How To Use Cash In A Sentence
However Its normally an extra mit full of cash in the pot from me as I try and turbo speed goffer the place dry This doesn't sound like a good deal.
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I had to join this long queue, that snaked around a couple of times, and as each person left, a disembodied voice said, ‘Cashier number seven, please!’
The sheriff said the casino owners were elated to get the cash back, even if it was a little wet.
BigshoeBazaar is an online cash and carry wholesaler for hundreds of small shoe stores across the country and is using a single 25,000 square feet warehouse, which will be enhanced to 100,000 square feet in a few months, to service shoe stores as far away as Dimapur in Nagaland and Katihar in Bihar.
'Hyper Growth' Returns To India's E-Commerce Sector
Commissioned in 1963 to make a film about America's first successful quintuplet birth, Leacock and Joyce Chopra captured the quints' mother's anxiety at her sudden celebrity and the surrounding South Dakota community's eagerness to cash in on it.
The Man Who Held Up a Mirror to America
The cash raising was not unexpected and allows a few more shareholders on board.
Times, Sunday Times
But when she spots a tin of cash lying around, she is sorely tempted to commit a dastardly act.
The Sun
This was a sad day indeed for the big bad wolf of the banking world, and not just because it must forego those rich pickings it planned to cream off from two billion cash machine transactions a year.
Critics argue it was only Lottery money and government cash that prevented the Games from being a financial disaster.
You should need some extreme persuasion - far more than the directors say-so in the accounts - to decide that a company bleeding cash might be turning a profit.
Gradually coffee came to replace maize as the main agricultural produce of the community and foodstuffs were bought with surplus cash.
We now read that men are to be targeted with a range of pink summer wearables by the high-street fashion chains 'cashing in' on the growing phenomenon of ' metrosexuality.
The money is commonly laundered via cash deposits to friends or family members' bank accounts and is quickly withdrawn to be paid to the gang leaders.
Times, Sunday Times
Sensation - seeking newspapers tried to cash in on her misery.
Here we consider renting rather than buying a car outright can help more cash.
Times, Sunday Times
Later those details would be downloaded on to a computer and replica cards created to obtain goods and cash.
Industrial crops such as flax and dye-plants (madder, woad, and weld), and other cash crops such as coleseed, hops, and tobacco, increased revenue per hectare, enabling more people to live from the earnings of smaller plots.
Then, when cashiered out of the navy after refusing to follow orders which offended his conscience, he is visited by the mysterious benefactor who has shadowed him his entire life, who invites him to join a highly exclusive gentlemen's club, Redking's.
REVIEW: Not Less Than Gods and The Women of Nell Gwynne's by Kage Baker
The deal is expected to more than treble its production next year, creating enhanced cashflow to fund exploration in other oil provinces.
Moceanu has written an autobiography, had book signings and cashed in on corporate and commercial appearances.
Cash will be the vital ingredient as celebrity chefs cook up a special fundraising treat for charity.
The firm shut for business last month after it was stopped from claiming legal aid cash.
The Sun
Roman Lancashire was a quiet place, but not the back water that some historians have made of it.
You can swap the cards for cash but pay 3.50 to redeem each card.
Times, Sunday Times
Her mom turned her down at first, she hadn't the money to sign her up, but Mrs Deterville, recognizing the young tyke's determination and interest told her not to bother about the cash.
They had a football match to raise cash for the hospital.
The cash was frittered in duff property deals, paying off debts and treating her family.
The Sun
These accounts were debited for the expenses, with the corresponding credit to the cash account.
Big pension funds have a constant flow of cash.
For the 1999-2000 school year EF cashed in some of its stock donated from start-ups and put $325,000 to work for the nonprofit.
Tomorrow, if I were lusting for cash and recognition and all the things people get into broadcasting for, I might decide talk radio was my easiest point of access.
The value of all this free promotion is incalculable, which is no doubt why so many Republicans are using politics as merely a way to cash in big time as nothing more than entertainers.
Chris Weigant: Friday Talking Points -- Weiner Roast
Savers with a bundle of cash locked into a bond should have snapped them up.
Times, Sunday Times
He pulls out the original drum track, throws in a turgid approximation of the live drums with a drum machine and a stiff boom-kick, adds some bloops, bleeps, and squiggles (because, hey, it's a remix), and cashes his paycheck.
I would prepare by elevating a bowling machine to try and get used to a trajectory that is steeper and, as the former Australia and Lancashire coach Bob Simpson used to say, loopier.
