How To Use Caterpillar In A Sentence

  • After feeding, caterpillars pupate in a chrysalis, then transform into beautiful butterflies.
  • The company doesn't anticipate any negative job impact at the Akashi plant, said Jim Dugan, a Caterpillar spokesman. Caterpillar Joins 'Onshoring' Trend
  • The so-called psyche or butterfly is generated from caterpillars which grow on green leaves, chiefly leaves of the raphanus, which some call crambe or cabbage. The History of Animals
  • She says that when a caterpillar encases itself in its cocoon, tiny cells called imaginal cells begin to appear within the chrysalis. Love For No Reason
  • At both sites where mortality was monitored, many emerging seedlings were killed in early spring by tortricid caterpillars, especially Clepsis melaleucana.
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  • Silk moth cocoons are made of a layer of silk that the caterpillar exudes from glands in its mouth.
  • He convinced the Army that it was better served by letting Caterpillar continue to manufacture bulldozers and tractors.
  • I counted half a dozen chrysalises outside this morning, and those caterpillars may take months to complete the metamorphosis because of the cold weather, but because of the warm, cozy conditions this one's found, I expect it to emerge as a beautiful Gulf fritillary butterfly sometime within the next two weeks. Archive 2009-12-01
  • In future articles, we'll talk about plant chewing critters like beetles, caterpillars, borers, and the Leaf Cutter Bee.
  • Each time the caterpillar grows bigger, it sheds its skin in a process called molting.
  • a hairy caterpillar
  • When we talk about pests in the garden, we generally mean things like aphids, caterpillars and rabbits that we can see and deal with appropriately.
  • Wasp larvae feeding on paralyzed caterpillars is certainly a disquieting image, to say nothing of malaria feeding on children. Behe
  • C The aristolochia vine grown on the branches of others trees (such as leucaena), to feed caterpillar larvae. 4 Operating a Butterfly Farm
  • These hatch into white and pale yellow caterpillars with black heads, black markings, and a black horn.
  • Since the caterpillars have very bright distinctive colours, the birds quickly recognise that they are inedible and leave them alone.
  • Eventually the parasitic caterpillar pupates, later emerging as an adult butterfly.
  • Not only had they appeared mysteriously, but the caterpillars vanished equally suddenly.
  • It was a monochromatic, under-waterish, caterpillar-crawl of a trip. ICED
  • The Cheshire cat's wide, puckish smile descending from the heavens as a crescent moon; the caterpillar puffing opiate smoke into the face of Alice and snobbishly asking, Who ... Archive 2009-10-01
  • The larvae of the painted lady butterfly - the thistle caterpillar - have been drawing a large amount of attention from anyone who has observed Canada thistle patches this spring.
  • Your clianthus is infested with Carnation Tortrix caterpillars.
  • “Due to their high nutritional value in some regions, flour made from caterpillars is mixed to prepare pulp given to children to counter malnutrition,” said (FAO researcher Paul) Vantomme. Boing Boing
  • He said Caterpillar was offering to advise the governor on cost-cutting based on the company's own experience chopping pay and laying off workers during the 2008-09 recession. Caterpillar Urges Illinois to Roll Back Tax Increases
  • Anal operculum: the dorsal arch of the 10th abdominal segment; in caterpillars = supra-anal plate, q.v. Anal organs: Collembola; the two modified hairs arising from a tubercle ventro-cephalad of the anus and usually curving caudo-dorsad. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • I still see the pale bluish-green, red-studded caterpillars of promethea moths on the ash trees.
  • The newly seeded alfalfa has plant bugs and potato leafhoppers and established alfalfa has army worms, alfalfa loopers, thistle caterpillars, and variegated cut worms.
  • The commonest are the tiny green caterpillars of the green oak tortrix moth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yes, caterpillar shit is called frass, and yes, it's derived from fressen. Q.PHEEVR ON 'BUTTERFLY.'
