How To Use Cash register In A Sentence

  • The cash register only opens once the card has been swiped.
  • Car horns beeped, children screamed, cash registers rang through open doorways.
  • Every dollar I scrimped or saved barely had time to cool in my hands before it was in the cash register at the local store and I was on the way home with another addition to my racing stable.
  • Usually it is those who seek the gratification of personal glory as well as the sound of the cash register who pump themselves full of this or that chemical, preferably one hitherto unknown to science so that the authorities, who religiously trot out the psittacine mantra that this is the most drug-free Olympics ever, are left flat-footed in their wake. Boycott the Olympics & Read Proust Instead
  • Charlton lowered the steel shutters over the store windows, secured the back door, and locked the cash register.
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  • Tyler was lost for words, wondering about his reward when he heard a great shrill of excitement from the cash register.
  • She was ringing up her sale on an ancient cash register.
  • Have you thought about unchaining the drawer on the cash register and buying a new car, complete with warranty?
  • “The secret to retail is to get the money in the cash register as quickly as possible.” Only Rep. Frank could go kill health care rationing… - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • Iron out the kinks at manned cash registers, before you open up self-checkout lanes.
  • 'I'll wait by the cash register,’ he said, and put the pile for the sales clerk to charge.
  • The raiders snatched $100 from the cash register.
  • When Scott Wolfe hires someone for a job working a cash register or cutting meat, the odds are, that person was a customer first.
  • All this happened at a time when other High Street retailers have been listening to the satisfying jingles of ringing cash registers.
  • Most of it simply buzzes and squeaks, a reedy clarinet against a rhythm section of cash registers and ticker tape.
  • The man operating the cash register sighed in a world-weary fashion and darted his eyes around to ensure there weren't too many people around.
  • So methods have been developed to dissuade you from wandering off to somebody else's cash register.
  • But when its owners sued All American Cash Register and TEC America Corp. last July over the glitch, the greengrocery fired the first shot in what some are predicting will be a protracted -- and costly -- legal war over the so-called Year 2000 Bug. Beyond The Year 2000 Bug: A New Wave Of Lawsuits
  • The same display cases, the same carrot-haired woman behind the cash register.
  • The following afternoon she came into the store from the stockroom, stopping in the doorway as she saw the tall blonde man rifling through the cash register.
  • The old cash register opened with a ping.
  • He said the Government's decision to reduce duties on the items was to lower the cost of food prices at the cash register and not to subsidise businesses.
  • All a user has to do is download money from the bank over the airwaves, then wave the phone over a cash register.
  • And although the cash register had been jimmied, her purse and a bank bag lay next to her.
  • Next to the pigpen is a long, planed board propped on makeshift trestles, and on the board is a cash register-the silver kind where the buttons pop into the window: 50¢, $1, No charge. Songs of the Humpback Whale
  • In 1914 Watson left National Cash Register under a cloud of monopoly and competitive charges that might have put him in jail.
  • Tom Piper sagged against the glass counter near the cash register.
  • This is how the Senate Bar, a Topeka saloon favored by state officials, fell to a Nation attack or, using another of her neologisms, a “hatchetation”: “I ran behind the bar,” she wrote, smashed the mirror and all the bottles under it; picked up the cash register, threw it down; then broke the faucets of the refrigerator, opened the door and cut the rubber tubes that conducted the beer. LAST CALL
  • At the cash register, Roy cracked a package of pennies like an egg and let the coins shimmy into the bowl of the money drawer. Salem Falls
  • The red snapper ($13) is strictly for high-rollers, while the so-called porgy sandwich ($8) is a small specimen, just the right size for one person, and the clerk at the cash register may or may not remember to throw a couple of slices of bread in the paper basket when he calls your number. A Taste Of Seafood In Harlem «
  • Start at what I call the cocktail and hors d'oeuvres section, which is right past the cash registers. Lesley Stern: How To Live On $0 A Day: Sample The Good Life
  • Smart men supposedly ignored dizzy dames and all the rest, listening not to the whippoorwill but to cash registers.