The Ashes 2010: England's beanpole bowlers deliver big advantage
Cashmere comes from cashmere goats and angora fiber comes from Angora -- rabbits.
I contented myself with merely trying to become a migrant worker, a plan that fizzled because nobody in my family would advance me the cash necessary to go out west and meet my fellow migrants.
One of the robbers stood on the victim's head while the second rifled through his pockets, stealing a credit card and £30 cash.
Unroasted nuts such as almonds, cashews, pecans, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts and walnuts make an ideal snack food.
One widow, she said, was carrying around $900,000 in uncashed cheques; another confessed to spending $15,000 on designer clothes.
While you splish splash about while bronzing beachside, the perfect solution to keeping devices, keys, and cash safe from water, sand and dust is Aquapac's (www. waterproof cases.
Stacie Krajchir: Style Shortcut: The 5 Coolest Travel Essentials of the Season
The council website says all cash from fines will go on transport services.
The Sun
The proceeds of about 6 million will be used for acquisitions or further cash returns in future.
Times, Sunday Times
He grabbed a fistful of that lush cashew-colored hair that made Pink Jenny so popular, twisted her arm behind her in a vicious half nelson, and dragged her up to my face.
Putting it all together yields a compelling story: European banks are shifting their cash assets out of European banks and putting much of them into US banks.
Four of them were shipmates from the old Type 21 frigate HMS Avenger, stokers from 3D Mess, two of whom now live in Lancashire, one in Merseyside and the other in Guernsey.
He forced them to open the safe and emptied it of cash, plus expensive watches and prescription drugs.
The Sun
The Directors propose to offer ordinary shareholders the opportunity to receive fully paid ordinary shares in the Company in lieu of the cash dividend.
We list five leading websites for conserving your cash.
Times, Sunday Times
For non-working spouses, sufficient units can be encashed each tax year to bring total income up to just below the annual allowance.
The shop has a cash flow of $30,000 a month.
Elsewhere, the Abbey National is offering a #50 cashback sweetener to encourage borrowers to stick with them, ‘because life's complicated enough’.
You could make a windfall profit - or you might suffer an exchange-rate loss if you encash those assets when the valuation currency is weak against your base currency.
They will then be reviewed by one of five consultants within Lancashire Teaching Hospital.
Foam attack: Thieves broke into vending machines at Teesdale's new sports centre at Barnard Castle to steal £100 cash.
Savers looking to cash in on higher Isa allowances which come into effect today are being warned to read the small print to avoid being "fleeced" by banks and building societies.
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It is the most highly capitalized company in the software business and has a huge cash hoard.
Like dictators and führers, politicians always come to the scene of a natural disaster carrying a wad of cash.
Many prefer to keep their cash as long as possible rather than let the energy giants earn interest on it.
Times, Sunday Times
Its practice of paying the men their cash wages only once a month—a violation of Nevada law, which mandated semimonthly pay envelopes—guaranteed that the demand for scrip would remain robust and thus that the company store would continue to do “exceptionally good business with very gratifying profits,” as the Big Six board was informed that summer.
Purple Label sportswear is filled with chocolate-colored suede trench coats, gray pinstriped cashmere slacks, cashmere sweaters and cashmere overcoats.
It saw famous darts players team up with members of the public to win cash.
The Sun
Its earlier refinancing wiped out its debt pile and left the group with cash.
Times, Sunday Times
More than 9,000 manufacturing jobs have been shed across East Lancashire in five years.
But wrangling over a £1m cash shortfall has delayed the plans by at least four to five months.
And I told my creditors that we needed to give these people 10 days of severance, even though that would deplete the rest of our cash.
So, the increasingly relaxed attitude of the police has meant that more musicians are now able to do a spot of casual busking in order to make some quick cash.
This lack of action may also trigger some legal action from insurance companies in an attempt to recoup cash paid out to flooded households.
Times, Sunday Times
His stunt mimics magician David Blaine's attempt to survive 72 days in a glass box above London but Michael decided he would use the idea to raise cash for charity.
It should be clear by now that Jackson has been royally twisted by the trifecta of supernova fame, seemingly unlimited cash, and a profound loneliness - none of which he asked for.
The group that had been holding service behind the nursing home got the buildings and some church funds, while the ultraconservatives got some cash and church heirlooms.
The Directors propose to offer shareholders the opportunity to receive fully paid ordinary shares in the Company in lieu of the cash dividend.
