How To Use Categoric In A Sentence
Dr Booth is categorical about how severe the problem of childhood obesity has become.
Similarly, a study of Tunisian women in Morocco showed that older women categorically use diphthongs /aw/and/aj /, while middle-aged women alternate between diphthongs and monophthongs.
If any of the two terms of an affirmative categorical is "empty", then the term in question refers to nothing.
We expressed categorical variables as frequencies and percentages and continuous variables as medians (interquartile range).
I would like to take this chance to state, categorically, that I have never taken the banned steroid tetrahydrogestrinone.

If we are to reject foreign intervention and reunify the country independently, we must categorically oppose flunkeyism towards great powers.
To categorically deny this inquiry is absolutely wrong.
The Volokh Conspiracy » More on Liz Cheney
B.when measured, unless the quantum state is an eigenstate of the measured observable A, the system does not possess any categorical property corresponding to A's having a specific value in the set B. Putnam seems to assume that a realist interpretation of (*) should consist in assigning to A some unknown value within B. for which quantum mechanics yields a non-trivial probability.
Puppet X: 1
Please observe that your word “applied” is categorically different from “initiat[ed]”, and of conceptual necessity includes both offensive and defensive “appli[cations]”.
The Volokh Conspiracy » An Ayn Rand First:(?):
Although he lacks the historical context to articulate Kant's Categorical Moral Imperative, he describes a Supreme Being for whom something akin to this axiom is the ultimate measure of a man, a God who believes that one's ethical duty is to acquire and exercise wisdom, to evaluate and constantly re-evaluate one's beliefs -- including what one's ethical duty is -- by applying the utmost objectivity to one's own preconceptions and prejudices.
McCain categorically denounced the mention of Rev. Wright in GOP ads back in April.
Notice How the GOP Gets Denounced For Racism Even When They Absolutely Won’t Mention Anything Touching Race?
The issue is then to discern the categorical imperatives of a federative government, such as natural and civil rights.
Of course, the generals' categorical denial of a conspiracy simply serves to underline that the rumors are serious enough to warrant their attention.
I categorically say that we are not planning on having any kind of multipartyism or any type of mixed economy.
From this initial and highly problematic binary, Schultz deduces a series of categorical oppositions.
If he categorically refused to work in the same Laboratory as Lorrimer, one of them would have to go.
Kant's categorical imperative test, for example, holds that universalizability is the distinguishing feature of correct moral judgments, and that a judgment is universalizable if and only if it can, without contradiction, be willed as a universal practical law
The gospels state categorically that Christ possessed a purse.
The writer categorically states that selfishness has no place in marriage.
That was the question which seemed to linger despite Livingston's categoric assertion that David Hay's appointment as head coach, confirmed before the game, would not entail team selection duties.
THe only time US attorneys are fire without a change in administration is when categorical corruption or criminal acts are discovered.
Ex-AG Gonzales lands Texas Tech job
In our analysis, we took advantage of these fortuitous differences by incorporating weather as a categorical factor.
I shall be categorical in saying Simone King will make a worthy MCSG President if elected.
That word "tantalising" is one you'll hear a lot from lunar geologists - although we can see the Moon every night, we still don't know what it's made of and have yet to prove categorically how it got there.
Tantalising hint of knowledge
Who can declare categorically that the expression of that outrage was excessive?
However, he was categorical that he was not attempting to glorify a caste or violence.
His assertion that "markets are always by their nature driving towards equilibrium" is categorically false.
But still later he repeats the assertion of the Eocene ( "Oligocene") age of the Santo Domingo beds in sueh a categorical manner as to demand an equally pointed refutation,! the more especially since Mr. Conrad is the oldest and best infonned of the authorities on the American Tertiaries.
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
I started learning to dance at the age of six, but at the age of nine I had heart problems and the doctor forbade me categorically from dancing.
It would be helpful if Obama issued a categorical statement that if elected, he would not intervene in Kenyan affairs. Blog Articles » Print » More Obama Family Mania
In this last case we are explaining the breaking of the vase by appealing, first, to the fact that it was knocked off my desk and, second, to the fact that it had a particular microstructural, presumably categorical property.
The Senate plan thus anticipated simplifying the review process characteristic of the categorical grants.
Put your questions in categorical order and I will answer them.
