
How To Use Cascades In A Sentence

  • It also contains a series of waterfalls and cascades to further enhance the beauty of a hole that is certain to generate a lot of comment throughout the week.
  • Cascades of earls, rubies, sapphires, diamonds and tortoiseshell hatpins, 76 items in all, poured out.
  • Embellished with cascades of semi-precious stones, crystal beads, dabka, and vivid skeins of fine silk thread, the focus here is on detailing and embroidery.
  • Tumbling down slopes near Wawona at the south end of the park, Chilnualna Creek - at its fattest and fastest this time of year - creates a series of foaming cascades around giant boulders.
  • And he was in his element in the amusements, gambling away his pocket money on the slot machines and cascades.
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  • We headed off down Pierce's Passage and over a muddy boulder slope until we reached some cascades.
  • Every second, occurrences spark cascades of references, memories and related information.
  • danza," which is kin to Mexican airs and to the Cuban "guaracha" and may be compared to a flowing brook, now gliding along serenely, now rushing in cascades. Santo Domingo A Country with a Future
  • In this study the authors propose that norms of fairness are salient to top decision makers and show that over- or underpayment of the CEO cascades down to lower organizational levels.
  • Cryic soils support mixed coniferous forests dominated by mountain hemlock, lodgepole pine, and Pacific silver fir; they are colder than the mesic and frigid soils of the Southern Cascades (4f). Ecoregions of Oregon (EPA)
  • The air was fresh, yet warm for the season of the year and scented with leaves, earth and cool water falling down in glimmering cascades.
  • The aquatic plants typically grow on rocks in cascades, waterfalls and rapids where there are great seasonal fluctuations in river water levels.
  • This paper presents a fuzzy non-linear programming model for determining the optimal lowest draw-down levels of hydro reservoirs in cascades.
  • It is a fine place to dream in, with falls, cascades, cool rocks lined with hypnum three inches thick; shaded with maple, dogwood, alder, willow; grand clumps of lady-ferns where no hand may touch them; light filtering through translucent leaves; oaks fifty feet high; lilies eight feet high in a filled lake basin near by, and the finest libocedrus groves and tallest ferns and goldenrods. The Yosemite
  • He might have expected Chopin with a beak: lyrical cascades and liquid melodies that give its relative, the blackcap, the name "northern nightingale". Country diary: Paxton Pits, Cambridgeshire
  • To mask its original functionalism, the steel frame had been side-draped with cascades of pink net down to the carpeted metal floor. A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
  • It will mirror the other segments and include two more water vessels and cascades, one more water channel, one more lawn and one more plant bed.
  • A few Arabs of Beni Salem here sow some fields with durra, which they irrigate by means of a fine spring of running water issuing from a cleft in the mountains, where it forms several small basins and pretty cascades — the best water I had drank since leaving the mountains of Tayf. Travels in Arabia
  • Water cascades over the yellow rocks and soil of the Galway Soufriere volcanic vent.
  • I have stood, flat-footed between the serving stations, studying the cascades of shrimp on ice, and the hunks of beef bleeding into the chopping-board gutters and the intense Hispanic boys at the omelette hobs begging for orders, and known that nothing good could come from this. Buffets are the place where ingredients go to die
  • It is true the people at the Cascades had suffered much, and that their wives and children had been murdered before their eyes, but to wreak vengeance on Spencer's unoffending family, who had walked into their settlement under the protection of a friendly alliance, was an unparalleled outrage which nothing can justify or extenuate. She Makes Her Mouth Small & Round & Other Stories
  • The premier attraction of Ocho Rios - and probably of the entire island - drops 600 feet to the seacoast in a series of cascades two miles west of the town centre.
  • In plants with fleshy fruits, a major focus has been the dissection of biochemical and genetic regulatory cascades controlling ripening, using tomato as a model species.
