How To Use Catchment area In A Sentence

  • A facility such as this needs to build up a consistent and regular paying clientele, while tapping into a good catchment area.
  • Parents were told that because the school was oversubscribed this year, those children living furthest away within the catchment area could not have places.
  • Neither hospital was sufficiently remote from its catchment area to warrant the intervention of the centre to impose closure.
  • I had many regular customers from much further afield, as well as the local catchment area, who expressed appreciation of the high quality, diversity and personal service of the independent shops.
  • The closure was doubly important because the catchment area covered the inner London districts of Westminster, Paddington and Hammersmith.
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  • Laidlaw has given assurances that his schools would remain comprehensives and would take everyone from the catchment area.
  • The hospitals more remote from their catchment area were thus the natural early candidates for closure.
  • The number of people in the catchment area of the resource centre who now seek residential care has dropped dramatically.
  • The new home was in the catchment area for a decent school but we have now been told that the catchment area has changed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Prep schools have no secure catchment area, they have always depended on the forces of the market place for their survival.
  • She is additionally unhappy with the proposed catchment area changes.
  • They took a sample in the rain catchment areas where rainwater would have washed down.
  • To give one example, at this point, what we call our catchment area, which is the underlying population of arrestees, in some communities, it's a city; in other communities, it's a county; in some communities, we're only one of the jails that might be in the county. Travis Briefing On The Radio Address
  • If the property is big enough to house a family, being in the catchment area of a good school will also help when you come to sell. Times, Sunday Times
  • Neither hospital was sufficiently remote from its catchment area to warrant the intervention of the centre to impose closure.
  • This sort of thing happens on a weekly basis in my catchment area, which means staff often do not get home until the early hours. Times, Sunday Times
  • In spite of being the second largest arid zone in the country, Karnataka has been a blessed State with plenty of rainfall in the catchment areas of its rivers, lakes and tanks.
  • The truth is that the respective catchment areas of the three airports overlap to a vast extent.
  • They also claim league tables reflect a school 's catchment area rather than the quality of teaching. Times, Sunday Times
  • They had looked at bussing children in, increasing the catchment area and even future house building.
  • Also, a word of warning: school catchment areas are not cast in stone and, like the property market itself, a school's performance can fluctuate.
  • She's not got the £120,000 spare to buy the house in the catchment area full of beardy professors and their families.
  • Pollution total quantity control in the catchment area of municipal waste water treatment plant should avoid the repetitive treatment of municipal wastewater treatment plant.
  • On one occasion parents had temporarily rented an unfurnished flat in the catchment area and had decorated only the front room in a bid to convince a visiting education officer the property was occupied.
  • The catchment area for this study did not include any major metropolitan or industrialized cities.
  • The rainwater falling on the rooftop, which acts as the catchment area, is directed to the storage tank with the help of specially made channels using PVC pipes.
  • Typically this will involve detailed catchment area research, and competition analysis.
  • These include the catchments of the Rivers Clyde, Don, Tummel, Garry and Tay as well as Loch Awe, Scourie Lochs, Loch Arkaig, Loch Morar and the Loch Earn catchment areas.
  • Unlike previous measures it does not make allowance for social or so-called contextual factors such as deprivation in a school's catchment area. Times, Sunday Times
  • In York, the number of floods increased just when the hill farms in the surrounding river catchment area began draining their land. Times, Sunday Times
  • His school provides secondary education to a catchment area that covers some of Preston's most deprived wards.
  • They accept students from a broader catchment area and across a wider ability range. Times, Sunday Times
  • So, too, to some extent, given the width of their catchment areas, were the great Welsh clubs.
  • Houses here are close to parks, the golf course and in the grammar school catchment area. Times, Sunday Times
  • Water quality in reservoirs will also be improved and the forests in their catchment areas better protected.
  • In addition it affects people in the peripheral areas of the county as the surrounding health boards are now refusing to accept patients from outside their own catchment area.
