How To Use Catch it In A Sentence

  • A line of description at the bottom of the last page that sends the camera slowly tracking back… so the audience can catch its breath gather its thoughts, and leave the cinema with dignity.
  • i told my wife the other night, i'm hoping that obama can slip in a few "dishonors" and "dishonorables" under the radar on tuesday night. mccain will catch it and it will set him off. i honestly think that's the one button that you can push with mccain that he can't resist blowing up over -- hitting his honor (or lack thereof). Obama Campaign Launches Pre-emptive Ad Strike Against McCain's Planned Character Assault
  • He still juggled the ball though he made every effort to catch it.
  • The baseball hitter fumbled his attempt to catch it.
  • Rebecca cast Ansley a hurt look, but Ansley was haltering Matrix and didn't catch it.
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  • To catch it would be the icing on the cake. The Sun
  • The key to treatment is to catch it early: the sooner antibiotics are given the better. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are 2 strokes, the back and hand stroke, and you start with learning one – the backstroke is marginally easier - and my coach, Ginny, stood next to me as I felt the weight of the bell for the first time, ready to catch it (the rope not the bell...) if it all went pear-shaped.
  • Just about anything could happen and we'll be there to catch it on camera when it does.
  • Time was — time is — and, if I catch it not by the forelock as it passes, time will be no more — Nettlewood will be forfeited — and if I have in addition a lawsuit for my title, and for Oakendale, I run a risk of being altogether capotted. Saint Ronan's Well
  • Meat was abundant, for those who could catch it or wrest it from the competition, i.e. leopards and lions, not to mention hyenas, jackals, and vultures.
  • Toss or throw the ball straight upward as high as possible; catch it in one hand (right, then left), with palm _upward_. Games for the Playground, Home, School and Gymnasium
  • Tiger Lily finally got back to the site after dark but Capon used the safety beacon in his camera strobe to catch its attention.
  • The basis of such argument is that this is the last bus to town so we had better catch it today. Sharing the Success - the story of NFC
  • fear is exceedingly infectious; children catch it from their elders
  • Catch it 6° below-left of the earthlit crescent Moon on the 26th when its gibbous disc is 15 arcsec across. Starwatch: The January night sky
  • Being the uncoordinated person I am, I didn't catch it and it knocked me in the forehead.
  • The ball is running away from the chasing point fieldsman; can he catch it?
  • It also has a tiny beak with a large gape, surrounded by stiff feathers called rictal bristles, which help the bird catch its aerial prey.
  • Faith's apple went flying in the air as she was knocked over, and she had to make a mad grab to catch it before it fell.
  • Right fielder Melvin Mora and second baseman Jose Morban both thought the other one would catch it.
  • He could walk up to a horse and catch it, tickle a trout in our stream, and almost touch the wild rabbits. Times, Sunday Times
  • Catch it 6° below-left of the earthlit crescent Moon on the 26th when its gibbous disc is 15 arcsec across. Starwatch: The January night sky
  • Or a cat will bring home a live mouse to teach her kittens how to catch it.
  • You try to expose as much glove as you can and hope to catch it in the webbing.
  • Your parrot could catch its feet into the clumps and could get hurt while struggling to escape.
  • I got writer 's cramp and didn't catch it. Christianity Today
  • The train is just drawing into the station; if we hurry, we can catch it.
  • The baseball hitter fumbled his attempt to catch it.
  • Some weeks I catch it for using the F-bomb in print too much; other weeks for not using it enough.
  • Then when he does catch it, the Mavs are rotating defenders with quick double-teams.
  • Each man would throw his rifle in the air, catch it with one hand, fire one round and stamp feet, synchronising with the drums.
  • All the day Had been a dreary one at best, and dim Was settling to its close, yet shot one grim Red leer to see the plain catch its estray. The Dark Tower
  • Time was -- time is -- and, if I catch it not by the forelock as it passes, time will be no more -- Nettlewood will be forfeited -- and if I have in addition a lawsuit for my title, and for Oakendale, I run a risk of being altogether capotted. St. Ronan's Well
  • If your dad finds out you'll really catch it!
  • If your father finds you here you'll really catch it!
  • I was eavesdropping on his conversation with another dad and didn't quite catch it.