  • Cascades are especially common in medicine as doctors take their cues from others, leading them to overdiagnose some faddish ailments (called bandwagon diseases) and overprescribe certain treatments (like the tonsillectomies once popular for children). The low-fat diet cascade | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • The long blonde curls piled high on her head with glorious cascades of golden silk falling against the top of her classical Greek peplos.
  • Cascades Boxboard Group Inc. is a world-class leader in the manufacture of premium coated boxboard and folding cartons.
  • It is underlain by sedimentary and metamorphic rock in contrast to the adjoining Cascades which are composed of volcanics. Ecoregions of the United States-Level III (EPA)
  • Nature in some twenty odd years had draped the cliff with fern -- the _Polypodium vulgare_ -- and Mrs Bosenna in her early married days had planted the crevices with arabis, alyssum, and aubrietia, which had taken root and spread, and now, overflowing their ledges, ran down in cascades of bloom -- white, yellow, and purple. Hocken and Hunken
  • The water falls from the cliff about 2.5 miles long and makes some 275 individual cascades and waterfalls.
  • Her turret, from which cascades a transparent veil, terminates upon a frontlet, a wide band of cloth that frames her face. Fashion in Art: Medieval France and the Netherlands
  • Climbing plants with their bright flowers hung in cascades over the garden wall.
  • It feels good to be among the hills once more, especially when we hike the short distance from the village up to the succession of tumbling falls known as the Cascades des Anglais.
  • In the native forests of the Oregon Cascades hemlocks, cedars, maples, many fir and pine species, and others are intermingled among the dominant Douglas fir.
  • There were other falls, other cascades and exciting spurts of white water in the canyon, and also quiet stretches so clear that each stone lay as if painted on the creek bed.
  • His blond hair pours out of the back of his helmet and cascades half way down his back.
  • There were other falls, other cascades and exciting spurts of white water in the canyon, and also quiet stretches so clear that each stone lay as if painted on the creek bed.
  • I have, for instance, not even mentioned the sea, which swept smoother and smoother in toward the feet of those precipices and grew more and more trans-lucently purple and yellow and green, while half a score of cascades shot straight down their fronts in shafts of snowy foam, and over their pachydermatous shoulders streamed and hung long reaches of gray vines or mosses. Roman Holidays, and Others
  • Within an hour's drive of Scotland's elegantly-terraced capital are snow-dusted crags and high, peaty moors, tumbling cascades, sinuous, copper-coloured rivers and silvery lochs a mile or more deep.
  • Miniature ravines, waterfalls and cascades created effervescent sounds as the water gushed between the rocks.
  • Her hair cascades down her back. The Sun
  • The windward side of Haleakala is serried by a thousand precipitous gorges, down which rush as many torrents, each torrent of which achieves a score of cascades and waterfalls before it reaches the sea. Chapter 8
  • The phenomenon and cause of the secondary flow in plane turbine cascades are discussed and a mathematical prediction model of losses is presented.
  • The enjoyment of water was evident in garden grottoes and nymphae structures in which fountains, cascades and pools were choreographed to create an appropriately sybaritic milieu.
  • The women have lustrous cascades of black hair.
  • Nature in some twenty odd years had draped the cliff with fern -- the _Polypodium vulgare_ -- and Mrs Bosenna in her early married days had planted the crevices with arabis, alyssum, and aubrietia, which had taken root and spread, and now, overflowing their ledges, ran down in cascades of bloom -- white, yellow, and purple. Hocken and Hunken
  • Cascade damselflies are found only at a few isolated waterfalls in Costa Rica and Panama and display an extraordinary ability to fly through powerful cascades, seen on film for the first time.
  • The river fell in a series of cascades down towards the lake.
