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  1. prime mover in the conspiracy against Julius Caesar (died in 42 BC)

How To Use Cassius In A Sentence

  • High points include the assessment of the orator Cassius Severus and his comparative failure as a declaimer.
  • For a time, he was known as Cassius X, but Elijah Muhammad gave Clay the name Muhammad Ali -- a tremendous honor and a way to ensure that Ali would side with Elijah Muhammad in his split from Malcolm X. Ali proceeded to commit what he would later describe as his greatest mistake -- turning his back on Malcolm. Recent articles from
  • Coasting loose-limbed on an ancient bike, almost Cassius-faced in a green wool coat.
  • Last night I had an unexpected trip to the vets with Cassius, our first rescue cat who's been with us nearly 2 years now.
  • A second Roman historian, Dio Cassius, wrote another account in about 200 AD. Archive 2006-03-01
  • Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look
  • I still, Rachel, have the gold etui your papa gave me when he came to our speech-day at Kensington, and we two performed the quarrel of Brutus and Cassius out of Shakspeare; and The Virginians
  • He has three sets of wings and three faces and in each of his mouths he chews an archetypal traitor: Judas, the betrayer of Christ; and Brutus and Cassius, the betrayers of Julius Caesar.
  • Muhammad Ali and Cassius Clay are one and the same.
  • He had hawked up as much phlegm and mucus as he could muster into that spit and watched it slide nastily down Cassius' face in streaks of yellow and white.
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