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How To Use Casually In A Sentence

  • He also knew a great deal about history, which he used in his "Time Patrol" stories—the one here has a title casually truncated from Cato, "Delenda Est" the missing Latin word is "Carthago". Attack of the Classics
  • The shirt was that little bit too pink, there was one button too many left carefully-casually undone and the tan was a shade and a half too dark.
  • He had turned his head, and was looking oh-so-casually off toward the chromolithograph of Bonnie Prince Charlie with which Mrs. Baird had seen fit to decorate our wall. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • Please enjoy how Bill just casually tosses a floppy disc in the air.
  • A life-long penciller of rippling muscles and bosomy babes, he casually refers to Hamlet, Irving Berlin and Ira Gershwin as he describes a life's work in what is often seen as a trashy business.
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  • He was careful to keep his legs casually thrown out in front of him, his expression bored. Bloodstream
  • A much longer pause ensued, and Rolloniss casually walked across to the edge of the cliff, staring at the vast, unobscured countryside.
  • It might include acknowledging your own mistakes, such as casually floating that $900 billion figure which forced House and Senate leaders to backload key provisions in the final bill. Harold Pollack: Some Unsolicited Advice for Howard Dean, and for President Obama, Too
  • He spoke casually and toyed with his pen.
  • hollered one ample young madam, under the misapprehension she was being casually friendly. LOOKING FOR ANDREW MCCARTHY
  • One camerawoman leaned over to me a casually said, "I don't care what happens to those guys in the tree, but they the protesters better not hurt that dog. Rabbi Yonah Bookstein: A Rabbi's Testimony: The Repression and Elimination of OccupyLA
  • At the song's end, he casually tosses his guitar over his shoulder and into the drum kit.
  • About half the time, the songs are laid-back - mellow even - and meander casually along with long, rich, drawn-out horn solos and harmonies.
  • He leaned casually against the door frame, hands on hips.
  • For simplicity's sake, I use the term here as a synonym for gravitational wave, as researchers themselves often do when speaking casually.
  • He tucked his hands into the pant pockets as he casually strolled down the monolithic hallway.
  • I casually dropped the corsage, but James saw it and picked it up. SOMEBODY
  • _aparejo_ or an _arroyo_ as casually as Jack would say "singletree" or The Eagle's Heart
  • Youll stick out like a sore thumb if you dress thatcasually, she finished, looking as if the word shed wanted to use was a lot worse than casually. Cassandra Clare: The Mortal Instrument Series
  • She was not exactly your blonde bombshell type: plump, short, always casually dressed, and bitingly acerbic whenever she had the chance.
  • Though the admiral was a perfectly nice and personable woman, she was not in the habit of casually dropping by to visit junior officers. Star Trek: TNG: Losing the Peace
  • I take a deep breath; attempt to run my hand through my tangled and blood-caked hair before jumping down into the dark laneway below, walking as slowly and as casually as I can over to my own building. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Thablue’s Review Forum
  • Barack Obama is "arrogant," "dishonest," and "radical," Fox News 'Sean Hannity announced during a single 10-second chunk of prime-time TV last week -- a casually hateful appraisal that didn't even raise eyebrows, simply because that kind of blanketed disdain for the new president has already become so commonplace. Eric Boehlert: Unhinged in 30 Days: The Right-Wing Media's Obama Era Implosion
  • He took a series of pictures, the first one showing the Manchester man, dressed in shorts, striped T-shirt and flip-flops, casually walking away from the beach, where water is already lapping round the deserted sunloungers.
  • He looked over his shoulder to see the demon boy sitting casually in a wooden chair.
  • Nodding firmly, Junko casually tossed the dress back into the box and followed her uncle into the kitchen.
  • Suddenly I fear becoming even casually acquainted with a new title lest I somehow curse it to dismal failure. Atomic
  • It is a building where the homeless, bedless, penniless man, if he be lucky, may CASUALLY rest his weary bones, and then work like a navvy next day to pay for it. A WINNER OF THE VICTORIA CROSS
  • But arrived 2000 when, walk into an Internet bar casually, computer screen is right the penguin figure annunciate that next horn blink ceaselessly is worn QQ already on the pace drive.
