How To Use Catechetical In A Sentence

  • Perhaps Wood insists on finding such an explicit blueprint for Christian life in Tolkien's book because his primary intention is catechetical, but I suspect such an approach is counterproductive even in this sphere.
  • Deaconesses ministered primarily to women, and their role was catechetical and philanthropic.
  • The meeting of the two was not marked by the effusion vocal, gymnastical, osculatory and catechetical that distinguishes the greetings of their unprofessional sisters in society. The Voice of the City: Further Stories of the Four Million
  • On such a basis, moral education is inevitably reduced to some kind of catechetical instruction, or lessons about morals. Democracy and Education : an Introduction to the Philosophy of Education
  • The script which relates to the patron of the church, Mary, the Mother of God, Mother of the Church is also a wonderful tradition in the spirit of our tradition, and is also catechetical. Renovations: St. Mary Church, Marietta, Ohio
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  • Without adequate catechetical formation of the people, the liturgy proclaims signs of faith which they are not able fully to claim and integrate into their daily lives.
  • They rightly insist that the university is not a catechetical school and they are not propagandists.
  • The "catechetical" schools, also under the bishop's supervision, prepared young clerics for the priesthood. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • It does say that he was upset with the poor catechetical materials used in parishes in Australia and that his provincial reprimanded him for preaching on hell.
  • Deacons following their gifts are involved in liturgical, catechetical, pastoral, and administrative duties.
  • When, in pursuing the catechetical exercise, a question is asked from an announcement, there is first a call upon the attention, and an exercise of mind upon the _question_ asked, the words of which must be translated by the pupil into their proper ideas, which accordingly he must both perceive and understand. A Practical Enquiry into the Philosophy of Education
  • The list of passages these men produced were sent to some one hundred catechetical experts or pastors who responded with twenty-five hundred slips that were then classified.
  • Stories come first, then theological and catechetical systematization, which in turn enable us to critique the stories.
  • The Catechetical School of Alexandria was originated in Egypt. Egypt is the birthplace of Christian monasticism, also has experienced in the Christianity history the most serious persecution.
  • Having questioned the whole business of "catechetical" preparation for the new translations yesterday, I must admit that some of the materials he refers to on the USCCB website are very good. Archive 2009-06-01
  • If this means that the theological becomes more catechetical, it must also mean that catechesis becomes more theological, featuring special attention to the doctrine and the content of the faith.
  • The problem, from a pastoral point of view, may indeed be a real one, but the inner laws of liturgy should not be altered for contemporary catechetical purposes.
  • In order to facilitate this understanding, I am mandating today that every priest or deacon who preaches on the first two Sundays in Lent of 2005 is to present a catechetical homily on conscience.
  • I believe that Anglican Diversity is a strong book for adult catechetical instruction and discussion.
  • I learned the joy of the sound of the word "catechetical" from this book, and that it meant having to do with instruction in the faith. Women of God
  • In a mostly immigrant church, the priest was one of the very few well-educated people in the community, and certainly almost the only one with a more than catechetical knowledge of religion.
  • George Weigel calls it a ‘pastoral and catechetical failure,’ as though the encyclical's deficiencies were merely those of tone or effective communication.
  • In its catechetical form, apologetic content, moralistic tone, and anti-ritual polemicism, the Buddhist Catechism suspiciously echoes nineteenth-century Protestant polemics against Roman Catholicism.
  • They portrayed catechetical instruction as an authoritarian form of indoctrination that forced children to ‘play the parrot,’ repeating back answers they did not understand.
  • Nor should catechetical programmes overlook the need to teach children and adolescents a proper and responsible use of the media.
  • Passover and the events commemorated in it; it is a kind of catechetical-liturgical text which admirably summarizes the profound meaning of that feast. Latest Articles
  • Whereas the code delivered to Bronze Age men simply tumbles the wife in with all the other property, the Catholic catechetical tradition pulled her out of the inventory and makes a rather sharp distinction between the kind of coveting that happens when you've got your eye on the neighbor's Prius and the kind of coveting that happens when you've got your eye on the neighbor's missus. Latest Articles
  • The instruction was almost altogether catechetical, that is, questions on prescribed lessons in the text-books. History of the University of North Carolina. Volume I: From its Beginning to the Death of President Swain, 1789-1868
  • This book could be used as the center of a course on the church, or as a text for a catechetical or adult enrichment course.
  • There is nothing in the nature of catechization which would require the use of the interrogative form in such a text-book, and accordingly the thetical form has for years been employed by numerous writers of text-books for the catechetical class in An Explanation of Luther's Small Catechism
  • Those seeking an excellent introduction either to the thought of the mature Augustine or those needing material for catechetical instruction in the parish would do well to consult this timeless classic.
  • MacCulloch further claims that in the wake of Protestant catechetical efforts, ‘Roman Catholics followed suit,’ even though catechisms and catechetical instruction preceded the Reformation.
  • Martin of Tours, founder of the first monastery in Gaul, was at the time of the following story a soldier in the Roman army who had become enamoured of Christianity and entered catechetical training.
  • We won't have a theological culture schooled in the basics, a catechetical renewal, until the church decides to pay for it.
  • Ulysses is rich in liturgical references, Latin phrases, and catechetical stylistics.
  • He is the author of the popular catechetical work, ‘Why Do Catholics Genuflect?’
  • He does not agree with those catechetical writers who maintain that the pastor, in his catechization, must confine himself to an explanation of _Luther's explanation_. An Explanation of Luther's Small Catechism
  • Herbert's method in both works is catechetical and didactic.
  • The Catechetical School of Alexandria was originated in Egypt. Egypt is the birthplace of Christian monasticism, also has experienced in the Christianity history the most serious persecution.
  • These ministries have been related to liturgical, pastoral, catechetical, teaching, missionary, and social tasks.
  • The novel Ulysses is rich in liturgical references, Latin phrases, and catechetical stylistics.
  • In catechesis, this meant helping them learn the basic doctrines and practices of the faith through an intensive program of catechetical instruction.
  • It addresses traditional catechetical topics, such as Christ's incarnation, death and resurrection, as well as contemporary concerns, such as the problem of evil, faith and science, and Christianity's relation to other religions.
  • I am pointing to a systematic and intentional course of study by which children acquire knowledge of the Bible and a catechetical level of theology in a cumulative fashion over time.
  • The church's catechetical instruction takes many forms, but the most succinct statement of Christian belief, often the primary basis for catechesis, is the Nicene-Constantinopolitan creed.
  • This was a collection of thirteen catechetical Homilies, designed to restore Roman Catholic understanding and practice.
  • The various types of traditions were often related by scholars to the diverse needs of the early church - to missionary preaching, to catechetical instruction, to debate with opponents, or to worship.
  • She takes him to her schoolroom and instructs him in Scripture and ‘celestiall discipline,’ offering him a catechetical education to prepare him for his role as defender of the Church.
  • The idea that you ‘already’ know what the Christian life is all about before you get to the table oddly suggests that baptism somehow completes or finishes the catechetical process.
  • In catechesis, this meant helping them learn the basic doctrines and practices of the faith through an intensive program of catechetical instruction.

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