How To Use Catastrophic In A Sentence
Sea level rises will follow, catastrophically for many low-lying countries.
We are now so dependent on the financial system, without parallel systems of support, that the result could be catastrophic for humanity.
That has led to a catastrophic effect on residual values.
Times, Sunday Times
They were such important providers of mortgages and business loans that failure would have been catastrophic.
Times, Sunday Times
Since he published a paper on fluoroquinolone side effects in 2001, says Dr. Jay Cohen, a medical researcher and associate professor at the University of California, San Diego, "I have received several hundred emails, most of which relate terrible, often catastrophic reactions that are slow to pass, leaving some people disabled for months or years.
The ignored risks of America's most popular antibiotics

It was bad for Sri Lanka, but not catastrophic if they can win at least one more game.
You spend four or so years in "blocked" college time, serene in the knowledge that nothing will change (short of failure, which is of the catastrophic/sublime mode).
Archive 2003-05-01
The implication of that for Nottinghamshire's deep mines is catastrophic.
The system is catastrophically failing to end the vicious circle of criminality.
Times, Sunday Times
Prior catastrophic losses both in Mysore and in America had a lingering effect on future actions in India not only because the British could not afford further defeat, but also because the primary British actant in the Mysore Wars and the
Projection, Patriotism, Surrogation: Handel in Calcutta
At some later date, a slight glacial retreat would weaken the dam wall and its subsequent collapse would prove catastrophic.
In a statement Deputy Kenny said that after reading the reports, he believes the Taoiseach was the chief architect of the "catastrophic failures of policy" that led directly to our current economic crisis.
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The form and content are as rigid and unchangeable as a Petrarchan sonnet or a Noh play, starting with a young person having a premonition of a catastrophic accident that saves the lives of a number of people, most of them from his own circle.
Final Destination 5 – review
What had been shining bright and brand spanking new was now a total catastrophic loss.
This was catastrophic for some of the local animals, especially the big marsupial carnivores.
Under proposed amendments to the Civil Contingencies Bill, the police will be able to evacuate danger areas should a ‘catastrophic incident’ occur.
If they misdiagnose an illness it can have a catastrophic effect on our lives.
The latest batch of ice core samples suggests that climate changes can occur gradually or catastrophically.
A tidal wave caused by the earthquake hit the coast causing catastrophic damage.
But without effective compartmentation, a single, well-placed mole can trigger an intelligence leak of catastrophic proportions.
None of these huge losses would have been possible without catastrophic failings in the bank's structure.
Times, Sunday Times
We used a low dose of the drug to prevent catastrophic depolymerization of actin and major morphological changes, which both would have biased our analysis.
Intravenous fluid loading before, during, and after rescue may protect against a catastrophic fall in blood pressure that can follow sudden release after prolonged entrapment.
Solid acid alkylation processes are emerging that would eliminate the danger of a catastrophic release.
Elizabeth Hitchcock: In The Public Interest : Worst Case Scenarios Really Happen
The minister gave a warning that if war broke out, it would be catastrophic.
To date the only known such work triggered by those catastrophic events, it extruded new sounds from the instrument.
I could not move my hand for fear of tearing the minute, fragile aneurysm off the middle cerebral artery and causing a catastrophic haemorrhage.
Times, Sunday Times
It would certainly lengthen the time required to obtain approval from the FDA to license new medicines, and it would have a catastrophic impact on the huge and growing backlog at the U.S. Patents Office.
Scott Lilly: Draconian but Expensive: Boehner's Poorly Considered 'Pledge' Is Likely to Increase the Deficit
We ourselves endured catastrophic damage to our gardens, almost repaired now.
The Sun
But there are plenty of services that are not catastrophic in nature, and we should not finance them as they contribute to moral hazard, overutilization, and drive up healthcare costs.
Wonk Room » What Does The Hospital Deal Mean For Health Care Reform?
As a result he came to fear that disruptions of natural systems might bring catastrophic imbalances.
Times, Sunday Times
These men died because of the catastrophic consequences of a dangerous social phenomenon.
While the global cooling caused by superpower-on-superpower war could be catastrophic hence the term "nuclear winter" a small scale war could have an impact on the world climate, says National Geographic.
Could A Small Nuclear War Reverse Global Warming?
He said it'can avert a much more costly and potentially catastrophic building failure in the years to come'.
