How To Use cash card In A Sentence
- Hence the helpful and revealing insights of the staff into his cash card habits.
- People using cash machines are being warned to be on the alert, after four customers had their cash cards taken.
- The bundles of 20 notes and a bank cash card were in a holdall left unattended for some time, until curious church staff opened it. The Sun
- The account offers a cash card and 1 per cent bonus for the first six months.
- He had very little money on him, his cash card remains unused and his mobile phone rang unanswered until the battery ran out.
- The bundles of 20 notes and a bank cash card were in a holdall left unattended for some time, until curious church staff opened it. The Sun
- An autoteller later swallowed his cash card. Times, Sunday Times
- Use the cash cards at stores where Visa is accepted, on-line and at ATMs.
- From vending machine purchases to Morale, Welfare and Recreation tickets, any cash purchase aboard ship will require a Navy Cash Card.