The Experiences of Loveday Brooke, Lady Detective
There's no mention of important ethical notions such as the distinction between hypothetical and categorical imperatives (crucial to much of what goes on in the book), or the criterion of universalisability.
I can't see him running the risk of taking on an uninsured worker, though I don't know him well enough to be categorical.
But we could not prove independently that there are practical propositions which command categorically, nor can it be proved in this section; one thing, however, could be done, namely, to indicate in the imperative itself, by some determinate expression, that in the case of volition from duty all interest is renounced, which is the specific criterion of categorical as distinguished from hypothetical imperatives.
Asked if he would file the necessary papers before the Kharar court to record his statement, Kohli replied with a categorical yes but was not sure when he would do so.
The Senate plan thus anticipated simplifying the review process characteristic of the categorical grants.
Or we could implement policies that actually address the problems, which, to me, seems categorically different from any possible actions along the “execute a scapegoat/do nothing at all” continuum. pd says:
Matthew Yglesias » Accountability
More often than not, the contributors treat works of art as schemata or categorical icons, leaving matters of facture, line, and color undiscussed.
At an opposite extreme, Kant's categorical imperative has been taken to generate an approach to practical reasoning (via a “typic of practical judgment”) that is distinctive from other practical reasoning both in the range of considerations it addresses and its structure (Nell 1975).
Moral Reasoning
We would like to state categorically that this is totally untrue and ungrounded.
Times, Sunday Times
According to Kant, only autonomous legislation can yield a categorical imperative; whereas heteronomous legislation can yield only hypothetical imperatives.
Kant and Hume on Morality
I was therefore already familiar with the categorical imperative, not least in Auden's rather fine clerihew:
Free Software and the Categorical Imperative
On behalf of the U.S. Government, I reject this accusation categorically.
Perhaps, for instance, it's proper to derive satisfaction from deprivation of liberty but categorically improper to derive satisfaction from deprivation of life or infliction of physical pain.
His dad categorically says to him ‘No spliff, no women and don't see Mercy’ and he does all three within five minutes.
‘Seven out of nine of those communities have categorically rejected the lifting of the moratorium on oil and gas drilling,’ Cadman said.
The ferry barges across the seafront for its dock with categoric straightness, welcome after the shambles and indirection of Portsmouth.
Conference categorically called for the capacitation of Secure Care Centres.
Address by Cde Jeff Radebe, member of the ANC National Executive Committee and National Working Committee, Member of the Central Committee of the South African Communist Party, at the Political School convened at the University of Western Cape
With much sapience, he ruled that the categorical imperative of the situation was that charity begins at home and the guilty party must pay for his own beer that evening.
She had been quite categoric with Cassie about not visiting Joachim Friedrich Strasse, aware that Klaus would be there.
Categorically not gunky, it stays put, despite the light texture.
Times, Sunday Times
Predicability, then, is not a sufficient condition of categoricity, but non-predicability is a sufficient disqualification.
Medieval Theories of the Categories
He has categorically denied being involved in the fraud.
But we could not prove independently that there are practical propositions which command categorically, nor can it be proved in this section; one thing however could be done, namely, to indicate in the imperative itself by some determinate expression, that in the case of volition from duty all interest is renounced, which is the specific criterion of categorical as distinguished from hypothetical imperatives.
Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals. Second Section: Transition from Popular Moral Philosophy to the Metaphysic of Morals.
Others persuade their instructors to do the very minimum necessary and state categorically that they hate stalls.
As this account of Mill's principles suggests, his defense of individual liberties appears to be part of what might be called a categorical approach.
Mill's Moral and Political Philosophy
Much as the categorical imperative is sometimes associated with a form of 'rigorism' connected with Kant's Prussian upbringing, it can hardly be said to tie down to agent to precise forms of action.
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
Flapless pockets, faux pockets and pockets big enough to hold anything are categorically not up to the job.
Times, Sunday Times
For, in a categorical syllogism the major proposition is not to be particular, or equipollent to a particular; for, from such a proposition, when any thing communicable to more is the subject of it, and is restrained unto one particular, nothing can be inferred in the conclusion.
A Brief Declaration and Vindication of The Doctrine of the Trinity
The categorical names are often combined, with a six - carbon - atom aldehyde sugar being termed an aldohexose.
Earlier, party officials made it clear that this was a categorical rejection of a coalition with Labour after the next election.