  • While she was taking the three dolls from the stock below the counter, Reece inobtrusively opened the ring box and set it on the glass shelf near the cash register. Fox Fire Light
  • Inside, he noticed a harmless old hound dog asleep on the floor beside the cash register.
  • An attractive girl with a cheerful smile and laughing eyes was sitting at the cash register by the doorway.
  • I reached in my desk drawer and pulled out a "nip" - one of those little bottles of booze you see up by the cash register in a liquor store. Matt Slade, Esq.--Pro Bono Czar
  • Jack's presence rattled Wilson, reminding him of Henry as a little boy showing Jack how to work the old cash register.
  • The place stinks of Jamaican marijuana, the cash register area smells of fish, and the wastebasket is full of discarded wrappings from a first aid kit. Archive 2007-04-01
  • The authorities reacted by ruling that tamper-proof electronic cash registers must be used.
  • The door hangs off its hinges, the cash register ripped from its electronic umbilical cord.
  • Newsagents' cash registers chinked to the silvery tune of an additional 1.75 million 5p coins hitting the tills.
  • I ask only one favour: please bring me a pound's worth of silver from the Swan's cash register.
  • An aluminium pitcher and a trayful of clean goblets had been left on a serving table over by the cash register. SOMETHING IN THE WATER
  • Now the cash registers go ker-ching every time there's a fumble beneath the bed sheets.
  • It struck him that the only thing he could do was spend his free half-day sitting beside Super at the cash register in the supermarket a block away on the same street as the Four Corners. The Empty Family
  • For a very long time I could barely distinguish one coin from another, and would spend countless hours at cash registers painstakingly rifling through the contents of my wallet like a senile woman.
  • The solid kauri counter, twenty feet in length, was piled with goods on both sides of the cash register and around the scales.
  • So you pick out one and follow him back to the cash register.
  • The reverend's tactics may be unusual — he's been known to leap on shop counters in order to "exorcise" cash registers — but his message of modest spending is increasingly mainstream. Is The Mall Dead?
  • One evening while raiding a grocery store cash register with some friends for nickels and dimes, he is arrested and taken to a juvenile prison.
  • Right now, I'm short-staffed, said Larry Jue, a 63-year-old storekeeper working the cash register at his family's 70-year-old grocery store, the Sam Sing & Co. Store. In the Delta, a new flood brings back old fears
  • In 1914 Watson left National Cash Register under a cloud of monopoly and competitive charges that might have put him in jail.
  • Apparently he immediately dismissed me as harmless - I wasn't going to shoplift or lift the cash register.
  • By the time I got my chance at the cash register, my white friends had been promoted to management.
  • Coupons generated electronically at the cash register are popular across the country, because they mirror consumer preferences.
  • And scorekeepers - like bestseller lists and cash register displays - are the barometer they use to determine whether a new idea is safe yet.
  • The door hangs off its hinges, the cash register ripped from its electronic umbilical cord.
  • After liberating a pie from a lukewarm oven, I trundled over to the cash register, where two hippy-looking young women dressed in shawls and all were waiting with a loaf of bread.
  • Their glorification of gang violence has set cash registers ringing.
  • The whiteface, the Keystone Kops moments, the jerky movements, the syncopated line deliveries and Joe Bauer's loud sound effects—coins pouring into a cash register, Tiger Brown's heavy footsteps, the glugs as Mrs. Peachum Traute Hoess swallows her booze—contribute to the old-movie artificiality of the production. Waging Underclass Warfare
  • This glorified closet was located behind a curtain next to the cash register, and in there sat the santera with only candle light to read by. STRIKE A POSE by Donnàrd Ricardo Sturgis | Fiction | Futurismic
  • Besides being a phenomenal success that set the cash registers ringing, it won critical acclaim too.
  • I fished out a ten dollar bill and handed it to her, grabbing my bag and following her to the cash register.
  • A man armed with a large metal chain robbed a convenience store of cash from a cash register. Anne Arundel County and Howard County crime report
  • They just have a redder color and come with their stems attached and you feel superior at the cash register to those cheapskates who're buying those other tomatoes.
  • The old cash register opened with a ping.
