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How To Use Case In A Sentence

  • The warden of prisons was contacted for information on the convict's behavior on the chain gang, or in a few cases on the State Farm.
  • We carried spare water for the rad, a hand pump just in case the Dunlop pressure dropped, and maybe even a canister of petrol.
  • She was carrying her overnight case and a basket of dried flowers-statice, strawflower, and immortelle in the pastel colors referred to in seed catalogues as "art shades": fawn, apricot, mauve, and pale yellow. Incubus
  • It's not because I'm worried about what they might think, or anything ridiculous like that, it's because in a lot of cases this material was intended for me alone - either through an oral tradition or as a gnostic revelation from the spirits.
  • So they set up this fund to compensate victims in serious cases of abuse.
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  • Iin this case it uses the atomic unit of digital life - a single screen of data on a Palm, a little brick of reality we spend so much time staring at all day long.
  • In a landmark case/decision, the Governor pardoned a woman convicted of killing her husband, who had physically abused her.
  • Compared to a Finno-Ugric language like Estonian or Hungarian, which has tons of cases with exotic names like the inessive, superessive, ablative, translative, and exessive, English seems as poor as a pauper on payday. 2009 October « Motivated Grammar
  • Add the toasted almond slivers and mix well before turning into the pastry case. Times, Sunday Times
  • In any event, when making a case against the indivisibility of Sinitic, it is not necessary to rebut each of these "common" features individually, since they are largely or wholly extralinguistic. Language Log
  • Looking through the casement was the visage of the mariner, no longer stern, but moved with unutterable emotion, and tears, yes, tears trickling down his weather-beaten cheeks. Edward Barnett; a Neglected Child of South Carolina, Who Rose to Be a Peer of Great Britain,—and the Stormy Life of His Grandfather, Captain Williams or, The Earle's Victims: with an Account of the Terrible End of the Proud Earl De Montford, the Lamen
  • They do not strengthen their case by repeating their horror. Times, Sunday Times
  • In each case the company's contributions are deductible for tax, and income on the investments is free of tax. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • So, while the average cup of decaf contains between 6 and 10 milligrams of caffeine per serving, the regulation allows for "decaf" coffee to contain much higher levels of the stimulant, at least 30 milligrams in some cases, according to Undefined
  • They are hired to crack a safe, photograph the contents of a locked briefcase inside, and return it to the owner without him knowing.
  • Soon the seeds in the inflated seed cases of the yellow rattle will be hard and rattle at a brush.
  • These cases come first on the court's calendar.
  • The judge's decision will allow the case to move ahead.
  • The case has offered an insight into travails he faced running the family business and securing a successor. Times, Sunday Times
  • Spoon the mixture into the prepared flan case and chill until set.
  • In some cases, the vomited milk may smell curdled because it has mixed with stomach acid.
  • Mr Ireland claimed that the case had cost him his job as a school bus driver. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is a case of simmering rage and resentment at the stick from outsiders, which will come nicely to the boil at 8pm tonight. The Sun
  • Instead, I was stuck in my little dorm room, answering the phone every time it rang in case it was Clay.
  • In these cases, then, thixotropy cannot be the explanation.
  • Wait outside in case you can be useful.
  • The Washington Post reports on a case in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » GPS as Stalking Weapon
  • The prosecution has been given a week to decide whether to retry the case. Times, Sunday Times
  • In chronic smoldering cases, inflammatory bowel disease can be misdiagnosed, and treatment with steroids only exacerbates the infection.
  • In other cases panting is caused, i.e. the mechanism most often seen in the dog under natural conditions, when it is hot. Walter Hess - Nobel Lecture
  • In both cases, significant constituencies had been left to rot, unattended, and they'd had enough.
  • I'm worried about washing that shirt in case it shrinks.
  • The bereaved are normally anxious for a speedy conclusion in these tragic cases.
  • Now that I think about it, direct property distraint was a recognized means of compelling welchers to fulfill their obligations in the quasi-anarchic Brehon laws of Celtic Ireland, even if it was a case of tenants or debtors going after landlords or creditors. Shameless Self-promotion Sunday #30
  • Ministers have spent nearly 500million stockpiling the antiviral drug in case of a deadly epidemic but there are doubts it is effective. The Sun
  • In some cases, difficulties arise because of a combination of less individualisation and low survival.
