
How To Use Castro In A Sentence

  • The jury, which began deliberations last Friday after a six-week trial, had to decide whether Castroneves, his sister-manager Katiucia "Kati" Castroneves, 35, and Michigan sports attorney Alan R. Miller, 71, evaded U.S. taxes on more than $5.5 million income that the race driver earned between 1999-2004 from his arrangement with Penske Racing. Undefined
  • Castro brooked no opposition to his régime, and many Cubans started to flee the island, first by the hundreds, then by the thousands.
  • Artichokes were great suppertime treats in our household, and happily, we lived near the self-proclaimed Artichoke Capital of the World, Castroville. The English Is Coming!
  • But a younger generation of Cuban-Americans is less fixated by Castro and his espousal of communism during the cold war. Barack Obama acts to ease US embargo on Cuba
  • I would recommend Vladimir Horowitz's recordings of the études and mazurkas, Artur Rubinstein's recordings of the polonaises and concertos, and Luiz de Moura-Castro's recordings of the ‘Ballade in G minor’ and the nocturnes.
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  • Craig was the Castro-directed lawyer for Elian Gonzalez's father Miguel, and his fees were paid by the pan-Castroist National Council of Churches. Debbie Schlussel
  • Anything that is not a democracy is automatically favoured by the Left Bathism ,Islam , Castroism. Lefties at War
  • Castro recommended to the 270 Cuban athletes that they "fraternize" with other athletes competing in the Ninth Central American and Caribbean Games CUBAN ATHLETES GOING TO GAMES
  • Reply to this rene montero abajo juanes … chavezy castro Global Voices in English » Cuba: Concert for Peace?
  • Joe Policastro has found a pleasant way to acclimate to the Florida heat and humidity that are part of early season racing - he and his wife Pam spend the winter months in their Palm Beach home.
  • When no one is left in Cuba to extract rents from, even the Castro "selectorate" may have no choice but to close up shop. The Economics and Philosophy of the Wall, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The conservative defense of Pinochet was that he was the least-bad option; better the path of Pinochet than the path toward Castroism, which is where Chile was heading before the general seized power. Hullabaloo
  • Los hermanos Castro siguen perpetuando el crimen mas odioso de la era moderna con el encarcelamiento de milliones de gente en una isla! Global Voices in English » Brazil: “President Lula is a nerd”
  • To fight Stalinism and Castroism is to politically destroy revisionism.
  • Then in the sixth, again on a breaking ball, the pitch clanks off catcher Erik Castro and rolls out toward the mound, where Strasburg picks it up and fires to first to complete the putout. Eight Sliders Sliding
  • Castroneves, also a Brazilian, was no slouch either, racing to three victories and three poles and finishing seventh in the points.
  • In March 1961, Fidel Castro's Cuban revolution was a three-alarm reminder that CIA-engineered coups weren't enough to keep communism out of the western hemisphere.
  • In October, Castro visited New York and received intense interest from the media and the business community.
  • Castrol Limited: Worldwide producers and marketers of synthetic and conventional motor oil and lubricants.
  • Cuban president Fidel Castro had made his first live media appearance since February.
  • S.-based civilian aircraft flying missions for the anti-Castro organization, Brothers to the Rescue.
  • Why is no one concerned with the fact that Obama is buddying up with and supporting the likes of Chavez, Ortega, Castro, King Abdullah and now Zelaya of Honduras, and has also tried to suck up to Ahmadinejad??? Obama: Iraqi celebrations a testament to U.S. commitment
  • Eventually, without losing a single man, this unit of the Royal Navy systematically destroyed all French fortifications, more than one hundred heavy cannon, stretching about seventy miles from San Sebastián to Santander (except for the well-nigh impregnable Castro-Urdiales). Archive 2009-03-01
  • Sarcastro: This kind of institutional Governmental incompetence is why we need to privatize assassination! The Volokh Conspiracy » Assassination, Self-Defense, and the Koh Speech
  • Castro had declared 1968 to be "the year of the heroic guerrillero. 1968 the Year that Rocked the World
  • Army, Mr. Gonz á lez is a staunchly anti-Castro exile. New Prize in Cold War: Cuban Doctors
  • The logical reaction of the politicians to this obvious fact should be to take determined political action against the Castroist revolutionary activities. STATEMENTS BY CASTRO AT PRIME MINISTER OF THE RE
  • In the second race on the card, A.J. Melini rallied in the stretch to give Castro his first win on the nine-race card.