The Sun
One of the great appeals of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming theory in certain sectors is the fact that what it takes to fight the imagined threat (reduced trade, reduced economic growth, government controls on the economy, populist hammering of energy companies, micro-controls on individual decision-making) are exactly the things the socialists wanted to do before their schtick became tired.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » The Copenhagen Income Redistribution Conference
Once the smoke cleared and the chalk dust settled, it was seen that the damage was not catastrophic.
FIGHTER BOYS: Saving Britain 1940
No summary can do justice to this hilarious book—Kennan's wit never fails him, just as a companion from California never fails, no matter how catastrophic the Siberian winter turns, to claim that he has seen "worse storms in the Sierra Nevadas.
Five Best: Larry McMurtry
In the 14 years since the Montreal Protocol banned most ozone depleters, a catastrophic global menace has begun to recede.
Vegetation dominated by low density stands of podocarp and taxodiod conifers grew on mobile braided alluvial plains where it was subject to regular catastrophic flooding events.
As a favor to utility and coal industries, the country's largest mercury dischargers, the organisation sat for nine months on a report exposing the catastrophic impact on children's health of mercury, finally releasing it in February 2003.
He was able, thus, to disentangle true catatonia, true hebephrenia and the deteriorating paranoid process, all of which led to a catastrophic outcome, from the benign clinical patterns which were forced into those groups due to an overindulgent criterion.
Prophylactic surgical treatment should be recommended in this situation to avoid a potential catastrophic strangulation of bowel later.
As individual health-insurance policy premiums approach $30,000 annually, self-insurance—meaning no insurance in New York because the law prevents me from buying the catastrophic-only coverage policy I'd prefer—becomes an economically viable and sane option.
The Other Side of Insurance Mandates
I know it's not as well understood - but what is the approximate time frame over which carbon dioxide values returned to normal after the catastrophic deglaciations in the late Precambrian?
The fragile euro will implode, plunging the world into another catastrophic financial crash.
The Sun
Tonight those winds are picking up in the Mexican resort town of Cancun, which could suffer catastrophic damage from this powerful storm.
In the enormous densities of the early moments of the Big Bang the result would have been a catastrophic annihilation of matter and antimatter into radiation.
The effects of global warming, while not immediate, are potentially catastrophic.
And for all of you who think Matthew C is a rigorously rational-minded fellow, on his blog he praises a man for making the following statement: "... the evidence for catastrophic global warming in the near future is far, far less compelling than the evidence for telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, psychokinesis, and even life after death.
A Childish Question About Immigration, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Now add jet fuel (basically kerosene) into it, turned into an aerosol from a catastrophic impact.
9/11 Truth and the Paranoid Style - Boing Boing
If we want to avoid catastrophic climate change and avoid climate disaster, we need to instate a moratorium on drilling in the Arctic.
Bianca Jagger: Now Is the Time to Move Beyond Petroleum
It was changed by the effects of catastrophic global warming.
Times, Sunday Times
Sometimes I fear we are on the cusp of another age du merde again - a catastrophic meltdown in taste not seen since the 70s.
Thanks for keeping a cool journo's head and reporting on these catastrophic events.
A friend of mine who is a life-insurance professional concluded, for health insurance, that it made more sense for his family to purchase an umbrella policy for catastrophic problems and remain 'exposed' for the everyday stuff.
It's Not Insurance - It's a Crap Shoot
Had the riverbanks been broached then the damage caused would have been catastrophic, both in human terms and in its effect on the business and commercial life of the city.
Not knowing wether or not you have contracted a STD is a catastrophic thing.
Ill health can also be an important cause of poverty through loss of income, catastrophic health expenses, and orphanhood.
Other risks, global and potentially existential (catastrophic meteorite impact, pandemic disease, climate changes, collapse of the global socioeconomic infrastructure due to insufficient forward planning "Y2K") or "merely" regional (local famine, 'brushfire' conflicts formerly closely confined by their implications for the balance between superpowers) increased in their relative importance and/or attention regardless of any change in their independent
The Speculist: Doomsday Clock Speculist Challenge
Through them, he learns about the history of apartheid and the catastrophic effect it had on the lives of black South Africans.
A single adventurist move can have catastrophic consequences for millions of people.
The accumulation of excessive electric charge in dielectric insulation is extremely rare, but when it does occur, it is often catastrophic.
If it did, the internecine warfare would be catastrophic.
I worshipped her," Porter says, simply; her death was a loss so catastrophic that, he believes, his mind perpetrated "an awful kind of excision" to deal with it.
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Vincenzo Bellini Milan, Italy, 1831Boasting the famous Casta Diva aria, Norma is the ultimate bel canto tragedy about a druid priestess who, secretly, has two children and an erring lover, with catastrophic results.