  • We ended up walking the streets with our suitcases and had to spend the night in a flea-bitten youth hostel, with lots of old men and young lads.
  • An open casement window provides the painted studio's interior light.
  • That notion identifies heritability with the regression of the offspring phenotype on the parental (or biparental mean in the case of sexual reproduction), where both phenotypes are presented as z-scores (i.e., set to mean = 0 and standard deviation = 1). Miss Winter Solstice
  • In this case the experiment involves using a hydraulic press to crush specimen cubes of the concrete, and measuring the pressure at which the cube breaks.
  • A similar attempt at reconciling Absolute Idealism and monadism had been made by Lotze, and in both cases it remains an open question whether this is not pre-established harmony in disguise. Francis Herbert Bradley
  • Both men were dressed in suits and had briefcases with them containing miscellaneous business papers.
  • In these two cases, the UK is exactly equidistant from the tolerance of France and the censoriousness of the US.
  • Changing men's and women's traditional roles is not easy, but in our case it has been helpful.
  • By the same token, if you pick up a strange rash, you will want to see a doctor in case it really is flesh-eating bacteria.
  • Casey James Confectionery Store has sold sweets and candies on St Mary's Street, off the Royal Mile in Edinburgh, since 1954.
  • Make a boot disk in case your computer is damaged or compromised
  • She recently wrapped up a prestigious year-long stint clerking for Judge Leonie M. Brinkema at the federal court in Alexandria -- but, no, said she couldn't discuss any of the cases she worked on. Cate Edwards lands first law firm job, joins the ranks of Washington lawyers
  • A number of people contacted the paper to claim that flu cases were clogging doctors' surgeries and forcing schools to appoint supply teachers in place of ailing staff.
  • Democratic individuals, who in any case are likely to have similar beliefs and opinions because they are similarly situated, easily fall under the hegemonic sway of public opinion.
  • He intends to fight the case to the Supreme Court.
  • The case - possibly the ultimate in town versus gown - revolves around a former manse on a quiet street in St Andrews, where students already occupy more than half the town centre accommodation.
  • [72] A flitch is a side of cured meat, in this case, pork. Robert Carter Diary, 1726
  • Gulf War veterans fighting to prove hundreds of former servicemen have been crippled and killed by a mysterious syndrome caused by their time in the conflict have been dealt a massive blow - their own solicitors say the case is unprovable.
  • Although, the protein utilized a number of fatty acids as substrate such as propionic acid, hexanoic acid, decanoic acid, lauric acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid and oleic acid (data not shown) as is the case with many other known Fatty Acyl-CoA Synthetases PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • This link is sort of off-topic but really not, as it's yet another case (as in the present one) of the media doing their level best to shout down "the critics" -- the nattering nabobs of negativism -- and then, years later, admitting that the "gadflies" were right all along, and that what looked like a scam, walked like a scam, and quacked like a scam was -- quelle surprise! Funky math with Mark Larabee (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • I throw a suitcase on the bed and pop it open, and begin to stuff clothes into drawers and hang them in the wardrobe.
  • Even where, for example in an unfair dismissal case, the employment tribunal makes an order that the employee be re-employed by the employer in one way or another, if the employer fails to do so there is no contempt of court.
  • We chuckled together as she stood and reached up to the top shelf of a grand bookcase in the corner.
  • not far from the former site of Five Points, the immigrant neighborhood showcased in the Martin Scorsese's film "Gangs of New York.
  • Unfortunately, in many cases, the first real symptom is a broken bone.
  • Very few of these cases involve plaintiffs afflicted with legitimate disabilities as most of us understand the term.
  • We saw reason to believe that Abraham's case was a type of all other elect -- _elect for the service of others_. The Gospel of the Hereafter
  • This was the case that upheld a Washington law that gave academic scholarships to qualified students, but forbid them from using them to study theology.
  • Furthermore, functional and structural divergence might, in some cases, precede rather than follow gene duplication.
  • You are also advised to carry some rainwear, just in case.
  • The cases have mainly involved small companies and hedge funds or predatory investors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Apparently some divers end up having to buy extra suitcases to carry all the goodies home.
