
How To Use Catalysis In A Sentence

  • The frequency shifts show an electron movement toward -phosphate, which probably contributes to catalysis by reducing the free activation energy.
  • The partial negative charge on the oxygen atom makes it susceptible to acid catalysis.
  • Our findings indicate that the putative active site nucleophile is not required for FDTS catalysis, and no alternative nucleophilic residues capable of serving this function can be identified. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • There is gap corrosion between mainstream tube and branch tube, due to oxygen concentration-difference cell and self-catalysis of chlorine ions, which accelerates corrosion.
  • After nine very productive years at MSU where I started my work in olefin metathesis and a number of other areas of catalysis, I was offered Robert H. Grubbs - Autobiography
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  • METHODS Using the nanometer photocatalysis technology clinically , to analyze the bacteriostatic effect of medical environment.
  • The regions of the monomer that move most during catalysis are shown in dark gray.
  • This investigation is exciting because it promises to provide fundamental scientific breakthroughs in chemical synthesis, self-assembly, electron and energy transfer processes, and photocatalysis.
  • In either case, the new structure represents an interesting and unique case of metal coordination in enzyme catalysis.
  • Warburg had shown that this yellow pigment is involved in catalysis of the oxidation of hexose-monophosphoric acid during yeast metabolism. Richard Kuhn and the Chemical Institute: Double Bonds and Biological Mechanisms
  • In the field of catalysis, chemists have been searching for catalysts that are stable at high temperatures.
  • The catalytic domain also contains an oxyanion hole that is essential for catalysis.
  • After consistent, continuous research he successfully formulated a principle to describe the nature of catalysis which is satisfactory for the present state of knowledge, namely that catalytic action consists in the modification, by the acting substance, the catalyst, of the rate at which a chemical reaction occurs, without that substance itself being part of the end-products formed. Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1909 - Presentation Speech
  • The catalytic converter is a good example of a heterogeneous catalysis in action.
  • Biocatalysis has become one of the most promising and effective methods in the asymmetric synthesis for its outstanding stereochemical specificity.
  • Ultraviolet visible diffused reflection measure showed that composite carrier widened TiO2 response range towards light, establishing the favorable foundation for photo catalysis reaction.
  • of the top 50 commodity chemicals, 30 are created directly by catalysis and another 6 are made from raw materials that are catalytically produced
  • He had begun a study of prion autocatalysis in yeast and became interested in the significance of polymorphisms in human genes that encode molecules involved in drug transport and metabolism.
  • Indeed, electrical currents could lead to a potential drop and to heating and catalysis of undesirable electrochemical reactions.
  • Amides are hydrolysed to ammonium salts with catalysis by acids or alkalis.
  • By autocatalysis or autocatalytic evolution he refers to ‘intrinsically driven and self-propelled’ biological change.
  • One of the factors that makes process engineers think twice before choosing homogeneous catalysis, however, is the problem of separation.
  • In general, chemical catalysis offers faster reactions times than bioremediation schemes but also tends to be more expensive.
  • Warburg had shown that this yellow pigment is involved in catalysis of the oxidation of hexose-monophosphoric acid during yeast metabolism. Richard Kuhn and the Chemical Institute: Double Bonds and Biological Mechanisms
  • Studies on lipase showed that enzyme catalysis, substrate binding, and substrate releasing correspond to different types of motion styles.
  • The transesterification reaction breaks the link between the fatty acid and glycerine, using base catalysis and an alcohol.
  • The photocatalysis of the semiconductive materials convert the photon energy to energy.
  • Amides are hydrolysed to ammonium salts with catalysis by acids or alkalis.
  • Chemisorption plays an essential role in corrosion, heterogeneous catalysis, and electrochemistry.
  • In many ways to treat with the organic pollution of indoor air, nanometer TiO2 photocatalysis technology is a purificatory measure which possess quite developmental potential in recent year.
  • Two BODIPY dyes were synthesized from a conformationally unconstrained indacene using simple palladium catalysis. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Warburg had shown that this yellow pigment is involved in catalysis of the oxidation of hexose-monophosphoric acid during yeast metabolism. Richard Kuhn and the Chemical Institute: Double Bonds and Biological Mechanisms
  • Instead of using metals to propel a chemical reaction (a standard method called organometallic catalysis widely used in the creation of pharmaceuticals), the team developed a way to use organic chemicals such as carbon in the reaction, an environmentally safer, easier and cheaper way to produce drugs. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • The catalysis - acid leaching process of copper bismuth sulphide dregs is introduced.