W idly compared those divisions to the one that people had long used to make sense of Percy Shelley, the opposition between idealism and skepticism that received its own categorical shake-up with the 1980s stress on Percy's language, which did not so much sublate idealism and skepticism as reorient the discussion around a deconstructive figuring of tropes preceding either of those terms.
The Sorrows of Young Wieboldt
They totally and categorically deny the charges.
In a dark day for Labour campaign strategists, the one bright moment for No 10 was that Gordon Brown leapt to Mr Blair's defence and delivered a lucid and categoric defence of his old comrade.
A study of Tunisian women in Morocco showed that older women categorically use diphthongs/aw/and/aj /, while middle-aged women alternate between diphthongs and monophthongs.
Tory co-chairman Liam Fox said the Attorney General had ultimately given clear and categorical advice.
A reduplicative proposition, in the broad sense, is an exponible proposition--in technical terms, it's something that can't be plugged directly into a categorical syllogism without translation into more than one categorical proposition; in non-technical terms, to examine it, you have to unfold its meaning more fully.
The Traditional Analysis of Reduplicative Propositions
The counselor would then electronically graze the 70 categorical pots of money.
I can't make any categorical statements about the history of student leftism.
What's worst, Alberta seems to have jumped on the bandwagon that categorically prevents coverage for treatment of gender identity disorder when the majority of these treatments (breast augmentation or removal, hormone therapy, hysterectomy, oophorectomy, orchiectomy, and salpingectomy) are covered for other medical conditions.
It wasn't a categorical statement that she would give me the ticket.
Obama administration, categorically refuse to even use the term "radical Islam" in order to excise the term from the American vernacular.
NY Daily News
Bromwich and other officials stressed that the policy announced Monday was not a reversal of its previous plans not to grant waivers known as categorical exclusions for deepwater projects.
Obama Allows Chevron, Shell And 11 Others To Resume Offshore Drilling Without Further Review
We categorically reject their proposal and think the United States should reject their proposal.
Apart from the root complementarity of the sexes, laws and other social sanctions have and do alter various acceptable categorical limitations on marriage (both legal and otherwise) — all of which (race, cousinage, class, ethnicity, occupation, etc.) also fit the social boundary control issues that I identify as the root operation of marriage as it forms and informs civil society.
The Volokh Conspiracy » There’s Always Next Year
The answer is a categorical no, except in crofting areas, where a few crofters may be a little better off.
However, I can quite categorically say that spending three months drinking myself into a stupor in South East Asia last year has disabused me of the notion that doing nothing makes me feel bad.
Wheeler is categorical that this has played a large part in Leicester's success.
Yes, in Kantian terms, respect for autonomy is closely related to the categorical imperative of treating people as ends and not means.
My mother was a categorical man-hater, and all my life described how evil they were.
To pass unscathed into the inner sanctum of the wave is the categorical imperative of surfing.
It ultimately relies on the notion that we order our world through the categorical distinctions of our language.
More broadly it is a ‘successful’ moment of categorical objectification of the original transcendental self-communication of the divine everywhere.
Mill criticizes Kant's categorical imperative noting that it is essentially the same as utilitarianism since it involves calculating the good or bad consequences of an action to determine the morality of that action.
He declared categorically that it would, and while I thought that was a big scoop the news desk didn't, and gave it two paras on an inside page.
Dr. Nelson Glueck, one of the most renowned archaeologists to have worked in Israel, writes, The Bible is definitely not primarily a chronicle of history … however, it may be stated categorically that no archaeological discovery has ever controverted a Biblical reference.
Modern Science in the Bible
So his government was categorical in its rejection of early release.
Everyone has their opinion and yet some people couch it in categorical statements.
Box Office: Quantum of Solace is the Biggest Bond Ever with $27M Friday; Possible $71.5M Weekend | /Film
So the Northern Territorians can take that as an absolute, categorical assurance.
Not for him was the formal ceremony of admission, with its conditional baptism and its awesome recital of categorical promises.
I was told categorically that premium rate calls can be charged at whatever tariff the market will stand!
Here the select committee is categorical: the government has failed.
However the overwhelming majority of classical Jewish thinkers in the past 500 years have categorically refused to choose between pantheism and monotheism.
Indeed, a strong case could be made that interest rates are categorically destabilizing.
His reply was the most categoric declaration possible of his general attitude, in such cases, "Et moi, je l'appelle 'Bonny Dundee.'