  • But dance also serves as a metaphor: ordinary Cubans, desperate for U.S. dollars to buy luxuries like medicine and fresh milk, delicately tip-toe the line between Castroism and capitalism to earn more than their allotted share. DANCING FOR THEIR LIVES
  • It is clear that Castroism, in its particular quirks and colors, can not survive the death of its founder.
  • [Text] Our Commander in Chief Fidel Castro held a lively meeting with the outstanding pioneers in the country gathered at the 6 July camporee held at CASTRO EXHORTS PIONEERS TO PREPARE FOR FUTURE
  • Castro says this "new word re-motorize" means to replace Soviet-built motors with other ones, because Soviet-built motors use too much fuel. Cuba: Castro Discusses Camping in Pinar del Rio Province
  • But Castro stood up to everything the Yanquis threw his way: a CIA-trained exile army foiled at the Bay of Pigs in 1961, numerous assassination attempts, a US embargo that is still in effect.
  • Italy began to pressurise and should have scored when Martin Castrogiovanni was stopped just shy of the line by a try-saving tackle from Mark Jones.
  • Mario Castro is a Ph.D. student in educational leadership and policy studies at Arizona State University.
  • Shortly after his triumphal entry into Havana in January 1959, Castro spoke on television for seven hours without a break.
  • As soon as De Castro got her hands on this liability fabric she set to work making a technically simple tubular body-con design that was, crucially, zip free. Observer Ethical Awards: From Somewhere, Ethical Fashion Award
  • Roque announced his government's intention to sign the pacts in December when Fidel Castro was still the Cuban president.
  • Interest in these cars has been growing rapidly in recent years," said Frank Wilke who runs the car pricing agency Classic Data in the German city of Castrop-Rauxel. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Mr Khrushchev ostentatiously wooed and embraced Castro at the U.N. general assembly
  • The conspiracy against Castro was led by several top military men.
  • Honduran immigrant Jose Humberto Castro, 26, clings to a freight train on his way to the border with the United States in Orizaba in the state of Veracruz November 3, 2010.
  • He also offered to negotiate personally with Ra ù l Castro.
  • Scales will fall swiftly from people's eyes as they contemplate this piece of Jackbootism on the part of Gordon Brown and his henchpersons and they will recoil in distaste and revulsion from conduct which most associate not with the home of Parliamentary Democracy but with the likes of Soviet Russia, Castro's Cuba, Mugabe's Zimbabwe or Hitler's Germany. Archive 2008-11-30
  • We all embarked in the barge and crossed over the firth, which is in this place nearly a mile broad, to Castro Pol, the first town in the Asturias. The Bible in Spain; or, the journeys, adventures, and imprisonments of an Englishman, in an attempt to circulate the Scriptures in the Peninsula
  • PRESIDENT CLINTON NAMES SARA CASTRO-KLAREN TO THE J. WILLIAM FULBRIGHT FOREIGN SCHOLARSHIP BOARD The President today announced his intent to appoint Sara Castro Klaren Named Fulbright Foreign Scholarship To Board
  • The division of the four-hour subtitled colossus into two feature length halves, sees the first part deal with Che and the Castro brothers 'successful guerrilla campaign to overthrow the Cuban dictatorship in the early' 60s. Queen's Journal: Latest stories
  • I usually give Citgo a pass because most of the company's profits wind up on the hands of the Venezuelan government, headed by the socialist, Castro-loving, anti-globalization, and virulently anti-American Hugo Chavez. Oil is Oil, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Sarcastro says: erp: What could be whackier, kookier or crazier than pursuing socialism when the evidence is overwhelming that it is a force for poverty and oppression while at the same time demonizing capitalism which has been a proven force for peace and prosperity. The Volokh Conspiracy » Who’s the Kook?
  • Cuban TV is airing what it called recent footage of former President Fidel Castro. CNN Transcript Aug 24, 2009
  • Though far from friendly to Luis de Leon, the Dominican Juan Gallo was provoked into saying that he would pare Castro's claws till the blood streamed from him: 'queriendo decir por las uñas que era este declarante áspero porque les decia que era aquello de judaizantes, y que no lo decia por ellos, sino porque defendian las cosas de judíos; ...' Fray Luis de León A Biographical Fragment
  • Infuriated by what he calls a treacherous and unacceptable provocation from the diplomatic mission, Cuban communist leader, Fidel Castro began building his response a few days later. CNN Transcript Feb 6, 2006
  • Castrogiovanni was off after five minutes and Cole was pitched into the cauldron at Welford Road against those mighty forwards from the Massif Central. Dan Cole the tighthead Tiger who is too good to ditch
  • Cuba has been run the same way under Fidel Castro, who will likely be succeeded, dynastically, by his brother, though the people have not been as mistreated there, perhaps because of better weather and more friends in the neighborhood. The Volokh Conspiracy » Why the Debate Over Socialism Isn’t Over:
  • During the Cuban missile crisis it was Guevara who emerged as the hothead, urging Castro to unleash his missiles on the United States.
