How To Use Cast aside In A Sentence
Such humility filled him, that when he was reunited with his family he cast aside his crown, denting it on one side.
She has been able to cast aside her wheelchair.
She has been able to cast aside ( = stop using ) her wheelchair.
It is too much to expect musicians to deliberately cast aside the fringe benefits of success.
I had to cast aside my objections to the portrayal of some stereotypes.

All are waiting for some market ruction hairy enough that the central bank will cast aside every political and legal restraint in order to save the euro.
Why Europe Dithers
Ordinary citizens were trampled in your administration and cast aside as rags when it was convenient and advantageous to you.
What if you are disinherited and then cast aside?
You must cast aside all thoughts of revenge.
She matter-of-factly cast aside his penis as though it were garnish and frosted his balls with gel.
Parents Behaving Badly
Hereupon the King cast aside all cark and care and robed the wizards and dismissed them with splendid honoraria; and he resigned himself to the will of Heaven and acknowledged that the decrees of destiny may not be countervailed.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Of these, the most striking is Matthew G. Lewis, whose novel The Monk cast aside Radcliffe's decorum in its sensational depictions of diabolism and incestuous rape.
University officials have displayed no sense of moral obligation toward a female student cast aside in the rush to pander to Phillips.
She has been able to cast aside ( = stop using ) her wheelchair.
Feeling his strength renewed he cast aside his staff and walked steadily upon lush, green grass.
As soon as he became rich he cast aside all his old friends who gave him some help.
A nephew of the poet Desportes, Regnier was loyal to his uncle's fame and to the memory of the Pléiade; if Malherbe spoke slightingly of Desportes, and cast aside the tradition of the school of Ronsard, the retort was speedy and telling against the arrogant reformer, tyrant of words and syllables, all whose achievement amounted to no more than _proser de la rime et rimer de la prose_.
A History of French Literature Short Histories of the Literatures of the World: II.
Men living estranged from God easily cast aside God's morals and principles, exchanging them for a blind belief in rationalistic expediency.
The Spirit of '67
She has been able to cast aside her wheelchair.
One of the reasons why the stove described as excelling all others is sometimes cast aside for a poorer one is, that it requires a properly constructed chimney, and multitudes of women do not know how to secure it.
American Woman's Home
Sweden needs to cast aside outdated policies and thinking.
Plus the need to cast aside the carping which has suggested this is the wrong golfing event, at the wrong time of year.
We should now cast aside all the political rhetoric of the campaign.
All the problems that the socialists proposed to themselves, cosmogonic visions, revery and mysticism being cast aside, can be reduced to two principal problems.
Les Miserables
Let it fail in the work set it to do and it is cast aside into forgottenness or broken up as waste.
The Justice of the King
You must cast aside all thoughts of revenge.
She has been able to cast aside her wheelchair.
It enjoys demonising the elected representatives of the labour movement and treats its left critics as heretics to be cast aside and scorned.
When Henry became King, he cast aside all his former friends.
Now that Fantina is old, she has been cast aside like some useless object.
He saw his way to do noble service in the cause of womanhood, and that by following the path of mere common sense -- all sentimental and so-called chivalrous humbug cast aside, all exaggerated new conceptions simply disregarded.
Our Friend the Charlatan
The rule of law was dispensed with and constitutional proprieties were cast aside.
He cast aside all his old books.
He cast aside all his inhibitions.
For his grand home-coming, the characteristic hawkish frown and razor sharp intellect were cast aside to reveal the softer side of the man who brought history to the masses.
To-day the Bolsheviki were in power, while yesterday's coalitionist ministers and their co-workers found themselves cast aside and suddenly deprived of every bit of influence upon the further course of events.
From October to Brest-Litovsk
It has cast aside diplomatic niceties.
Times, Sunday Times
She has been able to cast aside her wheelchair.
He cast aside the newspaper impatiently.
Feeling his strength renewed he cast aside his staff and walked steadily upon lush, green grass.
I know too, that nylon and stretch elastic, cast aside by fishermen, catches around seabirds' legs and either slowly kills or maims them.
Doc was all agrin, and regarded the early trip ashore in the nature of a lark, and cast aside his white coat, to help row in his resplendent sweater, while the cook went about laying the table for breakfast, his round yellow face devoid of any interest in what was going on.
Isle o' Dreams
Feeling his strength renewed he cast aside his staff and walked steadily upon lush, green grass.
When Henry became King, he cast aside all his former friends.
He cast aside the newspaper impatiently.
He cast aside the newspaper impatiently.
Whatever the nature of the inspiration, she now suddenly drew herself up, as though indued with new strength, and answered him with something of the same recklessness of spirit with which once before during that day she had cast aside all fear of misconstruction, and, with the sustaining consciousness of innocence and justice, had defied him.
The Continental Monthly, Vol. 6, No. 6, December 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
Though the food may be simple at these events (everyone eats the samp and beef from communal basins), the hierarchies and ‘ranked strata’ that pertain at the funerals of the better off are cast aside.
As soon as he became rich he cast aside all his old friends who gave him some help.
The asses and mules, their loads cast aside for the day, stood idle everywhere in the fields, munching at the parched grass and flinching from flies on a hot summer afternoon.
She has been able to cast aside her wheelchair.
Sweden needs to cast aside outdated policies and thinking.
She has been able to cast aside ( = stop using ) her wheelchair.
She has been able to cast aside her wheelchair.
Sweden needs to cast aside outdated policies and thinking.
Everything else was cast aside, beginning with even elementary care over arrangements to get there on the night.
With scarcity and stagnation cast aside, the economy could finally throw off the shackles of a crude good-for-good bartering system.
The squirrel-skin robe was agitated and cast aside by a brown arm.
He cast aside all his old books.
But it would be a bleak loss to literature if she were to cast aside her magic rod and end her revels too early.
I know too, that nylon and stretch elastic, cast aside by fishermen, catches around seabirds' legs and either slowly kills or maims them.
He cast aside all his old friends when he became rich.
And the celebrity in question is violently torn down from their pedestal, savaged for as long as it pleases people, and finally cast aside, no longer of any use to anyone,