A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
Instead, he seems never to have acknowledged such boundaries, seeing culture more as a mulligan stew than as an endeavor replete with categorical divisions and hierarchies.
There is certainly a category difference, but I for one would prefer not to live in a society in which Harvard deans said things like, “Those who profess Judaism are despicable morons,” or in which leaders of the bar urged law firms not to hire people who profess Judaism, even though I agree that such behavior would be categorically from the government killing those who profess Judaism.
The Volokh Conspiracy » 4. On a Bus in Kiev
a categorical denial
One recommendation for future research is disaggregating the data according to the age of adolescents, using early, middle, and late adolescence as the categorical data to examine effects of protective factors.
The Senate plan thus anticipated simplifying the review process characteristic of the categorical grants.
Farming organizations are categorically opposed to any such suggestion.
Both opine on their parents in categorical terms: neither set understands its prodigy.
Mommy Queerest Meets A Serious Man « The Blog at 16th and Q
He wrote to Mr Southcombe last month to ask for a categorical assurance that the youngsters would not suffer any long-term health effects.
Because if he's now making a categorical statement ruling this out, that would be a shift in his position.
To sum up, we can say that the form of the moral law as a categorical imperative is the personal command of God and that the general precepts of this law constitute the content of his will.
In view of the evidence that has accumulated it can now be categorically stated that fasciotomy is contraindicated in patients with closed acute muscle crush compartment syndrome.
This claim has no substance and is categorically untrue.
If we don't get promoted to Division One, the year is a total, categorical failure.
Swinney gave a categorical promise never to sanction any more nuclear power stations in Scotland - ever.
C., and generally increased the awareness of local officials about the new revenue sources represented by categorical grants.
To me, one of the fundamental flaws of the Christian approach is the categorical demonizing of lust.
No mention, for instance, of the people of Ireland having voted overwhelmingly for the agreement, which stated categorically that prisoners would be released.
She stated categorically that she had no intention of leaving.
For many outer-city and middle-class speakers, a raised vowel is already categorical in all environments.
I am categorically opposed to animal testing.
I categorically deny any involvement in any fraud.
“Categorical perception of nonspeech chirps and bleats”, Percept Psychophys, 48 (2): 151-6.
Innateness and Language
He stated categorically that this would be his last season in Formula One.
Eric Simons, the team coach, said categorically that no internal rift existed.
The categorical imperative supports active euthanasia since no one would willfully universalize a rule which condemns people to unbearable pain before death.
The categorical versus the gradient quality of nasalization in Sundanese versus English indicated that nasalization is indeed phonological in Sundanese and phonetic in English.
He has categorically denied his guilt all along.
Frege was the first to attempt to transcribe the old statements of categorical logic in a language employing variables, quantifiers and truth-functions.
I can't see him running the risk of taking on an uninsured worker, though I don't know him well enough to be categorical.
A well-formed sentence must be categorical, and so have a single subject and a single predicate, however complex these two terms may become through the use of exponible and syncategorematic terms in them.
William Heytesbury
Just snatched from the cradle and hastily weaned, they mouth the rules of Priscian and Donatus; while still beardless boys they gabble with childish stammering the Categorics and Peri
The Love of Books : The Philobiblon of Richard de Bury
The official answer to the kidnappers has been both categorical and at times confusing.
I have no reservation in stating categorically that the burka is not just a piece of clothing, but is a symbol of Islamofacism and a rejection of the West as well as our cherished value of gender equality.
Anglican Diocese of Montreal supports the burka « Anglican Samizdat
My defense in this case will not be technical or legalistic: it will be categorical and absolute.
Evolution of ordered categorical data in each group was assessed by the Wilcoxon rank sum test.
Will my right hon. Friend give me a categorical assurance that that order was decided solely on price?
I have seen enough data to know that nobody can categorically say these structures are safe.
He declared categorically that it would, and while I thought that was a big scoop the news desk didn't, and gave it two paras on an inside page.
We categorically deny that we have ever cheated or tampered illegally with any match ball in any game during our careers.
The theorists concede to merely pointing at something which they cannot categorically argue even exists.
How else would potential 2012 Republican presidential candidates such as Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich and -- more recently -- Donald Trump "wink" at the birthers, play coy, demur or dodge the issue; allude to the President's "Kenyan roots and connections," but never categorically discredit the birther movement?