  • Dörr-Motorsport will be shared by Rudi Adams (Ahütte/ Germany), Stefan Aust (Castrop-Rauxel/
  • Paola Castro said she called the Red Cross and fire brigade immediately, but firefighters said they were kept outside for half an hour by guards who fired their guns in the air, thinking they faced a riot or a breakout, the Associated Press reported. Honduras Prison Fire Kills Hundreds
  • Born on a sugar plantation in eastern Cuba on August 13, 1926, Fidel Castro Ruz was the son of a Spanish immigrant landholder and a household servant.
  • In March 1961, Fidel Castro's Cuban revolution was a three-alarm reminder that CIA-engineered coups weren't enough to keep communism out of the western hemisphere.
  • At 0131 GMT Castro gives a certificate to the crew of the Cerro Pelado, the motorship which transported the Cuban delegation to and from Puerto Rico. CASTRO ADDRESSES HAVANA RALY FOR ATHLETES
  • Cuban President Fidel Castro has made his first live media appearance since February.
  • And anybody who thinks Castro threw out "many mob-fueled businessmen" is hitting the pipe, for sure. Miami Wakes Up to Political Normality (This is Good for Democrats)
  • Supporters claim the policy lies at the heart of their efforts to impose financial hardships on the Castro regime.
  • I believed profoundly in Zionism in the way that my contemporaries believed profoundly in Maoism or Castroism or whatever. Fresh Air Remembers Historian Tony Judt
  • He is expected to be arraigned tomorrow morning in Miami, however, a man who answered Castroneves 'cell phone told Access that the star is currently in Le Mans, which is believed to be a reference to a race of the same name held in Atlanta. Top headlines
  • Actually, the "foul" was by Torrado, but Castro gets shown the card for kicking the ball away, it seems.
  • Castrol Limited have come forward to sponsor this cricket extravaganza.
  • Juan Castro struck out on a high fastball for the second out, but Stewart plated Cuddyer by blooping Walker's 1-1 slider over the head of second baseman Ray Durham.
  • Not only did they give it an “A,” but it was reviewed by a name I knew: Adam-Troy Castro, a guy with more than a few pop-culture books under his belt, which means it got scrutinized by someone who knows his stuff; that it came out unscathed is an honor unto itself, IMHO. Homemade Hollywood Gets A High Five From SciFi | Fan Cinema Today
  • As we saw with their actions last year toward a pro-life group on campus, the Central Student Association will not allow any opinions in contrast to their Castroist agenda. The Torch
  • Franchitti lapped the one-mile oval in 22.878 seconds, an average of 162.392 mph, to be an unlucky 13th quickest more than half-a-second off the pace of provisional pole-sitter, Brazilian Helio Castroneves.
  • That is, they did not offer much except a well rehearsed Castroist rant and personal attacks on anything that does not think like the ideology in power. Chavez takes a personal role in Venezuela censorship
  • De Castro suggested rather that the glomus was an organ whose function was to react to variations in the composition of the blood, in other words an internal gustatory organ with special «chemo-receptors». Physiology or Medicine 1938 - Presentation Speech
  • As for the styles in which the popular works are executed, Castro has seen a move toward abstracts, while Delacroix, by contrast, has seen increased interest in figurative and naif works.
  • Plans to build a luxury housing development on open parkland at Burmah Castrol went on display today.
  • In some countries, most notably Venezuela, this vintage left-wing, anti-American fervor is not small, but is predominant, which is what has led that country to be under the repressive thumb of Fidel Castro-copy Hugo Chavez, whose primary interest in attending this Latin American regional summit seems to be to lure Bush and the U.S. into some sort of game of childish taunts rather than doing something constructive to aid his impoverished, unstable country. The reality of Latin American reaction to Bush
  • Fidel Castro started his life journey from a sugar cane farm in Cuba 80 years ago; stood in the abaft and victoriously led the Cubans in the rebellion against the Batistans at the age of 32. '634 Ways to Kill Fidel Castro' details the survival of a dictatorship
  • A very dangerous man with his racism, his anti-Castro crusades.