  • Enzymes have been widely praised for their specificity and efficiency in stereospecific catalysis.
  • Noyori who was exploring catalysis by transition metal species in E.J. Corey's group, and Mike Strem, who had started Strem Chemicals and for whom I made a sample of deuterated Zeise's salt for the fantastic wage of $100, half a month's pay at that time. Richard R. Schrock - Autobiography
  • These emerging and incisive experimental and theoretical tools make the field of nanoscale electrocatalysis ripe for rapid and comprehensive growth.
  • Enzymes have been widely praised for their specificity and efficiency in stereospecific catalysis.
  • At the same time biology, too, gave closer attention to the problem of catalysis, which is, of course, one of the organism's main agencies for an enormous variety of purposes, and again the kinetic definition proved superior to all other attempted generalizations, some of which were more figurative than objective. Wilhelm Ostwald - Nobel Lecture
  • The catalysis and oxidation Coulomb method to measure organic Chlorides is introduced.
  • Szent-Györgyi (1937) vitamin C and the catalysis of fumaric acid The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1901-2000
  • Other potential applications for photocatalysis plants could include train toilets, or around sewage and waste treatment facilities.
  • It will hence be abundantly clear again that a special problem of chemical kinetics is involved in the special case of these catalyses and that until a way has been found whereby a rate of chemical reaction can generally be calculated in advance as a function of the chemical nature of the reagents and perhaps of the special form of the reaction equation, the catalysis problem cannot satisfactorily be answered. Wilhelm Ostwald - Nobel Lecture
  • In its broadest sense a living unit or entity is one that can direct chemical changes by catalysis, and at the same time reproduce itself by autocatalysis, that is, by directing the formation of units like itself from other, and usually simpler chemical substances. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • The most distinctive property of the gene, said Muller, is its capacity for self-propagation, or autocatalysis, whereby it converts some of the surrounding cytoplasmic material into an end product identical with itself.
  • It decreases the rate of steady-state catalysis but does not impair the activation of the enzyme.
  • '' '' 'and at the same time reproduce itself by autocatalysis, that is, by directing the formation of units Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Liposomes are widely used as models of biomembranes and in applications such as solar energy conversion, chemical catalysis, and drug delivery.
  • Amides are hydrolysed to ammonium salts with catalysis by acids or alkalis.
  • However, nobody had made the conclusive step of considering the consequences of this, namely the chain of muon catalysis reactions.
  • The method has found several important fields of application, for instance in the study of surface-chemistry processes such as catalysis and corrosion. Press Release: The 1981 Nobel Prize in Physics
  • My research interests are organic chemistry mechanisms, organometallic chemistry, and heterogeneous catalysis.
  • For enzymic catalysis, this source of reversible work is unlikely because the amount of work required is much greater, while the participants in the reaction, including the enzyme, are usually chemically unreactive.
  • The FBS (fluorous biphase system) makes homogeneous catalysis and heterogeneous separation possible and easy to separate the catalysts dissolved in PFC (perfluorocarbons).
  • We also show that an active site cysteine is important for catalysis, likely in the protonation of uracil during tRNA reduction. Journal of Biological Chemistry current issue
  • Disclosed herein is a treatment method concerning catalysis-cracker gasoline which corrodes copper sheet.
  • The hope is to solve mysteries that Nature has long kept hidden, such as the molecular basis of catalysis and the mechanism that allows plants to split water at room temperature using sunlight.
  • Without catalysis, hydrogen peroxide decomposes slowly over time to form water and oxygen gas.
  • After polymerisation using heat, light, radiation, or catalysis a range of strong thermosetting plastics can be produced.
  • Enzymatic catalysis involves the breaking and making of different chemical bonds.
  • The invention discloses a method for sterilizing sewage by hydrogen peroxide-titanium dioxide photocatalysis and adopts the titanium dioxide photocatalysis and hydrogen peroxide to treat the sewage.
  • I therefore took the opportunity offered to me by many reports, etc. to combat those injurious hypotheses and draw attention to the incomparably greater effectiveness of the simple definition of catalysis based on measurable facts which states that catalysis is a chemical acceleration brought about by the presence of substances which do not appear in the reaction product. Wilhelm Ostwald - Nobel Lecture
  • The most highly conserved domain is located in the C terminus of the protein and is involved in dimerization and likely in catalysis.