  • When infected by a virus known as baculovirus, gypsy moth caterpillars mysteriously climb for the treetops. NPR Topics: News
  • And Lors knows, Miss Caterpillar, if it was de wittels you was a-frettin 'arter, you ought to a-told me before! The Hidden Hand
  • Others on the move include bats, which have taken to using canals as a seasonal corridor in the warmth, according to a report from British Waterways, and thousands of browntail moth caterpillars, which have spun sticky canopies of cocoons on Canvey island, in Essex, to pupate earlier than usual. The Guardian World News
  • There have been reports that the caterpillars of the butterfly Euphydryes phaeton feed on the foliage of various beardtongues, but this does not appear to be the case in Illinois.
  • It's kind of like a caterpillar that has those extended hairs, and it's called the wooly worm. CNN Transcript Oct 18, 2009
  • The caterpillars pupate into these beautiful little cocoon things that hang from the sides of the tent. Tickles
  • It seems impossible to avoid the conclusion that the active, armoured campodeiform grub differing less from its parent than an eruciform larva differs from its parent, is as a larval type more primitive than the caterpillar or maggot. The Life-Story of Insects
  • They continue this pattern until they diapause in the leaf litter, where they over-winter, emerging in the spring as orange caterpillars with numerous dark brown, tufted spines.
  • The ants probed the caterpillars much less often than they poked at mealworms.
  • Knowledge that some larvae possess urticating structures should not generate undue fear of caterpillars.
  • Identification of most caterpillars was problematic so ecological groupings were used to create five subgroups: a bract-associated morphospecies, foliage-associated taxa, geometrids, and a lichen-associated morphospecies.
  • Ankeny residents have reported to the city an increasing population of the bagworm, a caterpillar that is a pest to trees. - NEWS
  • This spinneret creates the silk that is needed for the caterpillar to spin a cocoon in which it will pupate. Insecta (Aquatic)
  • Simcox only knew they were there by the frass – black pellets of caterpillar poo – that falls from the thyme. Butterflies: out of the blue
  • Like the caterpillar who enters a chrysalid, we surrender to death to our ways and enter the maze of waiting, and if we wait patiently enough, in His time we emerge into the transformation needed, and wonderfully possible, in whatever phase of our lives we are. The Inner Maze of Waiting
  • How Siena's divided into districts and each has its special name for the race: eagle district, giraffe, caterpillar, goose. FROM THE TEETH OF ANGELS
  • In another so-called bossnapping, four dozen employees of a Caterpillar plant in Grenoble held four executives for 24 hours, allegedly confiscated their cell phones and made threatening calls to their families. Sure, Kidnap the Man
  • The egg, if injected, would hatch into a wasp grub that would consume the caterpillar from the inside.
  • Then, over the course of several weeks, the children watched the caterpillars grow bigger, spin their chrysalises, and emerge as butterflies.
  • In each instance, it is Erdrich's diction that gives the image its precision and intense life: "larded," "disorderly," "caterpillar" — each of these words surprises, and yet is utterly apt in its context. Blood Relations
  • Caterpillars infected with baculovirus climb to the tops of trees, where they melt and drip the virus onto the foliage below. NPR Topics: News
  • Whom do you call caterpillars?" cried Priest Rich, of North Surrey. Old Portraits, Modern Sketches, Personal Sketches and Tributes Complete, Volume VI., the Works of Whittier
  • Well, that's what happens if you're a gypsy moth caterpillar when you're infected by a baculovirus. NPR Topics: News
  • Later in the season, the caterpillars re-emerge to spin cocoons and overwinter under the loose bark of the trees.
  • He says that the caterpillars are ermine moths, which weave silk tents over bird cherry and other fruit trees.
  • Just then there was a sudden flurry of arrivals: a common wainscot, several green carpets, a straw underwing, and two or three scorched carpets, which would most likely have been feeding as caterpillars on the spindle trees in the wood. Wildwood
  • Staff at French plants run by Sony, 3M and Caterpillar have held managers inside the factories overnight, in three separate incidents, to demand better layoff terms -- a new form of labor action dubbed "bossnapping" by the media. Democratic Underground Latest Breaking News
  • In the nuclei of caterpillar cells infected with baculoviruses, viral progeny multiply and are incorporated into protective polyhedron-shaped protein structures called occlusion bodies.