  • This feels like an unprecedented moment in the history of Castroism. The End May Be Near
  • La tolerancia del derechohumanismo mundial (que ha estado presente en primera fila en el proceso y la sentencia contra Fujimori) hacia personajes como Fidel Castro y Hugo Chávez (que tienen un record mucho más largo, abultado y gravoso que Fujimori e, incluso, Pinochet) así lo demuestra. Global Voices in English » Peru: Ex-President Fujimori Sentenced to 25 Years in Prison
  • Though far from friendly to Luis de Leon, the Dominican Juan Gallo was provoked into saying that he would pare Castro's claws till the blood streamed from him: 'queriendo decir por las unas que era este declarante aspero porque les decia que era aquello de judaizantes, y que no lo decia por ellos, sino porque defendian las cosas de judios; ...' Fray Luis de Leon
  • Yeah, "smart" … that's what they call spouting Marxist talking points and promoting an ideology that has failed time and again from Mussolini's Italy to Hitler's Germany to Stalin's Russia to Khrushchev's Soviet Union to Mao's China to Kim Jong Il's North Korea to Castro's Cuba to Chavez's Venezuela? The Reality Check
  • Fidel Castro ( 1926 -- ) -- Cuban revolutionary and leader of Cuba from 959.
  • Later this year the party will hold a congress, only the fourth Mr Castro has convened in three decades.
  • The Cuban Revolution, Castro and the excitement of the 1960s appear in the book indirectly.
  • Castro is a fucking lowest kind of scum, the sort that strides around in flamboyant uniforms to assert their disgusting, rapacious power. Matthew Yglesias » US vs Zimbabwe
  • Columnist Max Castro writes in today's Miami Herald about one double standard that is of a type that "infuriates" other nations:On Tuesday, the United States gave its blessing to a program -- known in bureaucratic doublespeak as the ''Airbridge Denial Program'' -- that allows Colombian fighter pilots to shoot down unarmed civilian aircraft suspected of carrying drugs. Archive 2003-08-01
  • He is expected to be arraigned tomorrow morning in Miami, however, a man who answered Castroneves 'cell phone told Access that the star is currently in Le Mans, which is believed to be a reference to a race of the same name held in Atlanta. Top headlines
  • Reply to this rene montero abajo juanes … chavezy castro Global Voices in English » Cuba: Concert for Peace?
  • Landon Donovan controlled the long pass over his shoulder, spun and popped the ball back toward the 6-foot-4 Onyewu, who outleaped defender Israel Castro and headed the ball past goalkeeper Guillermo Ochoa on an angled shot from about 8 yards that went in off a post. Magallon scores twice, lifts Mexico to draw with U.S.
  • At such events, Castro collected money in an oversized farmer's hat, a jipijapa, and not a military beret. Rum, Roulette and Revolution
  • Jeffries spoke for well over an hour, without pause, without notes, as fluent and long-winded as Fidel Castro.
  • Castro sovietized Cuba
  • Well, Cuban TV is airing what it calls recent footage of former President Fidel Castro looking healthier and well rested. CNN Transcript Aug 24, 2009
  • President Bush denounced the regime of Cuban President Fidel Castro, saying its end is near.
  • Stone has often represented himself as some kind of socialist, but his fascination with Castro and other Latin American leaders is little different from his love for Alexander the Great, the owners of National Football League clubs or Wall Street bullies. Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps – review
  • The last major invention in sofa beds was the result of customers' requests of an upholsterer named Bernard Castro to produce a davenport sofa bed that looked and worked well.
  • Jason Castro was recalled recently and gives fans of the organization something to look forward to as he acclimatizes himself to the Major Leagues. Comments for FanGraphs Baseball
  • Castro was most amused and thereafter the pair met on several occasions.
  • Calling them Leninist/Marxist/Stalinist/Castroist doesn't change that fact. The Peace March.
  • Castro stormed from the room a couple of times, bartering a slowdown of the process as a condition for her return.
  • All it has accomplished is to help secure Fidel Castro in power (like Ho Chi Minh, another nationalist liberator that we turned into a communist by supporting a criminally repressive regime for the sake of big business). U.S. lawmaker calls for lifting of Cuba travel ban
  • The policy has been useless as a tool for cudgeling Castro, and it is hindering opportunities for American industries from travel to banking to agriculture, which is why there's no shortage of U.S. business groups lobbying to ease it. Matt Cooper: Dump the Cuban Embargo
  • S.-based civilian aircraft flying missions for the anti-Castro organization, Brothers to the Rescue.
  • Castro gives the team a steady player who should be able to provide reliable backup for Larkin for the remainder of the season, if not longer.