  • So when my sister casually turned to me at Christmas and asked if I would be the godfather to her baby, I quickly agreed without really thinking about it.
  • He was leaning over in the chair, elbows resting casually on his knees.
  • Another time I'd casually written that now I'd had the pleasure of ‘going out’ with a much younger man, I'd be very surprised if I ever reverted to my previous habit of dating oldsters.
  • She liked to shop, casually wandering throughout the market, occasionally listening to the white clad merchants hawk their wares.
  • This is by no means an unbiased book, which makes it a delight to dip into casually. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bafana started off casually stroking the ball around.
  • Fred brought out casually, " I saw Mrs. Fortescue going off to work when I came out.
  • She set it on the carpet and the cat walked casually over, then settled on its hunkers and began to lap delicately. THE GOSPEL MAKERS
  • The rest of my good husband's portrait is, casually -- sometimes even intentionally -- collaged around the four levels of our dumst -- oops, house. Red Room: Fran Moreland Johns: Your Stuff as 'Art'
  • After turning the pillow 45 degrees and back again, she might have tossed it casually on the sofa.
  • In Europe governments have casually played beggar-my-neighbour politics, with countries launching deposit-guarantee schemes that destabilize banks elsewhere.
  • At least one tweet was pretty braggadocious; it casually mentioned "my third sailboat" with an accompanying photo.
  • Over a million men and women, from the hilariously vain to the eye-wateringly repugnant, have submitted themselves to this image-obsessed court of public opinion, where they can be casually rated, from 1-10, on their looks alone.
  • She picked up the package and casually tossed it into her bag.
  • Casually he holds his small pistol towards me, butt first, for inspection.
  • Casually touching many cnidarians will make it clear how they got their name when their nematocysts eject barbed threads tipped with poison.
  • The very next night, Dave dropped by the poker room and casually mentioned that he was thinking about going and shooting the dice a bit.
  • It was at that precise moment that Madison casually strolled in, pulling the heavy barn door shut with a loud slam.
  • I casually mentioned that I might be interested in working abroad.
  • Oh, and it turns out the little dynamo is also a Beckham-like soccer player, something Berg discovered quite by accident when she casually kicked a soccer ball in Spright's direction and the dog, using chest, head and any other useful body part, executed an impressive block and slammed it forward. Pet Talk: Mighty three-legged mutt is my kind of mayor
  • [_He makes a grave tour of inspection of the place, his expression noncommittal; goes about casually without making a point of it; he writes his initials in the dust on a filing case. The Gibson Upright
  • No need to hurry," Ben said casually.
  • he dealt with his course work casually
  • Clubs employ scouts who work their whole lives to unearth such gems, so why are they then treated so casually?
  • People casually flipped through magazines and chatted.
  • He walked down the road, casually swinging his bag.
  • In contrast with the facile legibility of the older tower's brickwork, the metal cladding is apparently casually crumpled.
  • He inclined his head slightly as if in acknowledgment of her statement, then he walked casually across the room towards where she stood beside the secretaire. A Wicked Gentleman
  • Casually our host suggested that we might like a further demonstration of the rats' boldness.
  • While I've already sampled a wide range of only-in-Austin gastronomical delights, I've caught but one film so far, Monkey Warfare [site], a perfect opener, as it's as casually idiosyncratic as the festival itself. GreenCine Daily: Austin Dispatch. 1.
  • But as the shark moves casually past my terror is finally quietened, my body flooded instead by a feeling I can only describe as wonder.
  • The Kolbe," as it is casually known, measures what she refers to as an instinctive modus operandi, or conative skills, the traits each of us is born with. Kansas City Star: Front Page
  • Among the litany of vampy costumes she didn't even understand were vampy because they're so the norm, she casually mentioned that one of the girls in her class was going to be a prostitute, and one of the boys would be going as her pimp. Joyce McFadden: How to Use Sexualized Halloween Costumes to Discuss the Power of Mothers and Daughters
  • Jonathan Waxman is back, this time dishing up rustic Italian - bucatini, bacalao, a lemony roast chicken - at the casually hip West Village bistro Barbuto.