  • Yes | No | Report from Loel Fink wrote 1 year 31 weeks ago how about "winner" positive refortification for dog and gunner, although the dog might not catch it. Name My Dog
  • A rabbit snare is made of fine babiche, sinew, cord, or wire, and the loop is hung over a rabbit runway just high enough to catch it round the neck. The Drama of the Forests Romance and Adventure
  • With three players, the bowler and striker will be the same as when two are at play; the second player will be fieldsman, who, when the ball be hit nearer to him than to the bowler, will pick it up, or catch it if he can, and return it to the bowler. The Book of Sports: Containing Out-door Sports, Amusements and Recreations, Including Gymnastics, Gardening & Carpentering
  • They put strobes on these guys that make you think you saw a lightning bolt if you catch it out of the corner of your eye. The Volokh Conspiracy » Cape Wind Approved
  • If we catch it, the potential to expand the biosphere beyond Earth to the rim of the solar system and beyond can be realized.
  • I kid you not—the first time I heard the word AIDS was when someone was telling me that only green monkeys and Africans could catch it. Follow the Model
  • (Would've watched Ghost before it, but I didn't catch it, erk.) Tweets For Today
  • That bit of cynism aside, I'll still try to catch it this weekend making this the first Bay film I've seen since "Armageddon". The Man Knows His Robot (Chickens)
  • In contrast our bowlers did well to keep us in it for so long and if we hadn't dropped a dolly catch it could have been a different story.
  • The last post time is 7 pm, you will catch it if you go by bike now.
  • Don't you remember the day I fell out of the winesap tree, and you carried me in, and the next week I tried to climb on top of that hall clock, and knocked it over, and you tried to catch it, and it knocked you over, too? Mary Minds Her Business
  • It also has a tiny beak with a large gape, surrounded by stiff feathers called rictal bristles, which help the bird catch its aerial prey.
  • Come to the recover, throwing up your firelock, with a smart spring of the left hand, directly before the left breast, and turning the barrel inwards; at that moment catch it with the right hand below the lock, and instantly bringing up the left hand, with a rapid motion, seize the piece close above the lock, the little finger touching the feather-spring; the left hand to be at an equal height with the eyes, the butt of the firelock close to the left breast, but not pressed, and the barrel perpendicular.
  • I mean, the good news remains that early detection is very important, because they're so curable if we catch it early on.
  • The basis of such argument is that this is the last bus to town so we had better catch it today. Sharing the Success - the story of NFC
  • The train is just drawing into the station; if we hurry, we can catch it.
  • We saw the eagle swoop from the sky to catch its prey.
  • At first, it was the fluffy kind that melts when you catch it on your tongue, but now it's more like heavy fat flakes.
  • Among medicos, there was a saying: ‘Cure is a rule if you catch it early, and cure is rare if you catch it late.’
  • If you are a supporter and have not heard his latest speech ... try and catch it on SNN or c-span it is worth the time. Schneider: A clear rift in the party exists
  • Hurriedly passing through the muscadine patches and mashing the sugary juices between his toes, he stopped just beyond the edge of the brush, hearing what he thought to be a horse trying to catch its breath. The Highest Price for Passion
  • I did have one minor hiccough where the tension decided to go do-lally for no particular reason (i.e. wasn't at a bobbin change, etc) but I did catch it before I'd sewed too much, and of course, when the tension goes odd, it's often easy to unpick as one of the threads is just lying there with big loops around it ... One Hawaiian Down...
  • For those unable to catch it at a festival, the mainstream release is unquestionably worth the wait.
  • Conversation is essentially reciprocal, and when a good converser flings out his ball of thought he knows just how the ball should come back to him, and feels balked and defrauded if his partner is not even watching to catch it, much less showing any intention of tossing it back on precisely the right curve. Conversation What to Say and How to Say it
  • He could walk up to a horse and catch it, tickle a trout in our stream, and almost touch the wild rabbits. Times, Sunday Times
  • I got writer 's cramp and didn't catch it. Christianity Today
  • The baseball hitter fumbled his attempt to catch it.
  • Just in case you didn't catch it - it features Rastafarian elephants in tams, skanking for peanut butter - this is big, big fun.
  • Their unheralded and impromptu performance delighted the locals and visitors lucky enough to catch it and has left others on watch for a repeat show.
