Park.
There was intense savagery in the putting down of the Cathars.
Cathay Pacific Jinpeng the value of blue - chip hybrid securities investment funds to update placement prospectuses.
It was a cathartic moment.
Times, Sunday Times
A paste of the roots mixed with milk works as a laxative but with violent cathartic effect compared to the purgative jalap Ipomoea purga from which the true and milder jalap is extracted.
As with Greek drama, it may be emotionally cathartic but it is never soothing.
Shanghai officials pressed the state-run owner of the historic Peace Hotel, formerly called the Cathay Hotel, to undertake a multimillion-dollar renovation.
Shanghai, Built for the Machine Age
Protestantism in the Rhineland, and by school and pulpit laboured to re-Catholicize the Empire, Rome spurred Mary Stuart to the Darnley marriage, urged Philip to march Alva on the Netherlands, broke up the religious truce which Catharine had won for France, and celebrated with solemn pomp the massacre of the Huguenots.
History of the English People Volume 4 (of 8)
The ridiculous screenplay offers two cathartic scenes, both of which feature characters giving lengthy soliloquies (one in front of a tombstone, another in front of a video camera).
In the absolutely necessary intercourse with domestics, Louise, more accustomed to expedients, bolder by habit, and desirous to please Catharine, willingly took on herself the trouble of getting from the pantler the materials of their slender meal, and of arranging it with the dexterity of her country.
The Fair Maid of Perth
The most common mineral springs were salt, white, black, red, and salt sulphurs, chalybeate, vitriol, alum, copperas, iodide, and Epsom, which were used as diuretics, cathartics, and sudorifics.
Objective: To observe the effects of the Febricide and Catharsis Treatment of Chinese Medicine (FCTCM) to the Obstructive Jaundice Endotoxemia (OJE).
Once, she had simply blurted out her feelings, yet there had been no catharsis, no flood of relief, only an empty realisation that she had made her mother cry.
But he holdethe it of the grete Cham, that is the gretteste Emperour and the most sovereyn lord of alle the partes bezonde: and he is lord of the iles of Cathay and of many othere iles, and of a gret partie of
The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
Cathars were dualists, believing in the co-existence of good (the soul) imprisoned within evil (the physical body).
He wrote out his rage and bewilderment, which gradually became a form of catharsis leading to understanding.
As we argue in this week's cover, the problem with populist rage — defined as the discernible public feeling that the few are unjustly profiting at the expense of the many — is that while it is cathartic, it can lead to bad decisions that may make the situation against which one is raging even worse.
The Editor’s Desk
Molière's Le Malade Imaginaire we find catharsis pre - sented in a farcical situation: Clysterium donare, Postea seignare, Ensuita purgare (“With a clyster deterge, then let the blood spurge, and finally purge”).