  • I spoke with him as casually as with any of the other groomsmen, although my mind was shouting that I loved him every time I saw him.
  • Even Escovedo's own record company casually tosses off buzzwords like loss, longing and regret in his bio, but he says it is wrong to typecast him as a rather glum fellow.
  • Most rap still follows the initial formula of rhymed couplets that casually mix full rhyme with assonance.
  • So many of us in the literary and academic worlds who knew him only casually still felt as if he was a friend and colleague.
  • I haven't seen her in over a year, and yesterday she just strolls casually up to me and says hello!
  • When I got back from Wellington, my flatmate casually mentioned that the rubber bung had somehow been sucked down the plughole.
  • All these books have strange, often adolescent protagonists to whom weird and grotesque things happen almost by accident, casually disturbing their otherwise suburban lives – and also a certain sense of timelessness and placelessness (this is an America we recognise, yet it is not real, and its cities are rarely named). Daniel Clowes: 'You've got to be obsessed'
  • For the most part, studies of monaural loudness adaptation with both procedures have treated the ear of input rather casually.
  • The two of them ate in silence for a minute or two, and Nora was quite aware of the gazes he was casually shooting over at her in between bites of food.
  • He casually flicked away some dust from his jacket.
  • I reached home and casually tossed the baggie onto a table.
  • When friends of mine opened their house to me on arecent trip home to Canada, and casually informed methat the producer resided in the house across the street, I was tempted to hot-foot it over there in the dark-of-night and tuck my picture and resume in his mailbox. Da Vinci’s Inquest…great Canadian drama! On DVD… « Julian Ayrs & Pop Culture
  • He is dressed casually with a corduroy jacket and pom-pom hat.
  • Look at that smile, the way he casually, almost cruelly swirls the snifter in his hand.
  • Endless parade of casually beautiful young locals? Times, Sunday Times
  • But he left the word gunsel because Hammett had used it so casually that Shaw took it for granted that the word pertained to a hired gunman. The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • He was corpulent, hard-partying, and coarse—a dealer who moved casually through the post-Soviet underworld and all of its crudities, assessing weapons stocks and making useful friends. The Gun
  • My only quibble with this fine book is with the way in which it which it casually ascribes ultimate influence on the shaping of genres to the power of commerce and its supposedly attendant sensibilities.
  • Certainly, there was no lack of cosy confusion in the library, where books were casually piled on tables, commodes, and footstools and were hardly more orderly on the shelves.
  • Changing her position casually, she threw an elbow well over on the skin bale, rested her body upon it, and arranged her parka. WHERE THE TRAIL FORKS
  • Posting it would cost half as much again as its purchase price, so she casually slings it in her luggage.
  • Helene laughed, “that Dolokhov was my lover,” she said in French with her coarse plainness of speech, uttering the word amant as casually as any other word, War and Peace
  • He casually tipped the chair next to him where he had dumped the pieces of the pictures, and the pieces fell quietly onto the floor beneath the chair.
  • Marty casually manipulates the two contenders for the estate in her quest for the formula.
  • They had spoken of it casually as something that would, as a matter of course, take place in the indefinite future, as, for instance, his promotion in the navy, in which he was now a padwar; or the set functions of the court of her grandfather, Tardos Mors, Jeddak of Helium; or Death. The Chessmen of Mars
  • Or, worse yet, as Nadda feared she might end up having to ask, how can you casually ask a person if they might have a crush on their best friend?
  • Always a disciple of hearty and strenuous living, he suggested more than casually his own famous character - the intrepid warrior, adventurer, and seizer of thrones, Conan the Cimmerian. The Conan Chronicles
  • He also discovers a nest of intrigue, decadence and a heathen willingness to murder people very casually if they get in your way.
  • Before lights-out, he'd casually set their stool over by the head of his bunk and stacked two books on it. STONE CITY
  • The man just got out of the car, casually took his coat off, threw it into the car, calmly walked around to the car in front and lamped the driver.