  • It's the classic tale of a caterpillar who munches his way through apples, plums, pears and strawberries, before turning into a beautiful butterfly.
  • The caterpillar of the Argus Butterfly feeds almost exclusively on the leaves of the rock rose.
  • The bean leafroller (Urbanus or Eudamus), saltmarsh or wooly bear caterpillar (Estigmene), and Hedylepta caterpillar are the most common. Chapter 10
  • Milkweed, in its many varieties, serves as the sole host plant for the monarch's life cycle, from egg to caterpillar to chrysalis.
  • A colony of 25 rare striped lychnis moth caterpillars has been found in a churchyard at Headbourne Worthy in Hampshire.
  • This just in: caterpillar — the maker of earthmoving equipment, including bulldozers and monster mining trucks — reported first-quarter profits of 55 cents a share, up from a loss of 19 cents a year earlier. A New Economic Order
  • They are laying eggs of imported cabbageworm caterpillars. - News
  • Many familiar animals have a larval form: caterpillars turn into butterflies, and tadpoles into frogs.
  • These last few have been days to hold on to: bright sunshine through fat-bottomed clouds; ringlet butterflies flickering over flowering grasses; yellow-and-black-banded cinnabar moth caterpillars twitching as they spun threads to tie themselves to ragwort; bright pink lip-gloss heads of pyramidal orchids – these things once observed becoming dearly held. Country diary: Wenlock Edge
  • Trust to transform. Let a caterpillar that eventually turns into a beautiful butterfly. RVM 
  • He could have added that they also consumed mayfly larvae, caterpillars, beetles, and ants.
  • But a spurious Presbyterianism had been invented, and “the outcasting of the locust "had been the “inbringing of the caterpillar.” The Life of John Milton
  • The humble polliwog in its development is significant of far more marvellous facts than the caterpillar changing into the butterfly, embodying as it does the deepest poetry and romance of evolution. The Log of the Sun A Chronicle of Nature's Year
  • They are economical to raise, however, and mass releases can be very effective against corn earworm, cabbageworms, loopers, hornworms, codling moth and other leaf-eating caterpillars.
  • We therefore amassed about 20 matchboxes and stuffed them with caterpillars, hiding them in nooks and crannies of our homes.
  • It won't discriminate between pest caterpillars and those of desirable moths and butterflies.
  • He developed caterpillar tracks that replaced wheels on combine harvesters.
  • Nijhout showed that before the caterpillar retires into its chrysalis to transform into a butterfly, the position of the spots on the future wings has been established.
  • Just as only a caterpillar can become a butterfly, the formal stage seems a necessary developmental step to the skilful stage.
  • Trust to transform. Let a caterpillar that eventually turns into a beautiful butterfly. RVM 
  • He hot-wired the Caterpillar forklift after reading how to operate it in the local library.
  • He said it was up to the small-scale miners to organise themselves to hire machines like excavators, caterpillars, et cetera.
  • Given the strong sexual dimorphism and barred, brown female plumage of the Courol, its semi-zygodactyl feet, strong, reinforced jaws, and habit of eating caterpillars, this proposed link - which, ironically, puts the Coural back where it started in 1783 - is intriguing (cuckoos have really interesting jaws, as do the possibly related turacos and hoatzins) [sexual dimorphism in the cuckoo ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • About two to three weeks after the female butterfly lays her eggs on a plant, the larval caterpillars drop to the ground.
  • Moves in caterpillar fashion leaving straight deep track in the sand. Archive 2008-04-13
  • Beds of nettles are slashed to the ground when the caterpillars of red admiral and other butterflies are hatching for next year's generation.
  • Caterpillars of the Black and Anise Swallowtail make their home on and eat the leaves from the parsley family that include fennel, angelica, dill and chervil.
  • No mutationist has yet produced by breeding experiments a caterpillar without the three pairs of thoracic legs and yet developing into a moth that had normal three pairs. Hormones and Heredity
  • Having occasion to move it on the twentyfourth, I peeped in and found half my caterpillars out and starved, proving that they had been hatched at least thirty-six hours or longer; half the others so feeble they soon became inactive, and the remainder survived and pupated. Moths of the Limberlost
  • This consisted of picking off the mature caterpillars and feeding them to the hens, and a liberal application of derris powder.