Dorian de Wind: Birthers: Leonard Pitts Doesn't Mince Words
Each derived categorical instrument has its own rules for status assignment.
The two pictures, especially the Lycurgus, are much damaged and overpainted, and any categorical statement about their authorship must, therefore, be treated with some caution.
If women with arrest records are categorically unworthy of trust, wouldn't that apply to those Melissa Farley cites as wanting prostitution to remain criminalized as well as those who argue for legalization?
Monica Shores: Prostitution "Experts" Versus Prostitutes: Why Don't All Sex Workers Deserve a Voice?
Senator McCain categorically states that he has not been offered the vice presidency by anyone.
Archive 2004-07-01
Hyman said in an interview that one way the DSM currently handles this complexity is to have what he called a "wastebasket" diagnosis called "not otherwise specified" (NOS), which captures just about anything that doesn't easily fit the categorical model. Top Stories
The Center's November story detailed how the administration has awarded more than 179,000 exemptions known as "categorical exclusions" to stimulus projects funded by federal agencies, freeing those projects from normally required review under the National Environmental Policy Act, or NEPA.
The Full Feed from
˜measurement™, prefer to understand (*) as a property ascription: “the system has a certain categorical property, which corresponds to the observable A having, independently of any measurement, a value in the set B”.
Puppet X: 1
It played a major role in debates over the ontology of general relativity and was an important part of the background to the development of the modern concept of categoricity in formal semantics (for more on the history, influence, and demise of the principle of univocalness, see Howard 1992 and 1996).
Einstein's Philosophy of Science
The first thing to realize is that it must consist in categorical imperatives, which are to be distinguished from hypothetical imperatives.
He has categorically denied being involved in the fraud.
A 1948 review by a famous critic states categorically that a good voice is not essential for delineating ragas in the Carnatic mode.
The foreman had not informed us that the paraffin might explode. In fact he had categorically denied there was any danger.
Highly inventive, artful, weird, beautiful even, but nonsense, categorically, undeniably.
Despite Mudge's insistence, however, he categorically refused to don the orange tricornered cap.
A Corridor in the Asylum
It is a multi-million-dollar studio movie, but it is categorically, the stupidest, most inane, imbecilic movie I've ever seen.
Such depersonalization heightens group members' perceived similarities and attenuates their perceived differences, reducing the detrimental effects of categorical diversity.
The title of this book, Alter / Asians, is meant to challenge the categorical otherness that is still imputed to Asia and Asians in Australia.
And the proposition that not only every planet is bright apparently extends a categorical proposition, via the elements indicated with ˜not™ and ˜only™.
Logical Form
Gödel in his review (1934c) of Skolem's paper also does not mention this fact, rather observing that the failure of categoricity for arithmetic follows from the incompleteness theorem.
Kurt Gödel
Not for him was the formal ceremony of admission, with its conditional baptism and its awesome recital of categorical promises.
Don't use line charts for categorical data; if you need a profile chart use a scatter plot and switch axis.
It ultimately relies on the notion that we order our world through the categorical distinctions of our language.
They totally and categorically deny the charges.
This paper describes a family of logics whose categorical semantics is based on functors with structure rather than on categories with structure.
He is quite categorical that the UN should only help the innocent civilian population.
One of the main consequences of the completeness theorem is that categoricity fails for Peano arithmetic and for Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory.
Kurt Gödel
I can't see him running the risk of taking on an uninsured worker, though I don't know him well enough to be categorical.
We're not going to massage things or spin things, we are going to be absolutely categoric about what we do, how much it would cost and where the finance will come from.
These books allowed new generations of mathematicians to learn algebraic topology and homological algebra directly in the categorical language, and to master the method of diagrams.
Category Theory
Both Ms. Rice and Mr. Gonzales gave the required categorical rejection of torture.
From this initial and highly problematic binary, Schultz deduces a series of categorical oppositions.
If we show them categoric proof that their man is a traitor -- on file as a traitor in London -- there can be no argument.
You couldn't categorically say that Mexico deserve to be in the lead, but on the other hand they haven't done much wrong either.
I've seen so many things in football, since I was a kid. In football you cannot be 100% categoric about some issues.
Can you give a categoric assurance to the House that pipelines carrying that level of untreated gas are safe?
