How To Use Cataclysmic In A Sentence
And judging by the moans and groans coming from some supporters at the moment you would think Burnley are locked in a tailspin of cataclysmic proportions.
There are cataclysmic family secrets that are revealed, and a Shakespearean finale that is a clever spin on the original.
Apparently a great earthquake caused a cataclysmic rush of water to submerge the parish of Feadaill at the south end of the loch and all its inhabitants perished.
A cataclysmic event during this period detached most of the crystal groups from the cavern walls and ceiling.
I believe, however, that ethnic cleansing is a useful and viable term for understanding not just the war in the former Yugoslavia but other similar cataclysmic events in the course of the twentieth century.

When Marx and Engels turned their attention to the cataclysmic upheaval in India, they saw it in relation to similar developments taking place in other parts of the world.
Did you ever think in all your life, David, that in your lifetime the most cataclysmic event in the history of this country would happen and you would see it?
Also in the months leading up to the event, he showed no indication that he was up to something as cataclysmic as the bloody coup.
Others have experienced in their lives some sort of cataclysmic event, and now they make lots of money telling everyone else about it.
Heat for title faves -- would have long-lasting, cataclysmic ripples across the NBA.
FanHouse Main
A cataclysmic upheaval was experienced by the other princely families when the privy purses were abolished in 1971.
These leaders were revolutionary, cataclysmic, change agents.
Christianity Today
The cataclysmic event may have caused widespread extinction of the dinosaurs and three-fourths of Earth's living organisms.
Intriguingly, the author of this cataclysmic theatrical moment politely refused to engage in either explanations or expositions about his work.
Why did the Cold War fail to turn into a cataclysmic third world war?
Times, Sunday Times
The cataclysmic event, which occurred last year on Jupiter's moon Io, ranks as the most powerful volcanic eruption ever recorded in the solar system.
But at the very least no first use offered a somewhat less cataclysmic end point than nuclear reliance.
NATO's Changing Strategic Agenda
Unlike postmillennialists, who anticipated a gradual progress towards the millennium through Christian, human agencies, premillennialists looked for a sudden change through divine, cataclysmic action.
We have been so cataclysmically wrong in this kind of assumption over the years, that you would think people would be charier now.
Forget About Rethinking
Sever the ties that bind the nonsmokers of Framingham or worse, nucleate a large social network with a proselytizing smoker, and then, cataclysmically, the network might alter as a whole.
The Emperor of All Maladies
Nonetheless, his death triggered events which led to cataclysmic changes at every level of society, and in almost every country on earth.
As she notes in her essay, individuals and groups generally draw on familiar ‘frames of acceptance’ in grappling with traumatic or cataclysmic events.
Few had expected that change to be as cataclysmic as it turned out to be.
Eventually the entire surface founders in a cataclysmic event, leading to volcanic resurfacing on a global scale, followed by tectonic deformation of some areas as the new surface settles down.
Several cataclysmic events happened all at once, but all I remember now are a few things.
Give us a perfect storm of rolling, cataclysmic disasters, and we show you a poker face.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet she did not view defeat as a cataclysmic disaster and accepted that it is all part of her tennis education.
Times, Sunday Times
It explores the environmental, political, economic and social impact of such a cataclysmic event.
Whatever cataclysmic collision forged the glassy rocks occurred about half a million years ago.
Our indebtedness enfeebles the range of our responses to what are cataclysmic forces.
Waiting for Ramsay MacDonald?
Paleontologists recognize five cataclysmic episodes in Earth's history, times when 50 to 95 percent of existing species abruptly vanished.
That would in effect force them to hive off their audit arms, a cataclysmic change to their business model.
Times, Sunday Times
Twentieth century's final years witnessed some cataclysmic events unprecedented in history.
If the cataclysmic event is predicted to take place a thousand centuries from the present, will it have any measurable effects upon human behavior during the next ten generations?
So cataclysmic was the change that the Germans coined the phrase "zero hour".
The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
Their bumbling averts cataclysmic disasters that confront the Earth - most of which are their own creation.
Every ice age that has occurred in traceable history has been connected to a cataclysmic event.
Think Progress » Scorched.
Further trouble brews when it turns out that a doppel whose halves speak slightly out of phase can act as a drug for the Hosts—addictive, destructive, eventually cataclysmic for the whole Host civilization and its human symbiote.
Impossible Cities
Blessed with cataclysmic vision, we don't admit gentler outcomes, such as mere catastrophe or ruin.
To them, Lincoln's election necessitated secession because a Republican-controlled federal government would prompt either the ultimate miscegenation of the races or a cataclysmic race war.
Brownlee is an expert on comets and space dust; Szkody is an authority on binary star systems called cataclysmic variables.
For this date follows closely on one of the periods of cataclysmic events recorded in the northern hemisphere, a period of cultural collapse recorded from the Mediterranean to China, a period of massive migrations of people.
The key to the success of the films, as is true of Tolkien's books, is the focus on the small stories, the personal and emotional details, in the midst of world-shaking cataclysmic events.