  • And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. Joel 2.
  • Further caterpillars are added and the burrow sealed permanently before the egg hatches.
  • The second time I was onstage, I misspelled the word caterpillar and soaked a perfectly good purple skirt with my own urine. I'm Perfect, You're Doomed
  • They are dying out because the wild flowers on which their caterpillars feed are being killed off by farmers, landowners and foresters.
  • The leaves are high in vitamins A and C, preparing the caterpillars for the chrysalis.
  • The caterpillars harness the plant toxins and use them as a natural defence against predation.
  • Grow caterpillar food-plants, including nettles, buckthorn, hops and lady's smock. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it leaves the egg with a subdorsal line, which the caterpillar of the A Book of Natural History Young Folks' Library Volume XIV.
  • If you see no monarch eggs, caterpillars or chrysalises, trim the plants back now and treat with jets of water or a little insecticidal soap.
  • In the chaos, the wasp slips unnoticed through the ant nest and preys on the unguarded caterpillar.
  • Some caterpillars will crawl to the ground and burrow into a hole, giving the parasitoids a safe refuge for the winter.
  • Many familiar animals have a larval form: caterpillars turn into butterflies, and tadpoles into frogs.
  • _Chlamys pilula_, resembles dung of caterpillars, 58. Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection A Series of Essays
  • A host of other insects visit backyard orchards - various caterpillars, pear slugs, and leafhoppers to name a few.
  • Fifty-two feet of flared planing hull with almost a thousand horsepower delivered from two big Caterpillar diesels. LET NOT THE DEEP
  • I later found out that many birds also hunt caterpillars by using their feeding damage as a clue.
  • The design of large caterpillar tractor assemble line simulated the change of market, which adopted dynamic flexible mentality.
  • Addorsal line: in caterpillars, is longitudinal, a little to one side of the dorsal and between it and the subdorsal line. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • In some cases, where there is extensive wear on the original bucket walls, this Caterpillar dealer might even disassemble the old bucket and weld in new steel-plate bucket walls.
  • We found that these pads, if placed too close to prickly pears infected by Cactoblastis, would soon be discovered by the moths and eaten by caterpillars.
  • We know them by many names: grub (beetles, bees, wasps), maggot, caterpillar (butterflies, moths), and wriggler (mosquitoes).
  • To the former group belong the phytophthorous Homoptera, the plant lice, scale insects, or mealy bugs, tree-hoppers, lantern flies, and jumping plant lice; to the latter belong the caterpillars of the lycaenid butterflies, the "blues," or Introduction to the Science of Sociology
  • This monarch caterpillar was munching away on some annual asclepias. A quick look at what’s blooming on my deck « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
  • While waiting for the wings to stop fluttering so a suitable portrait could be taken of this female Eastern Swallowtail in dark form, or it could be a Black Swallowtail since that is the caterpillar we have seen around lately, it was noticed that the hind wing was stationary in spite of the moving forewing. Plant It And They Will Come « Fairegarden
  • Once it has finished eating, the caterpillar envelops itself in a chrysalis.
  • Thus also the snake casts its slough, and the caterpillar its wormy coat, by an internal industry and expansion; for clothes are but our outmost cuticle and mortal coil.
  • This is probably caterpillars of the tortrix moth. The Sun
  • Silk moth cocoons are made of a layer of silk that the caterpillar exudes from glands in its mouth.
  • Monarch caterpillars feed exclusively on milkweed, which is regularly killed by pesticides when wild lands are adapted for other uses. The Albert Lea Tribune
  • Instead, it is a similar brownish "noctuid" caterpillar / moth that has never before been reported as a widespread pest in Liberia but annually plagues parts of nearby Benin. Signs of the Times
  • The redstart is the most active of the active warblers, and the number of gnats, flies, caterpillars, moths, other insects and their eggs that these birds consume or feed to their nestlings in one day is incredible. Ohio Arbor Day 1913: Arbor and Bird Day Manual Issued for the Benefit of the Schools of our State
  • Within the ground beetle family, a few eat seeds, a few concentrate near water, and some readily climb trees and consume arboreal insects, including aphids and forest tent caterpillars.