Top 50 operas
In turn health insurers must be able to reinsure their catastrophic risk at an appropriate level in financially sound markets.
Health Insurance Idea, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
President Obama pledged U.S. assistance following what he called a potentially "catastrophic" disaster.
Tremors jolt tsunami-devastated Japan
Relegation to the Third Division would prove catastrophic.
An unchecked increase in the use of fossil fuels could have catastrophic results for the planet.
Crop failures in 1315, 1316, and 1321, largely due to exceptionally wet summers, overlapped with catastrophic losses of animals as disease - ‘murrain’ - devastated the nation's sheep flocks between 1313 and 1317 and its cattle 1319-21.
Subarachnoid hemorrhage from a ruptured intracranial aneurysm is a catastrophic event usually treated by craniotomy with clipping of the aneurysm.
For three years, their homeland, already ravaged by a decade-long civil war, has suffered a catastrophic drought.
You built your whole life around these relationships, it's no wonder that the damage is so catastrophic for you.
The system is catastrophically failing to end the vicious circle of criminality.
Times, Sunday Times
Other authors are mining the same rich seam of catastrophic potential.
So far, the decline of male academic achievement in the U.S. is mostly among blacks and Hispanics, but the catastrophic downturn into "laddism" of young white males in England in recent years, and their consequent decline in test scores, shows that no race is permanently immune to the prejudice that school is for girls.
Archive 2005-12-18
The rookie mayor is making four catastrophic errors.
If one person makes a mistake or gets careless, the results can be catastrophic.
We could reasonably expect a decent interval of peace in which we might think about these catastrophic events.
Cuvier tried to evade one disturbing implication of extinction by linking the phenomenon to his theory of catastrophic geological changes.
When the police or the system fail to implement those laws, it can lead to catastrophic repercussions.
The truck mounted the central median during the incident, and could quite likely have ended up on the southbound carriageway with potentially catastrophic consequences.
The huge leaps for mankind were dogged by catastrophic failures.
Times, Sunday Times
Had the Church catastrophically mismanaged the situation or was this an own goal by protesters?
Times, Sunday Times
He knew the prod of impulse to join in this rush away from some unthinkably catastrophic event that impended and that stirred his intuitive apprehensions of death.
Those living in the most economically deprived areas receive the worst care and suffer catastrophic economic consequences from their illness.
So urgent was the supposed need for Congress to forestall a catastrophic loss of teacher jobs that the House was called back from its summer recess and money looted from the food stamp program.
Washington Post Editors Dismiss Teacher Layoff Crisis On Same Day Massive Teacher Layoffs Are Reported
It may be these catastrophic ruptures in unscarred uteri that cause the misguided fear of cesarean scars rupturing.
And Visillios Porgaiziz shared this shot from Marco Polo beach, north of Athens, a safe distance from the flames, but close enough to see what he calls the catastrophic nature of the disaster.
CNN Transcript Aug 31, 2007
NICOLAS SARKOZY, FRANCE (through translator): An alternative which I call catastrophic, an Iranian bomb or the bombing of Iran.
CNN Transcript Aug 28, 2007
His life takes a sudden twist when a strong earthquake and aftershocks cause catastrophic damage to the subway system, trapping a train and its handful of passengers in harm's way.
In an instant, an avalanche of electrons is rolling over the surface in a catastrophic flashover.
This seems like the suggestion of a second-rate Hollywood director, for the single reason that you cannot discharge a firearm in a pressurised environment, because there would be catastrophic decompression.
This dramatised resumé of Wilde's life and loves, his meteoric rise and catastrophic fall, is cleverly conceived and, in the main, well executed.
Capitalism also sharply curtails the liberty of many more people who feel that their choices are limited by fear that their resources will be catastrophically limited unless they make significant sacrifices to their employers.
A sudden eruption or collapse of one of these volcanoes would have catastrophic effects, but current research is not just about assessing risk.
Some of its enduring figures fear a catastrophic future unless corrective action is swift.
Times, Sunday Times
The consequences of their abusiveness are frequently catastrophic—nearly as devastating as when a parent tells a child that he or she is unloved and unwanted.
Recovering From Religious Abuse
It can have a catastrophic effect and undermine the whole system.
Times, Sunday Times
You don't have to be in the path of a catastrophic hurricane to feel its punishing impact.
The failure of the talks could have catastrophic consequences .
The flight recorders on the ill-fated planes, which are encased in titanium specifically to withstand catastrophic crashes, are apparently unrecoverable in this case, such was the enormity of the impact.