  • Human can catch it through direct contact with an infected animal or person. The Sun
  • The train is just drawing into the station; if we hurry, we can catch it.
  • Because of its repeated airings on cable and satellite, it is still possible to catch it on television, but it is worth buying as well.
  • Biologists dubbed the bear 'jarhead' and set traps to catch it in a neighborhood near Ocala National Forest. | Atlanta Video News
  • Then she asked him to flip one of his coins in the air - but not try to catch it.
  • People who want to know the source of their fish without a shadow of a doubt might opt to catch it themselves.
  • My instincts are sharp and I easily catch it before it rams into my ribcage.
  • The train is just drawing into the station; if we hurry, we can catch it.
  • If we expect that human character is an elusive and variable thing, then we cannot expect to catch it in a stiff and invariable style.
  • The Nuneaton stop means that I could catch it there and get to Shrewsbury without having to change at Birminghan New Street. Shrewsbury to London via Sutton Park
  • If you cannot get near the animal or must set a trap to catch it, it is probably feral.
  • Wow, you snagged a big pike, big deal, next time try to catch it the old-fashioned way, with a hooked-lip resulting from a strike to a nicely presented lure! Best Fish Mount Contest
  • Then there was a little greenfinch, just fledged, fluttering along the ground, and it seemed quite possible to catch it, till it managed to flutter under the blackberry bush. Adam Bede
  • My favourite balancing exercise is to throw a bouncy ball off a wall with your good hand, catch it with your weaker hand, then throw it with your weaker hand and catch it with your good hand.
  • One of them produces a bouncy ball from his pocket, and they begin a dumb game of throwing it at the wall of the janitor's shed at the other side of the lot, and trying to catch it when it bounces away.
  • It also has a tiny beak with a large gape which help the bird catch its aerial prey.
  • The offer rate increased to 25 rupees and the supply of monkeys became so little that it was an effort to even see a monkey, let alone catch it!
  • Then there was a little greenfinch, just fledged, fluttering along the ground, and it seemed quite possible to catch it, till it managed to flutter under the blackberry bush. Adam Bede
  • If there's a fish down there he'll catch it - he's a old pro.
  • Just about anything could happen and we'll be there to catch it on camera when it does.
  • There's a train in now. If you run, you'll just catch it.
  • Not everyone in a city with a smallpox contagion is going to catch it, so the overall mortality for a population center would be less than that.
  • I do like listening to some music, notably Tudorbethan church music there was an excellent programme on Tallis and Byrd on over the weekend - you can still catch it as I write on iPlayer. Archive 2009-09-01
  • Then you lash out your tongue and catch it.
  • At the moment, I am watching the repeats of ‘Bob and Rose’ on ITV2 on Sunday nights, because I didn't catch it the first time round.
  • The train is just drawing into the station; if we hurry, we can catch it.
  • If the striker should attempt to run, the bowler should immediately run to the wicket, and the fieldsman should throw the ball to him, so that he may catch it, and touch the wicket with it to get the striker out. The Book of Sports: Containing Out-door Sports, Amusements and Recreations, Including Gymnastics, Gardening & Carpentering
  • If you cannot avoid calling a vexing method, catch its vexing exceptions. MSDN Blogs
  • Louis' head fell into a small basket placed to catch it.
  • We saw the eagle swoop from the sky to catch its prey.
  • Because of its repeated airings on cable and satellite, it is still possible to catch it on television, but it is worth buying as well.
  • A plantar wart (verruca plantaris) shows up on the sole of the foot (“plantar” means “foot”), and walking around barefoot can be all it takes to catch it. Simple Skin Beauty
  • Her voice was so low he had to strain to catch it.
  • It was him told me I should pile my hair up on top and catch it with a rhinestone pin. MR STARLIGHT
  • I have a little furry toy mouse on an elastic string hanging in the doorway they pay no attention to it since they are out of kittenhood unless I go and jiggle and bounce the string then they catch it and rub against it and thump it cats trying to get a lizard or anyrthing else to move again is all about playing Clarity
  • Luckily, my 3 mth old son didn't catch it.
  • It was a pause so infinitesimal that I almost didn't catch it, but I knew what I glimpsed.
  • As it approaches your shoulder, drive the weight straight overhead and catch it, as if performing a snatch.
  • You can also catch it from touching an infected animal. Times, Sunday Times

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