  • D. Tree – maybe you can educate us as to what Marixm, Leninism, Castroism and Chavezism IS? Obama did not order Van Jones' resignation, adviser says
  • After the 1960s, when Miami was flooded with Cubans fleeing Fidel Castro's rule, the pressed Cuban sandwich became ubiquitous in cafeterias and coffee shops there.
  • Come to think of it, if I was a socialist leader (in a real and not titular sense), and Castro had saved me from a coup attempt while offering free doctors and so on, I don't know that I would turn it down.
  • The opera retains much of the film's dialogue while adding love music for Neruda and his wife, Matilde (Cristina Gallardo-Domas, who is Chilean, looking and sounding exquisite); a buffo-style tenor duet for Neruda and the simple postman Mario (Charles Castronovo), who gradually comes to worship him; and a couple of Neruda's poems, which make perfect arias. Domingo's tenor lifts respectable, but too literal, 'Il Postino' by Daniel Catán
  • Burmah Castrol, the lubricants group, was one impressive performer as dealers cheered its healthy profits rise.
  • There esthetician Serena Licastro began the treatment by telling me to take a deep breath while she doused me in tepid water from nickel-plated chalices while calming music played. Glowing, if Roughed Up
  • Senores de Global Voice: Mi comentario sobre el articulo de Carmen Ferreiro es Absolutamente correcto, moderado, si a los simpatizantes de la dictadura de Fidel Castro en ese web, les molesta decir que en Cuba hay una dictadura, sencillamente lo denunciare en otros medios, La censura a las ideas politicas para mi es inaceptable. Global Voices in English » Cuba: The Maleconazo
  • This trilogy not only features the regeneration of Tom Baker’s Fourth Doctor into Peter Davidson’s Fifth Doctor, but also (particularly in Logopolis and Castrovalva uses some concepts that you would normally expect to find in a hard science fiction novel, such as shunting excess entropy into another universe; having a TARDIS inside a TARDIS and the Escher-esque structure of Castrovalva. 15 Classic Doctor Who Stories for New Fans | Solar Flare: Science Fiction News
  • (Editor's Note -- While Castro gave no details, Ciudad Trujillo and Caracas broadcasts asserted that Cuba is now the most powerfully armed nation in the world for its size, with tanks, artillery, and jets from the USSR and GRADUATION CEREMONY OIF CADET SCHOOL
  • As to the last charge advanced by Draper, that Castro betrayed the original ideals of the Cuban revolution, the defense of Professor Williams is either weak or casuistic. The Great San Francisco Poetry Wars, 9
  • And while the editorial correctly noted that I have been highly critical of Chavez's ties to Colombian guerrillas and Fidel Castro, the author very wrongly concluded I am "unfazed" or "turning a blind eye" to his more recent political excesses. 01/23/2005 - 01/30/2005
  • During his address, the President read out the latest article written by Fidel Castro and dilly-dallied over using a phrase to describe Bermudez and Colombian President Alvaro Uribe but in the end he decided to call them "losers. Venezuela's Chavez wants to see a united PSUV coming out of weekend congress
  • Any exile action against the Castro regime is treated by the United States as a violation of that agreement.
  • Edward CastronovaI thought he was saying that the thing we call a spoon is a prop or stand-in for a specific bunch of communicative understandings. The Forest for the Spoons
  • Castro: So you can see, I have never seen in my country's press, television, or radio, the word Fidelism, because in my country there really has been no personality cult and I have felt all my life a real anathema to what one could call a personality cult. CASTRO URUGUYAN TV INTERVIEW ON AREA CONCERNS
  • Welcome to Castrol Dongfeng Lubricants Co. , Ltd. web site, I hope it is helpful for your business, work, and life.
