- a medical dressing consisting of a soft heated mass of meal or clay that is spread on a cloth and applied to the skin to treat inflamed areas or improve circulation etc.
How To Use cataplasm In A Sentence
- It is employed where a cooling and astringent cataplasm is required.
- The irritation and allergia tests showed that Xionggui Cataplasm had a good compliance and with no irritation and allergia on the volunteer skin.
- Still another category includes what might loosely be called medical terms: anatomist, cad-wagon, cachexy, cataplasm, cholera sermon, resurrectioner, and of course the contagionist, meteorastic, and telluric schools of medicine. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol X No 4
- In fractures of the ears, neither bandages nor cataplasms should be used; or, if any bandage be used, it should be put on very tight; the cerate and sulphur should be applied to agglutinate the bandages. Instruments Of Reduction
- The clay cataplasm (that the vet authorized!) is working, along with the antibiotics. French Word-A-Day:
- Pliny says, in so many words, that the cerates and cataplasms, plasters, collyria, and antidotes, so abundant in his time, as in more recent days, were mere tricks to make money.
- Another: - Having pounded the seed of hemlock, pour on it a fragrant white wine, and then apply in a tepid state as a cataplasm. On Fistulae
- Methods:126 patients with oral ulcer were treated with dilantin cataplasm, and return visit at 1,3,6 days and six months. Then evaluate the curative effect by the therapic standard.
- Pliny says, in so many words, that the cerates and cataplasms, plasters, collyria, and antidotes, so abundant in his time, as in more recent days, were mere tricks to make money.
- It is used in the form of cataplasms, tonics, salves and plasters.