  • Thus markedly different reaction processes can be accomplished using the same material by varying the particle size as needed for highly selective photocatalysis.
  • It seems that amino acids are indeed the result of autocatalysis.
  • Many of these neoteric solvent systems have interesting properties that make them suitable for use in homogeneous catalysis.
  • The transesterification reaction breaks the link between the fatty acid and glycerine, using base catalysis and an alcohol.
  • Zachriel: With autocatalysis, there is no distinction between the 'hardware' and the 'software'. Abusing Science
  • One area where ionic liquids promise to make a big impact is in homogeneous catalysis, where the catalyst is typically dissolved in solution along with the reactants.
  • Linkage of the addition reaction to the molecular mechanism of catalysis therefore depends on demonstration of sequence specificity.
  • Thus, catalysis is believed to involve a one-step, metal-ion-mediated hydrolysis of the substrate by a metal-activated water molecule.
  • This has important applications in protein chromatography, immunoassays for medical diagnostic tests, development of biosensors, biotechnology, and biocatalysis.
  • In general, chemical catalysis offers faster reactions times than bioremediation schemes but also tends to be more expensive.
  • Histidines are often involved in acid base catalysis, and prone to activate nucleophiles by abstracting a proton.
  • This process, called intrinsic catalysis, has a characteristic signature in the exchange time measurements versus pH.
  • My research interests are organic chemistry mechanisms, organometallic chemistry, and heterogeneous catalysis.
  • Such a low pH value suggests that at higher pH the protonation of a carboxylate, forming a hydrogen bond, would break this interaction leading to a destabilization and a change in the heme pocket crucial to catalysis.
  • In either case, the new structure represents an interesting and unique case of metal coordination in enzyme catalysis.
  • So we can conclude that nano-TiO2/silicon-acrylic composite emulsion film has obvious photocatalysis and transforms energy of light into chemical energy with antibacterial and antivirotic.
  • In the area of photocatalysis, developing colloidal semiconductor systems capable of converting visible light to a useful form of energy has also been the center of attention.
  • Linkage of the addition reaction to the molecular mechanism of catalysis therefore depends on demonstration of sequence specificity.
  • Amides are hydrolysed to ammonium salts with catalysis by acids or alkalis.
  • Heterogeneous catalysis, in which the catalyst and reactants occupy separate phases, is something of a black art when compared with homogeneous catalysis.
  • Amides are hydrolysed to ammonium salts with catalysis by acids or alkalis.
  • M.; Little, D.B.; Schalk, M.; Croteau, R.: Hydroxylation of limonene enantiomers and analogs by recombinant (-) - limonene 3 - and 6-hydroxy - lases from Mint (Mentha) species: Evidence for catalysis within sterically constrained active sites. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Amides are hydrolysed to ammonium salts with catalysis by acids or alkalis.
  • Successful biphasic catalysis uses two solvents of different polarity so that the catalyst stays primarily in one phase and renders the catalyst recyclable.
  • “Water-surface interactions are ubiquitous in nature and play an important role in many technological applications such as catalysis and corrosion,” said Greg Kimmel, staff scientist at the Department of Energy lab and lead author of a paper in the current issue Oct. 15 advance online edition of Physical Review Letters. Wetness-Defying Water | Impact Lab
  • After polymerisation using heat, light, radiation or catalysis, a range of strong thermosetting plastics can be produced.
  • X-ray diffraction and spectroscopic techniques continue to provide important clues,(Sentencedict) leading towards an understanding of the remarkable specificity of enzymatic catalysis.
  • Even the term catalysis which, after being for long misunderstood, nay despised, is now back in favour, we owe to Wilhelm Ostwald - Nobel Lecture
  • The name, katalize (pronounced cattle-eyes) represents a fusion of the term katal (unit for measuring catalytic activity) and process of catalysis (the acceleration of the reaction rate of a reaction by means of a substance, called a catalyst). AvaxHome
  • The life sciences firm specialises in the niche area of chiral catalysis, which enables the production of pharmaceuticals with reduced side effects.