  • His opponent, a Swedish veteran, age 33, rank 49, stares after the ball, at the line, into the linesman's eyes, at 264, and then shakes his head, snatching a towel from a ball boy and wiping cascades of sweat from his arms. John McEnroe Visits the 15th Street Diner
  • You may ask how the phospholipase C and phosphodiesterase cascades were put together. The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design Review: IC is not nice (Chapter 10) - The Panda's Thumb
  • Mossy cliffs -- flowing cascades -- "chiefless castles breaking stern farewells" -- all these were met, and met again, as through Brixen, they reached the village of Mülks. A Love Story
  • It will soon burst out into cascades of glorious large white flowers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her hair cascades down her back. The Sun
  • Information cascades upon us in bewildering abundance. Business and the Media: Prime Time and the Bottom Line
  • A coruscating stream of gems cascades from an ornate chandelier above, surrounded by birds.
  • Levy's glistening cascades of tonal warmth were pure instrumental bel canto.
  • Cascades of flowers suggested a bride ripe for defloration, a trousseau of fine undergarments accompanied her on her honeymoon and she returned a sexual being.
  • Cascades of earls, rubies, sapphires, diamonds and tortoiseshell hatpins, 76 items in all, poured out.
  • Her hair gleams red - Tristan can't tell if it's natural, or if the overhead lights are helping turn it that remarkable shade of copper-gold - and cascades in curls and waves down her back.
  • He might have expected Chopin with a beak: lyrical cascades and liquid melodies that give its relative, the blackcap, the name "northern nightingale". Country diary: Paxton Pits, Cambridgeshire
  • YS Falls is a breathtaking series of cascades fringed by rainforest foliage where you can plunge right in to refreshing pools.
  • And then from the lofty, vaulted ceiling an angelic voice cascades down to mortals below. Times, Sunday Times
  • The western Cascades are older and more eroded than the lava plateau and prominent snow-covered cones of the high Cascades (Ecoregions 4c and 4d); they are composed of dark basalt in contrast to the gray andesite of the high Cascades. Ecoregions of Oregon (EPA)
  • The end of the road for most expeditions comes at New's Pools, a series of cascades at 7,500 feet.
  • Statues of the Virgin were often enriched with gold leaf, her dark face surrounded with flowerets and cascades of lace carved from ash and oak boles.
  • Her hair cascades down her back. The Sun
  • From the nature of the rock which breaks into angular, and apparently rhomboidal fragments of a huge size, this fall is subdivided into small cascades, which adhere to each other, so as to form a sheet of water, unrent, but composed of an alternation of retiring and salient angles, and presenting a great variety of shapes and shades. Traditions of the North American Indians, Vol. 2 (of 3)
  • The guy was claiming that a Seattle professor had been fired from his job, because he had pointed out that the snowcap was only 15% reduced in the Cascades, instead of the regularly touted 50%. The deniers of science Part 1: Intelligent Design - The Panda's Thumb
  • After traversing these plains for two miles in a south-east direction we came upon a valley through which flowed a branch of the river we had this day discovered, running in a bed of fifty yards across, and having in its centre a rapid stream falling in small cascades; it appeared at times subject to extensive inundations, and here its course was through barren plains covered with rocks piled up in strange fantastic masses, and the bed was composed of that kind of red sandstone which at Perth is called ironstone; this being the farthest point north at which I have remarked it. Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2
  • The few birds that stay in Washington are found east of the Cascades, where they sometimes join groups of robins and solitaires.
  • Dave Thomas designed the 18-hole course, which has received lots of accolades for its undulating fairways, devilish bunkers and spectacular water cascades.
  • Bergenia will build up into cascades of paddle foliage; what else that sprawls has such large leaves? Times, Sunday Times
  • All the while the North Fork of the Crystal is our companion, running full and proud, bursting down a series of cascades in a display straight out of a wilderness dream.
  • Small of hand as he was broad of mind, Schnabel was the antipode of the brilliant virtuoso who tosses off cascades of notes with unerring accuracy.