  • The sound “è” of “mAIs” casually turned into the sound of the French vowel “a”, and this is how "mais" became "ma". Troisième age - French Word-A-Day
  • Their easiness with each other was evident, as they danced together, slapped each other on the back and casually bantered throughout the show.
  • Matt Saunders strolled casually down the icy street, a thick black toque pulled snugly over his curly brown hair.
  • My first old Tom cat, Jimmy, who had a wicked sense of humor, would often wait for me to get every piece in place and then casually knock it all down with a flick of one big paw.
  • Faced with a stymie in the afternoon round, Runyan casually chipped his ball over Snead's and into the cup for another winner.
  • The thoughts which he had been casually examining following Habib's departure had gelled towards reality. WHEN THE APRICOTS BLOOM
  • Marty casually manipulates the two contenders for the estate in her quest for the formula.
  • Three middle-aged men hold their fags in their mouths as they casually toss their plastic chips on to the numbered grid at their fingertips.
  • One could not walk the sidewalks casually; one pushed one's way, or sidewinded, through throngs of well-dressed gentlemen and ladies and loud-mouthed costumed rowdies.
  • Fowler smokes opium as casually as one might toke on a cigarette.
  • Was it perhaps something casually received recently by Skousen, never intended to be set down as if it were documentable? Milton Friedman: The Man Who Laughs, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Far from the strained looks clearly visible on Glasgow's streets, Edinburgh shoppers were casually sauntering, even finding time to indulge in the Christmas market.
  • It was rather small and it had been hung, quite casually, on a nail protruding from the wall.
  • Doc Charlie would casually flirt with the nonchalant female who would ever so calmly refuse.
  • It did not make any mention of the fact that many of the people who have come off the unemployment benefit have casually moved over to the invalids benefit or the sickness benefit.
  • It was pleasant to have won her way so far in high places that her health of body and mind should be thus considered -- pleasant, less as personal gratification, than that it casually reflected a proof of her good judgment in a course which everybody among her kindred had condemned by calling a foolhardy undertaking. The Hand of Ethelberta
  • Several minutes later, the last two men exit the sauna within seconds of each other, walking so casually that they might be a pair of boulevardiers going for a stroll.
  • He casually walked down the stairs, humming a jaunty tune to himself as he did so.
  • Place throw blankets casually over chairs and sofas for your loved ones to cuddle up in.
  • Well, there was no denying that, Cory thought ruefully, assimilating the pale blonde hair, artfully coiffed, the im maculate maquillage, the close fitting dove-coloured trouser suit that showed off her mother's slim, toned figure to the best advantage, and the fur jacket draped casually round her shoulders. Rome's Revenge
  • Charlie got up from her seat and casually edged her way to the back of the yard.
  • Zara was casually fanning herself with her picture, but when she thought no one was watching stole long, slow, surreptitious looks at it.
  • There is little chance of casually bumping into people, and I can see why stars who crave anonymity choose to live here.
  • He was casually dressed in jeans and a T-shirt.
  • Father spoke much too casually; Mama's stitching was much too steady and deliberate, almost forced.
  • This is by no means an unbiased book, which makes it a delight to dip into casually. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was casually dressed in a blue sweater over a dress shirt and khakis.
  • I spent the rest of the season casually dropping into any conversation I could that I once met Delia Smith.
  • LONDON (AP) - A British woman caught on tape stroking a cat, picking it up by the scruff of its neck and casually throwing it into its owners 'trash bin pleaded guilty to a single charge of animal cruelty Tuesday. Mary Bale, UK Woman Who Dumped Cat In Trash, Pleads Guilty To Animal Cruelty (VIDEO)
  • The notion of casually mixing fine art and housewares may be offensive to them.
  • She remarked casually that she was changing her job.
  • Lovelock, who appeared not to have a brain in his head, juggled esoteric formulae as casually as a computer. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • Fellows went from deadly serious and intense during her music to being casually witty and friendly; it was a cool, relaxed vibe.
  • These people, casually mentioned, Frank, Amy, whoever, seemed only to materialize in order to do Athol some favor. FAIRYLAND
  • A customer took her into his caravan as they tried to call police, then Donaldson walked in casually drinking a can of cola.