A very widespread but mistaken presupposition is that Revelation contains secret, coded messages, specifying the dates and details of cataclysmic events just around the corner.
cataclysmic nuclear war
It's still possible that this is just a cataclysmic bankruptcy for which a few malfeasant executives will pay a stiff price.
Essentially, The Devil's Casino dates Lehman's ultimate demise back to that cataclysmic power struggle.
One day, thousands of years from now, after the devastating effects of climate change have successfully wiped out the majority of twenty-first century American culture through some cataclysmic disaster that leaves only ruins to be studied, much like how our society now studies ancient Babylon, the children of the future will be sitting in their futuristic classrooms watching the only remaining DVD of our era, which just so happens to be the first season of Big Time Rush, and the teacher is going to say, "This was the pinnacle of twenty-first century American musical achievement," and somewhere in the ethos (* insert name of composer who you feel best represents twenty-first century American musical achievement*) will cry out in despair.
The sudden appearance of Europeans after the first landfall of Christopher Columbus in 1492 had a cataclysmic effect upon them.
The Depression was a cataclysmic event that did much to erode confidence in the middle class's dream of racial advancement through economic self-help.
And all of them blissfully unaware that the cataclysmic events of the next ten years will change the world as they know it.
a cataclysmic earthquake
Whereupon this foreigner, who was clueless and careless enough to mention the occult, was showered with stories of varying levels of tragedy illustrating the cataclysmic powers of the 'unnameable', whose name still inspired fear.
Anyone who watches such cataclysmic events unfold can somehow claim them as their own.
Now, here is the nub of the matter and the next - possibly cataclysmic - pitfall into which Labour, in its enduring arrogance and self-interest, may well fall.
These leaders were revolutionary, cataclysmic, change agents.
Christianity Today
The rhythmic whisking of brooms would erupt into a cataclysmic clatter of samurai handle-pounding that would have you adrenalized and moving to the heavy beat.
Some new shtick in 'Stomp'
And if you don't pay attention to the alarm sounded by the loss of a species then you run the risk of major, cataclysmic upheaval and suffering in the future.
The question of how stars die is currently a major focus of stellar research, and is particularly directed toward the energetic explosions that destroy a star in one cataclysmic event.
They have cataclysmic visions of what will happen to the world if Orestes escapes punishment, since there will be no justice to this matricidal murderer.
Perhaps Elliania was still too dazed from the previous evening's late night and cataclysmic agreements to present any last-minute hurdles.
This is actually a series of papyri, which describe various cataclysmic events in Egypt - blood everywhere, people dying etc.
Despite the world's brightest researchers, the latest GPS technology and powerful computer models, scientists cannot reliably forecast the cataclysmic geological events.
Many days passed with the ratio of foam to liquid within the soda changing in favor of an inevitable cataclysmic explosion that would ruin and taint all other foods within the refrigerator.
These are different from the reforms of the early 1990s that created cataclysmic changes in the day-to-day life of ordinary Russians.
Twentieth century's final years witnessed some cataclysmic events unprecedented in history.
Institute for Research & Education on Human Rights, an organization that has long tracked and exposed right-wing movements, "Demographic winter is a relatively new phrase that describes the old alarmist 'birth dearth' concept -- the idea that we're facing declining birthrates which is supposed to portend all sorts of cataclysmic events. Main RSS Feed
After sacking every one of the Darién's reducciones, desecrating the churches, and despoiling them of their sacred vessels, García regrouped his forces for a final, cataclysmic assault on Panamá City and Portobelo.
The Door of the Seas and Key to the Universe: Indian Politics and Imperial Rivalry in the Dari
At cataclysmic events in the community (births, illnesses, deaths) the women were present to minister aid and comfort.
For instance, under the old paradigm, fire was considered a foe, a cataclysmic event not part of how nature works and therefore unnatural; consequently, forest managers responded with a policy of fire prevention.
Set inside the Void, this story follows the life of Edeard, a young 'shaper' whose life is changed forever by a cataclysmic event and he finds his way to the great city of Makkatheren where he enters the service of the constables.
Archive 2007-08-01
Their claim to fame is nothing more than having been ordinary people bound up in the two cataclysmic events of the twentieth century - WWI and WWII.
Flannery sees this sequence over and over again, from the original resumption of life after the asteroid, through various migrations after other cataclysmic changes, to the successive waves of humans.
The film is set at a time when an abrupt climate change has cataclysmic consequences for the entire planet.
For some a cataclysmic dislodgement, for others scarcely more than a fibrillation.
Back then, the cataclysmic flood waters in the region scoured away the soils of Eastern Washington and carried house-sized boulders from Montana as far away as Oregon.
What happened on December 6, 1992 was not a breakdown of law and order; what happened was a cataclysmic event which was an outpouring of the anger of five centuries that nobody could have stopped.
Seemingly cataclysmic, its occurrence prevented a far more severe and intense shock in the future as French society slowly adjusted to the strains and stresses of modernization.
Our foreparents lived through sea changes, upheavals so cataclysmic, so devastating we may never appreciate the fortitude and resilience required to survive them.
The war between the Lon Nol regime and the Communist Khmer Rouge set the stage for the cataclysmic decline of the Kampuchean population that was to follow.
Kampuchea: A Demographic Catastrophe