How To Use Cashbox In A Sentence
Finally, not happy at all, Jim handed me a pile of bills, paid off the other two winners, then closed his empty cashbox.
Manifesting Michelangelo
I put 1 into the cashbox.
Times, Sunday Times
After making a successful getaway, they noticed that the cashbox had stained the notes with red dye.
Times, Sunday Times
We enlist the help of young Ben who is weighing produce and manning the cashbox.
Liz Neumark: In the Market for Green
The biggest risk, of course, is a cashbox burglary.
Banking With Strangers

In a land where a bus or taxi driver hangs an oleograph of a deity on the dashboard and decorates it with garlands of fresh flowers, where merchants set an idol upon their cashboxes and shopkeepers do not begin their trade before lighting incense and intoning prayers to their chosen god, the presence of the divine is so pervasive as to become intimate and familiar, woven into the texture of everyday.
India: The Seed of Destruction
The clerk put a battered metal cashbox on the counter and unlocked it.
The Electric Laundromat « A Fly in Amber
Secret sharing provides a scheme to assign power, for example, nuclear button, cashbox key of bank, etc.
As the clerk reached for the cashbox under the counter, he said, “I know you.”
The Electric Laundromat « A Fly in Amber
“Take out your cashbox, fuckstick, and be quick about it.”
Shortcut Man