  • In the simplest case, the wires carrying the electrical signals are used to form an electromagnet which attracts and releases a metal diaphragm.
  • Probably the most famous example of this, and also a good illustrative case, is the "green revolution" in agriculture. Science, Technology, and Social Change
  • “Images of the Gods” is a casebound edition of 640 pages with more than 1,800 color illustrations. Review: Images of the Gods-Khmer Mythology in Cambodia, Laos & Thailand by Vittorio Roveda | Angkor Wat Apsara & Devata: Khmer Women in Divine Context
  • Really it's a case of head versus heart.
  • Truly, Ranald, my trusty friend," said Dalgetty, "I will not deny that the case may be soon my own; for I am so forfoughen (being, as A Legend of Montrose
  • Robert Dossie described three categories of watercolor painting — miniature, the most delicate; distemper, which is coarser, uses less expensive colors in a glue or casein binder, and is appropriate for canvas hangings, ceilings, and other interior decorative painting purposes; and fresco. reference As a technique practiced by the Romans, fresco painting was a subject of particularly interest in the antiquity-obsessed eighteenth-century. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • The many cases of sidewise technological competition that have occurred in the business world can also be mined for insights.
  • In many cases, well-qualified songs from musicals, operettas, vaudeville, and revues, as well as variety shows, music hall, and cafe concert, were recruited for use in cabarets.
  • And in any case, there will be plenty of memories gained and stories to embellish after another extravaganza of Celtic solidarity.
  • The case has attracted wide publicity.
  • Newspapers have, however, reported that prosecutors are convinced the investigating magistrate in charge of a corruption and fraud inquiry involving the regional governments of the Balearic Islands and Valencia will soon officially name him as a suspect in the case. Spain's king blocks scandal-hit son-in-law from royal duties
  • The commission may come up with a new plan for overseeing the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, which is accused of botching its end of the case. Peace, order and good government, eh?: December 2004 Archives
  • When you check in for a flight, make sure the agent tags all your suitcases before sending them down the conveyer belt.
  • This is common and in most cases the cause is unknown. The Sun
  • everyone involved in the bribery case has been identified
  • At the bottom of the staircase a door opens into the white painted kitchen, where a small cooker supports an oversized kettle. Times, Sunday Times
  • The inscription on the stone, shown below, notes the political and constitutional importance of the case. America Past and Present
  • In the case of darker parts of the internet, the algorithms produce a destructive positive feedback effect. Times, Sunday Times
  • Along the walls are bookcases filled with books he never knew existed.
  • Weight concerns mandated that the cylinder heads and crankcase are both made of cast aluminum.
  • A pair of suitcases filled with special shower heads for Islamic ablutions , and monumental razors and clippers, poke fun at the needs of the Muslim traveler.
  • In the case of meat sheep versus wool sheep, wool is usually around $10 a kilo, and meat $2 a kilo.
  • They can have their cases rejected, without reasons being given, by nameless officials.
  • Fancy an heir that a father had seen born well-featured and fair, turning suddenly wry-nosed, club-footed, squint-eyed, hair-lipped, wapper-jawed, carrot-haired, from a pride become an aversion, -- my case was yet worse. The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell
  • Such signals can be located on a mast, bridge, or cantilever structure and in some rare cases in a dwarf signal.
  • Your mother's will most likely transfers property to the revocable trust, rather than the other way around, in case she failed to transfer something to the trust prior to her death.
  • What they have "incentivized" executives to do, in countless cases, is not to perform, but to game the system, to smooth the numbers, to take insane risks with other people's money, to do whatever had to be done to ring the bell and send the dollars coursing their way into the designated bank account. Let's Move Their Cheese
  • The poor litigant will wait for the somnolescent process and leisurely pronouncement and the wealthy litigant will have his case speedily terminated. The Hindu - Front Page
  • Are these examples clear, or is there a degree of imprecision in the case law?
  • While you can get pretty close to walruses here, within 30 feet in some cases, you're not allowed to be on the beaches, so conversations are kept to a minimum and there's a rush to get up.