They must not demand a very high cash outlay or demand a very high degree of risk thereby endangering subsistence.
In phone calls you make in various states of undress interchange the word scrip, script, equity, stock, pscyhed, cash and stock, earnout, and synergy but minimise use of terms cash and upfront.
Archive 2006-06-01
From this interesting height there are two views: one over the beautiful plains of Lancashire, another towards the brumous mountains of Oxfordshire.
A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
Home builders have almost abandoned building homes for first-time buyers and moved upscale to attract all-cash buyers.
A 200million tender offer aimed at returning some cash to investors closes today.
Times, Sunday Times
Simon hands the cashier a ten.
One week after this story was written, the top 20 pop albums in the United States included records by fresh-faced adolescents the Beatles, teen sensation Bob Seger, twentysomething heartthrob Frank Sinatra, a barely-postpubescent but preternaturally-talented Bob Marley, recent high school graduate Rod Stewart, former boy band member Johnny Cash, newly-discovered youth sensation Barry White, and a band whose name is synonymous with "teenage rebellion": Pink Floyd.
Sirilyan Diary Entry
The cash-strapped councils need the money to plug leaks in school roofs, shore up unstable walls, install modern heating systems, repair cracked, draughty windows and remove temporary classrooms.
The lack of cash went undetected for two years.
Times, Sunday Times
Most of the Premier League cash went on buying out Jimmy and installing him at East End Park.
A rich cashmere throw, a pair of princess-worthy slippers, and some delish candles will keep her nest well feathered.
This will be of much more practical use than regular cash handouts now.
Times, Sunday Times
A nice pair of jeans with a cashmere pullover sweater and a nice pair of shoes is a good look.
When her father died in 1874, Hannah inherited two million pounds in cash, Mentmore and its priceless collection of art and furniture.
Rothschild, Hannah de, Countess of Rosebery.
A hedger locks in a price for a cash commodity by cross-hedging that commodity with a related commodity traded at one of the commodity exchanges.
The company ended last year with a small amount of cash in the bank, which is an inefficient use of capital.
Times, Sunday Times
19 per cent of B2C companies are now worth little more than the cash on their balance sheets.
The financial manager's problem is to forecast future sources and uses of cash.
Principles of Corporate Finance
Companies could not draw money from bank accounts as cash.
He was paid a tax-free cash sum as compensation.
Dry-clean and encase cashmere and fur in plastic bags for summer
Evidence has been growing that shows cash transfers to be an effective means of helping the poor.
Christianity Today
Voluntourism has become an industry, and if you're not careful, your holiday cash can go into an operator's pocket.
Times, Sunday Times
Your finances are in tatters, your blood pressure is rising and the queue for the bank cashiers' desks is never-ending.
Both are offering a 3000 cashback and carpets or part-exchange on your own property.
Most of the cash went on supporting his opulent lifestyle.
It was cashing in a spectacular consumer boom.
All those eligible will receive a cash handout.
The big worry is that the cash-strapped Irish health service is ill equipped to deal with an epidemic of any form, least of all a potentially fatal virus like SARS.
He was informed that Mr. Johnson would be calling today to encash the said draft.
Before you fork out all your cash for a stonking place in the country, try renting a big house first to see if you actually like it
We were running extremely low on cash yesterday, and I didn't get paid until today.
Mike and Buddy take a cash advance and go into town to get ripped.
A blind criminal delivering money to a gangster forces a motel owner to act as his eyes when he discovers the cash has been stolen.
The Sun
You also dug deep to give more than 100,000 in cash.
The Sun
Coming as it does in a period when many cash-strapped independent schools face the prospect of mergers or closure, he suggests that the initiative reeks more of marketing than a genuine desire to stimulate debate.
Trinity say that no extra cash is available and that Jackson must honour his existing contract.
Judge Porteous also engaged in corrupt conduct after the Lifemark v. Liljeberg bench trial, and while he had the case under advisement, in that he solicited and accepted things of value from both Amato and his law partner Creely, including a payment of thousands of dollars in cash.
The Volokh Conspiracy » “Judge Thomas Porteous Impeached by U.S. House of Representatives,”
It chooses a January year-end, at which point a large mountain of Christmas cards has just been exchanged for cash.
Are you paying in cash or by credit card?
A cash bail of €1,250 and an independent surety of €6,300 was fixed by Judge James O'Connor.
Rising delinquencies reduce cash inflow from debt payments and increase collection expenses.