  • Scores of students were caught on camera mounting their bicycles either without their helmets, with helmets unfastened or casually slung across their handlebars.
  • Penda had campaigned as far as Bebbanburgh in Northumbria some time earlier, as Bede mentions this casually as the background to a miracle story Bede Book III Ch. Kings of Lindsey
  • Sure enough, on the drive back to Bandon, my obviously embarrassed sister tried as casually as she could to drop into conversation a message from my mother.
  • gone was the casually dressed Canadian she had thought a backwoodsman--this man was immaculately tailored
  • With a kind of detachment, he walked, as casually as he could under the circumstances, towards the door and rung the bell.
  • He turned around and saw me standing about fifteen feet away from him, tossing a rock casually.
  • Other servants didn't seem to notice any peculiarity from them as they walked by casually.
  • A ponytail of strawberry blond hair hung casually below the reversed peak of her baseball cap.
  • Instead of his usual suit, he was dressed casually in an open-necked knit shirt, and light-colored slacks, and soft Italian shoes with little tassels over the instep.
  • Luka, Nathan and Wolf are far more casually-dressed than the girls: the standardised baggy jeans, t-shirts under short-sleeved button-downs or over long-sleeved shirts.
  • Tufted broadloom carpeting and wool area rugs give the Idea House interior a warm, casually elegant air.
  • Then one day in 1742 the employer casually asked his clerk to write up a bill of sale for the woman.
  • On the other side, the backpackers, tanned and fit, casually shoulder their rucksacks and adjust their sunglasses.
  • Now, you can do this in an offhand manner, casually noting results, but you'll be much further ahead if you do it somewhat scientifically.
  • He saw them walking casually around the gardens.
  • Her friends alerted her to the guy's attention, and she casually pushed her sunglasses to the crown of her head and gave him a genuine smile.
  • glanced casually at the headlines
  • The rules of discipline were not casually administered.
  • Some of the officiants wore judges' robes, some were in business suits, and some were dressed fairly casually.
  • He merely looked contemplatively up into the ceiling as he casually scratched the stubble on his face.
  • Tim continued to chat casually at the girl, who, with a flick of his fingers, had lost her voice.
  • Only 31 percent of UK businesses now allow staff to dress casually at all times, down by 10 percent from 2000.
  • He passes by the dead drop and deposits the message casually, without arousing suspicion.
  • I casually mentioned that I might be interested in working abroad.
  • Cycling more casually, she found a stone bench by the side of the road, and there she dismounted to rest while pondering what course her life would take now.
  • Heard the dog snuffle, then growl casually at the stranger. THE LAST RAVEN
  • It is unlikely that one passing by casually would even notice the little flower, and other flowers by comparison are "loftier," and they "are flaunting nigh. Archive 2009-02-01
  • It's a credit to Byrne's skill as a performer, that he's casually able to generate such a relaxed atmosphere.
  • How casually she positioned that arm and so carelessly bunched up the sleeve of that blouse, crumpling it like a pair of old socks.
  • I was just about to break the terrible news to her when her cat strolled casually around the corner of the house.
  • But others at the Tuskegee meeting cautioned against dismissing too casually possible genetic differences in health outcomes among racial and ethnic groups.
  • Not only teenagers but many high flying execs who flaunt a number of mobiles casually are very poor phone conversationalists.
  • Casually he stuck the incense in a brass bowl in front of a plastic Buddha, and drew on his cigarette.
  • Oh, they flirt casually, make eyes at each other, and share a chaste embrace or two, but we never see anything that makes us say, ‘Now they're a couple.’
  • A group of security men suddenly emerge from a tumbledown shack, guns thrown over their shoulders as casually as jackets.
  • So she put her hair up in the same ponytail as last night and casually put on any clothes.
  • He writes casually well on dreams, relationships and life under totalitarian regimes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Entering Indigo, I was greeted by the sight of many twenty-somethings' faces either glancing casually at me, or, like several, scrutinising me all the way to the seat I took at one of the tables.