And as yet no categorical denial has been forthcoming from Montenegrin authorities.
Kiosks generally fall into two categorical types: transactional and explorational.
Often acknowledged in that connection are: his analysis of the notion of continuity, his introduction of the real numbers by means of Dedekind cuts, his formulation of the Dedekind-Peano axioms for the natural numbers, his proof of the categoricity of these axioms, and his contributions to the early development of set theory
Dedekind's Contributions to the Foundations of Mathematics
What I intended as a provocative metaphorical goad, Hart took literally as a definite and categorical challenge, which I welcome.
No, it is because you have once again categorically demonstrated yourself to be absolutely incapable of any activity which might, by even the most reckless stretch of the imagination, ever be mistaken for intelligence or integrity, much less any combination of the two.
Think Progress » Fox Cuts Away From Obama-GOP Conversation In Order To Get A Head Start On Attacks: He Was ‘Lecturing’
Examples being variations of hind limb bones in whales, or an intermediate of an ancestral reptilian jaw bone to a mammalian malleus bone transition, et al, just one categorical example.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
And insofar as we might say that the poetry of emotion is synonymous with its expression in language, then it becomes clear that writing from a place of the 'overwrought', the 'cheap', the 'excessive', the 'insufficient' and the 'incapable' is actually also writing from a place of abjection women writers are consigned to in a kind of categorical quarantine.
David's comment
In turn, Dedekind is much more explicit and clear than Frege about issues such as categoricity, completeness, independence, etc., which puts him in proximity with a “formal axiomatic” approach as championed later by Hilbert and Bernays
Dedekind's Contributions to the Foundations of Mathematics
The judge would be entitled to dismiss the second application unless it could be categorically demonstrated that the new material was conclusive of the case.
Without attempting to answer this question categorically, it may be pointed out that within the limits of the family (_Ptychoderidae_) which is especially characterized by their presence there are some species in [v. 03 p. 0239] which the genital pleurae are quite obsolete, and yet lateral septa occur (_e. g.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
Weber's agent issued a categorical denial that the incident had ever happened.
These books allowed new generations of mathematicians to learn algebraic topology and homological algebra directly in the categorical language and to master the method of diagrams.
The basic sentences (2: 1) - (2: 4) combined with a simple categorical sentence as the second premise boil down to what we today know as modus ponens and modus tollens.
The Statue of a Writer
He has categorically denied his guilt all along.
In Dedekind's case, completeness is to be understood in a semantic sense, as based on categoricity; similarly, consistency is to be understood semantically, as satisfiability by a system of objects
Dedekind's Contributions to the Foundations of Mathematics
A critic is not supposed to discuss new poetry without overtly praising or categorically condemning it.
'categoricalness' of the claim since the House progressives have crossed a bunch of lines they drew in the sand this year.
Talking Points Memo
We have a clear declaration from 15 member states stating categorically that our position on military neutrality is understood, accepted, and acknowledged.
It is categorically mistaken to wish, as Bloom does, for limitless exchangeability in the sphere of familial relations, just as it is categorically mistaken to wish for absolute difference or singularity in the sphere of civic finance.
I notice that a lot, especially in that one of the first things I have to do is unteach my students categorical/superficial thinking that the current elementary and secondary education systems indoctrinate.
Are folks linguistically retarded?
What repelled me was the implied conflation of two categorically different cases.
Times, Sunday Times
The comparative newness of the contaminated land regime and the complexity involved in the process means local authorities are not in a position to give a categoric view or opinion.
(Discussion of Hellman 1989 will be reserved for Section 5.2, when the notion of categoricity is introduced.) 4.5 Fictionalism
Philosophy of Mathematics
Arguments from incredulity wallow in a vulgar populism that elevates appeal to unlearned prejudice to a categorical imperative.
It is closer in kind to what is termed "categoricity" in formal semantics, a categorical theory being one whose models are all isomorphic to one another.
Einstein's Philosophy of Science
Leaving aside the bizarre opaqueness of the language here -- why doesn't Hulse just say that they categorically refused to accept any tax increases -- it's remarkable that Hulse does not consider it part of his job to provide any context or critique at all of the Tea Partiers' position on deficits.
Jonathan Weiler: New York Times Acts as Press Secretary for House GOP Freshmen in Deficit Fight
Weber's agent issued a categorical denial that the incident had ever happened.