  • I haven’t got a problem with the narrater, he’s obviously romanticized or the opposite, in this case, but he’s an interesting person, so I’m not adverse to hearing his side of things. “The Worst Book I Have Read in the Past Three Years” : Edward Champion’s Reluctant Habits
  • Uncle Fliakim Sheril, furbished up in a new crisp black suit, and with his spindleshanks trimly incased in the smoothest of black silk stockings, looking for all the world just like an alert and spirited black cricket, outdid himself on this occasion in singing _counter_, in that high, weird voice that he must have learned from the wintry winds that usually piped around the corners of the old house. Good Cheer Stories Every Child Should Know
  • In another case, a hotel guest was freed from the top of bunk beds. The Sun
  • The uproar in both cases was swift and decisive. Times, Sunday Times
  • And Leeds North West Labour MP Harold Best also believes there is a case for toughening the rules.
  • To neatly convey the choice of sizes in the case of such items as drawer pulls, the entire range might be lined up on the page in descending order.
  • ~~~~~~~~~French Vocabulary~~~~~~~~ en tout cas = in any case; façon de parler = so to speak; à peu près = almost, more or less; le français (m) = French; l'anglais (m) = English; le bât (m) = packsaddle Faux amis - French Word-A-Day
  • For example, in proofs about sets, Venn diagrams provided a useful part of a concept image in some cases.
  • And the high profile court battles have shown how difficult it is to get medical experts to agree on how to interpret the facts of a case.
  • It is simply not the case that prison conditions are improving.
  • However even currently available estimates already show encouraging results in the case 2 scenario described above.
  • In that case, the physicians argued that the trial judge had erred in preferring one responsible body of professional opinion to another.
  • A case involving an unrepresented litigant can take 2 or 3 times longer to complete than one where the parties are represented.
  • The economic case for substantial immigration is thin, and there are significant ecological and other arguments against it.
  • Thirty-six hours before his execution, Tennessee judges voted to reconsider his case.
  • Complex cases Obviously, a host of more complex cases might arise, involving changes in both supply and demand.
  • The prosecution's task in a case is to establish a person's guilt beyond any reasonable doubt.
  • This case for a belief module is far from unassailable, and indeed every one of these prongs is still vigorously disputed, but the whole picture is compelling.
  • Hospital case notes are more voluminous than traditional British general practice paper records, which are normally maintained on small cards, named after the politician who introduced them more than 90 years ago.
  • Yeah, he's a pop genius, but his cool, affable swagger and clever repartee are the perfect complement to the more extroverted, outgoing personalities of Dahle and Ms. Case.
  • These connect from the motherboard to the front panel on the top corner of the case.
  • A glance at any probate casebook will demonstrate how often solicitous distant relatives, keen to do fetching and carrying as well as to sort out troublesome financial affairs, show up in the declining years of lonely old people.
  • Paper will start to peel from the wall, and in the worst cases plaster will start to crumble.
  • Things which experience gradual withdrawings and emptyings of their nature, and great and sudden replenishments, fail to perceive the emptying, but are sensible of the replenishment; and so they occasion no pain, but the greatest pleasure, to the mortal part of the soul, as is manifest in the case of perfumes. Timaeus
  • The picture windows showcase vistas of the snow-covered mountains at their best. Times, Sunday Times
  • I drew for him a sectional view of the area, indicating the staircase and plaza above.
  • Obviously judges are unlikely to speak about their specific cases or to make stinging criticism of political policy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The decision was made in the case of Dred Scott, a negro slave.
  • His subsequent report threw doubt on the conviction of all ten and led to the cases being reviewed. Times, Sunday Times
  • In other cases, generating a demand requires the emplacement of an infrastructure of maintenance for the successful adoption of innovations.
  • Generally the better dealers avoid such goods, but in the case of the saltcellar, the dealer hadn't been able to resist. ON A WICKED DAWN
  • 'I knew a case once where an heir who expected a large sum of money was bequeathed a family Bible, which he threw into the fire, learning afterwards, to his dismay, that it contained many thousands of pounds in Bank of England notes, the object of the devisor being to induce the legatee to read the good Book or suffer through the neglect of it.' The Triumphs of Eugène Valmont
  • The lawyer requested a break in the court case, but the judge demurred.
  • In the case of periodic tenancies the legislature left landlords free to bring them to an end by the service and expiry of valid notices to quit.