  • In the four to five hours from the urban maze of San Cristóbal de Las Casas to the run-down precincts of the blight of Palenque Village one drives through extraordinary environmental changes from high mountain alpine forests to coffee and banana plantations to low lying and indescribably beautiful tropical jungles and witnesses ancient ruins at Toniná and Palenque and then can circle back through what just a few years ago was uninviting and difficult to access forest homes of the Lacandon or their ancestors and visit such magnificent places as Yaxchilan and Bonampak and see crystal clear cascades and azure pools and colorful sparkling lakes and then continue on through mountainous jungles which must be seen to be believed to the point that the scenery is overwhelming and then, in time, you are back in beautiful San Cristóbal and you have not even begun to experience this magnificnt Chiapas but it´s a damn good beginning. The Chicken Bus Always Stops Near Aguacatenango
  • Straight away you get the Redmire Force waterfall, a series of cascades across the wide flow.
  • Three major pathways of long-term impacts emerge: (1) chronic persistence of oil, biological exposures, and population impacts to species closely associated with shallow sediments; (2) delayed population impacts of sublethal doses compromising health, growth, and reproduction; and (3) indirect effects of trophic and interaction cascades, all of which transmit impacts well beyond the acute-phase mortality. Exxon Valdez oil spill
  • At the south end of the island, you can visit hot thermal springs, walk on paths through peaceful ponds or relax in front of tiered water cascades.
  • Fulmars, uncharacteristically quiet today, sit on their ledges among more splashes of bright pink, cascades of yellow bird's-foot trefoil and the last of the blue spring squill. Country diary: Shetland
  • Neither the grottoes and cascades of Tivoli, the cypress and ilex gardens of Frascati and Albano, nor the ruins of Tusculum, were ever so pleasant to her eyes as the poplar-fringed banks of the Indre, the corn-land sand hedgerows of Berry, and the rocky borders of the Creuse at Crozant and Argenton. Famous Women: George Sand
  • On side streets drying laundry cascades down from balcony to balcony.
  • The journey back downstream was even more exhilarating as the force of the water at the various cascades threatened to sweep you off your feet.
  • I took out the formal bun in her hair, and in less than a half an hour she had cascades of rich curls, and her black hair became shiny.
  • We clambered over mossy boulders beneath a canopy of big-leaf maple, bay, and fir, and covered six-tenths of a mile of sparkling riffles and cascades.
  • At the foot of the falls, we clambered out and up, past cascades and pools to the top.
  • At the 20-sqm site, naked bathers can stand, sit or lie in the spring under a series of cascades flowing down the mountain.
  • The water, which overflows from our three natural springs, cascades onto the clover lawn, creating an oasis.
  • A linked watercourse is planned, with cascades, ponds and rills.
  • Other factors that are affected by the trophic cascades initiated by the geese include reduced N mineralization rates and declines in the populations of soil invertebrates, waders, and some species of duck such as the widgeon (Anas americana). Effects of changes in climate and UV radiation levels on structure of arctic ecosystems in the short and long term
  • It will soon burst out into cascades of glorious large white flowers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bougainvillea cascades, aromas waft, music and laughter fill the air.
  • The park will also have cascades and waterfalls to provide a cool, relaxing place to nearly 280 families of army personnel.
  • To mask its original functionalism, the steel frame had been side-draped with cascades of pink net down to the carpeted metal floor. A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
  • They go on blossoming, year after year; even those that lie almost horizontally remember their due season and burst into blowth, pouring (as it were) in rosy-white cascades down the slope and through the rank grasses. Merry-Garden and Other Stories
  • Still in my heavy early-up sleep-shaking, in my becoming a person again, in my once again full waking, her power-proud joy, her creator fired-up courage, her confidence laughed, glistened, jubilated in crashing cascades! Phantasus, by Arno Holz
  • collection of perceptions" which makes up our consciousness may be an orderly phantasmagoria generated by the Ego, unfolding its successive scenes on the background of the abyss of nothingness; as a firework, which is but cunningly arranged combustibles, grows from a spark into a coruscation, and from a coruscation into figures, and words, and cascades of devouring fire, and then vanishes into the darkness of the night. Hume (English Men of Letters Series)
  • The water bodies are embellished with ornamental fish, cascades, fountains and expensive plants that could be grown in submerged pots.