Byelorussian people remember vividly the dark days of 1991-94 under the catastrophic misrule of Shushkevich and the contrast it with the goodness of Lukashenko's government.
Belarus: That's enough democracy | Editorial
She too embarks on a lazy plot of catastrophic collapse, winding up confined in a local booby hatch.
These sandstone monuments display evidence of large-scale catastrophic deposition and immense watery erosion.
She had a catastrophic case of buyer 's remorse.
Times, Sunday Times
The institutionalization of welfare was catastrophic because of the extremely high rates of mortality that typically characterized these asylums.
He did not mend his ways and the result of that failing was catastrophic.
There have been catastrophic breeding seasons in recent years for birds such as kittiwakes and guillemots.
Times, Sunday Times
The result is that local producers in developing countries are driven out of business, with a catastrophic loss of jobs and income for the poor.
Experts have warned of'catastrophic failure' in the next ten years without urgent action.
The Sun
Catastrophic things can happen from accidents during transportation and handling.
the contracting of a serious illness can be financially catastrophic
In place of these programs and the premiums we now contribute to them, and along with catastrophic insurance, the government should create a new form of health savings account — a vehicle that has existed, though in imperfect form, since 2003.
How American Health Care Killed My Father
In those first, terrible days after the storm and catastrophic flood, the poorest citizens were locked in a desperate struggle for survival.
It proved to be a catastrophic tactical blunder.
The Times Literary Supplement
The "pre-existing conditions" insurability problem is addressed by establishing a relatively high (and possibly adjustable) level of tax deductibility for catastrophic insurance premiums (see 2 above and e. below), and bringing charity (voluntary outlays) for those with such conditions into play for reimbursement for service providers.
What Makes Health Care Different?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
If, as the global warmers insist, climate change is going to result in increased droughts or otherwise catastrophic ecological changes, then it is not at all clear whether the range of the anopheline mosquito will expand or contract.
The Volokh Conspiracy » British High Court decision on “An Inconvenient Truth”:
This ‘lesson’ has not yet been unlearned, despite 3 years of catastrophic losses since March 2000.
The first scenario is the catastrophic one in which the whole banking system based on a fractional reserve collapses.
How can anyone trust David 'charlatan' Cameron and nick 'deceitful' Clegg again after they have systematically lied and pulled the wool over peoples eyes over the catastrophic and idealogical driven cuts that will stymy any hope if economic recovery and will hurt peoples living standards harder than at any time in Britain's history.
The spotlight begins to shine on the coalition's flaws and faultlines | Andrew Rawnsley
A freak straight-line windstorm caused a massive blowdown of trees in the area in 1999, and the profusion of fallen timber raised fears of a catastrophic firestorm.
Andrew, who has been a City season ticket holder for 13 years, said it would be catastrophic if the club folded.
These two kingdoms exist among other small kingdoms, republics and protectorates all of which were created when the great Empire collapsed because of catastrophic asteroid impacts on the planet.
The Weather Channel's most prominent climatologist is advocating that broadcast meteorologists be stripped of their scientific certification if they express skepticism about predictions of man-made catastrophic global warming.
Sound Politics: Faith-based initiatives
The minister gave a warning that if war broke out, it would be catastrophic.
Still, barring a catastrophic fightback, the carnage may end soon.
Seismologists said the quake appeared to have been rooted about 30 miles underground, deep enough to prevent catastrophic destruction.
That now seems to have been a catastrophic misjudgment.
Times, Sunday Times
The aftershocks which followed the catastrophic earthquake in January continued for weeks.
Times, Sunday Times
Each tale is well written, but because the theme is somewhat limiting in terms of its catastrophic anthropomorphosis theme, readers should spread out enjoying the visit to Williams Lake, Wisconsin over a few weeks.
2008 November « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
The 'catastrophic consequences' that we coarse bloggers are concerned with emanate from the anthropomorphist phenomenon of recycled bovine excrement being regurgitated from the mouths of lobbyists for further ingestion by the credulous; to influence them into supporting the vested interests of some very wicked ideologues.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
The system is catastrophically failing to end the vicious circle of criminality.
Times, Sunday Times
The damage to people and property was a small reminder of the potentially catastrophic costs of a cosmic impact.
Times, Sunday Times
But the possibility of catastrophic accidents and the problem of disposing of lethal radioactive waste products soon dampened public enthusiasm for nuclear power.
