How To Use Cash crop In A Sentence
Sugarcane, tobacco, and cotton are grown as cash crops, in addition to chilies, oilseeds, and pulses (legumes).
This SEWA farm, like many in Gujarat, grows mangoes, tea, spices and other cash crops.
They have a fallback in subsistence production and other cash crops, such as cocoa and copra.
Wine formed the most important cash crop, while cereal production generally took the form of subsistence farming.
By contrast, there was a general shift from subsistence agriculture to the production of cash crops and the provision of services.
The government had introduced cash crops of tea and coffee to land previously used to produce food.
Times, Sunday Times
Once they have achieved that goal, they raise a cash crop.
By contrast, there was a general shift from subsistence agriculture to the production of cash crops and the provision of services.
In this buffer zone around the park, people survive through subsistence farming and cash crops such as cotton.
They are cleaning up, and could make even more money if they switched to a different cash crop.
Potatoes are the only cash crop though even some of these are used for fodder.
The government's programme to grow cash crops for export is a double-edged sword because it has created a local food shortage.
The introduction of cash crops in the 1930s further reduced the amount of land available for food production.
Growing sugar cane was a labour-intensive business, much more so than for other cash crops.
Times, Sunday Times
The cash dividends they get from the cash crop would sustain them during the lean season.
The cash crops are cotton, peanuts, karite (shea nuts), and sesame.
Bermudagrass is highly responsive to fertilization with N and can be an important and valuable cash crop.
In this buffer zone around the park, people survive through subsistence farming and cash crops such as cotton.
Cranberries have become a major cash crop.
Many young people simply found cash crop agriculture on the Reserves more remunerative than wage labor on settler farms or in the mines.
Arrowroot, a major cash crop, is used in desserts, including arrowroot sponge cake and arrowroot custard.
The country is self-sufficient in food production, despite the increased production of cash crops.
Cranberries have become a major cash crop.
She rose early to watch the farm workers begin their days planting and harvesting maize, tea and other cash crops.
The principal cash crops are coconuts, bananas, pineapples, sugar, tobacco, and abaca.
Why don't producer nations simply switch crops and either become more self-sufficient in food, or produce a different cash crop?
As a cash crop, cattle encouraged ranchers to practise ruthless predator control, killing bears, bobcats and mountain lions.
The rather long drought in the district has taken a heavy toll on the cash crops like maize, tomato, capsicum, ginger and paddy.
Poppies are a major cash crop.
A market revolution occurred as a yeoman and cash crop agriculture and capitalist manufacturing replaced artisan economy.
The contractor may use the area to grow and harvest minor forest products or interplant cash crops, fruit trees and other agricultural crops using sound agroforestry practices.
Chapter 5
The main cash crops were coffee, sugar cane and cotton, with cassava the domestic staple.
The cash dividends they get from the cash crop would sustain them during the lean season.
Approximately 85 percent of the population live in rural areas and are largely self-sufficient in food production, and many derive cash income from export cash crops and local food markets.
Soya has become the cash crop for half of Argentina's arable land, more than 11m hectares, most situated on fragile pampas lands on the vast plains.
Vendors said they are expecting a further price increase in the coming fortnight because flood waters may have unleashed more damage to fragile cash crops as pak choy, lettuce, tomatoes, cabbages and peppers.
The concept of the bioregenerative farm has been introduced to describe a model farm in developing countries (that can easily be applied in developed countries as well) where domestic and farm wastes are recycled and recovered to a maximum level through a chain of biological processes and farming practices, thus reducing input of cash-intensive items such as proteinaceous animal feed, irrigation water, fertilizers, and fuel, while increasing cash-intensive outputs such as animal products, fish, and cash crops (1).
Chapter 17
As a cash crop, cattle encouraged ranchers to practise ruthless predator control, killing bears, bobcats and mountain lions.
Coffee was introduced into the central highlands in the 1840s, and quickly became the most important cash crop.
They have always played an important role in agriculture, both in subsistence production and in the production of cash crops on small peasant farms.
Why don't producer nations simply switch crops and either become more self-sufficient in food, or produce a different cash crop?
Arrowroot, a major cash crop, is used in desserts, including arrowroot sponge cake and arrowroot custard.
