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  1. relating to or characterized by catabolism
  2. characterized by destructive metabolism

How To Use catabolic In A Sentence

  • The combat frames were obviously several generations into the relationship: when discovered, their catabolic furnaces were already atrophying, forcing them to continue protecting the solar platform. 365 tomorrows » Sam Clough : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Catabolic processes such as solubilization and breakdown of cell wall polymers dominate in this situation, although there are reports of new cell wall synthesis also occurring.
  • Alanine and glutamine account for about 80% of the amino acids released from skeletal muscle during catabolic periods such as intense training or injury.
  • For example, testosterone is an anabolic hormone, and synthetic steroids that produce the anabolic actions are known as adrenal gland, is a catabolic hormone. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • ADA which has important relationships with the immune system of the body, is a kind of catabolic enzymes of nucleic acid. ADA can specifically catalyze adenosine to generate irreversible deamination.
  • So he's really looking at this from a whole different perspective, looking at your lean mass versus your fat and saying that if you go into a starvation mode, which he is claiming is every three hours, and that might be a little bit an overstatement, that you get into what's called a catabolic state, and you're breaking down your muscle mass, which is what keeps burning at higher calorie levels. CNN Transcript Dec 30, 2005
  • ADA which has important relationships with the immune system of the body, is a kind of catabolic enzymes of nucleic acid. ADA can specifically catalyze adenosine to generate irreversible deamination.
  • By keeping a constant and sufficient pool of free-floating amino acids in your body, you may be able to minimize your body's catabolic - or muscle wasting - response while maximizing its anabolic response.
  • There they are converted to fatty acids, amino acids, and glycogen, or else oxidized by the various catabolic pathways of cells.
  • What many of the experts who develop these programs fail to point out is that the body is extremely catabolic after an eight-hour fast and its metabolism is at its slowest point, which furthers fat loss and increases muscle wastage. Body by Design
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