  • He's already reaped 400 pounds of Cascades, a strain prized for the citrusy, resiny flavors it imparts to ales. Beer: The pursuit of hoppiness
  • Fresh fruit cascades down stone-flagged stairs, caged birds sing in colourful indoor gardens but the price of drinks will keep you sober!
  • Light in texture, it is sublime served with cascades of cream poured over.
  • A man made rock face rising 60 feet out of the lake that borders the right side of the fairway has been created complete with a series of waterfalls and cascades that lead to a heavily bunkered green.
  • Ancient Babylon, with its glistening towers and lavish horticultural cascades, must once have inspired similar reverential whispers.
  • Mountain Bluebirds can be found in alpine parklands in the Cascades, the Blue Mountains, and the northeast corner of Washington.
  • Since the departure of the inspectors in 1998, Saddam has bought or attempted to buy specialized vacuum pumps of the design needed for the gas centrifuge cascade to enrich uranium; an entire magnet production line of the specification for use in the motors and top bearings of gas centrifuges; dual use products such as anhydrous hydrogen fluoride and fluoride gas, which can be used both in petrochemicals, but also in gas centrifuge cascades; a filament winding machine which can be used to manufacture carbon fiber gas centrifuge rotors and has attempted covertly to acquire 60,000 or more specialized aluminum tubes, which are subject to strict controls due to their potential use in the construction of gas centrifuges. CNN Transcript Sep 24, 2002
  • Lassen Peak, the last of the Cascades in active eruption, rises between the northern end of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, of which it is locally but wrongly considered a part, and the Klamath Mountains, a spur of the The Book of the National Parks
  • There were extensive blueprints for centrifuge components, designs for the huge halls to hold the cascades of centrifuges to enrich uranium, plans for the feeder system for uranium hexafluoride to fuel the machines and withdraw the enriched uranium. Fallout
  • Rain cascades down glacier carved valleys, gathering with the steady, icy melt to roam through the talus and house-sized boulders.
  • It will soon burst out into cascades of glorious large white flowers. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the foot of the falls, we clambered out and up, past cascades and pools to the top.
  • The way on was down some cascades leading to a small, low, vadose rift passage floored with boulders.
  • Outside, bougainvillea in full bloom cascades down a wall beside a pool.
  • Autumn found the voyageurs beyond the forested shores of the Saguenay and Lake St. John, ascending a current full of boiling cascades towards Lake Mistassini. Canada: the Empire of the North Being the Romantic Story of the New Dominion's Growth from Colony to Kingdom
  • The principal charm, however, belongs to the grotto with the river which it discharges -- the site of which may be described as a semicircular termination of a valley on a natural platform half way up a cliff -- the water tumbles down in short cascades for some distance; the grotto inside is untouched by chisel squarings or embellishment, just as Juvenal wished the grot of AEgeria to be. Byeways in Palestine
  • Mountjoy had been planned and planted in the years of which he knew nothing; generations of skilled and patient husband-men had weeded and dunged and pruned; generations of dilettanti had watered it with cascades and jets; generations of collectors had lugged statuary here; all, it seemed, for his enjoyment this very night under this huge moon. The Complete Stories
  • Pharmacological agents could then be selected to modify these cascades.
  • The lower part of her mantle cascades in regular folds, but the hem represents a noticeable display of wind blown drapery.
  • The field of evolutionary developmental biology, which studies the genetics of morphology in detail is now a rapidly expanding one, with many of the developmental genetic cascades, particularly in the fruitfly (Drosophila), now catalogued in considerable detail. Ancient Predator Revealed!