  • And sometimes you can barely find the clerk to pay for an item because the cash register is almost surrounded with last-minute impulse buys, everything from candy to batteries. Saving the economy one breakfast sandwich at a time
  • She was ringing up her sale on an ancient cash register.
  • So why keep a spot for an author whose books aren't making the cash registers ring when the next "new" author could be a megaseller? Archive 2009-02-01
  • The cash register only opens once the card has been swiped.
  • He was caught red-handed taking money from the cash register.
  • Not talking on cell phones at the cash register is becoming widely accepted. Let freedom ring
  • With the way the cash registers are ringing, an entire squadron of cherubim should be getting their wings.
  • In order to file a claim with Staples I had to furnish: name, address and daytime phone of consignee, copy of original Staples receipt — including cash register spit-out tape, an independent appraisal of the radio, the original ebay listing showing the final price, the PayPal transaction showing any payments or refunds, etc.,etc. The Volokh Conspiracy » How Not to Do E-Commerce
  • He was caught red-handed taking money from the cash register.
  • A very unanimated worker stands at the cash register smoking a cigarette.
  • His eyes were fixed on the magazine rack next to the cash register.
  • She sighs heavily, her pudgy fingers punching the keys on the cash register loudly.
  • Inside, he noticed a harmless hound dog asleep on the floor beside the cash register.
  • He still stood behind his cash register stuffing his mouth with popcorn.
  • An attractive girl with a cheerful smile and laughing eyes was sitting at the cash register by the doorway.
  • And it's worth it, when you're at the cash register, to throw a thing-in-itself down on the conveyor belt behind a bleached blonde with a cartful of “natural” foods. What Do You Mean, You Don't Sell Pigs Feet?
  • I returned his smile, moving off to investigate a small glass case of crystal figurines sitting beside one of the cash registers.
  • Lyrica itself was slated for an FDA suicide warning until a 92-page appeal from Pfizer that called the suicide stats "an exaggeration of risk that is introduced by ascertainment bias" and cautioned against "overwarning ... patients and prescribers" so that they "underestimate the risks of declining treatment" -- especially at the cash register. Son of Neurontin Meets the Fibromyalgia Epidemic
  • She was ringing up her sale on an ancient cash register.
  • VerioStore incorporates on-line product catalogs, a cash register, a shopping cart and shipping and sales tax calculations.
  • The counter had been wiped down, bleached, polished, and a shiny new cash register sat like an ornament on its surface.
  • Customers stood in line for 20 minutes at the cash register.
  • She said Pete stayed behind the cash register until she placed her order, then he grilled her burger. BLINDSIGHTED
  • Then one day you put the Diet Coke back in the fridge because the Target men's room is on the other side of the cash registers, and you can't get a cart in there and certainly can't hold the tot while you micturate.
  • Cash Register, Intelligent Lock, Card Reader, Juice Bread Maker, Lock.
  • Coupons generated electronically at the cash register are popular across the country, because they mirror consumer preferences.
  • Well, maybe, while the yokels are slugging it out in the parking lot, the ‘have-mores’ can sneak in the back door and make off with the cash register.
  • If anything, he said, what they heard was that cash register.
  • The beige moulded shop-fittings remained, but the knickers and negligees made way for campaign posters and canvassing rotas and, on a plinth where the cash register once stood, a vase of red roses, which proceeded to bloom.
  • Such was the chorus of cash registers that word soon spread of FIAC's perfect counterpoint to London's giant Frieze Art Fair, the week before, and October channel-hopping will likely be de rigueur next year. Michael Kurcfeld: A Fair To Remember: The Biggest Asset at Paris's Art Fair Is Paris
  • Jess's boss must have heard the ching of the cash register, because she appeared from behind the door again.
  • Dollar General needs about six people to work each of the 695 stores it plans to open this year, to run cash registers, stock products and manage.
  • She was ringing up her sale on an ancient cash register.
  • He still stood behind his cash register stuffing his mouth with popcorn.
  • Hugin was held by the Commission to be in breach of Article 86 by refusing to supply spare parts for its cash registers to Liptons, which competed with Hugin in servicing Hugin's machines.

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