Or taking home some cash when you shell out on a new pair of shoes?
The Sun
Why are so many cash-strapped councils wasting money on this kind of post?
Times, Sunday Times
For a monarch who does not carry cash, rail tickets are a fairly remote possibility.
Times, Sunday Times
They have to rely on short-term, high-interest bank accounts to maximize the return on spare cash they have at any time.
A leaked document highlights how taxpayers' cash could be misused by terror groups or criminal gangs.
The Sun
Some lenders plug in 12 months, requiring you to come up with more cash, and then rebate the difference at year-end.
Timing of tax cash flow. Capital allowances reduce a company's tax liability and thus improve its after-tax cash flow.
This is one guy who has managed to get shedloads of money out of his followers by that old and trusted trick of telling them the world's going to end, so they won't need all those possessions and cash that'll bar them entry into heaven.
Much of that cash indirectly funds the lavish lifestyles of the royal family.
Times, Sunday Times
a ready source of cash
Someone like Johnny would approach a fellow with a claim and offer him 10 cents on the dollar, cash on the barrelhead.
He had a habit of flashing the wads of cash his benevolent son sent home to him.
Not only did they provide the dictator with needed cash, but they played right into his scheme of using oil allocations to buy favor around the globe.
Both the cash interest and the vouchers are taxable, but all the tax will be deducted from the cash interest paid.
Times, Sunday Times
The prospect of cashing in on the huge émigré market is one reason many Irish retailers are making a concerted effort to make inroads into e-commerce.
The much-needed cash injection means Astroturf pitches and multi-purpose sports and arts halls could be built at schools around the country.
Since the late 1990s event organisers have attempted to cash in on the pink economy.
If a student is in debt or a bit cash-strapped they shouldn't put themselves at risk.
Significant amounts of extra cash have been pumped in nationally and from local authorities and people expect to see results.
I can't afford to bear the deep feeling is the burden, sweet prattle just happened to cash lies.
The constant need for money to buy drugs and increase business also motivates dealers to find vulnerable victims who can provide quick cash.
Tickets are non- transferable and can't be exchanged for cash.
The Sun
Terms of cash on delivery or advance payment should be instituted for future sales to consistently delinquent accounts.
A bank cannot refuse to cash banker's draft, whereas it can refuse to cash a cheque.
This will offer an annual return of in excess of 12 per cent and give a further fillip to the company's cash generation.
Times, Sunday Times
But he fears that is no longer a possibility at the cash-strapped club.
The Sun
A brace of £60,000 races highlight a cracking card at Haydock, where Time Ahead will surely take all the beating in the bet 365 Lancashire Oaks.
He was given the title of honorary physician to the Queen in 1967 for his public health work in Lancashire and for advising the Ministry of Health.
You might as well ask him to tie a yellow cashmere jumper around his shoulders and tell you jokes in his third language, showing his perfect teeth.
Times, Sunday Times
A further 150 generals have been cashiered and live under close surveillance.
It was always a mystery why cash flow was so poor, given that he openly sold editorial as well as advertising space.
And for the first time there will be cash prizes for the leading players who will join forces with amateurs in the team event.
The credit card eliminates the need for cash or cheques.
Meanwhile those with the cash can still do the sort of degree that will be a passport to higher earnings.
Credit cards eliminate the need to carry a lot of cash.
A spokesman for Lancashire constabulary says a team of officers and family liaison officers are on standby just in case.
So at the end of the night, when we cashed out, whatever money we had over the gross amount of the totaled checks, we kept as tips.
The transactions motive simply means that firms must hold cash in order to conduct normal business transactions.
The castle narrowly failed to win cash from BBC TV's Restoration competition in 2003, leading to fears that the building might decay completely.
Countries such as Germany, Finland and the Netherlands may find it difficult to defend funnelling more cash to Athens over the coming months with the threat of the referendum looming.
Greek government teeters on brink of collapse in wake of referendum plan
No attempt was made to recoup the cash.
The Sun
A money moon gets cash flowing your way but tempts you to be too generous.
The Sun
They had enough cash for a one-way ticket.
Operating a cash-poor shamus practice in Edinburgh, occasionally bringing along his precocious daughter from a broken marriage, Brodie is clearly more of a doer than a brooder.
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Police said crooks blocked the slot of cash machines, then noted the pin number by looking over the customer's shoulder.