  • Just as the Olympic flame is about to reach Hong Kong and mainland China, the Guangdong province police have recently uncovered a case in which a cheap-rate factory in Guangdong was filling out orders by overseas Tibet splittist organizations to manufacture the snow-mountain-lion flags of Free Tibet. The Jawa Report
  • The students and faculty sometimes lead the community members through a brief demonstration of a PBL case tutorial session.
  • Shove your suitcase under the bed.
  • The officer leading the inquiry has been taken off the case.
  • When I wrote, imprecisely, that domestic subsidies for agricultural commodities are equivalent to protective tariffs, I was groping at the notion that in both cases (1) domestic consumers/taxpayers pay a premium above the world price and (2) that foreign producers are discouraged from entering the domestic market. The Case for Free Trade, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • In some cases all academics had to reapply for their jobs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now, whether the presentative faculty of the soul be identical with, or different from, the faculty of sense-perception, in either case the illusion does not occur without our actually seeing or [otherwise] perceiving something. On Dreams
  • I have watched over the years as she has expended much time and emotional energy in dealing with these cases. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are no reserved seats, so it is a case of first come first served and everyone is advised to come early to avoid disappointment.
  • But, just in case you get the idea that all was pretence and subterfuge, I feel I should let you know just how the mother of a friend of mine described the communist years.
  • They operate with so much psychological projection that they would make a great case for a person to use to study for a doctoral thesis!
  • She says that when a caterpillar encases itself in its cocoon, tiny cells called imaginal cells begin to appear within the chrysalis. Love For No Reason
  • In few cases, it could be a sign of a bladder or kidney infection, diabetes, or problems with the urinary system.
  • Each casemate mounted a three-gun battery of either 100mm or 150mm, and the southern side received additional cover from a detached fort mounting three 100mm gun turrets. Steel Victory
  • Everyone who uses those arguments has already assumed the longterm disfranchisement and marginalization of that majority of the Palestinian people forced to live in complete exile from their homeland for, in many cases, the past 60 years ... Charlottesville Blogs
  • It is probable, however, that M. Thoinan, who makes this statement, has not considered the possibility of the word _musette_ applying in this case to the small rustic hautbois or _dessus de bombarde_, also written _muse_, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • While the St Oswald's unit caters for severe dyslexics, less severe cases are catered for in mainstream education at schools across the city.
  • In the case of marriage, calling SSM discriminatory or segregationist represents either a failure to adequately recognise the sexuality of the individual involved or more perniciously to regard that distinction as immaterial or undeserving of respect. Why are only queer rights on the chopping block?
  • Your imagination will burst out, no matter how hard you try to contain it so get in first and showcase your ideas. The Sun
  • Hot Wheels Classics: The Redline Era proudly showcases more than 500 spectacular color photos so some of the finest cars of this groundbreaking time.
  • Naturally the availability of what we have today was unthought of and in most cases seemed impossible, but most television sets were capable of providing at least up to four basic channels.
  • The jury took five days to deliberate on the case.
  • In other news, MovableType considers capital letters to come before lower case letters when alphabetising things.
  • But the real problem with citing thorough court review as a standard for denying clemency is that none of the 152 executions Bush approved would have landed on his desk had the cases not already passed through all the courts. The Texas Clemency Memos
  • In these cases no defence is offered so they are signed off electronically by the court on evidence supplied by creditors. Times, Sunday Times
  • But what you gain in fashion you lose in function: Unlike the "callet," you have to pull the phone from the case to make a call, check a text or take a photo. $39 plus $20 shipping; The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • They imputed the error to the lawyer who was handling her case.
  • While you splish splash about while bronzing beachside, the perfect solution to keeping devices, keys, and cash safe from water, sand and dust is Aquapac's (www. waterproof cases. Stacie Krajchir: Style Shortcut: The 5 Coolest Travel Essentials of the Season
  • Moreover, in the case of conations, and in any other cases where it applies, see if the word ‘apparent’ is left out, e.g. ‘wishing is a conation after the good’, or Topics
  • It has just enhanced its service to learn from the results you choose to view and can apply case-sensitive and punctuation-sensitive rules to a set of Google search results. Internet News: Current Awareness Archives
  • He was left in limbo by Scottish Labour's Executive, which refused to endorse his candidacy until Fife police concluded their investigations into the case.