  • Mechanism: 4-hydroxyphenylacetate binds to C1, then the enzyme-bound flavin is reduced by NADH, this reduced flavin is transferred to C2 and the reoxidation of the flavin occurs concurrently with the hydroxylation of the substrate dehydration of the C4a-hydroxy - flavin is the rate-determining step in catalysis Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • In the following decade, the other two main concepts of the mechanism were revealed, namely that the three catalytic sites participate sequentially and cooperatively, and that our, and other, data could be best explained by what was termed a rotational catalysis. Paul D. Boyer - Autobiography
  • a GSH-mixed disulfide mechanism for glutaredoxin catalysis in contrast to the dithiol mechanism for thioredoxin. Journal of Biological Chemistry current issue
  • Its necessity emerged quite clearly at that meeting, for in the chemical literature of those days it is not uncommon to encounter the comment "that the name catalysis is not an explanation of these processes", and that comment was to be taken as a reason for rejecting the concept in question. Wilhelm Ostwald - Nobel Lecture
  • We then added RNase A, and to our surprise proteolysis was completely inhibited, even with an extremely small amount - mere few nanograms - of the enzyme added: it looked as if the enzyme exerted its effect via catalysis - RNA degradation. Aaron Ciechanover - Autobiography
  • Inevitably, therefore, I was compelled to the view that the nature of catalysis is not be sought in the inducement of Wilhelm Ostwald - Nobel Lecture
  • The hybrid enzyme techniques have been used to modify enzyme's non-catalysis characters, create novel enzymes, study the relationship between function and structure of protein.
  • Berzelius introduced the name catalysis instead, with the active but unconsumed substance being termed the catalytic substance or catalyst, and the cause underlying the phenomena catalytic force. Wilhelm Ostwald - Nobel Lecture
  • Chemisorption plays an essential role in corrosion, heterogeneous catalysis, and electrochemistry.
  • The decarboxylation of mandelylthiamin is subject to general base catalysis, an outcome that is inconsistent with the expected dissociative transition state.
  • Nevertheless, the system does demonstrate for the first time the decontamination of a bacteria-containing air stream by photocatalysis at room temperature.
  • Linkage of the addition reaction to the molecular mechanism of catalysis therefore depends on demonstration of sequence specificity.
  • Linkage of the addition reaction to the molecular mechanism of catalysis therefore depends on demonstration of sequence specificity.
  • Even the term catalysis which, after being for long misunderstood, nay despised, is now back in favour, we owe to Wilhelm Ostwald - Nobel Lecture
  • That is, we would need to know the exact concentration of the photoproducts in order to determine the rate constant for autocatalysis.
  • One of the factors that makes process engineers think twice before choosing homogeneous catalysis, however, is the problem of separation.
  • He gave to us the basic methods of analysis which made chemistry an exact science, and endowed us with the pregnant ideas of isomerism and catalysis. Ronald G.W. Norrish - Banquet Speech
  • α − 1,3 mannosidase activity of GH38 enzymes; catalysis occurs with net retention of anomeric configuration. doi: 10.1371/journal. pone.0009006.g001 PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The task of transporting electrical charges between metal-oxide and water phases is critical in such technologies as catalysis, sensors, and electrochemistry.
  • For this reason the process chosen is usually heterogeneous catalysis, because this keeps the cost and the number of process steps to a minimum.
  • The metal catalysts are quite expensive, but since catalysis occurs at the surface, only a thin layer is required.
  • Interestingly, protein loops are often involved in protein activities, including ligand binding and catalysis.
  • A model that assumes that both the G- and T-segments belong to a continuous DNA stretch interacting with the enzyme cannot explain, however, catalysis of the catenation / decatenation reaction by DNA gyrase.
  • The few examples of homogeneous catalysis by gold previously reported in the literature are associated with very small turnover frequencies and yields of product per mole of catalyst.
  • The photocatalysis effect comes about because TiO 2 is a semiconductor that can absorb the high-energy component of sunlight.
  • Catalysis are mainly postulatory, and most of the postulates advanced can be disposed of, in spite of which many important discoveries and accomplishments have been attained through Catalysis, and I believe I can safely say that it presents as fertile a field for research as any other field in the chemical science. The Centennial of the University of Virginia, 1819-1921
  • Heterogeneous catalysis, in which the catalyst and reactants occupy separate phases, is something of a black art when compared with homogeneous catalysis.
  • Research and development efforts in the chemical industry are significantly more productive with the use of catalysis in fields such as fuel refining, petrochemical manufacturing, and environmental management.

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