They picked the number out of their ass, knowing they'd need to 'backpedal' later … but 'later' is too late for the suckers who plunked their cash down, isn't it?]
Conceptual Guerilla - Central Command in the War of Ideas
he paid cold cash for the TV set
They prefer to bargain with individual clients, for cash.
Three days earlier, four men snatched a cash box from a Post Office van while a delivery was being made at Marland.
But property valuations matter only if a company makes its cash from trading its assets or is heavily indebted.
Times, Sunday Times
The best way to measure potential problems in business is by projecting cash flow needs - managing receivables and expenses.
Fraudsters can open current accounts to receive the illicit cash transfers.
Times, Sunday Times
Buyers might require further assurances before parting with their cash.
Will anyone have the cash to buy a multi-million-pound bachelor pad with delivery room?
Times, Sunday Times
And scrappage has been at least revenue-neutral for the Government, which cashed in on the flow of VAT paid on new cars.
Anything that could save the company money and perk up its cash flow was examined.
You'll need some cash in local currency but you can also use your credit card.
The paymaster-general's account reflected an unexplained difference of R117 million between the cashbook balance and the bank reconciliation balance of March 31, 1996.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Yet hungry locals outside pooled their cash to buy a sip.
The Sun
Carey says he took the partnership public to create a liquid market for investors who wanted to cash out.
But loads of skint people from the estates around here use it, and it's creaming off cash from them.
The cash flow was regulated by an incredibly ancient compressed air system.
Despite doing well at the phone company, she is making even more cash from her nixer.
In a general sense, the corridor rule states that in order for any life insurance policy to avoid being classified as a MEC, there must be a "corridor" of difference in dollar value between the death benefit and the cash value of the policy. Headlines
The cash was used to help her track down a commercial manufacturer that could produce her products in large quantities.
Times, Sunday Times
I need the cash, but I don't need the aggravation.
The chief constable herself has been touring the county telling people their police have been underfunded for years and the only way forward is more cash.
The onetime Republican power broker faces up to 99 years in prison on felony charges that he orchestrated an illegal plan to funnel campaign cash to state GOP candidates who, after being elected, redrew congressional districts to favor their party.
DeLay Corruption Trial Starts
Boucheron won the day, and will be auctioning an exquisite brooch of diamonds, rock crystal, topaz and emeralds, with the cash donated to the new foundation.
Scoop in piles of cashews, almonds, macadamias, walnuts, pumpkin seeds or whatever you please.
He's not easily parted from his cash.
The stock buyback translates into $0.70 / share for the quarter, which could have been paid as a cash dividend.
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The salesman then sold him what my pal thought was a term insurance policy, which only pays out on death and has no cash-in value.
His son Brian had, in accordance with an old Irish custom, passed his boyhood in "fosterage" at the court of Callaghan, King of Cashel, in East Munster.
Historic Boys Their Endeavours, Their Achievements, and Their Times
Chris, these people have such short memories that I think it only extends partially into the Bush era, which is rosily remembered as a utopia of liberty even though illegal wiretapping and members of the cabinet cashing in on the war on terror were a hallmark of the Bush years.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Utilities were flush with cash and the economy was humming.
Times, Sunday Times
The mills of Lancashire were supplied with coal and cotton via the canal network.
They must look at how much disposable cash people have left after credit card bills and other loans are paid off.
The Sun
McClure was knighted and showered with cash - the legacies of both are bound by a watery historical note: their ships lie on the ocean floor beneath Canada's Arctic Archipelago. - Home Page
It's got an on-air team led not only by Chow, as the host, but highbrow art experts such as gorgon auctioneer Simon de Pury, who will mentor the 14 artists competing for a cash prize of $100,000 and a solo show at the prestigious Brooklyn Museum of Art. Judges and guest judges include New York gallery owner
The latest from
The main banks have reciprocal agreements that allow each other's customers to use cash machines free of charge.
You mean with the approach of the season when everyone wants to blow a huge chunk of their cash on useless junk in an irresponsibly frenzied consumeristic orgasm ... and they're finding themselves without credit or as much spare cash as usual ... they're feeling a little extra down about the economy?
CNN Poll: Optimism on economy fading
You will have a reduction for cash.
The rest were made up of inexperienced trainees and players carrying injuries after the cash-strapped club sold five players on transfer deadline day.
The Sun
And as the winter months drag on, many of us are dying to trade in cashmere sweaters for terrycloth sundresses and bikinis.
Events were held around the country at sites that have benefited from lottery cash.