  • You see the catchment area. The Sun
  • Those with a mixed catchment area provide the most entertainment. Times, Sunday Times
  • And when it comes to resale, we know that being in a good catchment area is worth money. Times, Sunday Times
  • We're very conscious that we have a very different catchment area to the west of the centre and all the high street brands are here. Times, Sunday Times
  • Houses in the school catchment areas sell fastest, and often for well over the asking price. Times, Sunday Times
  • To prevent your club becoming too large, restrict its catchment area.
  • Catchment Areas: Shows boundaries of school catchment areas, even "fuzzily Original Signal - Transmitting Web 2.0
  • Small streams are common on many moors and upper river catchment areas.
  • Neither hospital was sufficiently remote from its catchment area to warrant the intervention of the centre to impose closure.
  • Small streams are common on many moors and upper river catchment areas.
  • Ditto for a house in a good school catchment area - but then you knew that. Times, Sunday Times
  • You'll be engrossed in an inexplicably vicious conversation about house prices and school catchment areas by then. Times, Sunday Times
  • Typically this will involve detailed catchment area research, and competition analysis.
  • A system being trialled at the moment in Brighton schools is the lottery system whereby your address matters little and catchment areas are more open and transparent. Times, Sunday Times
  • The conservancies are located in the "backland" or upper stream catchment areas and comprise water-retaining embankments and structures. Water profile of Guyana
  • The review will not affect postal addresses, postcodes or the catchment area of schools.
  • Town halls will no longer be able to spy on the public over dog fouling or school catchment areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has leafleted the catchment areas of the two schools, which are a few minutes’ walk apart, with his plans.
  • This development has resulted in extensive denudation of these catchment areas and an attendant loss of vegetative cover on the steep slopes, an increase in the incidence of landslides, soil erosion, and siltation of drainage systems in the valley bottoms and ultimately, increased incidence of flash flooding. Water profile of St. Lucia
  • The number of people in the catchment area of the resource centre who now seek residential care has dropped dramatically.
  • By three, we're swithering about moving to the catchment area of the best state primary.
  • Children from existing neighbourhoods will be affected by this catchment area decreasing.
  • The protection and regeneration programs led to the resumption of pastoral land in the catchment area.
  • In particular, the size of the local catchment area will be key.
  • The number of people in the catchment area of the resource centre who now seek residential care has dropped dramatically.
  • They wrongly suspected that she did not live in the school 's catchment area. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Course is heavily used by part-time Associate students, mainly home students drawn from the local catchment area.
  • She said: ‘Our catchment area is more advantaged than other areas of Rochdale.’
  • MyTransport - Northumbria (UK) cycling routes Catchment Areas Shows boundaries of school catchment areas, even "fuzzily Google Maps Mania
  • It's not the positioning of the schools, but whoever decided on the amazingly stupid catchment areas that now means the schools are at the extreme ends of their catchment areas instead of the centre.
  • You will find there is less catchment area for the wind to affect the bowl on its course.
  • Most league tables just tell you about the catchment area of schools. Times, Sunday Times
  • People power has forced councillors to rethink plans to change school catchment areas and bar scores of pupils from their local comprehensives.
  • These add to the profitability of the attractions by allowing short-stay holidays and increasing the catchment area of each. Times, Sunday Times
  • Check access to transport links, school catchment areas and local employers. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have a big catchment area, a lot of good young talent at the club already, and I'm sure we will be inundated with people tipping us off about other promising players throughout the country.
  • Catchment Areas Shows boundaries of school catchment areas, even "fuzzily Archive 2008-11-01
  • Aside from the issue of funding beyond the enabling schemes, how were services in the catchment area working after the closure?
  • The study of all 119 river catchment areas is still in progress. Times, Sunday Times
  • Print newspapers, because of their structure, catchment areas and sheer physicality, don't oscillate wildly from month to month or year to year. Facebook fatigue suggests internet is a web of impermanent dreams

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