The contractor may use the area to grow and harvest minor forest products or interplant cash crops, fruit trees and other agricuitural crops using sound agroforestry practices.
1. Integrated social forestry program (ISFP)
Newly irrigated lands are often used to grow thirsty cash crops instead of traditional staples for direct consumption, leaving farming families at the mercy of the global market.
Certain flowers, such as the beautiful cyclamen, are grown as cash crops in the developing world.
Even then, cocoa was a cash crop, the seeds traded for gold, silver, turquoise, maize, oil, beans, incense and cotton.
They have a fallback in subsistence production and other cash crops, such as cocoa and copra.
One crop might fail, but another will survive - there are heartbreaks here too, but no single moment of crisis, as with a monocultural cash crop.
The government's programme to grow cash crops for export is a double-edged sword because it has created a local food shortage.
In general, FSA personnel helped clients to develop farm plans that moved them away from cash crop agriculture toward a mixed livestock and subsistence economy.
This is the area where significant cash crops are grown, including pyrethrum (a flower that produces a natural insecticide), coffee and tea.
Trees are cut down to grow cash crops and wild creatures are shot.
The cash dividends they get from the cash crop would sustain them during the lean season.
The government's programme to grow cash crops for export is a double-edged sword because it has created a local food shortage.
The only thing left for farmers whose rice harvest is destroyed is to use seeds from relief groups to plant corn, but those living off cash crops such as cloves, vanilla and coffee destroyed by strong coastal winds would be seriously affected.
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Peanut ( Arachis hypogaea L. ) is an important oil and cash crop worldwide and has been an important resource of edible oil and protein in many developing countries.
This depended on the creation of a large body of enterprising peasant farmers growing essentially cash crops.
The township, based on food, cash crop cultivation and animal husbandry in agriculture - based economy.
As these countries develop, an influx of global food retailers is likely to relegate peanuts to the role of a cash crop, to produce ground nut oil.
The cash dividends they get from the cash crop would sustain them during the lean season.
The gorillas' natural habitat has been gradually destroyed to make way for farmland and cash crops for sale on the global market.
By contrast, there was a general shift from subsistence agriculture to the production of cash crops and the provision of services.
He had once planted cash crops - maize, rice, casaba - and he'd even built a pig sty and a chicken coop.
Why don't producer nations simply switch crops and either become more self-sufficient in food, or produce a different cash crop?
But while they are growing he is cultivating the other cash crops including tomatoes, onions, cabbages, chilli peppers and coffee beans.
Kanaf, ramie and hemp are important cash crops of Xinyang prefecture with cultivation area of 150 million Chinese mu ( 100,000 ha. ).
Thus it is both a cash crop and a fodder crop.
The men handle cash crops if there are any, and may have jobs fishing or building, or in offices in the cities.
On the other hand, he explained that the current hunger in his area was due to people concentrating on growing cash crops such as cotton instead of maize.
It was the number one or two cash crop on virtually all American family farms from the colonial era on.
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In recent years colocynth has found a place in the oil industry of western Rajasthan where its cultivation serves three purposes, viz. continuous supply of seed (as cash crop) to oil industry for soap making, stabilization of shifting sand, and checking the danger of its becoming extinct due to over exploitation.
The blue agave is no longer a wild plant, but rather a carefully cultivated cash crop.
Industrial crops such as flax and dye-plants (madder, woad, and weld), and other cash crops such as coleseed, hops, and tobacco, increased revenue per hectare, enabling more people to live from the earnings of smaller plots.
The principal cash crops are coconuts, bananas, pineapples, sugar, tobacco, and abaca (hemp).
The cash dividends they get from the cash crop would sustain them during the lean season.
We have revived the neglected olive groves and will have a cash crop this year.
Times, Sunday Times
The government's programme to grow cash crops for export is a double-edged sword because it has created a local food shortage.
By contrast, there was a general shift from subsistence agriculture to the production of cash crops and the provision of services.
The cash dividends they get from the cash crop would sustain them during the lean season.
The main cash crops were coffee, sugar cane and cotton, with cassava the domestic staple.
Finally enterprising farmers who produced a surplus could sell their excess for coin, invest in more land, and grow cash crops like cotton and tobacco.
Small-scale fences owned by individuals or co-operatives encircling irrigated crops or cash crops such as cashews and bananas are most likely to succeed.