  • Silent awhile and smooth The current glides, till with an headlong force Broke and disordef'd, down the steep it falls In loud cascades; the sulver-sparkling foam Glitters relucent in the dancing ray. Poetical works. Collated with the best editions
  • It was a beautiful spot, the clear torrent of the river Montmerenci falling in cascades over a curious formation of layers of stone and steps on either side, with the bright green _arbor vitae_, which they call cedar, growing above and in every niche it can find a bit of soil; wild raspberries and strawberries too, which, alas, were over. The British Association's Visit to Montreal, 1884 : letters
  • Fulmars, uncharacteristically quiet today, sit on their ledges among more splashes of bright pink, cascades of yellow bird's-foot trefoil and the last of the blue spring squill. Country diary: Shetland
  • The whole thing cascades from an upraised hand at top: drops and stops like an express elevator.
  • A linked watercourse is planned, with cascades, ponds and rills.
  • My super long (hip length) dark brown hair cascades out down my shoulders and back settling in waves and ringlets all about.
  • In this study the authors propose that norms of fairness are salient to top decision makers and show that over- or underpayment of the CEO cascades down to lower organizational levels.
  • Our approach disclosed a disproportional impact on trophic cascades by numerically minor phototrophs that otherwise would have gone unnoticed.
  • I also live and work E of the Cascades and I do know something about water, short-term developement, and rotten service industry wages. BlueOregon
  • We do have winter storm warnings in effect for the northern cascades in Washington state and also into the bitterroot, you guys could pick up a foot of snow as well before all is said and done. CNN Transcript Nov 27, 2007
  • Someone mentioned it earlier, but I have always pined for the restructuring of the West Coast into the state of Cascadia – that is all of the land west of the Cascades, which would run, Chilean fashion, from the Washington/British Columbia border to the Bay Area. Matthew Yglesias » Imagine If
  • The loose snow avalanche is generally not as deadly as the slab type and forms when powder snow falls on the mountainside and just cascades down the slope.
  • Small waterfalls and cascades are good for this, as they provide many different compositions within a small area.
  • You may ask how the phospholipase C and phosphodiesterase cascades were put together, these are relatively simple and highly flexible systems cobbled together from proteins with other independent functions and you can mess around with these cascades quite a bit. Blind Mice vs Behe; the Evolution of Vision - The Panda's Thumb
  • Everything about her is long - from her legs to her eyelashes to the dark hair that cascades over her shoulders.
  • Moreover, in contrast to adoptions, we did not find information cascades for abandonment.
  • Twenty miles east of Lake Albert, the Victoria Nile passes through Murchison Falls, where the river is reduced to just 20 feet (6 meters) and cascades 400 feet (120 meters) in three stages. Lake Albert, Africa
  • We headed off down Pierce's Passage and over a muddy boulder slope until we reached some cascades.
  • In winter, they can be found below the snow zone throughout the state where there is brushy cover, although they are more abundant west of the Cascades.
  • The high ceiling was draped in more curtains, hanging down in billowing cascades of color.
  • Tom got a little too much wheelspin at the start, held his position through the first corner and then got boxed on the outside through Cascades.
  • The women have lustrous cascades of black hair.
  • The air was fresh, yet warm for the season of the year and scented with leaves, earth and cool water falling down in glimmering cascades.
  • Shunmin adds that even the high waterfalls from the peaks of Mt. Hua or the rushing cascades of Mt. Luliang cannot be compared to the humble water mill, because the mill takes so little and gives so much.
  • Michoacán is a confluence of landscapes, rivers and lakes, a variety of climates, cascades hidden in abundantly exuberant vegetation, virgin beaches with crystalline waters, tempestuous waves and calm cooling waters, therapeutic spring waters, geysers, caves and subterranean rivers. Introduction to Michoacán - the soul of Mexico
  • The lower part of her mantle cascades in regular folds, but the hem represents a noticeable display of wind blown drapery.

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