  • Trial is set to begin March 2 for Castroneves, his sister Katiucia "Kati" Castroneves and Michigan attorney Alan Miller on charges they schemed to hide about $5.5 million in income from the Internal Revenue Service. Yahoo! Sports - Top News
  • The sextet that performed (a pair each of violins and violas, and a continuo pairing of cello and harpsichord) offered a mixed baroque program in which three string sonatas by Tomaso Albinoni were heard alongside concertos and sonatas by Bach and Vivaldi, and by the less-encountered Georg Muffat and Henricus Albicastro. Music review: Ensemble 415 at Library of Congress
  • Calling coffee "a life and death" issue, late U.S. senator Hubert Humphrey warned that "Castroism will spread like a plague through Latin America" unless something was done to stabilize coffee prices. Trouble Brewing
  • Fidel Castro Ruz, Leonid Brezhnev, the cosmonauts accompanying them went inside the "Salyut" station. CASTRO, BREZHNEV TOUR COSMONAUT TRAINING CENTER
  • However, Mr Dominguez says that by showing what he describes as the opulent lifestyles the Castros live in a communist country like Cuba he has achieved his aim. BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
  • On September 9th 2009, layza lemos de castro wrote: olha o chris brown fez uma corvadiar com a minha cantora preferida: eu tambem gosto muito do chris brown mais agora ele errou feio ele deve ser preso pela lei maria da penha por agredi uma mulher aqui deixo meu comentario eu te amooo rihanna mim mandar um beijo eu te dollo eu e meus amigos fizemo um fa clube para vc somente para vc!!!! Chris Brown “Graffiti” Album Cover Art Attracts Wrath Of TwitCritics
  • Paola Castro said she called the Red Cross and fire brigade immediately but firefighters said they were kept outside for half an hour by guards who fired their guns in the air, thinking they had a riot or a breakout on their hands. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • CHETRY: Cuba TV airing what it called recent footage of former President Fidel Castro and in it he looks well-rested and fit. CNN Transcript Aug 24, 2009
  • But if it is really going to be called the Isle of Youth and we do not have sufficient population [Castro chuckles] to develop this island, who then should build this island, basically speaking? ISLE OF PINES SCHOOL INAUGURATION
  • Her rose-colored view of the Castro regime is typical of a particular social milieu.
  • Castro also said she backs efforts to allow lesbians to be artificially inseminated, a procedure currently barred. Cuba to reinstate surgical procedures for trans people
  • Castro referred to Pardo Llada's interview with a Latin American consul published in a Miami newspaper on Mar. 11 in which reference is made to two books which Pardo Llada promises to publish to attack the Cuban revolution, for which he will be paid a dollar a word. CASTRO DENOUNCES PARDO LLADA AS TRAITOR
  • After an hour-long wait for Castro himself to arrive, the media were told that the Home Affairs employee meant to assist Mofokeng had "absconded". ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It is located in the Ruhr area and surrounded by the cities of Essen, Gelsenkirchen, Herne, Castrop-Rauxel, Dortmund, Witten and Hattingen. - Articles related to Germany plans memorial for music festival victims
  • [Castro] I believe the people dealt a remarkable political counterblow. Holds News Conference
  • The film recounts the events of the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, in which the world teetered on the brink of nuclear war for nearly two weeks after Castro allowed Soviet nuclear missiles to be placed in Cuba.
  • One consists of those leaders and movements that spring from a communist, socialist or Castroist past, and who precisely because of these radical origins have been able to reconstruct themselves. Latin America's Two Left Wings
  • The pop star was then banned from Cuba on the orders of Fidel Castro, the president.
  • The former United States President Jimmy Carter has held talks in Havana with the Cuban leader Raul Castro.
  • The plan to battle bureaucratism, which is being carried out in the best manner possible and overall with the aim of using all surplus personnel who have been placed in certain (Castro fails to complete thought -- ed.). 5TH ANNIVERSARY OF CDR
  • At Castro Castro prison, Van der Sloot was fed the Peruvian chicken dish "seco de pollo," prisons director Ruben Rodriguez said. Van Der Sloot Says He Knows Location Of Natalee Holloway Body
  • As for Fidel Castro, he was the liberal insurrectionist and the freedom fighters were trying to take the land back. Tom McIntyre Explains His Picks for our 2009 Hunting and Fishing Heroes and Villians Face-Off
  • Desperate for cash, Castro began appearing as a female impersonator at a nightclub called Los Barrolitos, appearing under the name Raquel and collecting as much as $ 150 in tips a night. Tuesday Open Thread: L.A. Political Cartoons. . .
  • (Soundbite of music) Unidentified Group #1: (Singing in foreign language) MIROFF: The church was founded in the 1950s by Pentecostal missionaries from the U.S. who arrived just before Fidel Castro's revolution. Cubans Flock To Evangelism To Fill Spiritual Vacuum
  • Colin Burgon (Elmet), Andy Burnham (Leigh) - Worthless cunny of an MP who wants to kneel down and suck off dictator Fidel Castro before he dies and go's to hell. Archive 2008-07-01
  • Sarcastro says: erp: What could be whackier, kookier or crazier than pursuing socialism when the evidence is overwhelming that it is a force for poverty and oppression while at the same time demonizing capitalism which has been a proven force for peace and prosperity. The Volokh Conspiracy » Who’s the Kook?