  • The strongest silk, however, is made by caterpillars that refuse to be domesticated.
  • Imaginechina/Associated Press Imported Caterpillar excavators at the port of Lianyungang earlier this year Caterpillar's offer represents a 33% premium to ERA's stock price in Hong Kong before trading was halted Monday in expectation of a takeover announcement. Caterpillar Reaches Deal to Buy Chinese Mining-Machinery Maker
  • Both the caterpillar and adult of the monarch butterfly are distasteful to their enemies.
  • Now, the BDS movement wants Caterpillar to readopt them -- and is telling the public to scorn the company until it does so. Ben S. Cohen: Progressive? Then Don't Boycott Israel
  • Butterfly caterpillars produce calls that appear to play a role in maintaining symbiotic associations with ants.
  • House wrens and chickadees compete for cankerworms and caterpillars; wood ducks, gray squirrels, flickers, and screech owls fight for the same nesting sites.
  • All monarch caterpillars eat milkweed, a plant with an acrid latex containing potent cardiac glycosides, causing birds who eat the butterflies to vomit and learn to avoid them.
  • The larva of the mottled umber moth is a reddish brown caterpillar that eats the leaves of oak trees and shrubs.
  • The caterpillars of the monarch butterfly, surprisingly, are able to feed on milkweed without taking any of these precautions.
  • The slap and the caterpillar were the worst aside from waterboarding. Axelrod: Obama "thought very long and hard about" about opening up the CIA interrogation memos.
  • But the damage would be greater if it weren't for something called a baculovirus that can infect these caterpillars and cause them to engage in reckless, even suicidal behavior, scientists say. NPR Topics: News
  • Children's books are constellated with rabbits and mice and bears and caterpillars, not to mention spiders, crickets, and alligators. Excerpt: Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer
  • Not even explosions of ticker tape, elevating platforms, glowing stages, ghost-like dancers wielding flaming torches, dancing trees, roller-skating bees, and even a giant caterpillar could match the collective gasp when Williams finally appeared, alone, carried aloft on a glass chariot. Take That – review
  • Scientists using sophisticated recording equipment able to listen to the caterpillars chatter.
  • Osmaterium - ia: fleshy, tubular, eversible processes producing a penetrating odor, capable of being projected through a slit in the prothoracic segment of certain Papilionid caterpillars, and from openings elsewhere in the bodies of other forms. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • In the male coccid we find a late larval stage with hidden wing-rudiments, the importance of which, for comparison with the caterpillar, will be appreciated later. The Life-Story of Insects
  • She was exceptionally well illustrated, with many colour plates; most of the illustrations featured moths, larvae, pupae, caterpillars, cocoons. Audrey Niffenegger | Moths of the New World
  • A larva is an insect in a state of development (displaying little or no similarity to the adult form) lasting from the time of its leaving the egg until its transformation into a pupa, e.g. a grub or a caterpillar.
  • The researchers used a laser vibrometer to record vibrations produced during interactions between members of 11 species of caterpillar and compared the vibrations of non-signaling movements (such as crawling or pushing) to the ritualized vibrations. - latest science and technology news stories
  • We identified it on the Australian Caterpillar Website has images of the entire metamorphosis and identifies it as the Gardenia Hawk Moth because the caterpillar feeds on gardenia. What's That Bug?
  • At last it really seems tired of eating, and after it has cast its skin four times, the fifth one becomes thick and hard, and the caterpillar hangs itself by a fine silken thread of its own spinning to a twig, and passes into its second stage -- that of the "pupa," or chrysalis, from which it will awaken, a thing of life and beauty, to live in the air instead of crawling. Twilight and Dawn Simple Talks on the Six Days of Creation
  • The inhabitants of the forest area subsist on cassava, bananas, plantains, palm-nut-oil, forest caterpillars, and the leaf of a wild plant (koko).
