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categorical imperative

  1. the moral principle that behavior should be determined by duty

How To Use categorical imperative In A Sentence

  • The issue is then to discern the categorical imperatives of a federative government, such as natural and civil rights.
  • Kant's categorical imperative test, for example, holds that universalizability is the distinguishing feature of correct moral judgments, and that a judgment is universalizable if and only if it can, without contradiction, be willed as a universal practical law Impartiality
  • There's no mention of important ethical notions such as the distinction between hypothetical and categorical imperatives (crucial to much of what goes on in the book), or the criterion of universalisability.
  • At an opposite extreme, Kant's categorical imperative has been taken to generate an approach to practical reasoning (via a “typic of practical judgment”) that is distinctive from other practical reasoning both in the range of considerations it addresses and its structure (Nell 1975). Moral Reasoning
  • According to Kant, only autonomous legislation can yield a categorical imperative; whereas heteronomous legislation can yield only hypothetical imperatives. Kant and Hume on Morality
  • I was therefore already familiar with the categorical imperative, not least in Auden's rather fine clerihew: Free Software and the Categorical Imperative
  • With much sapience, he ruled that the categorical imperative of the situation was that charity begins at home and the guilty party must pay for his own beer that evening.
  • Much as the categorical imperative is sometimes associated with a form of 'rigorism' connected with Kant's Prussian upbringing, it can hardly be said to tie down to agent to precise forms of action. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Yes, in Kantian terms, respect for autonomy is closely related to the categorical imperative of treating people as ends and not means.
  • To pass unscathed into the inner sanctum of the wave is the categorical imperative of surfing.
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