The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
Since monetary creation/dilution is THE CAUSE of the boom/bust cycle by causing the catastrophic dislocations in the long term capital and investment structure, a Fed board member committed to “full employment” would act forcefully to put the Fed out of business ASAP.
Matthew Yglesias » Brown Sends Letter on Fed Vacancies
Thankfully, for the most part, our choices don't lead to catastrophic events and so our parenting goes unscrutinised.
Times, Sunday Times
Their diseases were then passed on to domestic cattle with catastrophic effect.
Times, Sunday Times
Had the Church catastrophically mismanaged the situation or was this an own goal by protesters?
Times, Sunday Times
And the wilful ignorance and arrogance is potentially catastrophic.
The Sun
Fire suppression builds up an unnatural accumulation of fuel that creates conflagrations far more implacable and catastrophic than nature's fire.
The fourth flight experienced a catastrophic tailfin failure at launch as well as an electrical short in the umbilical.
The recent history of butterflies in this country has been of overall and sometimes catastrophic decline, alongside local and quite stupendous success.
Times, Sunday Times
Had the player hit the ground only slightly further up his spine, the potential for a catastrophic spinal injury would have been high.
Times, Sunday Times
Since this is only the world's largest nuke complex, with only seven reactors on site, and only several hundred barrels of nuke waste tipped over, and far fewer had their lids fly off, and the gas emissions the utility lied about were only tritium, which is less deadly than plutonium, the fact that all of Japan was not engulfed in a catastrophic radiation release (yet) will be used to sell more reactors.
Harvey Wasserman: PR Nuke Flacks Do the Kashiwazaki Quake Death Spin
However, for the unfortunate few that do end up in this situation, the damage can be catastrophic: physically, mentally and financially.
If hit by a torpedo the casualties would have been catastrophic.
Times, Sunday Times
More than twenty years after Rampton's landmark report, years of failure to educate Black children have been catastrophic for those young people and their communities.
Universal catastrophic coverage would at least help keep families from going bankrupt trying to pay for astronomic bills incurred after an accident or by a chronic illness.
Matthew Yglesias » Catastrophic Coverage Keeps Us Together
In the first episode, a catastrophic industrial accident raises questions about the safety procedures of the petrochemical company involved.
Times, Sunday Times
If hit by a torpedo the casualties would have been catastrophic.
Times, Sunday Times
Through its intense and intelligent drama about the sometimes catastrophic collisions of ideas and experience, it also confronts our own notions of what then was and what now is.
The survivalist groups operate on the basis of the near certainty of a catastrophic breakdown.
A tidal wave caused by the earthquake hit the coast causing catastrophic damage.
By the early nineties, the damage was inescapable and catastrophic.
The system is catastrophically failing to end the vicious circle of criminality.
Times, Sunday Times
So only now, as the centurial countdown begins, are we learning that the digit-dropping trick has changed from clever to catastrophic.
The Day The World Shuts Down
Catastrophic burning events are related to the breakdown of the 500 millibar (mb) long-wave ridge [22].
Climate change and fire in the Arctic
Some epilepsy is triggered by the activity of a small identifiable area, known as the foci, and spreads to the rest of the brain with catastrophic effect.
Mind Hacks: July 2005 Archives
His or her responsibilities thus stretch from anti-social behaviour to the most catastrophic of threats.
Times, Sunday Times
Then came the Black Death and a brutal, catastrophic decline.
Consumers still have a penchant to overinsure, and most policies still provide catastrophic coverage.
Markets and Majorities
And it was likely the lack of oxygen had caused catastrophic brain damage.
The Sun
While young and healthy workers can obtain catastrophic insurance relatively cheaply, many are still hard-pressed to pay the premiums and deductibles.
A tidal wave caused by the earthquake hit the coast causing catastrophic damage.
Even Wayne Rooney, who like all top players has "a picture in his head" – a three-second flash-forward of leaping possibilities – seems against Barcelona to have a picture only of looming disaster and catastrophic accident, flying around the pitch in a psychic panic looking for smouldering plug sockets, unsnuffed candles, ladders that wobble.
Barcelona are just as processed as the premier burger on the menu | Barney Ronay
The kind of radical fideism that some evangelical Christians are exhibiting toward catastrophic global warming is a betrayal of science and a betrayal of the Christian intellectual tradition ….
At some later date, a slight glacial retreat would weaken the dam wall and its subsequent collapse would prove catastrophic.
That proved a catastrophic misjudgment.
Times, Sunday Times
It proved to be a catastrophic tactical blunder.