  • When the eggs hatch, the caterpillar enters the first instar (stage of development).
  • The green oak tortrix moth – whose caterpillars race to consume the soft, pale greenery of the young oak leaves. Country Diary: Cranleigh, Surrey
  • Moth caterpillars spin a cocoon while butterfly larvae form a leathery shell called a chrysalis. The Full Feed from
  • They spoke of tea and other such matters of consequence and shook their heads at the caterpillar of caravans advancing up the valley. THE MANANA MAN
  • Most people's attitudes toward caterpillars are based on this sort of lowly image and range from distaste (for, say, large hornworms munching on tomatoes in the garden) to indifference (toward, say, buckeye larvae chomping on weeds).
  • While the caterpillar will not kill the oak tree, the loss of leaves means the trees produce fewer acorns.
  • These include spruce budworm, forest tent caterpillar, jack pine budworm (Choristoneura pinus pinus), and gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar). Climate change and insects as a forest disturbance in the Arctic
  • The notion that Tunisian blue-striped caterpillar frass could help you burn fat overnight while you sleep, strengthen muscles without exercise, erase wrinkles and improve your memory is too tempting for some folks to resist.
  • Today caterpillars and weevils feed on roots, stems, leaves, reproductive cones, and seeds of cycads.
  • Remember when you saw an earthworm poke itself out of the ground and the caterpillar eating your mother's parsley.
  • The Cheshire cat's wide, puckish smile descending from the heavens as a crescent moon; the caterpillar puffing opiate smoke into the face of Alice and snobbishly asking, Who ... Archive 2009-10-01
  • After caterpillars reach their full development they seek depression in the bark and curl up in a web spun from some secretion which they exude.
  • The transformation of the frequently ugly, bizarre, creepy-crawly caterpillar into an elegant butterfly is one of the regularly performed miracles of nature.
  • Caterpillar urtications can cause severe allergic responses and even death in some people, so - as we said - better not to handle hairy caterpillars unless you know they are harmless varieties.
  • A biopesticide known as BTK will be sprayed from low-flying aircraft to kill the caterpillars before they can do much damage. rss feed
  • For example, some moth caterpillars overwinter on exposed ridges.
  • The caterpillar becomes active again in spring, then turning into a pupa, known as fungi, etc. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • a caterpillar-tracked earthmover
  • Most of the UK's butterflies spend the majority of the year as caterpillars or chrysalises. Are butterflies the UK's most beautiful endangered species? | Dan Flenley
  • The boiled chrysalis of a species of silkworm is exposed for sale as a great delicacy, and so are certain kinds of hairless, fleshy caterpillars. The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
  • The pink, caterpillar-like larvae have rows of black spots along their sides.
  • Pests - among the insects attacking the leaves of sweet potato are leaf folders (Brachmia spp.), Bihar hairy caterpillar (Diacrisia obliqua), both in South-East Asia and Indonesia, and sweet potato hornworm (Agrius convolvuli) throughout the eastern hemisphere; in the western hemisphere, army worm (Spodoptera sp.), Alabama argillacea and Manduca singulata are often serious. Chapter 30
  • Female parasitic wasps lay their eggs on the caterpillars.
  • The food of the various Greenlets or Vireos is made up almost entirely of insects, of which a large per cent are caterpillars, such as infest shade trees and the larger shrubs. A Book of Natural History Young Folks' Library Volume XIV.
  • The great bulk of his insect diet consists of beetles, grasshoppers, and caterpillars, with a few bugs, wasps, and flies, and an occasional spider and myriapod. Our Bird Comrades
  • When the larvae hatch, she will feed them chewed-up caterpillars until they are ready to pupate.
  • When the caterpillar is fully grown it usually hangs upside down from a leaf or plant stem, and begins to pupate.
  • Industry turned from the manufacture of tanks and other war materiel to the manufacture of log skidders, Caterpillar tractors, and chainsaws.
  • Often dark black pellets of frass will be in the nest with the caterpillar.