  • On September 9th 2009, layza lemos de castro wrote: olha o chris brown fez uma corvadiar com a minha cantora preferida: eu tambem gosto muito do chris brown mais agora ele errou feio ele deve ser preso pela lei maria da penha por agredi uma mulher aqui deixo meu comentario eu te amooo rihanna mim mandar um beijo eu te dollo eu e meus amigos fizemo um fa clube para vc somente para vc!!!! Chris Brown “Graffiti” Album Cover Art Attracts Wrath Of TwitCritics
  • In Caracas, the elected president is a Castroite who earlier attempted a beer-hall putsch and is busily immiserating his middle class.
  • The hardest part about living in the Castro, i think, would have to be, uh just always feeling outnumbered. There's always still that bit of uncomfortableness .
  • Fidel Castro spoke with Felipe Gonzalez for more than 2 hours in a room at the airport in Havana where the Socialist leader made a stepover on his way to MEETING HELD IN HAVANA
  • There esthetician Serena Licastro began the treatment by telling me to take a deep breath while she doused me in tepid water from nickel-plated chalices while calming music played. Glowing, if Roughed Up
  • Castro has lived through everything from the Cuban revolution to the fall of the USSR, and decades of confrontation with the US.
  • [Castro] At this point the world is not moving toward socialism but toward neocapitalism, neoliberalism, the political trend in fashion. Castro Talks About Environment, World Situation
  • [Castro] They mean a lot of things, 100,000 times what they could mean [word indistinct]. Cuba: Castro Speaks at Pioneers' Palace Reopening
  • Check for wannabes trying their luck down the inside and apex the slightly cambered Castrol Corner, a 90-degree right hander onto the 650m back straight.
  • De Castro, however, in 1927 demonstrated that the anatomy of the glomus could in no way be compared to that of the suprarenal medulla. Physiology or Medicine 1938 - Presentation Speech
  • Fidelism, Communism or socialism in the Americas will gain much of its strength from the land reform programs instituted by Castro in Cuba, if immediate action is not taken under President Kennedy's program. Challenge from the Americas
  • In Uruguay Tuesday, after a Mercosur trade bloc meeting, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said he would be having lunch with Cuban leader Fidel Castro in Havana today. Mr.
  • Again, I would strongly disagree with that kind of conduct of American national security policy, particularly since it would legitimize Raul Castro in the position that he's trying to solidify, which is a furtherance of an oppressive, repressive regime, which has caused the people of Cuba to suffer in every imaginable way, including economically for many, many years. CNN Transcript Feb 22, 2008
  • The lubricant specialist Castrol is the new technical sponsor of the Williams Renault Formula One team.
  • The way they finally reversed that trend was to conclude an agreement with Castro that anybody hijacking planes to Cuba would be immediately arrested and put in jail for forty years.
  • In a libertarian society people are free to voluntarily pool their money, buy and hold property in common, and as long as all individuals retain the right to join and unjoin at will, they can set up any kind of voluntary Marxist Leninist Maoist Castroist Whateverist collectivist society they want. Anarchist news dot org - News for anarchists and their friends
  • RN You seem to be fascinated by the charisma of the Latin American 'caudillo', leaders such as Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez. Red Pepper
  • Here Castro restated his thanks to the Soviet Government for the material and political support received, which he called decisive for the consolidation and development of the revolution in this Caribbean island. COMMENTS ON PERON'S DEATH, U.S. RELATIONS
  • MALVEAUX: And, Roland, one of the key things that they heard from Castro that really kind of piqued their interest was when he talked about that we admitted we're wrong, we have made mistakes, that we're human beings. CNN Transcript Apr 17, 2009
  • When Martin Castrogiovanni came back from international duty, the Italian was returned to Leicester's No3 jersey for the Heineken Cup double-header with Clermont Auvergne. Dan Cole the tighthead Tiger who is too good to ditch
  • Cuban President Fidel Castro has made his first live media appearance since February.
  • In Uruguay Tuesday, after a Mercosur trade bloc meeting, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said he would be having lunch with Cuban leader Fidel Castro in Havana today.
  • Before Castro, Cuba was considered something of a banana republic.
  • Army officers and their troops opposed to Castro were to seize various strategic barracks. MAMBO
  • I was planning on going down to the Castro afterwards and seeing if I could volunteer for the Gay Games.
  • Comayagua governor Paola Castro said she called the Red Cross and fire brigade immediately. Evening Standard - Home
  • It was a calculated, callous attempt to undermine Castro and the Cuban Government, essentially bludgeoning the Cubans to the point where the country would become ungovernable.
  • American officials will not talk publicly about how they glean clues to Castro's health.