The Times Literary Supplement
The flat lead characters make it difficult to understand how the catastrophic ending comes about, but the film is flamboyant enough to leave you open-mouthed anyway.
Times, Sunday Times
The magnitude of the natural disaster that the Indian Ocean rim countries suffered from the catastrophic earthquake and tsunami is said to be the worst in living memory.
It can have a catastrophic effect and undermine the whole system.
Times, Sunday Times
Organizations that face trying conditions with catastrophic potential have now become the rule rather than the exception.
I believe the Icelandic people are willing and able to undergo hardship to help our country recover from the catastrophic collapse, as long as the hardship is spread throughout the population, and those who unjustly profited from their decisions are put in their place.
Iris Erlingsdottir: Iceland Is Simmering
(HAARP) radar facility in Ramfjordmoen, Norway this past month has resulted in a "catastrophic puncturing" of our Plant's thermosphere thus allowing into the troposphere an "unimpeded thermal inversion" of the exosphere, which is the outermost layer of Earth's atmosphere.
Gates of Vienna
It was a catastrophic error. It caused a loss of confidence in the [US] authorities' ability to handle the financial crisis which really did change things and proved hugely costly, " he said.
The electricity sector cannot be efficient when it breaks down catastrophically and bilks its own customers.
Its inhabitants, of mostly African extraction with some Irish admixture, numbered close to 13,000, but two thirds of them fled the island after the catastrophic eruption in June of 1997.
The Army Corps of Engineers says there has been what it called a catastrophic break at a lock along the Ohio River, the lock helped regulate river levels allowing boats and barges to get around the dams.
CNN Transcript Sep 27, 2009
Me, I suspect they are growing evermore desperate to retrospectively ‘justify’ their war, as the fruits of it grow more tragic, disastrous and perhaps even strategically-catastrophic for America.
He remembers when schools were schools were closed for fear of catastrophic bombing raids in wartime Edinburgh and classes were spread among private houses.
As a result of the aircrew's actions, no injuries were suffered while preventing potentially catastrophic damage to a valuable combat asset.
Water flowing from the damaged levee near Lake Pontchartrain could have equally catastrophic effects, only unfolding more slowly.
The column was replete with properly positioned apostrophes, including this multi-apostrophized sentence: "And his books did contain valuable news: of the Wolfowitz axis 'early push to take on Iraq, of the president's messianic view of himself as God's chosen warrior, of the Powell-Rumsfeld conflicts that led to the war's catastrophic execution.
Arianna Huffington: Arianna's Grammar Pet Peeve: The Apostrophe Crisis
Seven minutes in, the unprecedented unavailability of hot drinks seems catastrophic.
Times, Sunday Times
Appropriately enough, the plate's iconic force -- reminiscent of non-perspectival medieval representations -- grows out of the violent contrast between the "depthless" Gestalt of Los trapped "in dreamless night" and his gaze of catastrophic expectation (reinforced by the toothless, semingly disfigured mouth).
Bringing About the Past
* Joe Klein puts his finger on one the now-defunc Democratic Leadership Council's most catastrophic failings: "The war in Iraq, which the DLC supported reflexively, as a way of seeming `strong,' without ever really analyzing the intellectual weaknesses of the casus belli.
Happy Hour Roundup
Their diseases were then passed on to domestic cattle with catastrophic effect.
Times, Sunday Times
At some later date, a slight glacial retreat would weaken the dam wall and its subsequent collapse would prove catastrophic.
His mother's untimely death had a catastrophic effect on him.
The water shortage in this country is potentially catastrophic.
Among the chatterati these days the favorite topic of conjecture is what the catastrophic Gulf oil spill means for President Obama.
Laissez-Faire Meets the Oil Spill
By the time he did so, terrified passengers had already called the coastguard, warning them of the catastrophic collision. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
Had preclinical trials involved 50 rhesus monkeys instead of 20, and also involved chimpanzees as well as rats, mice and rabbits, then the potential for a catastrophic event in humans might have been detected.
We were convinced that our government must intend some diplomatic initiative which would save the situation before it became catastrophic.
Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
There were no catastrophic epidemics but people were more susceptible to malnutrition and injuries.
It was a blunder of potentially catastrophic proportions.
Times, Sunday Times
The most notable feature of the last decade in wine is – for my palate – the catastrophic slide of far too many wines into a Parkerista swamp of overripe fruit, low acid, high alcohol and enough oak to start a saw mill.
Wine trends of the Naughties – reflections through the wine glass | Dr Vino's wine blog
His mother's untimely death had a catastrophic effect on him.