  • And the case we had against them was airtight.
  • The types of incidents the team deal with ranges from high to low level cases.
  • Until the middle of September an exhibit titled Eros showcases Cupid and his mother Aphrodite or Venus. 2007 April 13 archive at
  • The Supreme Court has yet to rule on the case.
  • Safety reports have shown that management failures are responsible in most cases.
  • So the theories are that perhaps somebody intentionally detonated this weapon in what's sometimes called fragging, an intentional effort to kill officers, and in this case, two officers. CNN Transcript Jun 10, 2005
  • The words heard by the party upon the staircase were the Frenchman's exclamations of horror and affright, commingled with the fiendish jabberings of the brute.
  • For the majority of cases something like a needs test will carry on. Times, Sunday Times
  • There should be little doubt that these men personally believed much of the racist arguments they delivered, but it may be overstating the case somewhat to suggest that all other concerns were nugatory.
  • Thus in the case of any electrified body, acting on an unelectrified body at a distance, it has to be definitely understood that _the action at a distance_ is alone communicated and propagated by the dielectric or medium which exists between the two bodies. Aether and Gravitation
  • A spider web, revealing its geometric perfection, hung half across one corner of the rude casement; the moonbeams without were individualized in fine filar delicacy, like the ravellings of a silver skein. The Riddle Of The Rocks 1895
  • In some cases, light is reflected twice by each rain drop, forming a larger, fainter secondary rainbow outside the primary rainbow.
  • Waits have come down since claimants were told to present their case in person. The Sun
  • In fact, during deportation souteneurs buy tickets, bring meal, collect suitcases and even give money for the new passport.
  • Pay a visit to the camp infirmary, get your clothes deloused, or just park yourself in the latrine and fight that nasty case of amoebic dysentery you picked up along the way - it's up to you.
  • The case stems from a complaint brought in Belgian court by two men and a consumers 'organization that challenged higher male life-insurance premiums. EU Adviser: Insurance Pricing Is Discriminatory
  • Is this another case of special people being excused from the standards they demand of everyone else? The Volokh Conspiracy » Goodwin Liu’s Incomplete Questionnaire
  • In the case of nouns, the singular with the postpositive definite article and the indefinite plural are given in parenthesis. Fritiofs Saga
  • Some would defend the Principle even in this case by claiming that there are properties such as being that very object A. Call such a property a thisness or haecceity. The Identity of Indiscernibles
  • They can have their cases rejected, without reasons being given, by nameless officials.
  • His comments need careful consideration, particularly given his deep understanding of commercial cases and his outspoken criticism in some serious fraud cases. Times, Sunday Times
  • In most cases, a lack of beds was cited as the reason for closures. The Sun
  • The shot was filmed with the camera gliding down the empty staircase.
  • It documents dozens of cases where security forces opened fire on peaceful protests. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Sun understands the case could hinge on mobile phone footage of the incident filmed by the men and since seized by cops. The Sun
  • Likewise, among Christians it has long been conventional to use uppercase Orthodox as a term distinguishing the Christianity that shared forms of liturgy and theology rooted in the Byzantine, or Greek-speaking, part of the Roman Empire from those who took a separate path in the West. Jewschool
  • I have also taken out a life insurance policy on him just in case.
  • There may be a good scientific case now for looking again at the absolute ban on commercial activity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course, it's not all about the image and the looks (except that, in the case of this particular preening bunch of fops in their heyday, it was almost entirely about the image and the looks).
  • The Crown case was that the lawful activity which they had intentionally disrupted was retail selling. Times, Sunday Times
  • It could see patients being banned from treatment for up to a year in severe cases.
  • Dad brought a notebook along to the beach, in case he was seized by sudden inspiration.
  • In most cases, each song is given melodic depth by MacKaye's baritone guitar and Farina's stripped-kit drumming.
  • However, the examination of specific cases may still yield valuable insight into the relationship between phylogeny, ontogeny and ecology.
  • The case remains officially unsolved by Scotland Yard. Times, Sunday Times
  • In that case most of the time it would need to be flown in a bunt.
  • The milk caseated

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