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How To Use Caterwaul In A Sentence

  • The big story of the day is that Jack White has launched yet another new band, the Dead Weather, with The Kills 'sassy caterwauler Alison Mossheart on vocals, the Raconteurs' Jack Lawrence on bass and Queens of the Stone Age's Dean Fertitia on guitar. Idolator
  • But if one of these women is sensitive enough to know she is beginning to strain in her argument and will lower her voice and persist in keeping it lowered the effect upon herself and the other woman will put the "caterwauling" out of the question. Nerves and Common Sense
  • For perspective, start with the fact that our officially acknowledged national debt, source of much caterwauling, currently totals $7.6 trillion.
  • The song ended in a caterwaul of feedback as they stumbled off stage, leaving in their wake trashed guitars and a bemused Jonathan Ross.
  • It is a tribute to McLeish's side that they were not dragged down by caterwauling from the Ibrox stands - in which pockets of empty seats were evident - once Dundee had struck.
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  • The words Britain's best young spellers found most difficult were rankle, caterwaul, pleasurable and totem.
  • It's a big, swooping song with huge, dramatic riffs and kind of caterwauling vocals, and it's a song about her mother's struggle with cancer. Folk Singer Kate McGarrigle Dies At 63
  • ‘Love Hounds’ features rapid-fire, almost spoken verses over guitar caterwauling, and then slides into the disc's catchiest chorus.
  • By far one of the best bands of the so-called dance-punk explosion, the Fav combine angular art-rock and caterwauling dance-punk into something that's at times cerebral but always engaging, accessible, and damn fun.
  • Certainly, the former, part caterwaul and part coy coo, will be an acquired taste.
  • One hungry and fiery wish to destroy that diabolical caterwauler, took possession of my soul. The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, June 1844 Volume 23, Number 6
  • What they are good at is picking logic up by its tail and whirling it around in circles, ignoring its protesting screams and caterwauls.
  • Well we recall all those charmingly piqued 'conservatives' who'd clutch the pearls as they shrieked, cried & caterwauled over & over & over again for Years about those 'nasty Clinton's!!' Awkward questions - poli
  • We're trying to watch a serious art film in here, and all we can hear is that caterwaul you insist on playing at full volume!
  • I am satisfied it was named by the Diggers -- those degraded savages who roast their dead relatives, then mix the human grease and ashes of bones with tar, and "gaum" it thick all over their heads and foreheads and ears, and go caterwauling about the hills and call it mourning. The Innocents Abroad — Volume 02
  • Honeysuckle Weeks has her back to the audience early on, so that it's hard to make out what's being caterwauled, but she's very funny in her first outing as a lady, slicing her vowels into slivers and treating her parasol as if it were a loaded gun. Spur of the Moment; Pygmalion; The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist; The Magical Menagerie
  • What kind of media caterwaul do you suppose would ensue?
  • It's a comedy rule, it seems, that the louder you can say a line or caterwaul in reaction to some hoary bit of high jinks, the more uproarious the moment becomes. Theater review: 'Fox on the Fairway' at Signature Theatre
  • It was caterwauling behind a stone bench, wrapped in a dirty piece of cloth.
  • Most of the people who caterwaul about being offended are being serious. 2009 February | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • The drinkers perform a comedic caterwaul while the folk singers create a dissonant background to the absurdity.
  • This whole line of caterwauling is getting very old and stale … Conservative Republican Participation - Morton_C_Blackwell’s blog - RedState
  • I thought L'il Rounds was particularly bad -- caterwaully and all offkey. ''I'm not going to pretend that we're even going to contemplate saving you."
  • Not that you'd know it unless, as per usual, you were made all too aware of alcohol by strolling through a vomit-spattered town centre, passing a barful of celebrating bankers in the City, or waiting for a night bus amid the dismal caterwauling of underage soaks. news business sport the Daily Telegraph newspaper Sunday Telegraph
  • Free from the cynical imperatives and caterwauling of commercial stations, independents are, at their best, not dislocated from the communities they serve, but an honest reflection of them.