  • David Davis’ Quixotic decision to force a bye-election on the single issue of the authoritarian state being put in place, piece by piece, by the Castroist tendency in British politics falls like a grenade in our midst. Liberty: There is No Finer Cause
  • Sarcastro: Big Government forcing private institutions to conform is totally the way to go! The Volokh Conspiracy » Pro-Life Speech “Upsetting” and “Not OK” for the Duke University Women’s Center
  • Street's brief against Obama would apply to every candidate people on this website seem to be considering supporting: that the candidate does not think American power is necessarily a force for bad in the world if exercised appropriately and with restraint; that democratic capitalism and social democracy are more promising systems to foster third world development than Marxism, Chavezism, or Castroism; and that long-established institutions deserve respect. Report: Obama Successfully Wooing Some Former Hillary Donors
  • What do tennis player Goran Ivanisevic and songwriter Paul McCartney 1 have in common with Fidel Castro?
  • SAN MARTINO DI CASTROZZA, Italy (AP) Danilo Di Luca won the fourth stage of the Giro d'Italia in a sprint finish Tuesday and dedicated the victory to his native Abruzzo region as it recovers from a deadly earthquake early last month. Di Luca wins 4th stage of Giro, Armstrong dropped to sixth
  • The most productive places for growing artichokes and brussels sprouts on the Northern California coast are fogbound and cool regions from Castroville to Davenport mostly along Monterey Bay and just north of there. Shipping artichokes
  • Castro has lived through everything from the Cuban revolution to the fall of the USSR, and decades of confrontation with the US.
  • Luis Tello Maldonado, D. Pedro de Castro, Francisco de Albornoz, oidores desta Real audiencia é chancillería, asistiendo á ello por ordinario del obispado de Salamanca el Señor doctor Frechilla catredático en esta universidad, por virtud del poder que para ello tiene del Señor obispo de Salamanca, que está en el secreto deste Fray Luis de León A Biographical Fragment
  • The Vatican has excommunicated no world leader since 1962 when Pope John XXIII excommunicated Cuban leader Fidel Castro.
  • They will more likely try to land one of the name catchers such as Bengie Molina or Ramon Hernandez and use Castro again as a backup. - About-face helps save the season for Martinez
  • Ramparts was an open mic for Castroism and helped author the myth of Saint Che by secretly obtaining and publishing the Guevara diaries. Ron Radosh » Reading “Ramparts” in the 21st Century: A Look Back at the 60’s Major Left-wing Magazine
  • When Lynne Featherstone, who has the job title "equalities minister", which would probably make these men think she worked not for a Conservative-led coalition but for Castro, said at the Lib Dem conference that it was the "terrible decisions" made by men in senior positions which had led to the "the mess the world is in", an awful lot of people went mad. Christina Patterson: Why Wrecked Economies Need More Parental Leave
  • Cuban president Fidel Castro had made his first live media appearance since February.
  • I'd also blabber about how awful Castro is if I wanted to get elected in Miami and yammer incessantly about the fantasy of clean coal if I was running in WV. Democratic Senate hopeful takes hard line on Obama agenda
  • Cuban-American hardliners continue to reject any dealings with Castro.
  • Powers writes that a week later the teller read an Associated Press story datelined Havana in which Fidel Castro damned the CIA for its plots against Cuba and specifically mentioned funds that had come from Arthur Avignon.
  • RH Michael Nicolas is 22 (two years); 2B Bernie Castro is 22 (two years); and OF Jovanny Sosa is 22 (one year). - National League
  • It said the government of President Raul Castro has increasingly relied on accusations of "dangerousness" to imprison people who have not committed a crime. Report: Human Rights Worsen in Haiti After Earthquake
  • Che Guevara was born in 1928 in Rosario , Argentina, in 1959 and now with Cuban leader Fidel Castro overthrew the Cuban dictatorship.
  • That will earn you a rebuke from Sarcastro, whose scorn is rightly to be laughed at feared. The Volokh Conspiracy » Just Wondering
  • My essay on "Castroism," for one, has nothing to say on these subjects. Multiple Simultaneous Submissions
  • Mostly your identified interests above match my own and, honestly, I believe Castronova's as well: "study the real world"--yep; "experimentalist"--me too Studying Real-World Business in Virtual Worlds
  • Then again they still think Castro is hot; they still have not added up all the deaths that can be attributed to the Che; some even think that the fall of the Berlin Wall was a tragedy. Dear President Chavez
  • Raul Castro initialed a draft treaty with the Soviet Defense Minister that governed the deployment of Soviet forces to Cuba.
  • At that time Montreal had a reputation as Sin City, where pleasure-seeking American tourists, banned from Cuba by Castro in 1959, turned for their thrills.

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