  • The worst foes of the Turnip in the field are the fly and the caterpillar; but in the garden, and more especially the old garden, anbury is the most to be feared. The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers From Seeds and Roots 16th Edition
  • One had foraged a caterpillar in bulk and weight beyond its flight strength, and was, therefore, compelled to haul it along the toilful earth. Tropic Days
  • Tiny parasitic wasps or flies burrow into its tissue and lay their own eggs; when these young hatch, they feed on the embryonic caterpillar.
  • A caterpillar dangled in front of me, hanging in mid-air by a silver thread attached to an oak tree twig.
  • We tied a rope to the tail of the shark and put it on the hook of the caterpillar machine.
  • The first one was the 'fact' that Caterpillar make the bulldozers 'used in demolitions by the Israeli army' and that thus any company who used their products was unethical. Some Stuff
  • They collect twelve species of mushrooms, four types of termites, crickets, three types of grubs, and twelve species of caterpillars.
  • We had a huge infestation of yellow woollybear caterpillars and green clover worm moths and am finding some fall armyworm moths.
  • Lateral space: in slug caterpillars is the area on each side of the body between the subdorsal and lateral ridges. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Still, the siren call of those caterpillars is persistent. Brian Ruckley · The Short Stuff
  • Somehow, someway, her caterpillar wormhood had carried, through the mummified chrysalid and the reincarnation of her present form, knowledge of an earlier, infinitely coarser diet. Edge of the Jungle
  • How Siena's divided into districts and each has its special name for the race: eagle district, giraffe, caterpillar, goose. FROM THE TEETH OF ANGELS
  • Caterpillar said Thursday it could triple its domestic output of construction excavators by consolidating production from an existing factory in Akashi, Japan, and one near Chicago to a new U.S. plant whose location is yet to be determined. Caterpillar Joins 'Onshoring' Trend
  • Niaid grantee Novavax Inc. is collaborating with General Electric Co. 's GE Healthcare to develop a pandemic-flu vaccine that harnesses baculovirus in caterpillar cells. Vical Takes New Tack
  • Apples are the most susceptible crop as they can be attacked by caterpillars of the fruit tree tortrix moth.
  • The caterpillar had thoughtfully recovered his pack, which lay nearby, apparently undam-aged. Sentenced To Prism
  • It should be explained here that the word Teuton is used advisedly, for in reality it is to the Austrians before the Germans that the development of the 11-inch and bigger field gun, with its special carriage and caterpillar-tread wheels owes its existence. Kelly Miller's History of the World War for Human Rights
  • ‘Common milkweed and other closely related plant species are the sole food source of monarch larvae, or caterpillars,’ he says.
  • Seed to plant, boy to man, girl to woman, tadpole to frog, caterpillar to butterfly, bud to blossom - these common transitions drive even the most unspiritual types among us to utter words like ‘mystery’ and ‘miracle.’
  • He recalled the frenzied repair work, the relief when the second start had been made-and the final debacle when the caterpillar track had jammed. Reach For Tomorrow
  • How can I tell when diamondback moth caterpillars are damaging my cabbage?
  • Parasitic wasps in search of a caterpillar host may be drawn to their prey by the odor of its droppings.
  • Mrs Caterpillar slithered closer to the door, peeping through the peephole with her stemma. Caterpillars in love.
  • The caterpillars feed on a wide range of trees, shrubs and plants.
  • The caterpillar is taken inside the ant nest where it promptly turns carnivorous and starts devouring its hosts' eggs and young.
  • The ants are duped by chemicals into accepting, nurturing, and protecting the butterfly caterpillar as one of their own.
  • The egg, if injected, would hatch into a wasp grub that would consume the caterpillar from the inside.
  • Eastern tent caterpillars and wild black cherry trees are native to Central Kentucky.
  • This world is a very brutal Wonderland, still filled with large caterpillars, sentient cards, jabberwockies, and a Queen of Hearts, it really bears little resemblance to the world Lewis Carroll created. Kids Lit » Blog Archive » The Looking Glass Wars
  • But if they come across a social parasite, they act as if the caterpillar is a lost larva from own colony. Parasite Rex

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