  • If the drinking songs caterwauled in taverns could have been turned into an instrument upon which they might be played, this was it. Tran Siberian
  • It clawed and miauled at the lattice-work of lath, and its caterwauling became like the cry of a child, so like that it woke Annie from her sleep, and still kept on. Annie Kilburn : a Novel
  • Listening to all the caterwauling from the right, one would think that Immigration Reform is a new concept, rather than a decades old problem. House Dems to decry Arizona law
  • He later entertainingly disgorged his visual and aural memories of it all—the high pulpit with the red plush pillow for the Bible, the stiff wooden pews, the “melodeon,” or primitive organ; the caterwauling choir, the dozing oldsters, and his scattered fellow captives, the other boys, their spitballs at the ready, grateful for the diversion of a dog sitting down on the stinging warhead of a pinch bug—and getting up again. Mark Twain
  • Through the warmer months you can hear the likes of every kind of caterwauling at ungodly times in the night. Archive 2009-10-01
  • Tielli is best known for his perfect vocal and guitar caterwauling, and for song-writing with the Toronto rock group the Rheostatics.
  • The homophobic caterwauling is a distraction from the class war. Think Progress » “Dogs aren’t born mooing, and people aren’t born gay.”
  • This is either a good thing or a bad thing, depending on whether you enjoy watching five old has-beens caterwauling in unsuitable clothes or not.
  • I crouched low as a barebacked horse leapt the fire and disappeared into the darkness of the moor, a caterwauling man clinging to its mane. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • I walked away as the other people here began to caterwaul about her death.
  • Trevisa has invented an adjective for us that expresses the midnight caterwaul -- "ghastful. Mediaeval Lore from Bartholomew Anglicus
  • Crickets chirped, owls hooted, and cicadas caterwauled in screechy harmony.
  • And after a Romanian model caterwauled his way through Fight For This Love, Louis burped: Cheryl Cole & Ashley Cole! The Showdown! Today!
  • Of course, technical guitar work and a tight rhythm section don't alone outweigh Tim's caterwauling.
  • The roofers went up there yelling and screaming and caterwauling in an attempt to get them to go.
  • Certainly, the former, part caterwaul and part coy coo, will be an acquired taste.
  • Unfortunately, most of the people who caterwaul about being offended are being serious. Still Offended By Language | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • Although other kids were quicker with the software, Simon enjoyed these studies because he loved learning new words, like caterwaul, which meant “to shriek or yowl,” and taciturn, which described someone who was quiet… like him. Watercolored Different
  • Maine coon cat with lungs like a set of bagpipes, I do not use the word "caterwauling" lightly. Hooray for long weekends
  • Unfortunately, Kennedy's caterwauling and the band's rather standard song structures easily wear thin, despite competent playing.
  • For several long seconds after he had finished, everyone was quiet, except for one caterwauling infant a few blocks away.
  • Their spine-decalcifying caterwauls - a sequence of whuffings, snarlings and growlings - have evoked satanic visions since the first European settlers arrived on the island of Tasmania more than a century ago. International Herald Tribune - World News, Analysis, and Global Opinions
  • Drunk and angry, he berated the thicknecks while pouring his loudest, most annoying caterwauls over the din of his backing band.
  • I am satisfied it was named by the Diggers -- those degraded savages who roast their dead relatives, then mix the human grease and ashes of bones with tar, and 'gaum' it thick all over their heads and foreheads and ears, and go caterwauling about the hills and call it The Lake of the Sky Lake Tahoe in the High Sierras of California and Nevada, its History, Indians, Discovery by Frémont, Legendary Lore, Various Namings, Physical Characteristics, Glacial Phenomena, Geology, Single Outlet, Automobile Routes, Historic Town
  • Tory backbenchers attempted to inflict more pain on the PM over budget cuts but he scuttled behind his stockade and caterwauled at them like an 80s class-warrior. A percentage game at PMQs
  • The source of the infernal caterwauling was a cheong-sammed female songstress on a Chinese variety show, belting out oldies in a paint-stripping falsletto. Archive 2008-02-01
  • They raised such a caterwaul when Thompson entered a Burmese in a San Francisco show in 1938 that he withdrew from the proceedings.
  • He would begin caterwauling, and I would be rudely jerked out of my reverie.
  • The first recorded caterwauler was W. Frank Caston, of Columbia, S.C., who on Feb. 10, 1964, wrote, "I most certainly do not want such pictures coming into my home for my young teen-age son to ogle, much less myself. Slate Magazine
  • I was not going to indict, complain or caterwaul, which is why I didn't even consider writing a year-in-review piece before very early this morning. Barry Crimmins : Political Satirist:
  • Rather, they let their two drummers/two bassists/sax/guitar/vocals/etc. lineup speak for itself as one, which allows this guy and his extremely unpleasant, wavering caterwaul to hide behind relative anonymity.