  • Jason slung an arm casually over the headrest of the bus chair.
  • Jimmy went back to his conversation with the tattooed man, his thumb now resting casually in Sean's belt loop.
  • BankAmerica employees like dressing casually so much they are willing to pay for the privilege.
  • He stood at the boardroom table casually, shoulders slightly hunched as usual.
  • The emcee, a university official, casually noted in her introduction that the school ‘will proceed with its affirmative action policies no matter what the Supreme Court does.’
  • Your remarks on the vogue for the term film noir seem to imply that it was casually created by a bunch of movie critics operating in their pretentious twit mode. No Uncertain Terms
  • In front of me was a stocky man, casually dressed in tight-fitting vest, shorts and baseball cap.
  • With a wave Patric walked casually outside the store and found a small bench on the other side of this ornamental bush where he sat himself down.
  • Now, off wi" ye, spawn, " the bridie seller said, casually smacking the young man across the buttocks with her wooden spatula. Drums of Autumn
  • He was dressed casually, wearing khaki cargo pants, a dark blue tee shirt with a single breast pocket, and brown hiking boots.
  • She was filmed by television crews casually bumping into the group and speaking to Mr Howard and Mr Norris.
  • The smiling woman was dressed casually in a pair of denim cut-offs and a simple baby blue tank top, her chestnut hair tied up in a pony tail.
  • But others at the Tuskegee meeting cautioned against dismissing too casually possible genetic differences in health outcomes among racial and ethnic groups.
  • A strong likelihood of being fitted up by corrupt cops or being casually blasted out of existence by some one's assault rifle?
  • But he left the word gunsel because Hammett had used it so casually that Shaw took it for granted that the word pertained to a hired gunman. The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • Some people react so strongly against the morbid view of doubt that they treat doubt casually, even celebrate it.
  • In a tale that also relies on face-recognition gizmos—they're deployed as casually as dental floss—the most readily recognizable face belongs to the star, whose features have matured and coarsened with the passage of time. Stylish Spectacle Makes This 'Mission' Possible
  • Both Nicky and Georgina were dressed casually, with Nicky wearing jeans and a baseball cap while Georgina wore jeans and a floral top.
  • One day the piggy ate a banana and he throws the banana skin away casually, too.
  • They chatted casually on the phone.
  • It is a noble and powerful impulse, one not casually to be ridiculed or dismissed.
  • I casually mentioned that I might be interested in working abroad.
  • He casually allowed his jacket to fall open revealing the bleeper and the computerized personal memo on his belt.
  • I am certainly developing the wisdom of the serpent, for when Mortimer pressed his questions to an inconvenient extent I asked him casually to what type Frankland's skull belonged, and so heard nothing but craniology for the rest of our drive. The Seriously Deranged Writer and the Model Cars
  • He looks so strong because of something he used to say during his first campaign, often after casually dissing some issue or other.
  • We regular attenders made a point of dressing casually. Christianity Today
  • I take a deep breath, attempt to run my hand through my tangled and blood-caked hair before jumping down into the dark laneway below, walking slow and as casually as I can over to my own building. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Thablue’s Review Forum
  • Unfortuantely for the makers, those of us who were around in the 80's can remember Mrs T. casually swatting Ken and the GLC aside much as one might squash a greenfly on a rose bush so that description doesn't hold any weight at all, does it ? OPEN THREAD
  • Subtly, almost casually, Miéville constructs a metaphor for modern life in which our habits of "unseeing" allow us to ignore that which does not directly affect our familiar lives. Books news, reviews and author interviews |
  • Lia leaned back against the sofa, her legs casually propped on the table.
  • A figure reclines leisurely on a bed of flowers by the seaside, leaning casually on his wrist, his head arched back and lips parted suggestively.
  • He also braided black mink with satin ribbons for the casually elegant evening capes and throws.
  • The cyclists were totally starkers and we all roared with laughter and surprise as they casually rode past.
  • Yet the leafy bamboo is as desiccated as fake stalks would be, and the birds are casually carved chunks of wood with a few daubs of color: not lifelike models but schematic signs of birdhood.

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