  • “Because of this little fish, up to 80,000 people are going to lose jobs,” caterwauled Sean Hannity on Fox in mid-May. Wonk Room
  • You'd think the two were real sisters the way they caterwaul at each other sometimes.
  • You walk in to the deafening metronome uncha-uncha-uncha robotic caterwaul, the music almost binary in nature 101101-ing to a crowd of Latino gangbangers, septuagenarians, slumming rich kids and washed-up high school jocks with backwards hats who were just looking for something to date rape. Someplace Else
  • Jump the chair light the stove heat the pan stop the floor caterwaul beneath the faucet Butter Beans
  • Armed with only an acoustic guitar, My Morning Jacket's frontman falls into the delicate opening strains of ‘Bermuda Highway, ‘his ghostly caterwaul creeping up my spine like a fever.’
  • Each blow to the kisser is punctuated with caterwauls of, yup; you guessed it, MUMMY DO IT!) (Mummy indeed does it, and peace is restored. Archive 2007-03-01
  • Crickets chirped, owls hooted, and cicadas caterwauled in screechy harmony.
  • A venerable and hitherto decorous old deacon of Roxbury not only left the church when the hated bass-viol began its accompanying notes, but he stood for a long time outside the church door stridently "caterwauling" at the top of his lungs. Sabbath in Puritan New England
  • Can rock ever again generate the poorly-constructed yet subversive caterwaul for which I once fell in love with it?
  • A cat less agile than the rest of his species had been known to entangle himself in the little swing window, and to hang there all the night, sending forth unearthly caterwaulings, to the unspeakable terror of Miss Wendover's guest, unfamiliar with the mechanism of the room, and wondering what breed of Hampshire demon or afrit was thus making night hideous. The Golden Calf
  • To the innocent nostrils of spring there was caterwauled a filthy serenade. La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
  • The nomination was greeted warmly by most on the political left, though a few have caterwauled that Ms. Kagan might be a "stealth" moderate because she lacks judicial experience and has a meager paper trail. Elena Obama
  • What better place to celebrate brainless caterwauling and noisy drivel?
  • He prides himself on ignoring the distracting chatter, the caterwauling of the media elites, the Washington political buzz machine.
  • Through all my whining, mewling, and caterwauls of privileged desperation, there has been only one constant - my desire to attend Yale University Law School.
  • If you have ever found yourself in the past aiding and abetting such an ugly sound in argument with another -- say to yourself "caterwauling, Nerves and Common Sense
  • The Australian government is having a harder time endorsing the verdict, prompting the predictable caterwaul from China. China Convicts Itself
  • Through all my whining, mewling, and caterwauls of privileged desperation, there has been only one constant - my desire to attend Yale University Law School.
  • Zola Jesus is Nika Roza Danilova, an opera-trained caterwauler from Madison, Wisconsin who makes noise music that scrapes and glistens in equal measure. Pitchfork: Latest News
  • Dumbfounded, all I could do was watch - wincing with pain as the caterwauling shook the fillings in my teeth - until the noise ceased.
  • And how can you not love the way ‘Melt’ starts with that laid-back, chiming intro and its backwards vocals, and then kicks into that massive caterwaul of guitars and drums?
  • That said, they are still out to pummel, and their singer's caterwaul has never sounded more throat-shredding.
  • It seemed that every time I was becoming immersed in events, Cho would begin caterwauling and I would be rudely jerked out of my reverie.
  • A funny parody scene of the movie was shown, while Homer grimaced at his movie heroes cavorting and caterwauling.
  • ‘As long as no one starts caterwauling again,’ he called back.
  • You think all this caterwauling about the deficit is just a bunch of useless jibber-jabber that will never go anywhere?
  • His voice has the ability to alter in sound and texture, sometimes emitting a bitter-sweet tenor reminiscent of the late Freddy Mercury; other times we can hear the sandpaper-toned caterwauling of Tom Waites.
  • If someone is permanently hosting a large, caterwauling clowder, I still think the onus is on the cat lover to reduce the population in a humane way.
  • `That was a right caterwauling last night," she said severely. LOOKING FOR THE SPARK
  • There's always something happening; the yelping of dogs, the cat's caterwaul, the ‘jagte raho’ calls of the watchman.
  • There are songs here (particularly grating caterwaul Escape Song) that would never see daylight were it not for their celebrity provenance.

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